... ⢠Sample Triple 203mm Main ⦠[General Purpose] Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC (vs Heavy); 138.6mm; 40mm Quad Bofors; Research Hydraulic Gear; Toolbox [Poverty] 203mm SKC (AP) or 203mm HE dual (HE); QF 120mm dual; 40mm Quad Bofors; Toolbox; Hydraulic Gear or Naval Camo; Availability: 3-1, 4-4. Type: CA Gun: Rarity: None, collection aside. Do not do this. AA is often left out of consideration for triple CV setups for Hiryuu raids. No shop URLs or Discord server invites. Phoenix offers exceptional healer-free staying power at a bargain and that's relevant throughout the game, although if the going gets tough (or you want to clear faster), you'll want to tag in Minneapolis instead. 9 No Reposts or Extremely Low-Effort Content. [â]SurcoufsGunThe Sub With the Big Gun -2 points-1 points0 points 24 days ago (0 children). 2 points3 points4 points 25 days ago (0 children). Every 30s, spawns 2 orbiting shields that last 8 shots or 15s; if broken, all nearby enemies take minor damage. All Roombas!" it's better for bossing of course, as has been mentioned everywhere. Sturdy, cost-effective and perfectly capable of carrying a fleet through multiple battles with no healing support, Phoenix is a supremely reliable workhorse for any fleet; whether it's farming or a cheeky way to skimp on healers to ramp up the backline damage, she'll get it done. Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Destroyer Main Guns September 13, 2018 Return to Index Destroyer Main Gun Overview The purpose of destroyer main guns can be either skill trigger or damage output. Wikis. 50% chance on Main Gun fire to heal the vanguard by 10% of their max HP. (Kai), [Manual Only (ie. - Duration: 32:06. Grant +15% Torpedo to the entire vanguard. Think Takao, except a bit frailer and marginally less powerful with their skills but much more reliable and inexpensive. Increases Firepower of the entire vanguard by 15%. Blue-haired Beauty (Sovetskaya Belorussiya), Pamiat Merkuria retrofit officially revealed, More than a counselor and less than a lover [Bremerton], Spring Festival Part 4 (Enterprise, Saratoga), Note the difference [Hipper, Mainz, Weser, Eugen, Heinrich, Graf}, Well, you're legal, so as long as is consented... [Pamiat Merkuria], And Iâll whisper âDonât you see?â. Roon gun = PR1 Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun (SK C) Cleveland gun = Twin 150mm Main Gun (TbtsK C/36) Triomphant gun = Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929) Wales gun = Quadruple 356mm Main Gun. Similarly, don't post fanfics/RP in other people's art posts, not everyone wants to read about your OC character. Her poor damage output brings her down in the long run, though, and is usually dropped in favour of more powerful CA. Cropping or censoring NSFW art to post it on this subreddit is not allowed. Threads containing spoilers for content released less than a week ago should be tagged as a spoiler. Comics must have some interaction in dialogue. Aircraft Carrier Plans Guide. [â]syandathat guy from discord 12 points13 points14 points 26 days ago (14 children), Might want to point out that the stuka D4 can be equipped on Graf Zeppelin to trigger her ironblood plane bonus and free up her other two slots for non-IB planes, so if people are using Zepp, it's absolutely worth crafting one copy for her at the least, [â]SeriVolk 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (5 children). Whiskey144 The one thing that keeps confusing me is that I thought Azur Lane already has the triple 203mm Mark15 Baltimore gun. Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. Repeated offenders will be suspended or banned at moderator discretion. Triple 410mm Prototype (10th Year Type) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. (Kai), [General Purpose] SB2C Helldiver; Ryusei; Twin 40mm STAAG; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon, [Poverty] SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; Tenzan; 40mm Quad Bofors; Hydraulic Catapult; Hydraulic Catapult. Gold Gear, No Electronics, [â]DatBoix69xX 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (3 children), Then i am taken to imgur where i can't replicate the steps in the caption to make them bigger/readable. Average until W12 and Very High afterwards. You may only research one project at a time, chosen from five randomly-chosen research projects. As one of the extremely rare sources of vanguard-wide torpedo buffs she is one of the best friends your Torp-Cruisers (and Torp-CA especially, Ibuki in primis) could possibly have, and she's a very accomplished torpedo platform herself; just don't expect her to destroy anything while the torps are down. I have literally never heard it called the Triomphant gun. If stacking ACV is what you need but you'd rather not focus on carriers or you need some air superiority on the quick, look no further. Triple 203mm (8"/55 Mk 15) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. D&D Beyond This includes posts showcasing dakimuras disguised as Art posts. Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) T0. Widely available early on and blessed with both excellent skills and a very solid statline, Kagerou has a place in every torp-heavy frontline (torp-CA in particular, as they typically do not have access to torpedo buffs). Image galleries count as more than 1 piece of art and are not allowed. 60% chance every 20s, gain +40% Firepower for 10s. While her plane loadout allows her some rather impressive DPS for a CVL, it also proves to be her downfall as it is sorely lacking in plane-stopping power, which the plane-infested latest worlds strongly encourage. High before W12 and Average afterwards. Hopefully the guide helps you make more informed decisions re: your hard-earned Operation Siren materials, as well as maybe teach you a little bit more about the game's mechanics in general. (Kai), [Poverty] 406MK6; 128SKC; 40mm Quad Bofors; Type 91 Shell; Autoloader (mobs) or SG Radar (boss). First place goes to twin gun as it has better accuracy due to favourable pattern/spread and faster shell velocity. As it is for Phoenix, they are best used in mobbing fleets. https://i.imgur.com/jU9R23E.png Base ID: 33100 CN: è¯ä½åä¸èè£
310mmä¸»ç® JP: 試ä½åä¸é£è£
310mmç ² KR: ìì í 3ì°ì¥ 310mm í¬ EN: Prototype Triple 310mm Main ⦠Average, as London Kai takes over her buffing duties while being considerably tougher and a lot more powerful. The 12 SHELLS deal 120 bdmg with 70/100/90 mods. High inherent modifier (130%) coupled with favorable firing pattern (1x3). Breaking this rule will result in a 7 day ban. Average. Comic TL only applies to posts that are comics and have some interaction in dialogue (not just a few words or a sentence). Azur Lane Thread 2 Thread ... vanguard main guns it means you get to fire the main gun twice per reload cycle. ï¼ KR: ìì í 203mm ì°ì¥í¬ (3í¸) EN: Prototype 203mm (Type 3) Mounted Gun for AA balancing. Upon main gun fire, 30% chance to double the volley damage. This is a translation and I didn't want to put in anything not from the original author (who probably thought putting Germany in the nationality column was reminder enough), but IMO there's no reason to craft a Stuka if all you're after is activating her skill bonus since Stuka is still a bossing plane. 1-3, 1-4; 2-1, 2-2, 2-3; 3-2, 3-3, 3-4; 4-3, 4-4. Packing a lot of Firepower for destroyers and blessed with a decent Reload buff to go along the excellent self-heal, Cassin and Downes may not have the monstrous burst damage output of their IJN counterparts but they can and will outlast them many times over while still being able to assist with AA. Upon Main Gun fire, 30% chance to deal +100% damage; upon destroying an enemy unit, gain 1 stack of +1.5% Acc up to a total of 8 stacks. it sounds scary but well we put a removal reason 99% of the time so it isn't really. Triple 203mm (Mle 1934 Prototype) T0 Base ID: 7300 CN: è¯ä½åä¸èè£
203mmè°ç® JP: 試製203mmä¸é£è£
ç ² KR: ìì í 203mm 3ì°ì¥í¬ EN: Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun 25% chance of inflicting double damage with airstrike. If posting Azur Lane news related to a specific region, use the appropriate flair (Japan, China, Korea, English). [â]sentientspacepotato 3 points4 points5 points 25 days ago (0 children). Because you're just leaving 20% damage on the table for no good goddamn reason when you can just use a not shitty plane. [General Purpose] 406MK6 (vs Light) or Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun (vs Medium/Heavy); 128SKC; Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG; Type 1 Shell; SHS Shell, [Poverty] 406MK6; 128SKC; 40mm Quad Bofors; Type 91 Shell; Autoloaders (mobs). You have all this interesting analysis but I can't follow it because I don't know what weapon you're actually talking about. (Kai), [General Purpose] Ryusei; SB2C Helldiver; SB2C Helldiver; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon, [Poverty] Tenzan; SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; SB2C Helldiver or JU87 Stuka; Hydraulic Catapult; Homing Beacon. [â]S0U1meme 9 points10 points11 points 26 days ago (6 children). The Stuka TB does fine in mobs, and is more accurate than Ryuusei's to boot. Triple 203mm (Mle 1934 Prototype) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. https://i.imgur.com/25i3r35.png Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Maybe I'll replace them with s-ul uploads, [â]type_EAnd Iâll whisper âDonât you see?