Tune your bike to the limit with our advanced ECU Flashing Products for Kawasaki, Honda, Suzuki, Ducati and … You can try to increase the ramp-up time in settings (with the software). Is this tool useful for other BAFANG controllers, like the ones that control 36V 350W Geared BAFANG Hub Motors. The program was not designed with scaling in mind. http://youtu.be/chcjvybu5cY I am shopping for a used PC as my loaner just died. If you see the changes you made after you read again, it should work. Luckily for all, Bafang hasn’t changed the communication protocol. Stephane, Hi, Hello! I’ve been told by other users that is works fine. It was an interesting experience for me. Sorry for the late answer. Do what you like at your own risk! I can read the flash and it has the changes but they don’t work. I am still trying to find the best settings on my bike, but I haven’t had such issues as I like to have the smooth start. I have no idea what might be causing this. Is it possible with this USB cable and the software to unlock the speed limit? Numerous bugs were fixed, regarding error messages and error checking, communication, parameter limits and so on. This is the only way to make use of the continuously enhanced smart functions, up-to-date maps and continuously improved features. On some systems it works fine with scaling, but on others the font scales and there is no space to show larger text. Tuning with Eplus allows a much wider range of … motor support without speed limitation (the maximum set value in the eMax software … If that wasn’t available I would have to walk and push the bike. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For using the full. send me : syk9150@hanmail.net, You want what? You can’t. I am sorry. Wenn Sie mit einem E-Bike verbunden sind wird die Unterstützungsstufe, die Reichweite + RHA(RHA = die Entfernung, die das Pedelec mit der aktuellen Unterstützungsstufe und dem Batterieladezustand zurücklegen kann) und der Batteriestatus (der aktuelle Ladezustand) auf dem Kartenbildschirm angezeigt. I don’t have access to BBSHD so I can’t test the software with one. I checked the source code and I found this: speBasCurrLim.MaxValue := data_in[17]; // limit control. The use of tuning tools is at your own risk. I am really sorry, but I can’t help much with BBSHD. I don’t have one to test it with. If you just want to use it on Mac, I would suggest that you use virtual Windows machine. Please inform yourself in advance and always follow the legal regulations. They are calling the display LCD 1300. I guess it is a Bafang DP C171.UART. The FREE Woolich Racing Tuned software allows you to make changes to the Fuel Maps, Ignition Maps, RPM Limiters, Secondary Throttle Plate Maps as well as many other maps and settings in your ECU. To use the software, it is necessary to have the SM-PCE1 or SM-PCE2 device, which allows the connection of the e bike to the PC. Deswegen haben wir diesen … Software updates bring even more eBike fun If you want to keep your eBike and on-board computer up to date at all times you should perform regular software updates. Is it possible to edit the font size of your program in the registry? Reach new heights by unlocking your ebike with Eplus software. I tried all windows and mac scaling options. (Check chapter 15 of this document if you encounter any initial problem), Use eMaxMobileApp to modify your bike according to your preferences, access to general downgrade documents (link to German Q&A page), document if STePS system is not working properly (PDF), Any inquiry or order via email will be responded within 24 hours on 7 days a week . You understood exactly how the code works. This setting is for protecting the battery only. It makes pedaling very natural unlike the BBS02. My program uses standard font, but not a system font and has fixed size. With eMax the speed limitation of the motorsupport on a bike with STEPS80xx motor will vanish.. If the holiday season brought you a new e-bike, it’s time to get up to speed on e-bike service and maintenance options. Parallels can’t help me. For example if i have to start the bike in a climb and i didn’t previously lowered the gear, so I’m in hard to push pedals ( 11teeth)….to start the bike i start pedaling and the motor start to assist me intermittently untill i don’t reach a minimum speed. Reply. Tuning isn't just some trivial offence . This way you will get smooth start. A software engineer friend of mine and I are interested in using this app on a Mac computer running macOS. Have you tried the original tool that I based mine on? or what? OK, that sounds strange. My program does not use registry keys except for listing COM ports. I have a Bafang FM G320.250R with a torque sensor! This will be impulse load to it which will wear it out faster. This is the latest generation of the well-known Tuning SpeedChip for Bosch E Bike mid-mounted engines, now with special quick connectors and improved software. I didn’t design it for scaling. connects to all Bluetooth capable display types of the STEPS system (SCE8000, SCEM800, SCE7000, SCE6100, SCE5003, SCE5000, EW-EN100). Hi Stefan that pedelecs with support up to 25 km/h and a rated continuous output of the motor … I have the same problem on native windows. Tuning is breaking the law, there's no doubt about it! BOSCH Tuning software - EBIKE SOFTWARE TUNING BOSCH Tuning software. I have been waiting for a Higo cable to arrive from Germany so I can make a programming lead. . compatible with all STEPS8000 motor firmware versions (different modification ranges for parameters depending on the currently installed motor firmware). I already have a Giant La Free e bike I use for commuting to work but find it in need of a couple more gears to slow my cadence when cruising, (and a bit more power for the hills). 