The Georgia Guidestones 10 Commandments. The Georgia Guidestones. These ten “messages” are written on the Guidestones in eight different languages. I need comments and feed back before I publish. In my article Sinister Sites : The Georgia Guidestones, I took a thorough look at the Georgia Guidestones and at its ominous message for humanity. Image Credits: Jon Thompson/Getty Images. On a hill in Elbert County, Georgia (rural eastern Georgia) stands 5 large upright granite blocks. Georgia Guidestones, Vaccines, World Depopulation and the NWO. The main purpose of the Georgia Guidestones is to relay a message from the writers to the world, a message of one worldism, a one world government. That is the very first command etched into the Georgia Guidestones. Hey guys, sorry it took so long to upload this video. The Georga Guidestones are located in Elbert County, Georgia, approximately 90 miles (145 kilometers) east of Atlanta, and 9 miles (15 kilometers) north of the center of Elberton. The Guide Stones are perched atop a hill, tucked away in the small town of Elberton, but offers beautiful scenic views of rural Georiga and the surrounding farmland. This place of prominence clearly shows that this is considered to be the most important goal. Based on my research on the likelihood of a coming POLE SHIFT - I suspect the location in the mountains near Atlanta was chosen because this… The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. Please read my PDF essay. Georgia guidestones location: On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands this huge granite monument. Since Satan is using that movement to herald the emergence of a universal False Messiah, I can only conclude that the Georgia Guidestones may well contain the ten commandments of the Anti-Christ. “At approximately 4:20 am Friday, a … Favorite thing is that these guidestones are spelling out where this coronavirus and vaccine are taking us if people will just open their eyes. I’m here because of The 10 Commandments, Georgia Guide Stones. 3. Make no mistake about it, that is the intended purpose, yet they package it up with sweet words. Georgia Guidestones inscriptions on the Guidestones are meant for current and future generations. Here is the first piece I did on it in 2015: The Georgia Guidestones and the 10 Commandments of the Coming Antichrist The Georgia Guidestones have four huge granite walls, and on each side of the walls are a set of guidelines, or commandments, that are carved into the stone in 8 different languages. This eerie and mysterious monument just became even more eerie and mysterious. Censored news and analysis that you won't find anywhere else. 4. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the Guidestones’ origin and purpose and the mysterious man who commissioned them. Both are wonderful (and not too far from each other.) by tjelias on November 20, 2020 with No Comments. I joked with Devin that we should buy some property near there because it is really pretty country and there are lots available on the road. We seem to be on the same exact page about World Population, The Ruling A Class, Dictatorship, Humanity. We drove through on a trip to the Smokey Mountains and enjoyed about an hour at the site. Baby Nach Beule Knubbel, Mathe Rechner Terme, Windows 10 1903 Insider Programm Beenden, Warzone Ping Probleme, Prager Rattler Vom Steinachtal, Antrag Auf Gewährung Einer Förderung Aus Dem Vermittlungsbudget Pdf, Polizeibericht Wittenberg Aktuell,