â 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (1 child). https://i.imgur.com/0KKbFvI.png, [â]DatBoix69xX 1 point2 points3 points 25 days ago (1 child), Problem is i cant copy the image location and then paste it into the search bar, [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 1 point2 points3 points 25 days ago (0 children), I just sent all the links in a reply to you, IDK what else I can do tbh. So for example the Roon gun IIRC has something like 7.8 seconds base reload time and a 2x3 shot pattern. How do i make the pictures bigger on mobile? High. It's a torp bomber and graf can't equip those. [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 1 point2 points3 points 25 days ago (4 children), click on the titles to open the images separately, e.g. Anyway the Arado has 4 T3 100-lb bombs but you lose 33 AVI which is a ~3% damage decrease overall, plus the horrendous takeoff speed for being a blue, plus you sacrifice a lot of AA. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 15% chance upon airstrike launch, next airstrike becomes available immediately. I've read a guide that prefers the Algerie gun over the new Prototype Triple 203mm Mount MK IX despite having lower DPS on paper. High; she's the only healer BB in the game, after all, and has her place in a fleet justified the moment you feel the need for a little healing on top of the usual BB DPS. Equipment priority for fighters: F4U> Rippu = Sea Fury = Hellcat = ⦠All posts should be related to Azur Lane. You are also allowed to refresh the entire set once per server day (i.e. [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago* (0 children), it's cheaper to make and doesn't matter much either way, not like seaplanes contribute to damage meaningfully regardless. Be grateful to the author and thank you for translating this! You signed in with another tab or window. And I'd certainly rather craft them in the Gear lab than Ryuuseis, [â]ayayayaya_is_cute[S] 10 points11 points12 points 26 days ago (0 children). When sortied w/ Indianapolis, gain +15% Firepower, AA and Evasion. Games Movies TV Video. [â]M7-97Ventis Secundis 3 points4 points5 points 25 days ago (0 children), Saving for future reference, thank you for translation, [â]mabinight 4 points5 points6 points 25 days ago (5 children). Unlike the AP Proto SKC vs regular SKC (Eugen gun) comparison, this gun has significant advantage over other HE options. Like most HMS CA she has good weaponry and a good skill bolted onto a fragile frame, and the purple CA (11 Oil) price tag is nasty... especially when Leander Kai would do most of her job for much cheaper (8 Oil). Maybe I should make a blogspot or something to hold these instead? plus the author tends to use nicknames because it's faster to talk about them, Akizuki gun = Twin 100mm (Type 98) AA Gun, so called because it is the gun used by the Akizuki class of ships, Roon gun = PR1 Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun (SK C), Cleveland gun = Twin 150mm Main Gun (TbtsK C/36), Triomphant gun = Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929), the certain purple gear just refers to the tendency that T2 purples with T3 gold counterparts tend to get outclassed by T3 purples in the same category, [â]mabinight 0 points1 point2 points 25 days ago (0 children), [â]MoonfireArt 0 points1 point2 points 24 days ago (2 children). Bit RNG still, but there's nobody cheaper than them in their class. Every torpedo launch has a 30.0% chance to launch another spread. Often there will be a megathread for discussion of the story/episode/etc. In this category, we have to divide into two sections: Barrage ⦠Regardless of their server choice, ship choice, spending habits, or use of free time, respect your fellow players. Triple 203mm Prototype (Mle 1934) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Triple 203mm Prototype (SK C/34) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane.
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