10 Ch. Vol. Their guns are usually weak and they have far less health than cruisers, but carry powerful torpedoes. All of that said, let’s take a look at some of the best shipgirls in Azur Lane with classification code CL, denoting Light Cruisers. 9 Ch. This page was last modified on 27 January 2021, at 10:53. Azur Lane is one of the few mobile games out there with gacha elements that’s surprisingly completely playable even without dropping an obscene amount of money.With good rates on some of the higher-tiered shipgirls and decent chances to build a capable fleet with just normals, rares, and a few elites, Azur Lane has become a very underrated game that fans of the anime … Skeleton Warriors. The icon for this class is three torpedoes on a blue field, and their hull classification symbol is DD. ホモ版https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35786859Congratulations on the 2nd anniversary.And congratulations on the animation Battleship/Battlecruiser Guns Guide. After queuing ships up for construction, they will take time to be built; this can be checked in the Under Construction menu.Legend: CV = Carrier, CVL = Light Carrier, DD = Destroyer, CL = Light Cruiser, BM = Monitor, CA = Heavy Cruiser, BC = Battle Cruiser, BB = Battleship, AR = R… All the values used do not factor in the Reload or Firepower stats. The icon for this class is three torpedoes on a blue field, and their hull classification symbol is DD. The Best Light Aircraft Carriers (CVL) Very similar to Aircraft Carriers in terms of utility, CVLs … Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shooter created by Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, originally released in 2017 for iOS and Android platforms. The kind of DD that can use the main gun well enough (high firepower high main gun efficiency), but also has a firing dependent skill that you plan to trigger at least sometimes. DD guns and CL guns can be equipped as secondary guns for the bigger ships. Also provides every ship's hidden stats (accuracy and luck).If you have any questions, you can find us on Azur Lane Homeless Shelter Discord. What are Light Cruisers (CL)? 2 - Azur Lane Dream - A Devilish Idol Appears!? AP guns will hit up to 2 targets in a straight line. Azur Lane Equipments To Use Guide by Shipflow ===== GUIDE TO DD GUNS – WHAT DO I USE ON
? Jump to navigation Jump to search. [/math]. The following 158 pages are in this category, out of 158 total. The Best Light Cruisers. You can check out a basic shipgirl recommendation guide for Destroyers (DD) here. Destroyers are part of the vanguard fleet, which are the three ships you control in battle. This is a page lists all ships and their level 1, level 100, and level 120 stats including attributes hidden from players. Stats Stat Value Damage 4 x 4 → 9 x 4 Fire Rate 2.13s → 1.93s Firepower 5 Anti-Air 7 Ammo Type Normal Shell Velocity 18 Armor Mod. Destroyer ships also pack high-damage t… This game is called "Azur Lane" after all, not "Crimson Axis". You can check out a basic shipgirl recommendation guide for Destroyers (DD) … Check out our Azur Lane guide, tips, cheats & strategy to master the game Azur Lane is finally out for Android and iOS and challenges you to build a strong fleet by adding the best shipgirls. Vol. We already discussed these guns in their respective pages but here we will discuss them in a different context. In this category, we have to divide into two sections: … From Azur Lane Wiki. You could find the merchadise of all published games from Yostar including Azur Lane, Arknights, Mahjong Soul, etc. Soon™️ All of that said, let’s take a look at some of the best shipgirls in Azur Lane with classification code BB and BC, denoting Battleships and Battlecruisers, respectively. A mix of side-scrolling shooting and RPG in Japanese style! 11. This category has the following 48 subcategories, out of 48 total. 7,795 7k. Vol. A destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy, or battle group and defend them against smaller, more powerful, short-range attackers. I also designed a celebrity bra size page that shows pictures of celebrities so you can see different bra sizes. Luckily, Destroyers have some of the highest speed stats in the game as well as high evasiveness, which you can use to dodge attacks. There are four kinds of construction available: Light Ship Construction, Heavy Ship Construction, Special Ship Construction, and Time Limited Construction. The formula used to compute the DPS values of the guns below (against Light, Medium and Heavy armour) ... DD HE guns have a 1% chance of setting any target they hit on fire and is useful for increasing fire damage by BB guns. Jump to navigation Jump to search. If you want a guide, look below for a link to AriPanda's Azur Lane Guide. With the first anniversary celebration of the side-scrolling shoot ‘em up Azur Lane now in full blast, there has been some uptick in the playerbase as the game's climb in popularity continues.. Let’s take a look at some of the best shipgirls in Azur Lane with classification code CV, denoting Aircraft Carriers.You can check out a basic shipgirl recommendation guide for Destroyers (DD) … If you watched or played Azur Lane and can contribute, please do! 1 mo ago. All Light Cruisers are good, so don’t worry even if you don’t have any … 25 days ago. Especially if you're looking for a comparsion of breast size and household objects. From Azur Lane Wiki. A Wiki dedicated to making an English Azur Lane Anime information hub! Jump to navigation Jump to search. DPS values in practice can thus be different. 