Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism: The Political Economy and Cultural Construction of Social Activism. (2019, May 30). Peitsch, H. (2019). (accessed on August 9, 2019), Kliche, T. (2019). doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0481-1. UN Doc FCCC/CP/2015/ 10/Add.1. On the other hand, individuals and a few FFF subgroups point at the political and social struggles at the heart of their action. Available online at: ZEIT Campus. Bundesregierung (2019). Negotiations with politicians about technical details are seen as forms of distraction that limit the range of thinkable alternatives (INTERVIEW _3). Networks such as Entrepreneurs for Future see the need for green businesses such as solar rooftop installations which experienced an increased demand due to the school protests (Böcking, 2019). Collective climate action and networked climate governance. Welzer, H. (2019). Figure 2. Meidinger, H.-P. (2019, August 30). Ortsgruppen. Marxism, prefigurative communism, and the problem of workers control. “Phoenixpersönlich” mit der klimaschutz-aktivstin luisa neubauer, Phoenixpersönlich. The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: Auch Bundesumweltministerin Rev. (2018). As a compromise, leading activists like Luisa Neubauer agreed to forward media requests to local groups and limit her own presence in public debates (Süß, 2019). Gubbins, N. (2010). Michael hüther: iw-chef fordert ende der “Fridays-for-Future”-Streiks. Emcke, C. (2019, April 12). Bulkeley, H., Andonova, L. B., Betsill, M. M., Compagnon, D., Hale, T., and Hoffmann, M. J. Available online at: Stud. Süddeutsche Zeitung. Future for Fridays, Tageszeitung taz, 11. Quecke, F. (2019b, August 1). While slogans such as “there is no OR between nature and economy” underline this reformist understanding that is based on technological innovations and ideas of ecological modernization (FFF_rally_1), others demanded “system change, not climate change” through large-scale societal transformations or the abolishment of the capitalist system (FFF_rally_2). doi: 10.1177/1525822X10388468, Diani, M. (1992). Ein Wirtschaftssystem, das auf wachstum und profit ausgelegt ist, kann nicht nachhaltig sein. Open and partly anonymous letters from activists criticize non-transparency, knowledge hierarchies, and a lack of direct democratic decision making (Anonymous, 2019a; Schirmer, 2019). (3) Questions of de-politicization are rarely raised in this context. While FFF has sparked discussions about climate change around the world, the movement's effects on broader societal change remain unclear. Climate science, the IPCC, and the Paris Agreement are framed as a common ground for action in strong alliance with the scientific community. Available online at: Although it is too early to conceptualize these narratives and positions as full-fledged, comprehensive, institutionalized imaginaries, they can illustrate the emergence and collapse of conflicting norms and worldviews in the movement. Commentators showed understanding for the students' frustration and concerns, and described the climate protests as morally absolutely “justified” (Klein, 2019). According to FFF's official demands (FFF Germany, 2019e), political reforms, economic incentives and technological advancement are needed to fulfill the Paris Agreement and achieve its 1.5°C target. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17. Commentators argue that a complete coal phase-out would make a “mega blackout” similar to experiences from Latin American countries more likely in Europe (Wetzel, 2019a). Die Welt. (2019, June 24). In September 2019, Germany's federal government presented the country's first-ever comprehensive climate change legislation right before the global climate action summit took place in New York. (2019, May 15). Yet, these radical perspectives struggle to make their voice heard against the dominant moderate claims. âWir haben nicht mehr wahnsinnig viel Zeitâ, sagt Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn mit Blick auf den Klimawandel. Child. Taking into account the characteristics of a young, diverse, and quickly developing movement, we can mobilize the concept of imaginaries to explore the disruptive nature of the FFF movement to established climate politics. 9, 58–78. ZDF (2019). “The pursuit of utopian goals” (Buechler, 2000, p. 207) is essential in outlining an alternative to the status quo and the creation of alternatives through prefigurative activism means to reject existing hierarchies and refuse centralized power structures that (re)produce power imbalances (Boggs, 1978). Available online at: (accessed on August 12, 2019). (2019). Princen, T., and Finger, M. (1994). On February 15th, more than 30000 students went on strike all over the country, organized by more than 150 regional groups (FFF Germany, 2019c)3. Klimaschutz: “Noch entschiedener und schneller handeln”, Der Tagesspiegel. Spiegel Online. 