The Hitman’s Bodyguard - Red Band Trailer (English) HD - Moviepilot auf Dailymotion ansehen He added: "I think that Roger can definitely make a comeback. On the BBC Writersroom blog. Der hochgelobte „Spuk in Hill House“ auf Netflix hat auch die Nerven un… Bodyguard saison 2 Bodyguard : Saison 1 (Bande-annonce) Épisodes Bodyguard. Ep.19: Bodyguard, Salvation, Spuk von Hill House, Castlevania Staffel 2, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Orson Wells: The other side of the wind from PrimeFlix NOW! Episode 2 59m. And will he do a better job of protecting his next client? Bodyguard streaming As loyal supporters of the Prime Minister, Mike and the Chief Whip – also Julia's ex-husband – Roger Penhaligon (Nicholas Gleaves) had previously hatched a plan plot to undermine Julia. All very possible, though Mercurio insists he didn't intentionally plant seeds in the first six episodes of Bodyguard to follow up in future series. But we decided we're not going to rush it and shoot something this year. Fans des englischsprachigen Originals wissen, dass Maddens stark schottischer Akzent einen wesentlichen … Episode 4 - (S1E4) - Bodyguard : Suite à l'explosion dans l'auditorium de St Matthews, les inspecteurs Sharma et Rayburn mènent l'enquête : ils soupçonnent David Budd d'être impliqué. 2x1 – Folge 1 Four years after Inger Johanne Vik lived her life in Washington, working for the FBI, we find out the reasons she came back to Sweden. C'est le cas, comme l'a annoncé le créateur Jed Mercurio dans un entretien avec le journal The Sun. « Bodyguard » vous connaissez ? He's not going to sit back and retire, and he's not going to pick a normal job. "Where will this man be, in terms of his mental health, in terms of his wife and children, in terms of his career? Bodyguard : une date de sortie pour la suite avec la saison 2 ? Il suffit donc de s'abonner à la plateforme à succès pour visionner les épisodes de Bodyguard en streaming et en toute légalité. There are a lot of logistics in terms of setting up a second season and we're just working through those.". New series release date on BBC and Netflix and whether Richard Madden will return. "We appreciate there's a real hunger from fans to watch it. "I thought it was really, really brilliant, and he had a real energy whenever he came on-screen. Directed by Thomas Vincent. "It would be great if there was a second season," he teased. Le créateur de Bodyguard fait n'hésite pas à faire quelques révélations... [Mis à jour le 25 octobre 2018 à 11h32] Alors que la saison 1 de la série Bodyguard vient tout juste de faire son apparition dans le catalogue français de Netflix, les fans cherchent déjà à savoir si une saison 2 est en préparation outre-Manche. Pippa Haywood, who played David Budd's boss Lorraine Craddock, has confirmed she won't be back for a second run: "No spoilers... but I think we can probably count me out.". "But the show's engaged with so many people, and it's engaged with me, because I'm fascinated by that character. Bodyguard season 2 starring Richard Madden will likely be released on Netflix US in 2019 or 2020. If you find yourself in the fortunate position where you've got a second series, or a third, or whatever it is, and there is stuff from the past that can serve a function, then I think that's the best way to do it. Madden gave us an update in November, revealing that he'd arranged to meet with Mercurio to discuss the show's future. 3 / 6 The home secretary's bodyguard must prevent her falling victim to an assassination plot. Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire. Watch creator and writer Jed Mercurio share his insights on Bodyguard. Is Bodyguard on Netflix or the BBC? Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour pouvoir participer au Club ! You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, WWE Champions: Complete list of every title holder, WWE Elimination Chamber 2021 Matches & predictions, Complete WWE and NXT pay-per-view schedule, Mamma Mia! "We're in talks. 0 enquêteur Veut la voir/lire. "I would return if I was asked, but I don't feel Nadia has any more of a journey to explore," she told Radio Times. First up, we need that all important official confirmation. PrimeFlix NOW! C'est la série événement de cette rentrée 2018. It sounds like that time jump will be literal – there's been nothing new to sink our teeth into in 2019. Épisode 1 58 min. We're going through the logistics of it," Mercurio said, adding: "There's no real update now.". Nous nous sentons très privilégiés et chanceux d'avoir eu un tel retour du public et cela nous donne au moins l'occasion de penser à faire plus d'épisodes.". It was also revealed would-be train bomber Nadia was not actually a