Wyrmrest Valley. World Quests. Locations. Liyue Harbor's Changchang needs three Silk Flowers. Talk to NPCs with an Exclamation Point ; 2. In the game they are described as: These quests are treated like Random Events and can activate in various locations. Trigger upon entering Mt. 0. It has also added bounties which … Make sure to progress the main story too! By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Reputation Requests in Mondstadt are unlocked after completing Knight of the Realm. Get one of 3 Ancient Investigation Journal, Talk to Esther n the north of Wyrmrest Valley, Clear The Great Mountain Survey I and talk to Esther, talk to Joel near the entrance of Dragonspine, Complete "Tales Of Winter" daily comission and talk to Viktor at the Cathedral, Talk to Childish Jiang near the North of Mt. Some have Adventure Rank requirements or are only available after a certain Archon Quest has been completed. ReddIt. Occasionally, you will come across the scenario when multiple quests involve different characters. 【Monster Hunter Rise】Best Weapon Tier List, 【Monster Hunter Rise】All Confirmed Monsters List, 【Genshin Impact】Tower Defense (Theater Mechanicus) Event Guide, Five Flushes Of Fortune - Photo Exchange Forum, Talk to Wagner the Blacksmith in Mondstadt, Talk to Dr. Livingstone in the Dadaupa Gorge, Talk to Marjorie after reaching Adventure Rank 9, Talk to a girl at a flower shop behind the main gat, Talk to Aramis in front of the Mondstadt cathedral, Unlocks by Visiting Starsnatch Cliff, Monstadt, Talk to Grace at the plaza in front of Mondstadt Cathedral, Unlcoks by visiting Windwail Highland, Mondstadt, Reach the island to the East of Stormbearer Point, Talk to Wagner the blacksmith in Mondstadt. Blueprint. Talk To Iris To Get … For this quest you will need to track down four different items in Mondstadt. It is recommended to raise your adventure rank as you may find new areas with NPCs that you can talk to for quests! Helen from Mondstadt needs ten Sweet Flowers. How to get a 5-star artifact in Genshin Impact from a secret quest after getting all Geoculus! Genshin Impact is the latest open-world fantasy RPG and its gameplay is very engaging. Pass near Allan while he is in trouble in Windrise, Help Dr. Edith take something to Dr. Livingstone, Help Dr. Livingstone take something to Dr. Edith. The Adventurers' Guild is taking on a growing number of commissions, and Katheryne is finding it hard to keep up. For the main storyline quests, see Archon Quests. Continue Reading Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. 1. Genshin Impact The Festering Fang quest guide. The players have recently been asking a lot of questions recently. Show All Hide All. Clerk Zhao is so swamped with work that she can't even get a moment to herself. Glory from Mondstadt needs three sets of Dandelion Seeds. This wiki is an English resource for information about the Global version of the game. By Eddy Robert Last updated Feb 11, 2021. The Lingering Malady quest will become available in Genshin Impact at Adventure Rank 30. World quests missions in Genshin Impact. World Level 4. Two quests to increase your Adventure Rank quickly 1. The Chalk Prince and the Dragon is a currently ongoing event in Genshin Impact, during which players can complete a number of different story quests and challenges. By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. Allan is in trouble. Continue Reading Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button … Emerald Maple's Mr. Zhu is feeling nostalgic for an old delicacy. Manly Jack needs three Chicken-Mushroom Skewers/Mondstadt Grilled Fish/two steaks. In The Mountain - How To Get? Besides its great graphic and interesting storyline, you can also explore the map for the treasures and some hidden quests. Finish In The Mountain and talk to the Chef at Dragonspine Encamptment. In the Mountains is a quest in Genshin Impact. Once activated, the quest can be lost if you take too long to start the first step or wander too far from the quest's starting location. Defeat the monsters and save Allan. Find and complete the hidden quests to increase your adventure rank, and also to get some great rewards. Genshin Impact Mobile Video Game Guides. Genshin Impact Dainsleif questions: Which answers to give As long as you're at least Adventure Rank 36, you should be able to access the world quest … Aramis of the Knights of Favonius is currently mulling over how he might retrieve them... Now that Mondstadt has been spared from disaster, Sister Grace would like to offer her thanks to the Anemo Archon for its protection of the city. starsilver ore. Genshin Breaking News. Check Out How To Raise Adventure Rank Here! The Millelith soldier Kun is currently looking for help with the cleanup work... You learn from a Millelith named Kun that there are plans to rebuild the previously destroyed Jade Chamber and that some small preparations to that end are already taking place... Liyue Harbor's Master Zhang need ten Iron Chunks. Here’s how to do it: The ruin. Below are all fourteen quests and where to find them. Learn about the best ways to get more Primogems, more Fate, and how to farm for Wishes in Genshin Impact right here. LATEST (TOCS4) Trails Of Cold Steel IV 4 – Cedric’s Forces (Bonus AP – Reduce HP Within 40 Turns) Guide. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. Hu Tao Banner - Release Date & 4 Star Characters. Justice, For Book’s Sake, is a quest you will get access to in Genshin Impact at Adventure Level 26. You discover a strange journal in the mountains that tells the secrets of a certain kingdom. The fallen meteorites have turned Mondstadt upside down, inside and out. In an effort to hone his alchemical skills. Blacksmith 0. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The Chi of Guyun quest is one of them. World Quests for Monstadt You hop right on board to investigate... Gliding or swimming onto the boat triggers a cutscene. Raising your Adventure Rank will also raise the world level and may even unlock new areas. Archon Quests. Interact with the Ruin Tablet in Minlin's Ruins. Genshin Impact has received version 1.1 which has added some new characters plus a reputation system and more. While investigating the movements of monsters at the Thousand Winds Temple, Jack was discovered due to his recklessness and attacked. Genshin Impact offers a Plethora of quests. I'm sure you know this already, but haven't updated this page, but to access a lone ship in guyun, there is a ship to the east of the guyun stone forest. Talk to NPCs with an Exclamation Point. Who knows what secret it holds? Genshin Impact has become one of the most popular RPG game this month. Story Quests. Manager Kuan is troubled over this matter... A little girl is hoping you'll play a game with her... Vermeer, an artist who is looking for inspirational material near Luhua Pool, seems to have hit a snag, and is looking for help... Nine stone pillars tower over the barren plains, and they appear to disguise some mystery... Read the stone tablet in the middle of Cuijue Slope. Genshin Impact: How To Fix Character Involved in Other Quests Issue Here's a quick guide on how to solve character involved in other quests problem in Genshin Impact. The adventurer Hughes is a wind glider fanatic. They are currently trying to find more information about Genshin Impact snapshots guide. The post The Chi of Guyun Quest guide – Genshin Impact appeared first on Gamepur. New World Quests may appear when you get past a certain point of the main story! Some have Adventure Rank requirements or are only available after a certain Archon Quest has been completed. Check out our story walkthrough for more information on Archon Quests! Tianheng, Talk to Nervous An in Liyue Harbor (AR30 required), Unlockable by talking a girl standing on Wuwang Hill, Talk to Yan'er near the teleport point located in the South of Wuwang Hill, Interact with the Ruin Tablet in Jueyun Karst, Interact with Ancient Tablet in Tianqiu Valley, Talk to Soraya near the ruin located to the South of Guili Plains, Talk to Lan in Liyue Harbor's Adventurers' Guild, Go to Mt. Reputation Requests in Liyue are unlocked after completing Ministry Missions and Archon Quest Chapter 1, Act 3: A New Star Approaches. 1 thought on “ Genshin Impact – List Of Side Quests Guide ” Pingback: Genshin Impact – The Yaksha's Wish (Side Quest) Guide. Aozang after completing Chapter 1: Act 1, Talk to Lan at Liyue Harbor's Adventure Guild, 1. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. Something seems to be troubling Troubled Lianne... Something seems to be troubling Margaret... Springvale's Brook requires six servings of Fowl/Raw Meat. So far, all Requests give 40 Liyue Reputation EXP and 20,000 Mora. If you are lucky, you can even get some rare weapons or materials. Genshin Impact Diamond in the Rough Quest When "Diamond in the Rough" pops up as one of a player's Daily Commissions, they need to head over to Liyue Harbor and talk to Shitou. Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. Geri needs two Sweet Madames/two servings of Flaming Red Bolognese. Abyssal Domain 0. The Genshin Impact Uninvited Guests quest is one that takes place during the fourth act of the ongoing The Chalk Prince and the Dragon event. By. Due to the constant descent of meteorites from the sky, it has become too unsafe to go outside. You discovered a strange encampment in Lingju Pass. There are four types of quests in Genshin Impact i.e Story quests, Archon quests, World quests, and daily Commission quests. World quests missions in Genshin Impact. by Tula Dec 8, 2020 Feb 12, 2021. Twitter. Qingce is hiding some secrets... Talk to the hooded person near the entrance of the ruins south of Qingce Village. While out exploring, you may run across NPCs that have an exclamation mark above their heads. World Quests give insight into the various locations and stories of the world. Ishan Dey - February 18, 2021. The storm has subsided, but Cyrus seems displeased... As you walk through Mondstadt, Paimon is attracted by the aroma of food... Paimon believes in order meet the adventures that are to come, it would be best to first make some preparations. Aozang's Central Lake. The ship appears to be quite luxurious, all the more reason to hop right on board. With so many currencies available across Genshin Impact, it can be tricky to know which ones you need to hone-in on to get the … Although, there are also a handful of events and world quests that were also added to the game. Facebook. The game is Free-to-Play with a Gacha monetization system in the form of Wishes. In the aftermath of the collision between the Jade Chamber and That Which Lies in the Deep, the sea remains dotted with floating fragments of the Jade