3.76005. Our jobs offer you a scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. Find current opportunities to join our staff working to build trust and create opportunities in the UK and in more than 100 countries around the world. Interviewer: Hello, Maria. Make a start today. It can be crazy sometimes, but it’s fun. E Maria: Who would I mostly work with on a daily basis? The best thing is visiting different places. Can you spot the words with tricky spellings? As you know, we have a performance management system in place, and from that we have identified some learning and development needs within the organisation. Listen to the language they use for talking about their jobs and practise saying the useful phrases. Average: 3.7 (1173 votes) Tags. Interviewer: Well, that all sounds good. 142. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad. We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria. Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills. Hi, The British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunity. Doesn't that mean she has been in that job for one year? I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I always come to the interview place early to get some time to relax, calm down stress and rise my concentration and fighting spirit. Learn how to write an email to invite someone to a job interview. Our jobs offer you a scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. What job will Kitty do when she grows up? 0 users have voted. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and children. i would like to be scientist or astronomon or medic, i loved to be a fashion designer, change the fashion world. I take tourists to visit the university colleges and then we go down to the river. Maria: Um, I think we've covered many of the areas I had wanted to address. C1-C2 0–5 minutes; Proficient Word stress. Interviewer: Great. I am a civil Engineer and I love to listen read and write and calculate and design of building books I hope to I will be a great engineer in the world . Watch the video and find out! I have always wanted to help people. Job opportunities; Join our team. I am currently preparing to be able to do this job. It finishes with learners giving their own opinions about what makes a good/bad job. Average: 3.653025. Can you spot the words with tricky spellings? Each lesson has a preparation task, an audio recording and two tasks to check your understanding and to practise a variety of listening skills. The worst job is a cleaner who have to clean the streets all day long. Worksheets. We're creating a new role for someone to lead our training and development within the company. Well, it's very interesting to have this kinda listening practice. LISTENING GAP FILL. Watch the video and find out! So, thanks again for coming in today. Thanks for inviting me. Take the... © British Council The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. An email to invite someone to a job interview. I realise that such an approach with 2,000 staff members will have to happen in a different way, but I bring many ideas with me that can be replicated on a larger scale. Working effectively with diversity is an essential part of this. 142. I'm also a big follower of your brand and feel fully aligned with your image and values. Log in or register to post comments; 20534x . Today I´m studing marketing in the university, I hope to do mi goals. All jobs are interesting, but if I had a chance, I would choose a "chief funster".Firstly, I am interested in everything: sports,the arts,entertainment and food. An invitation to a job interview . People _____ a job when they were 18, 19 or 20 and _____ same career for life. Would you like to do any of the jobs in this game? Nowadays, it is normal for people to change careers, five, six, seven times. It introduces the topic of jobs with discussion and a dictation, then asks learners to identify and exchange information. We have over 7,000 members of staff in offices, teaching centres and libraries in the UK and more than 100 countries and territories worldwide. Well, it looks like you have the qualifications and experience we're looking for. There's usually an intern or two who you can get some support from also. Sometimes it’s very hard work, but it’s great to help people when they have a problem. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises. Interviewer: Hello, Maria. Jobs with the British Council offer scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. In the recording, Maria said she got her first job 4years ago and the interviewer affirms she left her first job 3 years ago. I believe that my dream will be the truth. Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills. I was looking for a little more stability and also to be part of a larger organisation. Right-click on the link, and save the file. Maria started working in her old job 4 years ago (2017). About British Council Chile. I've never been asked that kind of questions in my interview experience. Complete the activities and learn how to answer questions you might be asked. 29. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Practise your listening skills as you complete the activities. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND DIVERSITY POLICY. That sounds interesting. Jump to navigation. You will be part of a modern, rapidly changing organisation with worldwide influence and impact. 