1. Multiply these values by 0.6 to get the speed in game units per second. https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/index.php?title=List_of_Destroyer_Guns&oldid=134459, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. A-Cup Angst: 'Slow Ahead' has her remarking that she doesn't have the body for a swimsuit like Tartu does. ===== > If your DD has low FP/Efficiency but a good Barrage or a skill that procs on main gun fire, use 76mm (eg. This page was last modified on 8 November 2019, at 21:21. Feel free to drop us a message in Discord. 1: General Equipment Recommendation: 2019/6/30: Ship Equipment Recommendations are HYPERLINKED in ship names. In game, destroyers are the fastest and most fragile of the 3 Escort Ships. Azur Lane is a brand new 2D-Side Scrolling game for Android and iOS. ; Idiot Hair: Vauquelin has a positively enormous ahoge, perhaps reflecting how despite her attempts to appear very serious, she often doesn't think things through fully, like proposing a joust with Jeanne d'Arc before promptly realizing she would be badly outmatched … 3. 11 - Cleveland Is Not Getting Flustered. Destroyers are light ships, focused on speed. Azur Lane is a naval combat game with unique battle mechanics. LOS ANGELES, CA., January 5, 2021 – The Iron Blood faction is ready to lay down the law! ... - USS DD Smalley (Still in masterlist only, no stats/skills yet) - KMS SS U-110 10/16/2019: Changed local columns for the following ships to reflect changes in tomorrow's update and the "Return of the War God" Event; General Quotes Gallery History. Furthermore, Destoyers have low defenses, so you have to be careful not to be hit by powerful attacks. Welcome to Yostar Official Store! The Shanghai-based publisher, Yostar, published the Japanese and English version of the mobile game, popularizing the game to more mobile users across the world. 10 Ch. Aiming For The Live Venue! 17 days ago. The 5 Azur Lane: Crosswave Character DLC will launch on October 5 for both Steam and on the PlayStation®4 for North America and Europe. 1 - How Bache Makes Sense Of Things. Wiki will be remodeled. AP guns will hit up to 2 targets in a straight line. The Reload stat affects only Reload, and does not affect Volley Time or Absolute Cooldown, so relative DPS rankings may change at different Reload stats. Azur Lane players may obtain characters based on ships from World of Warships through a new interface called "Development Dock", while World of Warships players may purchase Azur Lane characters as voiced captains, and skins for ships based on design elements of Azur Lane's namesake characters. For a more comprehensive list, see List of Destroyer Guns. DD HE guns have a 1% chance of setting any target they hit on fire and is useful for increasing fire damage by BB guns. The constants used for DD guns are as follows: 2. USS Gridley ... DD Guns 110% → 115% Torpedoes 115% → 135% Anti-Air Guns 120% → 125% Skills Torpedo Command: Destroyers. For example IJN destroyers tend to have weak firepower but powerful torpedoes, while USN destroyers tend to be more balanced. From Azur Lane Wiki. The formula used to compute the DPS values of the guns below (against Light, Medium and Heavy armour) is as follows: [math] In this game, you collect human representations of World War II warships called “ shipgirls “. Zorikinu. Level 100 and 120 stats are based on the assumption that the ship has reached 100 Affinity. 16. This is good for achieving that delicate balance. 14. \mathrm{Damage\ per\ Second} &= \dfrac{\mathrm{Damage\ per\ shot(Dmg)} \times \mathrm{Damage\ Coefficient(Coef)} \times \mathrm{Number\ of\ Shots(R)} \times \mathrm{Armor\ Modifier}}{\mathrm{Reload(Rld)}+\mathrm{Volley\ Time(VT)}+\mathrm{Absolute\ Cooldown}} Their stats may vary per nation/faction. https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/index.php?title=Category:Destroyers&oldid=99775, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Zorikinu. ... Azur Lane(EN) Equipment Box Contents: WHICH BOXES ... Azur Lane Dorm Guide; \begin{align} Compared to these DPS values, higher Reload stat relatively favors slower base reload weapons and vice versa. FYI: I created a Breast Size Chart you might enjoy looking at. Destroyers have the highest fire rate in the game, but they don’t beat cruiser ships in terms of firepower. Slow reload similar to gold Twin 127mm. 8,059 8k. On ships with lower base Firepower, guns with higher Firepower stat but lower DPS may perform better than those with higher DPS but lower Firepower stat. \end{align} Speeds are given in knots, the same units that ship and aircraft speeds are given in. This menu is where new ships are constructed. It's a very impressive and comprehensive guide. The first ship named and classified as a destroyer was the Spanish warship Destructor (1886) designed by Fernando Villaamil. (It's more interesting than this page, with pictures and stuff) I consider this list strictly informational. Skeleton Warriors. They have weak or mediocre but fast-firing cannons and devastating torpedoes. 100-50-20
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