Chamber. A heavily armed ship of unknown origins has stopped outside Guyun Stone Forest. The poet Qingzhou would like to capture these shifts in verse... You meet Alrani, whom you once saved from a cage, in Liyue Harbor. World Quests give insight into the various locations and stories of the world. The post And This Treasure Goes To Quest Guide – Genshin Impact appeared first on Gamepur. Even though rocks are falling from the skies, some Knights of Favonius are still attending to their duties outside the city. With this event, players are able to participate in a variety of minigames to earn Peace Talismans. There's No Restoring This Past Land Of Beauty. After the storm, head housemaid Adelinde is preparing to render the Dawn Winery spick and span on the inside and out, but things aren't going so smoothly... Paimon has discovered a very unique store... Viktor is looking for someone to help him gather some local specialties... Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild seems to have a new commission for you. So far, all Requests give 40 Mondstadt Reputation EXP and 20,000 Mora. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mondstadt's crisis has passed, but Cyrus seems... unhappy? Genshin Impact Interactive Map [Work in Progress] 1.2 Update: Dragonspine map added. WhatsApp. Millelith soldier Jiayi wants to send a gift to his daughter. Players must find the starting NPC to receive these quests. Liyue Harbor's Herbalist Gui needs three Violetgrass/three Qingxin/ten Mints. Related: Genshin Impact: 5 Side Quests Explaining Mondstadt's History (And Guides For Each One) With the addition of Dragonspine, though, players can now earn a wealth of primogems without having to venture to Liyue in the early hours of gameplay. 100% Exploration Checklist? Approach and talk to them in order to trigger the start of the World Quest! The recent storms have been affecting business at Dawn Winery, so Elzer is trying his best to come up with ideas to get things back in order... Katheryne of the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild seems to have something to tell you. Unlocks as the … Search . Below is a guide to every single quest that gives Primogems in Mondstadt. She's looking to somebody who could help her... Huffman has his hands full with cleanup work that followed the storm... Due to the storm that swept through the city, the posters and signboards of many shops have been blown off to the rooftops and city walls of Mondstadt. How To Unlock World Quest. Genshin Impact Wishes Guide: How to Farm Primogems to Get More Wishes It’s time to get those five-star rewards! Knights of Favonius Handbook - 5th Edition, What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals, https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/World_Quests?oldid=115410. Guild 0. update 25/12/2020. The Genshin Impact Equivalent Exchange quest offers you a good chance to earn some tasty rewards, so this guide will show you how to start the quest, what you need to do to complete it, … Each has a story chapter named after their constellation which players can unlock to learn more about the character and possibly play as them briefly as … In The Mountain - Walkthrough Chart; In The Mountains - Rewards List ; Version 1.2 Update - Release Date & Information In The Mountains - How To Get? GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. This guide includes list of all available world quests, guide, locations, how to unlock, and more! Raise your Adventure Rank; 3. Genshin Impact Interactive Map of Teyvat - All locations, Anemoculi, Geoculi, Waypoints, Chests, Quests & more! These are the quests you'll receive to progress the storyline of Genshin Impact. Liyue Shrine of Depths Key ×3 Some have Adventure Rank requirements or are only available after a certain Archon Quest has been completed. Continue Reading Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. To avoid griefing, you will not be able to post or report for the first %d hours upon visiting this forum for the first time. He's looking for someone to help bring that flavor back to him. In fact, there are fourteen world quests currently in the game that give the player primogems upon completion. Story Quests. Check back soon as more World Quests and unlock conditions will be added as soon as they're confirmed! This guide includes list of all available world quests, guide, locations, how to unlock, and more! Time and the Wind. Katheryne from the Adventurers' Guild has sent you an invitation. Interact with the Ancient Tablet in Tianqiu Valley's Ruins. Home > Genshin Impact > Genshin Impact Character Involved Quest Guide. The most rewarding quest right now on Mondstadt, this will you 500 XP. To get there, glide from the peak of the island that the domain of guyun is on to the ship, or use a cryo character. Upon completing them, players can earn these to purchase a 4-star character of their choice. Each character has a story chapter named after their constellation which players can unlock to learn more about the character and possibly play as them briefly as a "trial" character, even if they do not own the character. Wangshu Inn's Smiley Yanxio needs two Hams/Sausages/strips of Bacon. How To Unlock World Quests; Mondstadt World Quests; Liyue World Quests; Check Out Archon Quests Here! It seems Mt. Luckily, the region of Liyue is rich in quests that reward primogems upon completion. So to help you guys out, we have listed out complete Genshin Impact snapshot quest guide just for you. This is a guide to World Quests in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact Liyue side quests, world quest guides, Vemeer's Paintbrush, Chi of Guyun, world quests map, world quest locations. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. There are hundreds of quests available to complete in Genshin Impact, from Story Quests to World Quests and Commissions. But he thinks this mammoth task is too much for one person. Genshin Impact - Wiki Guide & Walkthrough, All World Quest List - Locations & How To Unlock. X. The Chi of Guyun is a multi-step quest that involves activating statues. General Shop 0. World Quests give insight into the various locations and stories of the world. Table of contents. Not to be confused with Archon Quests, Story Quests involve the party members you receive through the story or from Wishes. NOTE: This is currently a work in progress. Something seems to have happened here. Copyright© 2012-2020 miHoYo ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You can perform this quite easily using the Cryo characters.From there, you must go to an abandoned camping spot where a breakable rock waits for … Many meteorites have landed outside the city of Mondstadt, wreaking havoc everywhere. The recent crisis that beset Liyue Harbor has reinvigorated interest in history. Dragonspine Spear. Genshin Impact: The Illumiscreen 3 Quest Guide. The storm has just ended, and Cyrus from the Adventurers' Guild is currently planning to clear the Treasure Hoarders out... You reach an uninhabited island across the sea, which is home to an enigmatic sundial. This is because a number of players have been facing issues clearing this quest. At Lan's direction, Tiantian of the Adventurers' Guild has ben put in charge of distributing commissions, but she has no idea what sort of commissions she should be giving out to adventurers... You met a strange person on Mt. To that end, he travels the world, constantly polishing his gliding skills. About • Official Website • Official News • Manga Genshin Impact is an open-world, action RPG developed and published by miHoYo for PC, iOS/Android, and PS4 platforms. Players looking to complete Genshin Impact's third and final Illumiscreen Lantern Rite Tale will find all chest locations and solutions in this guide. Table of Contents. Search. Guides; Genshin Impact The Chi of Guyun – Quest Guide. This guide includes Scarlet Quartz location, how to unlock dragonspine locations, how to reach peak of Dragonspine & rewards! In this article we'll be going over the benefits to completing World Quests, how to find them, and have a list with their rewards! Genshin Impact is packed with side quests, with many of them involving riddles and puzzles. Wanwen Bookhouse has seen a resurgence in business as a result, and its owner Jifang is on the verge of being overwhelmed... Changchang from Liyue Harbor is looking for someone to get some food for a little puppy... Jiayi from Liyue Harbor has gotten himself tangled up in more troublesome affairs, and is looking for some help... Liyue's crisis has settled down, but it has brought a wave of change to the city. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. Please read the Community Page before editing! There is no denying that Genshin Impact has numerous quests … Genshin Impact is currently hosting one of its biggest events yet with the Lantern Rite. Related: Genshin Impact: Is The Manga Important To The Story & 9 Other Facts You Need To Know. Xiao & Invitation to Mundane Life Event Wish. Alchemy 0. Story Walkthrough. It seems that many of her flowers have suddenly been blown away by the wind. Use the progress tracker to find everything! Viktor appears to have lost something important, and is talking to himself, flummoxed... Due to the meteor shower, Jiayi's plan to return home to see his family has been canceled yet again. Table of Contents. Start the quest by gliding and swimming to the boat. The Chasm remains closed by order of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which has put the Blackcliff Forge out of action since. Players must find the starting NPC to receive these quests. The Dawn Winery's Connor requires ten servings of Wheat/three Flaming Flower Stamens/three Mist Flower Corollas/three sets of Dandelion Seeds. Players must find the starting NPC to receive these quests. Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A mysterious ship has dropped anchor outside Liyue Harbor. There are tons of side quests in Genshin Impact that take the puzzle route, often perplexing players. At the adventurer camp, Iris informs you that there seems to be some bizarrely hard ice blocking the paths into the mountains. Alfred from Mondstadt needs three
. Strange tooth. Inspect one of the items near the encampment in Lingju Pass. Something's wrong with the stairway at Wangshu Inn, and it's been closed for repairs. Hanfeng, "Cold Blade" needs ten Iron Chunks. To enable it, you must walk through the water until you reach the Nameless Island. Since some hidden quests … The post Luhua Landscape Quest guide – Genshin Impact appeared first on Gamepur. Millelith Qiaoxi is tasked with guarding a major thoroughfare to Dihua Marsh. Share .
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