helpless victim, but a conniving bomb-maker. Bodyguard season 2 confirmed by Lorraine Kelly and reports. Bodyguard - saison 1. Digital Spy participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. "What's really holding up development of #Bodyguard series two is the quest for any dramatically sympathetic reason not to kill off the cabinet minister in the first five minutes," he wrote on Twitter. Supporting Content. Per Mercurio’s interview with RadioTimes last fall, one possible plot for season 2 could have Budd back in bodyguard mode protecting a member of the royal family or a foreign dignitary. En savoir plus sur notre politique de confidentialité. I'm fascinated by a man who's gone through so much, and I'm very keen to see what happens to him two years later. Episode 2 2 / 6 Home secretary Julia Montague's controversial policies make her a terrorist target. David Budd is promoted to a protection detail for UK Home Secretary Julia Montague, but he quickly clashes with the hawkish politician. C'est finalement le géant américain Netflix qui s'est chargé d'obtenir les droits de diffusion de la série, pour la proposer au public français le 24 octobre dernier. "We're going to give it a breath and do it justice. Chatting to Radio Times, Nicholas Gleaves, who played the Conservative Party Chief Whip Roger Penhaligon in season one, said: "I spoke to the producer a month ago and he absolutely guaranteed that there would be a second series, and he absolutely guaranteed that he's no idea when it's going to be.". "I think, with the nature of the story, to have this gap where you let David grow a bit," he said. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? From the makers of #LineofDuty. Given how the first series played out (see below), the following characters seem less likely to reappear. ", Richard Madden has suggested, though, that the very public events of the first series will inevitably impact on Budd's future. Characters. Bodyguard ist eine britische Dramaserie von Autor Jed Mercurio (Line of Duty) aus dem Jahr 2018. Could he return? But even if she is kaput, there's a chance she could feature in flashback form, should Mercurio feel the need to. Fait étonnant, aucune chaîne française n'a acheté les droits de Bodyguard pour une diffusion dans l'Hexagone. This content is imported from Twitter. When series is back and plot spoilers. Bodyguard is a British police political-thriller television series created and written by Jed Mercurio and produced by World Productions as part of ITV Studios for the BBC. "Me and Jed both agree that there's something much more interesting in, 'Let's catch up with him 18 months later, two years later after this has happened and say where is he now? Malheureusement, celui-ci n'a pas dévoilé de date de diffusion pour la saison 2 de Bodyguard, qui n'a pas encore été tournée. "I want to do something totally different and I'm excited to see what Jed comes up with in that way.". Related: Bodyguard episode six explained: Julia's killer revealed and more of the finale's big reveals. „Bodyguard“ ist Hochspannung pur und jagt von einem Plot-Twist zum nächsten. "We do feel very privileged and fortunate that there's been such a response that it gives us that opportunity to at least think about doing more. If we come back to do another one, I want to do something as different as the first series was, and not just repeat the cycle, repeat the formula. Mostly because they're all dead. Indeed, Mercurio's implied that, like Line of Duty, Bodyguard might feature a new supporting cast every year, with only a few regular characters continuing from series-to-series. 1. England wurde die erste Staffel der Netflix-Serie “Bodyguard” auch hierzulande gefeiert. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. ", Related: Bodyguard episode six review: BBC One thriller subverts expectations to the very end, Those BBC talks continued into 2019. Modus - Der Mörder in uns Staffel 2 | Serie. After helping thwart a terrorist attack, a war veteran is assigned to protect a politician who was a major proponent of the conflict he fought in. Could their scheming have further consequences? Quelle date de sortie pour la saison 2 de Bodyguard . Je suis donc à plein temps dans Line of Duty pour l'instant..." Il va donc falloir se montrer patient avant de pouvoir découvrir la saison 2 et potentiellement trois et quatre de Bodyguard sur Netflix. "Total denial.". A terrorist attack targets a public school, and an unhappy sniper opens up … You know, with David. Digital Spy now has a newsletter – sign up to get it sent straight to your inbox. It really does sound like it's going to happen – after that long break. But the shifty MI5 grunt going by the alias "Richard