6, 99–122. ZDF. Scholz, C. (2019, April 5). Klein, S. (2019). Wiley Interdiscip. Such a movement is not only confronted with critical debates, but also characterized by internal tensions, conflicts, and ambiguities. A few commentators and intellectuals attached their ideas of broader societal change, anti-capitalism, or fundamental criticism of the political system to the movement (Leick, 2019). Does FFF mark a revival of the political in a field that has sparked debates about depoliticization and the post-political (Swyngedouw, 2011)? These imaginaries gain “traction through blatant exercises of power or sustained acts of coalition building” (Sand and Schneider, 2017, p. 22), e.g., through campaigns by social movements. Under the label scientists for future, a large group of scholars backed FFF, called their concerns and demands “justified” and based on “robust scientific evidence,” adding a call to expand renewable energy, implement energy savings measures and move toward more sustainable consumption patterns (Hagedorn et al., 2019, p. 80). SPD-Fraktionsvize Matthias Miersch warf Lindner einen Rückfall „in die Steinzeit“ vor. Rucht, D. (2019). Die Welt. Available online at: (accessed on August 12, 2019), Anonymous (2019b). Particularly during the first nationwide FFF congress in August, where thousands of activists discussed the future of the movement, protestors raised their frustration over the professionalization of FFF (Schirmer, 2019) that started as a grassroots movement, but quickly “came of age” (Chase, 2019). (1) Organizational strategy: Topical protest vs. political mass-movement: Especially early debates about FFF revolved around the conflict between the students' duty to go to school and their right to protest (George, 2019). Telepolis.
For example, Henrik Peitsch (education and science workers' union) stated his hope that the protests should trigger debates about a “transformation of society” that goes beyond incremental change and reforms (Peitsch, 2019). Available online at:, . “Social movements and contested sociotechnical imaginaries in south korea,” in Dreamscapes of Modernity. Available online at: A number of politicians, commentators and environmentalists alike have celebrated FFF as an important trigger not only for more effective climate politics (Böcking, 2019) but also for broader political and societal change (Unfried, 2019a). Pötter, B. States of Knowledge. Received: 23 December 2019; Accepted: 12 June 2020; Published: 22 July 2020. Interaktion Meta-Governance Hybridisierung "Responsive regulation" "Regulation by information" "Enforced self-regulation" Stakeholder Management (Steurer 2013) Derx 2011 zit. Wir Jugendlichen streiken öffentlich, im Namen der FridaysForFuture Bewegung dafür, dass das Pariser Klimaabkommen eingehalten, und die 1,5 Grad Celsius Grenze nicht ⦠Planting trees to mitigate climate change: contested discourses of ecological modernization, green governmentality and civic environmentalism. Glob. Beyond these controversies about the legitimate form of school strikes, FFF also triggered debates about stronger youth involvement in climate politics (FFF Germany, 2019e), and revived discussions about democratic participation. J. Environ. For example, Fisher (2019) argues that no matter how effective the youth movement will be in fostering stricter climate regulations, “this growing movement will have substantial and important consequences around the world as it facilitates more active participants in democracy” (Fisher, 2019, p. 430). Among others, ideas to decrease the minimum voting age to 16 were discussed in the context of FFF (Welzer, 2019). Grenzgänger: Anti-Kohle-Proteste am Tagebau Garzweiler. Are we witnessing a new social movement that stands up against the adult world, blaming ruling elites not only for their failed climate politics but also for refusing well-established norms, values, rules, and institutions? In 2019, FFF has shaped public debates on climate change throughout the year, and the school protests were often portrayed as a powerful protest movement, pushing for more ambitious climate action. These more radical ideas of direct and democracy were expressed by youth representatives and experts during the interviews but rarely entered the public discourse (Interview_4, Interview_5). With this work, we provide a first overview on the competing motifs, rationales and narratives not only within the German FFF movement, but also in media debates. Only a few months after Greta Thunberg initiated her school strike in front of the Swedish Parliament, the German FFF movement gained momentum in early 2019. The Post-Political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticization and Spectres of Radical Politics. Conceptualizing climate governance beyond the international regime. Mobilizing the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries enables us to explore the meanings attached to political demands and their broader implications for social order, power relations, science & technology. Agree. Klicken Sie oben rechts in Ihren Browser auf den Button Ihres Ad-Blockers und deaktivieren Sie die Werbeblockierung für Following the methods suggested by Jasanoff (2015), we systematically mined our qualitative material for insights into the framings and justifications behind climate action outlined by and related to FFF. Hess, D. J. Green growth and ecological modernization are seen as viable solutions to sustain a market-based economy while at the same time, protect the environment. While media articles portrait extinction rebellion as FFF's more “radical sister” (Fahrion, 2019), several school strikers refuse such a label as they consider themselves radical in opposition to mainstream climate politics, aiming to achieve broader societal change (Konicz, 2019). Klovert, H. (2019, April 5).