3.99607. i like police officer. Here are some tips from me. I won't be bringing too many preconceived and possibly inflexible ideas with me to the role. CHILD PROTECTION POLICY. I am good at natural science subjects, such as Math, Physics, Chemistry... and I always try my best to get excellent marks for these subjects. It’s a very big hospital. I found the audio very interesting because it makes you aware of the likes and experiences of employees in their jobs, why they like or dislike their jobs and the difficulties they have. But we haven't devised a strategy. I would like to be a movie actress, otherwise a photograph maybe! They will develop their listening skills, learn new vocabulary, revise the past simple tense as well as take part in a mock job interview. A Then, 3 years ago (2018), she left her old job for her current job. See more. Maria: Well, an organisation of this size would give me the scope to specialise in L&D. Our policy aims to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion or marital status. What does success look like? I love my job but I don’t like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night. So I joined a company with around one hundred staff and a small HR team. Then do the other exercises to check your understanding. I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Then I watch some videos about tips or common questions in works interview. LearnEnglish Subscription: self-access courses for professionals, El Cuy Mágico replied on 9 February, 2021 - 20:14 Peru. These are very important to develop advanced sciences like robots and AI. B1-B2 5–10 minutes; Proficient Voicemail. 29. We go along the river on a boat. Thanks for coming in for the interview. In the future, I want to become an English teacher,because I want to teach people. Our jobs offer you a scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. Secondly, this job will be a good opportunity for me to discover new things about myself by doing the job. See more. The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. Kirk replied on 22 January, 2021 - 13:43 Spain. You will be part of a modern, rapidly changing organisation with worldwide influence and impact. Thanks. Learn English with the British Council and you’ll be … Interviewer: I see. Current vacancies are listed below. Do the preparation exercise before you listen. Log in or register to post comments; Comments. I am also currently working on a further diploma in psychology, with a specific focus on learning and performance management. You can find our current vacancies, guidance on how to apply for jobs with us, and more information about the work we do using the link below. Flying in clouds, traveling around the world, meeting different people, pilots live with the best life , but their job is also difficult. Work. Hotel manager. The question asks "Maria has been in her current job for"?. Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. Interviewer: I see what you mean. B Choosing a career _____ biggest decisions we make in life. Spell. Hi, my name is Sunita and I’m a Jobseeker. In addition to payroll, one of the areas I was responsible for was learning and development. when ı grow up, ı wanna be a translator and learn different languages. Watch Sam and Pam as they find out about different jobs. Level: SfL E3/ SQA Intermediate 1 / CEFR B1. I'm … Check your understanding: multiple choice, Let It Happen: The three Dutch dancing sisters, How to be a good listener if someone is upset. C I want to be a programmer, because it is interesting to manage some tasks. Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. I am an otaku. What do you think will be the main challenges of coming to a much larger company? © British Council Work | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council Jump to navigation I work during my summer holidays when I’m not at university. I would love to be a best selling author. I help the doctors with the patients. What do you think are the best and the worst jobs? Do you know how to use 'will' for future predictions? Topic: A job interview. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). I got a bit confused with the second question. Transcript Task 2. It's one of the most exiting and appreciated jobs. Tasks Task 1 - vocabulary. Preparation. Timing: 60-90 mins. Dame Kelly Holmes is one of Britain’s most famous athletes. Grammar videos . Interviewer: That sounds great. How we manage equal opportunity and diversity . I read about the company and try to learn as much as I can about the foundations and evolution. I love flying in the sky. What job would you like when you are older? Identify the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Do you know how to use 'will' for future predictions? \\\٩(`ω´٩ꐦ)////, I would like to be an tourist guide because i love traveling all around the world. Working for the British Council offers you a unique opportunity to gain experience and develop skills in a modern, rapidly changing organisation with worldwide influence and impact. What job will Kitty do when she grows up? The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! Let's say that this interview happened now in 2021. I work in a hospital in the city centre. Watch this video to know why British Council is a great place to work. Grammar videos . Maria: Well, I very much like the L&D side of my role and I've always had particularly good feedback for my work in this area. Our jobs offer you a scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. I want to become pilot. See more. Each question carries one mark. Transcript . It's hard yet chalenging. And my other question is how performance in this role will be measured. Firstly, I reread my CV to recall what I've written there)) Then, I search on the Internet all available information about my target company. I would like to become an engineer when I am older. sonlenfq replied on 6 January, 2021 - 01:35 United States. Maria: Thank you. Your role would be to devise and then successfully implement this strategy. The British Council's Megan Oliver shares a few tips, while job seekers can also join the English for the Workplace MOOC (massive open online course) running now. Open Task Task 4 - test your vocabulary. Are you looking for an English course? Work. Before the interview, I'm always trying to remember knowlege. My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. 3.67757. Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. I like my job, but lots of people don’t like coming to see me because they hate dentists. Maria: It's my pleasure. Also, I am interested, how directors organize such mass events,as the Sydney Festival. I want to be a teacher someday because I like teaching kids. and research about a company I apply to. Dear LuisCast, in this way ı can explore new cultures and people. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the summer, so it’s easy to find a job as a tour guide. An email to invite someone to a job interview. Pia goes for a job interview to try and get a new job. So, your CV looks strong, though it would be good if you could give us an overview, in your own words, of what you've been doing over the past four years or so. 91. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Thanks for your comments on LearnEnglish Teens. So I will be a singer. This website is specially for teenagers aged 13-17 years old but it sounds like you may be older than that. It's my clear goal, and I'll achieve this goal. Maria: I can see that it might be perceived as a weakness to not have experience in an organisation of this size, though I see that it could also be a benefit. Open Task Task 3 - learn new words. Kitty's dream job. Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills. You are welcome to keep on using LearnEnglish Teens but if you are over 17, please do NOT post any more comments as we must keep this strictly for teenagers to interact with each other. I can see how could be confusing, but it's correct. Answer all of the questions.There are 40 questions altogether. But I a bit fat and dance is not too good, I just can sing, and now I'm thinking about the cast. We offer a range of support material to ensure you’re prepared for the test: Road to IELTS - our online preparation course with 100 interactive activities … Learn how to write an email to invite someone to a job interview. How to prepare for an interview? 3.67757. Vocabulary exercises to help learn different types of jobs. Interviewer: Right, and it says here you then left that company about three years ago. I feel fully comfortable following this steps. 3.99607. This section offers listening practice to help you understand the main points of clear, standard speech about everyday or job-related topics. I’m interested in science jobs.But I don’t decided a job yet. I look for companies whose values are aligned with my own so I place importance on the scanning process. Open Task. 29. Kitty's dream job. You may often find yourself in a situation where you have to give personal information. Working for the British Council offers you a unique opportunity to gain experience and develop skills in international cultural relations. I love meeting people from all over the world. Here she talks about the setbacks she suffered when she was running and how everyone can succeed if they stay positive. D Then listen again to check. 91. Jobs and Occupations listening activities and worksheets for English listening tests from 123 Listening.There are 5 different audio downloads and 8 versions of the worksheets that can be combined to be very simple for beginners or more difficult for more advanced students. ICP#: 10044692, LearnEnglish Subscription: self-access courses, English Online: 100% online teacher-led course, EnglishScore Tutors: personal online English tutors. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain, Greece and Italy. Listen to people talking and answer questions about their conversation. Maria: It's my pleasure. Maria: Thank you for your time. 128. Maria: Yes, that's right. Grammar videos. But he gets little money. 240. Time: 2 hours (with extension tasks) Aims. I would be like a creative director from an advertising agence, it would be wonderful to see in a future my job in an ad while I walking in the street or see an ad comercial on the T.V. What job will Kitty do when she grows up? Lola Bernal replied on 27 December, 2020 - 11:35 Spain. To provide listening practice through watching a video called ‘A job … Maria: Yes, we only offered services to other companies, not B2C. Read an email invitation to a job interview to practise and improve your reading skills. Interviewer: Yes, that would be a good thing. It’s so important to look after your teeth. Maria: OK. Our jobs offer you a scope for versatility, initiative and creativity in a stimulating and supportive environment. Animals Scene 1. And as I feel nervous at the very moment before an interview I try to be early then I use to read my CV and practice some answers. See more. What jobs would you like to do? Watch the video and find out! And I can see you have an L&D qualification. Worksheets. I would like to be a pilot. Can you write a caption for this strange, purple creature? Maria: Yes, I got a diploma two years ago. Maria: Yes, I very much think that my skills and experience are a good fit for what you're looking for. And, so why do you want to change jobs now? Read an email invitation to a job interview to practise and improve your reading skills. Work with the British Council . That will be very great. Interviewer: Very good. I want to be a great and talkative traveller because I want to travel to many countries in the world and have a lot of new foreign friend. Talking about your job | Speaking - Pre-intermediate A2 | British Council Skip to main content Do the preparation task first. Worksheets. Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. She won two gold medals in the Olympics in Athens in 2004. Best wishes, when i'll grow up i'll be a doctor. My teacher was my class this question, and they just want to be a doctor but I already know it's all fake. Giving personal information. (^_^), I want to be a detective! IELTS means more with the British Council Give yourself the best chance of success by taking IELTS with the British Council. Listen to the job interview to practise and improve your listening skills. And then the HR team, which currently has six people in it. Watch Sam and Pam as they find out about different jobs. See more. PrincessMelonBanana replied on 20 January, 2021 - 02:42 Indonesia Permalink. Please I need some clarifications. So, I'm looking to specialise, and as your company has around 2,000 people, right …? Kirk replied on 1 January, 2021 - 16:55 Spain. Saturdays are busy because that’s when everyone goes shopping. Because I would like to be helpful for patients especially for children. 3.67757. Listening > How to find a new job; How to find a new job. Maybe read some articles about job interview on foreign language on the Internet etc. She is still working in that current job, and has been working there for 3 years. Their career path _____ straightforward. 170. Animals Scene 1. Thanks. We'll be discussing all candidates next week and then I'll get back to you by the end of next week to let you know the outcome. Watch and listen to the video, which focuses on people living in a typical neighbourhood in the UK. I receive benefits from the government because I am not working so I need help. I want to be a doctor. Watch Sam and Pam as they find out about different jobs. C1-C2 5–10 minutes; Proficient US or UK pronunciation. Preparation is key Prepare for your English language job interview just as you would for any other interview. then ı definitely wanna go abroad and live there. Ilenias replied on 3 January, 2021 - 14:54 Italy. The super jobs. I want to be a nersery teacher because I like kids. 26. I am already doing my first anime and I am going to publish it and be a mangaka. Jobs . 55. But good site i really need to learn English. Working for the British Council offers you a unique opportunity to gain experience and develop skills in international cultural relations. Kitty's dream job. Situations include phone calls, meetings and interviews. Working for the British Council offers you a unique opportunity to gain experience and develop skills in international cultural relations. Thanks for inviting me. Can you understand the general idea in these voicemail messages? Can you spot the words with tricky spellings? : >. 55. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises. As there are only a few of us, we each deal with a range of HR topics. An invitation to a job interview . I have two quick questions though. Sometimes I also collect information about the HR manager of the company on LinkedIn to find out if we share common interests or values. How many words can you Sushi Spell in two minutes? The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. Of course, I try to find some if I know someone in that company to get useful information about who will interview me, how to behave and what salary to ask. Maria: Also, I'm used to taking a very personal approach to employee development. That's all really clear. Maria: Well, in my first job, four years ago, I was working for a small HR services provider which offered HR services, including L&D, to corporate clients. Stop wasting time. This material is an excellent resource to teach and learn English. I believe I excel in that field. Practise and improve your listening skills with these listenings and exercises. Shopping for clothes. Right, so, do you have any questions for me? Thanks for coming in for the interview. Thanks British Council. The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. 203x . Listen to the audio above and put the Sunita’s instructions on how a Jobcentre works in the order you hear them. The best one is a train driver, because he can travel to many places. When I pretend to cry, I tried many times, but my tears just flowed out on the right eye. Thanks for letting us know -- we're glad you find it useful! 3.99607. bottom_gay replied on 21 December, 2020 - 15:41 Malaysia. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. Do you know how to use 'will' for future predictions? It's a good point to refresh your language skills if the position demands this knowledge. Seeking asylum: Sara’s story. Do the preparation task first. I read a lot of applied science and know that engineers apply math and science knowledge to create new manufacturing methods and develop new processes. Before a job interview, I always collect information about the company, in particular, its core mission, values, and the projects they are currently working on. Listen to the mp3 file and put 1-2 words into each space to complete the resume/CV. I fly planes that take people to different places on holiday. Interviewer: That's a good question. Listen to the instructions for each section of the test carefully. It used to be that we _____ career. jogrereco replied on 1 January, 2021 - 15:14 Venezuela. 55. You will be part of a modern, rapidly changing organisation with worldwide influence and impact. Interviewer: Well, as you know, the company has been expanding and we have an opening in our HR department. Tina (LearnEnglish Teens team). See more. Topic: Jobs. Sam_Xavier replied on 22 January, 2021 - 10:51 Nigeria. Listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). I'd welcome the opportunity to continue discussing this role with you. EQUALITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION . Hennadii replied on 13 January, 2021 - 09:48 United Kingdom. up. Obviously, I try to predict future questions about my experience, the reason for job changing and so. Why!? When I was a young kid, I wanted to be a singer, but I prefer Idol, their cool and very famous. Well, before an interview I try to read as much as I can about the company, you know the company’s history, the values, mission and so on. 26. One time, my classmate ask me like that, and I say I want to be BILLIONAIRE WIFE. Interviewer: Well, there's the HR manager who you would report to. I work in the children’s department.
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