Longcross" – who was involved in attempting to cover up Julia and MI5's plot to overthrow the PM – was able to escape police custody. When Will Bodyguard Season 2 Release on Netflix? "We certainly weren't the first [show] to rotate casts... but Line of Duty established that it works very well," he again told Radio Times. And will he do a better job of protecting his next client? Bodyguard series 2 - renewal, cast, air date BBC and release date Netflix and spoilers. Though we're still waiting on the (inevitable) official announcement of a follow-up, Mercurio hinted that he could actually imagine Bodyguard running for as many as four series. Because he had a hell of a couple months there. Earlier in 2019, Mercurio 'joked' that the reason season two is taking him so long is because of a key narrative issue. - Bodyguard season 2 starring Richard Madden will likely be released on Netflix US in or It will be released on BBC in the UK before. Bodyguard is produced and distributed by the BBC One and also distributed through Netflix. "David Budd, he walks about London with a bomb on – I mean, everyone definitely knows his face now," Madden said. The actor revealed that she still gets asked if Julia is alive. As of now, there is just one season of Bodyguard to speak of, with season 2 expected to arrive in late 2020 or possibly early 2021. Disponible sur. Il va donc falloir se montrer patient avant de pouvoir découvrir la suite de la série phénomène. Starring @MissKeeleyHawes and @_RichardMadden. 2. Episode 1 58m. Richard Madden gilt seit Bodyguard als potentieller Nachfolger von Daniel Craig in der Rolle des „James Bond“. We agree! Ces derniers seront heureux d'apprendre que le feuilleton composé de six épisodes a battu tous les records d'audience en Angleterre et que le créateur Jed Mercurio pense déjà à la suite, comme il l'explique dans les colonnes du Sun. In September 2018, Mercurio confirmed that he was "just beginning" talks with the BBC about a possible second series. What's happened to him?'". The end? Well, the fella's got to write it first. Netflix a acheté les droits de la série anglaise Bodyguard diffusée sur BBC One (dès le 26/08) mais la saison 1 arrive sur Netflix France à compter du 24 octobre 2018.. He was referring to Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg's comments about the Grenfell residents, who he claimed lacked common sense during the catastrophic tower block fire that killed 72 people. [So] what's his life like after that? Vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès et de rectification de vos données personnelles, ainsi que celui d'en demander l'effacement dans les limites prévues par la loi. But you never know when it comes to Mercurio... - Michael Schaeffer as "Richard Longcross", - David Westhead as John Vosler, the Prime Minister, - Pippa Haywood as Chief Superintendent Lorraine Craddock. "So I'm like, what can happen next? 3: Everything you need to know, New on Netflix this week: TV shows to watch NOW, New on Netflix this week: Movies you can watch NOW, The Suicide Squad: Everything you need to know, Here's how to watch the X-Men movies in order. And also he's the most famous man in London because of what happens at the end of episode six. "Il est certainement juste de dire que nous travaillons l'idée d'une deuxième saison, en gardant en tête qu'elle créerait une opportunité pour une troisième ou une quatrième saison. 2 #AvisPolar. So hat auch einer der Bodyguard-Produzenten bereits gesagt, dass man noch nicht wisse, ob Madden überhaupt für eine Fortsetzung bereitstünde. Mercurio is tied up with Line of Duty, while Madden's career has gone from strength to strength, bagging roles in Rocketman, 1917 and Marvel's The Eternals, not to mention the speculation that he is set to succeed Daniel Craig as the next James Bond. A big delay between series one and two was always on the cards given how busy both its creator and star are. Coming soon to BBC One. Le pitch de Bodyguard (Netflix): David Budd (joué par Richard Madden (vu dans Game of Thrones) un vétéran de guerre travaille comme garde du corps des personnalités Metropolitan Police Service. Après avoir fait échouer un attentat, un ancien militaire se voit assigner la protection d'une femme politique partisane d'un conflit qu'il ne connaît que trop bien. "Bodyguard" est diffusée sur la chaîne BBC depuis le 26 août 2018 et connaît un succès monstre outre-Manche. "We'd love to do more," Mercurio said. En effet, et selon les informations de TV MAG, la chaîne du service public vient d’en faire l’acquisition pour une diffusion sur sa case du lundi soir. "You just don't know, so it ends up being something that is best done, in my view, retrospectively. Will Budd be back? What’s really holding up development of #Bodyguard Series 2 is the quest for any dramatically sympathetic reason not to kill off the cabinet minister in the first five minutes He couldn't just go straight back into work. Bodyguard. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. La fiction en six épisodes avec Richard Madden et Keeley Hawes fera prochainement son arrivée sur la chaîne publique. Just hit 'Like' on our Digital Spy Facebook page and 'Follow' on our @digitalspy Instagram and Twitter accounts. Suite à la mise en ligne de la saison 1 de Bodyguard sur Netflix, les fans de la série britannique se demandent si une saison 2 est en préparation. "We've been talking about it and I spoke to Jed about a month after the show had finished airing over in the UK and we sat and decided, 'Let's give it at least a year while we work out how to do something better'," he told The Hollywood Reporter. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. So what can we expect from the second series? Plus everything you need to know. He's going to be engaged in something interesting.". The following characters, meanwhile, can definitively be ruled out from appearing in a second series. Given the rave reviews and record-breaking numbers, Bodyguard seems set to follow in the footsteps of creator Jed Mercurio's other hit show Line of Duty in becoming a long-runner. Suite à la mise en ligne de la saison 1 de Bodyguard sur Netflix, les fans de la série britannique se demandent si une saison 2 est en préparation. BODYGUARD SAISON 2 - La suite de la série à succès britannique est-elle déjà en préparation ? Hauptdarsteller sind Richard Madden und Keeley Hawes. "He can't really slip back into police work again. The opening episode was the biggest new drama launch in the UK in 2018, the first series overall was the most-watched BBC drama in a decade, while the finale – incredibly – became the most-watched piece of TV drama since records began, with an audience of 17.1 million (though to be fair, like-for-like records only began in 2002). Given that he survived the first series (mostly) intact, it's a safe bet that Richard Madden will return as David Budd. 4 enquêteurs l'ont vu/lu. ", The threat is closer than you think... Bodyguard. Where do you go with this guy?". He's not going to go back to work, is he? Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage. Alles, was wir über Staffel 2 von "Bodyguard" wissen. Find us at. "When we did the show, it was just going to be a one-off, it's own thing, because Jed was still writing the show as we were doing it," Madden said. Rassurez-vous cette série évènement diffusée avec succès sur la BBC mais aussi sur Netflix va bientôt débarquer sur France 2. Saison 1. So don't expect anything until at least autumn 2020. En revanche, par curiosité, j’ai revu un bout du film Bodyguard, mais je me suis très vite arrêté [rires]! It seems like Richard Madden is more than happy with the situation. It would all depend on what Jed Mercurio comes up with story-wise, but I loved that role. Dass Bodyguard ausgerechnet sein Erfolg zum Verhängnis werden könnte, dürften Fans mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge sehen. "I think it's going to be really useful.". Bodyguard, la série thriller phénomène qui avait cartonné en Angleterre et sur Netflix va très bientôt être visible en clair sur France 2 ! Richard Madden recently offered his thoughts on what the future of Bodyguard might be. Die Serie „Bodyguard“ ist spannend genug, um sie auf einen Rutsch anzuschauen. It's possible that a second Bodyguard could revisit certain of the first series' characters and wrap up a few loose ends... After Anne Sampson leaked the Kompromat containing scandalous information about the Prime Minister, the country's leader was forced to resign, as was MI5 boss Stephen Hunter-Dunn (Stuart Bowman). His actions were eventually exposed and Aitkens was jailed, along with Budd's Lorraine Craddock – a bent copper who provided Aitkens with Julia's itineraries and details of her security precautions in return for cash. And film it. Bodyguard. Episode 2 - (S1E2) - Bodyguard : Budd est sur ses gardes tandis que la ministre Julia Montague tient des réunions secrètes. Bodyguard season two was inevitable after the show's debut proved to be a huge ratings hit for BBC One, pulling in tens of millions of views every week. Bodyguard (TV Series 2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM Benchmark Group pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter. Season 1. Note: Contains MAJOR spoilers for Bodyguard. "I think it's very hard to do that, particularly because there are no guarantees that something will get recommissioned," he told Digital Spy. With Richard Madden, Bella Padden, Matthew Stagg, Keeley Hawes. On iPlayer. Rarement une série n’avait autant mis de pression sur les épaules des téléspectateurs en si peu de temps. Le créateur de Bodyguard poursuit, en indiquant travailler actuellement sur Line of Duty, une autre série anglaise à succès : "Nous allons tourner jusqu'à quelques jours avant Noël et effectuer toutes nos montages au début de la nouvelle année. In fact, writer Mercurio has suggested that the second series could see Budd back on duty, but protecting a member of the royal family or a foreign dignitary, rather than another politician. Année de sortie : 2018. 