FFF Germany (2019e). In contrast to a dystopian vision of a society that fails to react to global warming, the movement envisions a world that acknowledges the urgency of climate change and immediately takes action to tackle the climate crisis and guarantee a livable future on earth (Tomsic, 2019). Available online at: Hüther, M. (2019). Am Dienstag 10:00 Bundespressekonferenz werden das tausende von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern in einer Stellungnahme erklären. Würde Adorno zu “Fridays for Future” gehen? Policy Plann. Verso: London and New York. FFF had pushed the German government to develop a strong climate law before September 2019 and quickly criticized the reached compromise as unsatisfying and insufficient to tackle the global climate crisis (Kreutzfeldt and Pötter, 2019). Rather than outlining a broader political program with fundamental societal change, FFF spokespersons describe FFF as a pragmatic, consensus-oriented, and “one of the most conservative” (Neubauer and Reimers, 2019) movement one can imagine. Available online at: Bellberg, G. (2019, March 22). 2. Tageszeitung taz, 20–22. The work by Pepermans and Maeseele (2016) on the politization of climate change and their argument for a critical debate perspective to foster transformative change is an important conceptual point of departure. doi: 10.1007/s11569-017-0293-6. Wälti, S. (2010). Koos, S., and Naumann, E. (2019). doi: 10.1162/GLEP_a_00362, Hanke, K. (2011). “A political economy of sustainability: alternative pathways and industrial innovation,” in Pragmatic Sustainability: Theoretical and Practical Tools, ed. (accessed on August 4, 2019). Reiche, L. (2019, September 18). Lund: Lund University. #6MonateNixPassiert. We then outline the analytical framework for this study in Section Analyzing Contested Visions of the Future: Emerging Imaginaries, largely based on the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries. Sociotechnical imaginaries and science and technology policy: a cross-national comparison. This analysis, therefore, opens up the debate about the political positions, ideas of social order, and visions of the future expressed through and attached to the movement and its claims. Hauptversammlung: klima-aktivisten stellen rwe ein 47-tage-ultimatum. COVID-19 ⦠Three years later, Greta Thunberg's school strike outside the Swedish parliament inspired thousands of students around the world to protest against their political leaders' inability to adequately respond to climate change. Auch der Direktor des Potsdamer Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung, Ottmar Edenhofer, unterstützt die Proteste. doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2017.07.001, Evensen, D. (2019). Tageszeitungen in deutschland. Das ist eine Sache für Profis. To do so, our study draws upon a discourse analysis based on news articles, official documents, and speeches, complemented by qualitative interviews with youth representatives and experts involved in the movement to identify competing imaginaries and themes of contestation. German media coverage about FFF was constantly high throughout 2019 with spikes around the mass protests in March, May and September. Fridays for Future. FFF has fostered not only debates about Germany's coal phase-out or the price of carbon (Duhm, 2019), but also brought topics on the political agenda that have received little attention before, including debates about flight shaming or local governments' decisions to declare a state of climate emergency (ZEIT, 2019). Instead, politicians are in general not accepted as speakers during their rallies and media portrays the movement or even more generally “the youth protesting on the streets” as a widely homogenous movement with little internal conflicts or political debates (Rucht, 2019). Exploring FFF's disruptive potential means to discuss the movement's ability to re-politicize climate politics by reviving antagonism and a dispute over competing ideas of a livable society. Int. Stöcker, C. (2019, September 22). Figure 1. Commentators, politicians and a broad range of social actors link their