60km/h are possible). The zip file has the full soirce code, so you will have to use that. Change ). I see a cheap PC with Windows 7. ( Log Out /  I won’t be held responsible for any kind of damage you might induce to your controller, motor, gears, bicycle or yourself. The bicycle runs fine so far and I finally finished rewriting the software that configures its controller. motor support without speed limitation (the maximum set value in the. eMaxMobileApp combines the best features of eMax, miniMax and freeMax in a single mobile app and runs on iOS and Android platforms. I try to explain better:the phenomenon only show up when i start pedaling but When the pas is lower levels the “intermittent start of the motor” ( that is the real problem) is less present especially if i start pedalling with a light gear ( example rear cassette at 32teeth). Take care: Regarding new motor firmware versions for DUE61X0, DUE7000, DUE80X0 drive units released from Shimano on Oct. 13, 2020. new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.35 as well as miniMax 2.00 for Windows released, new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.34 as well as miniMax 1.07 and freeMax 1.11 for Windows released, decreased VAT from 19% to 16% and related price reduction for licence key, new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.33 released, new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.32 released, new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.30 ready for download in Apple´s AppStore and Google´s PlayStore, Please take care when ordering a licence key…, current possibilities with our programs and apps, welcome to the newly designed eMax website, with the new eMaxMobileApp version 1.22 it is now possible to indicate battery parameters, downgrade via Bluetooth (iOS & Windows PC), downgrade via Bluetooth (Android & Windows PC), downgrade to FW 4.3.2 on DUE80X0 (PCE - interface & Windows PC). Unleash the full potential of your e-bike. Link was updated and now uses different sharing service. And does it work with bafang hub motors? The main purpose of the Windows™ based freeMax program is optimizing motor characteristics of a STEPS8000 drive unit in a very individual way. no additional interface to the bike necessary. Features of eMax up to motor firmware version 4.3.2 (for later firmware versions the tuning possibilities are limited, please refer to eMax documentation):. This software allows great improvement of the bike and the team support is very reactive. I will not make a long post for this so you won’t get bored. If it is too big, the reason for that is probably in your OS settings. Thank you for the comment. I was afraid this wouldn´t work, but it works very well with Di2 system. Now you don’t need administrative rights under windows 8 and 10 to be able to see the available COM ports. Try also to avoid this motor start situation as you have one plastic gear in the motor and loads that high are wearing it off faster. independent of the “US – mode” it is possible to indicate current values on the display in metric units (“km/h”, “km”,..) or imperial units (“mph”, “mls”,..). Nice program but almost useless for those with this issue unfortenately. possibility to change the transfer ratio to real setting after mechanical modifications. I'm considering the Orbea Gain with the rear hub motor (Ebikemotion X35 v.2) and wondering if anyone has an idea how to "fix" the speed limiter of 25 kph. Text in the window should look like on my screenshots. Custom settings for motor assistance, torque and power can also be configured via a mobile app. Thank you for the kind words about my project! Compatibility with BBS##B drives has been confirmed by many users now. compatible with all STEPS8000 firmware versions up to 4.6.1. Wenn ein E-Bike … I have a bbs02 48V@500W, I would like to set it to 750W (I know the risk…) Jean-Marie. With eMaxMobileApp the speed limitation of the motor support on any bike with STEPS80xx motor will vanish. Use Our Parts Finder Make. There is no registry setting of any kind for my program. Hi, I would like to reprogramm my BBS02 and I’m looking for a cable for it, if possible in Europe, I have read the post from Mark Robson that he could order one in Germany, could you tell me (or Mark) where to find one please, thanks. …the most advanced tuning tool for the Shimano STEPS system. EMax Software for Shimano e8000 with or without. Nice tool, but seems to have a problem with the BBSHD: Bug report: Somehow on my BBSHD, the basic settings do not save correctly. Doing any changes to your controller might lead to damage. AUD GBP USD EUR CAD NZD. The problem is Windows scaling, which doesn’t care if a program is capable of handling it or not. I don’t use Mac so I can’t help. possibility to adjust the wheel circumference to the real value for speed accuracy.
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