1. "It's probably fair to say we would probably approach any thoughts of a second series with the idea that it would create an opportunity for a third or fourth," he said. the biggest new drama launch in the UK in 2018, the most-watched piece of TV drama since records began. - Nina Toussaint-White as DS Louise Rayburn. Not available. Follow @BePolar Réalisateur : Jed Mercurio Acteurs : Richard Madden, Keeley Hawes, Gina McKee Genre : Thriller / Drame Nationalité : Britannique Date de sortie : 24 octobre 2018. The first series of Bodyguard revealed that Julia Montague was killed by Luke Aitkens (Matt Stokoe) and his goons. "You cannot jump into it. Bodyguard. So I'd like to get back to Roger, that'd be good.". Season 1 premiered on August 26, 2018 on the BBC and aired its sixth and final episode on September 23. Richard Madden époustouflant ! - Keeley Hawes as Julia Montague (Sorry, conspiracy theorists!). Pas encore ? We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Again, Nadia and her terrorist cohorts worked with Luke Aitkens for money – to build more bombs and further their cause. Anjli Mohindra, who played the deceitful bomber Nadia Ali, has also suggested that she won't be back for more Bodyguard. Publié le 22 octobre 2019 - 10h16. David Budd definitely needs a vacation after that. Cleared of any involvement in Julia's death, David Budd sought help for his mental health issues and repaired his relationship with Vicky and their two children. Madden added: "So I'm very keen to work with Jed and work out how to move on the next bit of the story. there's been nothing new to sink our teeth into in 2019. protecting a member of the royal family or a foreign dignitary, has confirmed she won't be back for a second run, Bodyguard star says season 2 might need one big change, Bodyguard: 7 HUGE questions and theories after ep 2, Bodyguard episode 4's twist changes everything, Bodyguard viewers think they know who set off the bomb, Leila season 2: Everything you need to know, The Gifted season 2: Everything you need to know. Sommaire Bodyguard : la série britannique bientôt diffusée sur France 2. Wie gut die Chancen für Bodyguard Staffel 2 genau stehen, erfahrt ihr hier. "I'm going to meet Jed in a couple of weeks, to have a chat and see what's in his brilliant brain," he told Deadline. Will Keeley Hawes return? It will be released on BBC in the UK before. Il se murmure que Jed Mercurio, le créateur de la série, voudrait quatre saisons et les discussions sont en cours avec la BBC pour une potentielle saison 2. Aitkens' motive? on Podchaser, aired Friday, 16th November 2018. Likewise, Mike Travis ended up holding on to his job as Montague's replacement, staying on to make sure that her controversial bill RIPA '18 – which would have allowed the government greater powers to monitor communications in the UK – is torn up. THE BODYGUARD season 2 is the news fans of the hit BBC series around the world are keen to hear updates about. [Mis à jour le 25 octobre 2018 à 11h32] Alors que la saison 1 de la série Bodyguard vient tout juste de faire son apparition dans le catalogue français de Netflix, les fans cherchent... Coronavirus : l'épidémie se transforme - Voir les actualités. VIDEO. To prevent her from becoming Prime Minister and transferring greater powers to the security services, which would have allowed MI5 to watch the sort of dodgy dealings that made the crime lord his money. Following Montague's death in a terrorist bombing, Budd was framed for her murder and forced to unravel a complex conspiracy involving police corruption and organised crime to clear his name. It followed David Budd (Richard Madden) – a war veteran-turned-Specialist Protection Officer – who was assigned as a bodyguard to Julia Montague (Keeley Hawes), the ambitious and powerful Home Secretary. Release year: 2018. "Someone said it to me this morning," she told The Guardian. But in bad news for anyone wanting the series as soon as possible, Madden suggested that any future episodes would need a significant time jump. Sgt.
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