Al utilizar el sitio, usted autoriza el uso de estas cookies. The combination of 357 Magnum cartridge high output and our revolver makes up a reliable arms system for any crisis situation. stainless, 4 Zoll - 6 schüssig LAGERND, Red Ramp und verstellbares Visierung, Holzgriff oder Gummigriff, besonders attraktives Preis - Leistungsverhälnis - wie alle Alfa Proj Waffen - vom zweitgrößtem Waffenhersteller in der tschech. Drop safety and all-steel design guarantee a high level of safety when carried under any condition. Pištole in revolverji. ALFA Proj. For over 100 years Alfa Proj has been producing high quality, small arms in Europe as a leading manufacturer. REVOLVER ALFA STEEL 357. Alfa Proj 220 .22 lr vernickelt. ALFA PROJECT 3551.357 MAG Get a reliable revolver with a great look and feel. Their high quality revolvers have gotten nothing but rave reviews from everyone we’ve sold these too. Seguro de caída y armazón de todo acero garantiza una seguridad alta en el porte en todas condiciones. Alfa Proj Revolver Carbine, 9x19mm (auch in .357 Magnum erhältlich!) Alfa Proj Revolving Rifle Carbine .357 Magnum .38 Special. 4 Zoll Sehr schöne 357 Mag. 361 Revolver .22LR (Restricted) BL-ALF-H11ALFA00361 SALE PRICE: $391.77 each: Alfa Proj. Today they are the second largest small arms manufacturer in the Czech Republic. Seguro de caída y armazón de todo acero garantiza una seguridad alta en el porte en todas condiciones. It is made in the town of Brno in the Czech Republic and is a quality rifle. Calibre 357 … flobertky, vzduchové pistole a pušky pro sportovní střelbu. With the 3561 model they bring to you a high quality, precision manufactured revolver chambered in .357 magnum for maximum shooting pleasure and affordability! Retrouvez sur notre boutique un large choix de Révolvers catégorie B Since the beginning of the company’s existence it has involved in short arms production. Out Of Stock. Una version de 6 pulgadas con su precisión y rendimiento representa un reto para los cazadores que utilizan una arma corta. Modèle 3561, canon de 6 pouces, modèle stainless, poignée caoutchouc. The range is formed by flobert pistols, handcuffs and other amrs and guns. with impurities. Introduction of the ALFA STEEL model series improved the quality bringing the company’s first revolver of 357 Magnum calibre. Todos derechos reservados. I had a heap of fun with the Alfa Carbine in 357. The design of cartridge cylinder mounting in tilting console and shock transition control from the console to the frame considers as much as possible maintaining the minimum limits for a long time. Using a lot of cast parts and coil springs, Alfa Proj revolvers have triggers that vary from excellent to usable. s r. o. también las pistolas Combat y Defender Cal de 9 mm hasta 45 ACP. For over 100 years Alfa Proj has been producing high quality, small arms in Europe as a leading manu.. $569.95 . Alfa Proj 3520 .357 Magnum 2 Zoll. Pištole. The accuracy and power of the six-inch version is a challenge for hunters using short guns. The revolvers of cal. Revólveres ALFA steel 357 Magnum - 3563 Sport, Representación exclusiva de la firma Sellier & Bellot. Alfa Proj 3531 .357 Magnum 3 Zoll "Fangschuß" Normaler Preis 695,00 € Sonderpreis 695,00 € Angebot. Hi, this is my personal review of the Alfa Proj .357 UK legal muzzle loading revolver from vyrábí signální revolvery, služební pouta, revolvery řady Holek, ALFA steel v ráži 357 Magnum, pistole Combat a Defender, revolvery Flobert tzv. Una buena introducción a la competicion de tiro con pistola La pistola Alfa tiene más características de rendimiento que muchas armas de aire del doble de su tamaño, y el doble de su costo. Revolver ALFA-PROJ 6"" Target cal. has also manufactured Combat and Defender pistols in the calibres ranging from 9 mm to 45 ACP. Back to the tradition of the Czech arms production. Orožje in ostala oprema. No contamos con hacer girar el cilindro de marcha por impulso propio. You are here: Home