political claims and agendas to a movement that struggles to maneuver between ecological reforms and radical anti-capitalism. Recognizing FFF's diversity in terms of claims and subject positions, we simplify our analysis here by distinguishing between two idealized types of emerging imaginaries: While a moderate imaginary aims for reforms within the existing system based on a cooperative approach that is guided by science, techno-optimism and ecological modernization, a radical imaginary entails more disruptive forms of systematic change in confrontation with established norms and institutions. The concept of social movement. Wir Profis sagen, die junge generation hat recht. Environmental governance scholars have also developed multiple analytical perspectives to account for the complex interrelations between the “multiple sites of climate politics” (Stripple and Bulkeley, 2011, p. 6), including multi-level environmental governance (Wälti, 2010), polycentric governance (Jordan et al., 2018), networked governance (Tosun and Schoenefeld, 2017), or fragmented climate governance (Zelli, 2011). At the same time, FFF generated an increased interest in general environmental concerns due to overconsumption such as plastic waste (Gehm, 2019) or air traffic (Gehm, 2019). These measures were taken to ensure that Germany fulfills its commitment to the Paris Agreement and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels (Bundesregierung, 2019). Kritik der Klimaaktivisten an den Parteien Fridays for Future: Ungemütlich politisch. While FFF school strikers in local groups like Cologne demanded flat hierarchies, democratic decision making and broad forms of representation during FFF Germany's first summer congress in Dortmund, others justified the need for key figures to coordinate action, take opportunities and represent the movement in public debates (Schirmer, 2019). They often explore the governance functions of non-state actors typically discussed in climate governance research (Lövbrand and Stripple, 2011, p. 27). However, an interviewed youth representative highlights the importance of knowledge claims by affected people, youth and other marginalized groups as critical discontent to the science-driven discourse (Interview_2). Change 9, 428–30. 9
Available online at: Wir leben nicht in einer Aristokratie. Phönix vor Ort. Wer noch mal demonstriert, bekommt ärger. We employ the conceptual framework of sociotechnical imaginaries to analyze the tensions between competing student-led visions of the future in the German FFF movement. (2019, January 23). Section Emerging Imaginaries: Moderate vs. FFF sparked debates about concrete climate policy reforms (Lang, 2019)—often linked plans and initiatives developed by the Federal Government's “climate cabinet.” Public debates about topics like the coal-phase-out were linked to or reflected through FFF voices and protests (Bauchmüller, 2019). Greenpeace. Climate Governance at the Crossroads: Experimenting With a Global Response After Kyoto. They all join forces to challenge the status quo of the climate mitigation pathway propagated by the German government, but with different motifs and conflicting visions of the future. Climate change made its comeback as the key topic in public debates thanks to a highly diverse group that political decision-makers have long portrayed as apolitical or neglected altogether: children and youth. (accessed on August 12, 2019). Der Spiegel. In a related press conference held in Berlin's Museum of Natural History in front of a gigantic Brachiosaurus skeleton, FFF spokesperson Sebastian Grieme explained that an immediate shut-down of one-fourth of all coal power plants in Germany would be “doable” and the complete phase-out should be realized by 2030 instead of 2038 (FFF Germany, 2019d; Lang, 2019). Kim (2015) has developed seven analytical categories to juxtapose dominant imaginaries vs. critical discontent for the context of nuclear imaginaries in South Korea. Your research can change the worldMore on impact ›, Critical Approaches to Climate Change and Civic Action
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