31개 이상부터는 연료를 채울 수 없다. Updated January 2020: CSR2 Formatting changes. Step 2. 3개 미만이면 빨간색, 4~10개면 파란색, 11~20개는 노란색, 21~30개까지는 보라색으로 연료가 표시된다. Compete against live players across the world with your custom built supercars including LaFerrari, McLaren P1™, Koenigsegg One:1 and many more. When it comes to tuning cars in CSR Racing 2 you have to know what you want the vehicle for. 8분마다 연료가 한 칸 채워지며, 20골드로 바로 연료를 채울 수도 있다. If you're a fan of tuning cars, few games deliver quite the caliber of experience that CSR Racing 2 does. Step 1. It's free to download and play, but there are some in-game real money purchases. But once you've finished tricking out your favorite roadster, it's time to … Trending Now. Below, we're listing all the base stats for every car in the game and highlighting which car wins in each category. We need to know how to modify the nitrous oxide tank, our final drive, and tire pressure or pull pressure. 163.3k Views 19 Comments. CSR 2 tuning guide and tips. CSR2 offers you 16 legends to get back in touch with your childhood auto-dreams. If you thought the first version looked incredible, your mind is going to be blown when you see what they've done with CSR Racing 2.. Just like the original, the development team has gone to the extreme to create painstakingly detailed, super realistic cars. Fully upgrade and fuse 250 GTO to stage 5. CSR2 Legends Update Beginners Guide to Success. Pick any T2 car and complete Earn Izzy’s Respect (4 Races Final Time 13.44) event to acquire the 250 GTO. r/CSRRacing2: For CSR2 and the CSR games-series. Teams were added to Hill Climb Racing 2 during the 1.25.0 update released in the first week of April 2019. 1 In … How to Win at CSR Racing. CSR Racing is a fun game available on Apple devices, Chromebooks, some Android devices, and some Windows computers and phones. … Next-Generation Graphics: In this title, Naturalmotion Games has redefined what you imagined to be realistic in an Android car-racing game on a smartphone and tablet. Step 4. Step 3. Then this is the guide for you. Start Restoration Rush (30 Races Final Time 11.997) complete up to race 15. Teams will get unlocked after reaching at least the rank Gold I. All CSR2 Cars With Best Time, Tune & Shift Pattern Chart (January 2021) Read More Times To Win Boss Cars in CSR2 (With Tempest) Read More Season 122 – Prestige Cup & Crew Milestone Cars (Inc. Tuning & Shift Pattern) CSR2 Legends Full Walkthrough 2021. by Tim April 5, 2020, 5:56 pm. Before posting: Please check the rules (on the sidebar and in the pinned post on the front page!) 연료: 게임을 한 판 할 때마다 소모하는 아이템이다. Want to quickly compare stats on all the cars in CSR Racing 2? CSR Racing 2 is NaturalMotion's second edition drag racer, and it's just launched on the App Store. One of the most interesting novelties of CSR Racing 2 is the possibility of tuning the car, varying its conditions to adapt it to one race or another.. Setting a new standard in visuals, CSR 2 delivers hyper-real drag racing to the palms of your hands. The Team update is a significant online update to Hill Climb Racing 2 allowing players to create teams (Clans) containing up to 50 players and battle against other clans in a series of events.
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