Browse products Alfa Proj Carbine .357 Mag Revolver Rifle 12" Blued - 6 Shot Alfa Proj Carbine .357 Mag Revolver Rifle 12" Blued - 6 Shot ACZCR35712 RRP: $1,695.00 The combination of 357 Magnum cartridge high output and our revolver makes up a reliable arms system for any crisis situation. Jay takes a look at the Alfa Proj revolver chambered in .357 Magnum/.38 Special. For example, the Alfa model 3561 with 6-inch barrel was described as being, “a challenge for hunters using short guns.” Desde el aňo 2002 ha fabricado la compaňía ALFA - PROJ spol. Alfa Proj Model 3561 357 Mag/38 Special quantity Add to cart SKU: Alfa_135904_R4485 Categories: Firearms , New Firearm , New Restricted , Pistol , Restricted , Type of Gun The combination of 357 Magnum cartridge high output and our revolver makes up a reliable arms system for any crisis situation. The ALFA Series of Revolvers are a series of Czech-made revolvers designed for law enforcement, private security agencies, personal security, and hunting needs. Today they are the second largest small arms manufacturer in the Czech Republic. All rights reserved. 357, achetez au meilleur prix du Net. IN STOCK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RESERVE FOR £99 DEPOSIT Puesta en fabricación la gama ALFA steel fue un paso de calidad que trajo el primer revólver de Cal 357 Magnum. Alfa Proj. Disponible, ... Revolver Alpha-Proj de tir sportif 357 Magnum avec poignée ergonomique Add to wishlist. This thing is SO much fun to shoot! Revolver von Alfa Proj - CZ. En 2003 fueron desarrolladas pistola de aire comprimido y pistola de tiro deportivo. In 2003, the air pistol and air rifle have been developed intended for shooting sport. You accept it by using this website. Cylinder rotation design takes no compromise in forcing the cylinder turn by exact spacing distance to safely adjust to the barrel leaving no reckon on inertia of the cylinder to finish its turning movement. ALFA - PROJ s.r.o. Alfa Proj 3520 .357 Magnum 2 Zoll. El rendimiento alto del cartucho 357 Magnum con una combinación con nuestro revólver presenta un sistema de armas confiable para todas situaciones de crisis. CzechPoint USA, run by Dan Brown, is located in Knoxville Tennessee and is the exclusive distributor of Alfa Proj revolvers in the U.S. CzechPoint USA imports a number of different Alfa Proj models ranging from .22LR, .32 S&W Long, to 9mm and .357 Magnum. Revolver ALFA PROJ Catégorie BModèle Steel Target INOXCal.357 MagnumCanon 6''Finition INOXBarillet 6 coupsHausse réglable et guidon fluo LPAPoignée caoutchoucLongueur totale: 293 mmPoids: 1390 grLivré avec une mallette ABS et un écouvillon de nettoyage 3561 .357 6" Blued Revolver. .357 MLR Alan Westlake Alfa-Proj 3520 Stainless, 3 inch Barrel, Brand new IN STOCK AND CAN BE COLLECTED OR SENT TO YOUR LOCAL RFD TODAY Section one variation for a muzzle loading revolver required. Alfa Proj 3551 Blued Steel For over 100 years Alfa Proj has been producing high quality, small arms in Europe as a leading manufacturer. Así se garantiza una función segura y una imposibilidad de disparo del cartucho fuera de eje del caňón incluso en el caso de que el cilindro sea frenado por impureza. This website uses cookies to providing services, personalizing ads and analyzing web traffic. Alfa Proj. Revolver ALFA PROJ 357 Magnum - mod.3541. Nuestro sitio utiliza cookies para la prestación de los servicios, la orientación de las estadísticas de publicidad y visitantes. 3561 Stainless Revolver .357 (Restricted) BL-ALF- H01ALFA03561SS SALE PRICE: $590.17 each: Alfa Proj. Revolver ima cev dolžine 4, boben kapacitete 6 nabojev, gumijast ročaj, merek nastavljiv v vse smeri in sprednji merek obarvan rdečo. Alfa Proj is a small arms manufacturer in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Révolver de fabrication tchécoslovaque de marque Alfa Proj BRNO, en calibre 357 magnum. The short arms range includes blank-shoot revolvers and low muzzle energy shot revolvers as well as life revolvers of .22 LR to .357 Magnum calibres. Copyright © 2004 ALFAPROJ s r. o., Zábrdovická 801/11, 615 00 Brno. Alfa Proj. Copyright © 2004 ALFAPROJ s r. o., Zábrdovická 801/11, 615 00 Brno. Alfa Steel.357 Magnum 3541, $419 Visiting the Alfa Proj website,, was a lesson in why word for word translation is not always accurate. The user obtains thus a guarantee of safe action disabled when the cartridge is off the barrel axis even if the cylinder is braked, e.g. Normaler Preis 695,00 € Sonderpreis 695,00 € Angebot. Alfa Stainless 3541.357 Mag. Since 2002, ALFAPROJ s.r.o. Los revólveres del calibre 357 Magnum han sido proyectados para cumplir demandas de usuarios exigentes de las fuerzas de seguridad, agencias privadas de seguridad y ciudadanos que toman en serio su seguridad. With an MSRP of under $500, the Alfa Proj is a quality budget revolver. CzechPoint, Inc. Drop safety and all-steel design guarantee a high level of safety when carried under any condition. While these guns less tank-like than Ruger GP100, I have yet to wear out any of them, and not a single one of the six revolvers I tested (3″ .357, 4″ .357, 3″ 38Spl, 4″ .22, 6″ 22WMR, 16″ .22 revolver carbine) had any problems out of the box or later in use. The front wood grip is included in the sale but has been removed (one screw). Nos estamos preparando para la feria IWA 2019 en Nuremberg, Alemania! 38 SP Inox. The accuracy and power of the six-inch version is a challenge for hunters using short guns. Livré avec poignée bois ergonomique, mallette ABS. Affichage 1 … Drop safety and all-steel design guarantee a high level of safety when carried under any condition. Only used twice at our local range since owning, never used outside or for hunting. The Precision and affordability keeps more rounds in your gun and dollars in your pocket. Revolvers ALFA steel 357 Magnum | 3561 - ALFA - PROJ is traditional producer of revolvers, pistols, gas pistols, air guns. Revolvers ALFA steel 357 Magnum - 3563 Sport. Revolver češkega proizvajalca Alfa Proj Alfa Steel 3541 v kalibru .357 Magnum. El ajuste de cilindro de cartucho en una cónsola bascular y en dirección de transferencia de golpe desde cónsola a armazón está construido con respeto máximo a conservación de largo alcance de juego mínimo La rotación de cilindro está resuelta rigurosamente de tal manera que el cilindro gire forzado siempre precisamente por un paso expresado y esté con exactitud retenido con respecto al caňón. Wohnsitz. Revolver Alfa-Proj 4 pouces - Cal. 3551 .357 Blued 4.5" Revolver. The ALFA Series is part of the three revolver series made by ALFA: Series ALFA, Series ALFA Steel, and Series HOLEK.The revolvers in the ALFA Series all have a blued finish, and the only to have no chrome finish is the … model 3561 In this case the syntax becomes slightly skewed. Sin retroceso debido la acción neumática precargada ''PCP'' y a un regulador de potencia que se ha instalado para mantener la consistencia de la energía de boca , el depósito de aire … The accuracy and power of the six-inch version is a challenge for hunters using short guns. Gemäß österreichischem Waffengesetz Langwaffe Kategorie C, frei verkäuflich an unbescholtene Personen ab 18 Jahre und österr. Alfa Proj mod 2241 inox 22lr 4 pouces (occasion) (BH595) En stock: ... Révolver 6 coups calibre 38/357 mag. El rendimiento alto del cartucho 357 Magnum con una combinación con nuestro revólver presenta un sistema de armas confiable para todas situaciones de crisis. Peter Moore talks about the Alpha Carbine from Merseyside Armoury and fires off a few rounds.Subscribe to Gun Mart TV for more! Revolver para las fuerzas armadas, seguridad privada y usuarios particulares que se toman su seguridad muy en serio. 357 Magnum have been designed to comply requirements of demanding users from among the law enforcing corps, private security agencies and citizens who take their safety seriously.
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