Son «Ch’ella mi creda libero» final est tout simplement irrésistible. Close Up: 118 Premieres, Vienna State Opera, Wiener Volksoper: Holenader, Ioan, Korentschnig, Gert, Volksoper, Wiener: Libros en idiomas extranjeros Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. caused Levine to withdraw. Gibbons are apes, that famous for their incredible singing capabilities. Please visit for further information. (…)Gleichwohl, es war natürlich musikalisch ein Ausnahme-Abend, wegen Tenor Jonas Kaufmann, aber auch wegen seiner Partnerin, der Sopranistin Marlis Petersen. Die fragile Opferrolle, die ihm Claus Guth verordnet, beglaubigt er mit vokalem Charisma.“, „Titelheld Jonas Kaufmann führte die Interpretation des vermeintlich schwachen Helden mutig über in seinen Gesang: fein und ängstlich klangen die stolzen Worte bisweilen, die finale Gralserzählung schien er mehr zu hauchen. The role of Maddalena is sung by my colleague Eva-Maria Westbroek, with whom I hope to have the pleasure of many a joint appearance in coming seasons. Mr. Kaufmann did the climactic phrase with a softness rare among tenors, following the pianissimo dynamic Bizet wrote in the score. After this, his 2017 Otello here is even more eagerly anticipated. Und wie er im Vers ‚Alljährlich naht vom Himmel eine Taube’ das ‚a’ auf ‚Taube’ dehnte und dehnte, es in ungeahnte Sphären abheben liess, war das größte Glück des Abends.“, "Allein für die Silbe 'au' im Wort 'Taube' braucht dieser Lohengrin gut acht Sekunden. More details to follow. The clip is taken from the 2018 DVD/Blu-ray release. I am truly sorry! The tour will continue on to Nuremberg, Paris, Hamburg, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Lucerne and Baden-Baden. The discussion will be moderated by Gert Korentschnig, Vice Editor-in-Chief of the Kurier. The performance will beginn at 1PM (New York) / 7PM (Berlin/Paris). Afterwards the 2014 "You mean the world to me" concert from Berlin will be shown at 9:30pm. State minister Christine Haderthauer attended the ceremony and the Intendant of the Bayerische Staatsoper Nikolaus Bachler handed the prize to Kaufmann. I think that Winterreise has the same sort of cathartic effect as a Greek drama: the emotional experience purges the soul. Photo: Catherine Ahmore. After first rehearsals for the new production of "Ariadne" in Salzburg I'm looking forward to my open air concert in Linz on Saturday evening. The ceremony took place on the 25th of June in the Hubertushall of Schloss Nymphenburg. I would, however, like to ask you to maybe donate to one of the many artists associations in your respective countries: #WeWillMetAgain, for instance, is an organization of the unemployed METorchestra, which is trying to get their musicians through the hard times until The Metropolitan Opera can open again. Jonas Kaufmann betört als atemberaubender Bandit Dick Johnson; die Kraftreserven, die erregende Legato-Kultur und das fast gehauchte piano suchen ihresgleichen. Use this link, to find a cinema near your home. "But once you have your voice and feelings under control, it's fantastic to sing." After "E lucevan le stelle" the applause was so enthuasiastic and enduring that Jonas Kaufmann and conductor Mikko Franck had to repeat the aria. At 8:15pm the performance will also be shown on ORF 3. Bei seinem Comeback in der Opéra Bastille war der 47-Jährige in Hochform. The critics of "Limelight" have selected last year's top 40 classical releases. TV live broadcast of Ariadne scheduled for the very next day Kaufmann agrees to sing with score from the sides while Beczala acts the part on stage. The honor was presented to him and Sir Antonio Pappano by the Prince of Wales in his role as president of the Royal College of Music. But in the extended Act III seduction scene, these two modulate from the modest to the flirty to the reluctant to the anguished to the smoldering with a level of musicianship and emotional intensity that is ravishing.Adam Green, VogueHis voice is in glorious form, supple, strong and tinged with baritone-like depths. Anthony Tommasini, New York Times, "Where “Recondita” was energized and forceful, “E lucevan le stelle” was gentle and intimate. His interactions were outstanding. “Even as interpreters we always find ourselves sucked into the emotional undertow of these songs, although we know perfectly well what to expect. He sang the pensive and romantic passages with veiled dusky colorings and tender lyricism, and unleashed pent-up power in full-bodied phrases, capped by fearless high notes.Anthony Tommasini, The New York TimesJonas Kaufmann's darkly burnished tenor encompassed both the dramatic intensity and exquisite lyricism required of Faust. The reviews unanimously praised the very special recital. Jonas Kaufmann will sing a program of classic arias such as “Nessun dorma” from Turandot, “E lucevan le stelle” from Tosca or “Ah! Quite simply, Verdi is musically synonymous with Italy. This album is his deeply personal tribute to Vienna and the beautiful melodies the city inspired including famous Operetta arias and duets (with soprano Rachel Willis-Sørensen), as well as unique Viennese songs. For International fans, we know so far that the concert will be broadcast live in Germany (NDR), Sweden (SVT), Norway (NRK), Denmark (DR), Belgium (RTBF), Australia (UKTV) and will also be cinecast in Canadian cinemas. A great night at La Scala: the audience demanded no less than 5 encores, including a repeat of ‘Nessun dorma’. For the grand finale, I picked the famous, magnificently moving duet from “Andrea Chénier”. My personal favorite on this album is a largely unknown piece, the lament of Romeo over the dead Juliet from the operatic version by Riccardo Zandonai. ", "Phänomenal ist Jonas Kaufmann als Des Grieux. Dmitri Hvorostovsky had to cancel the concert due to illness. … Kaufmann zelebriert diesen Ton, als wäre er der Schlüssel zur Erleuchtung. Jonas Kaufmann was joined by Rachel Willis-Sørensen, the Prague Philharmonia and Jochen Rieder. Everything works out well. I even insisted that the press officers of UEFA and DFB (Deutscher Fussball Band / German Football Society) verify this, and they published the appropriate information on their official websites. The screening will take place on the Max-Joseph-Platz (in front of the Nationaltheater), the streaming at Staatsoper.TV. I am having fun. "Otello is simply a piece that places supreme demands on the emotions from beginning to end", says Jonas Kaufmann. Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I must also cancel my representations of the Tales of Hoffmann in Paris. Good news for all those who didn’t get a ticket! Jonas in an Interview with the mezzo-soprano Susan Graham. Stefan (1961- ) Austrian writer and film director/, Weltmuseum Wien - Wien [lender; objects discussed/pictured in; topic]. Concerning the recital in the TCE on October 13 we look for an alternate date. The cast: Jonas Kaufmann (Lohengrin), Annette Dasch (Elsa), Evelyn Herlitzius (Ortrud), Tomas Tomasson (Telramund), Rene Pape (König Heinrich) and Zeljko Lucic (Heerrufer). programme and we are looking forward to see you at one of our next recitals, either in the Musikverein in Vienna (February 13th), the Stephaniensaal in Graz (February 15th), the Philharmonie in Berlin (February 17th), in the Theatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris (February 20th) or in the Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden (April 23th). This range not only reflects the exceptional development in Verdi’s operatic output but also reveals Jonas Kaufmann’s vocal flexibility, which extends from the lyrical sweetness of “Quando le sere al placido” in Luisa Miller to Otello’s emotional outburst in “Dio mi potevi”. The album is a collection of the most beautiful Viennese melodies from ‘The Merry Widow’, ‘Die Fledermaus’ , ‘Wiener Blut’ & many of the city’s unique songs like ‘Wien, Wien nur du allein’ & ‘Im Prater blühn wieder die Bäume’. performances at the Salzburg Festival. To check participating German and Austrian cinemas (Swiss details coming soon) and secure tickets please go to For cinema tickets in all other countries please sign up here to receive information on when tickets will go on sale Axel Zeininger has been working for many years as a photographer at Kurier, Der Spiegel, GEO and Stern. And if there is an acid test for any lieder singer, it is undoubtedly Schubert’s Winterreise, a cycle of twenty-four settings of poems by Wilhelm Müller that is generally regarded as the pinnacle of lieder singing, a sequence of songs as thrilling for listeners as it is for the performer. Am Mittwochabend sang der Tenor Wagners „Lohengrin“ an der Opéra Bastille in Paris und wurde mit stürmischem Applaus gefeiert. The award which which is given for outstanding achievements in the political, economic, cultural, intellectual and voluntary area, was handed by Bavarian State Premier Horst Seehofer. This is from the Austrian newspaper „KURIER“ from July 1st (you find it still online) written by their first music critic Gert Korentschnig. For his commitment to bringing classical music closer to children and youngsters Jonas Kaufmann has been awarded the "Engagement Prize" by the Stiftung „Bündnis für Kinder“. ", "...the melting beauty of his intonation and the nuance of his phrasing are sublime. On October 17 he performs Puccini's La Fanciulla del West in the role of Dick Johnson at the MET. April 2020. Chenier’s arias are more familiar as excerpts than the complete opera and Kaufmann imbued these fine-sounding words with a tone of humane and lofty heroism. 'Jonas Kaufmann - A Global Star in Private': the new film starts on September 23 on Amazon prime. Those B flats are pretty ringing, too, as well as stunning passagio notes – ‘firmamento!’ – and he gives just enough emphasis to ‘Non conoscete amor’ for the phrase to be urgent but not blustering. And so he does when he sings his dream of love, when he wrestles with his soul, and when he takes his leave of life: each aria is perfection incarnate.”, "Kaufmann is performing the title role for the first time, and it’s hard to imagine him bettered. Jonas Kaufmann will commence "Met Stars Live in Concert" - a new series of concerts initiated by the Metropolitan Opera New York - on July 18 at 1pm EDT. Gert Korentschnig, of the Vienna newspaper Kurier, was one of many critics who pulled out all the stops. In the past couple of days, many of you have asked where to donate. The high B-flat was beautifully subdued." Conductor Jochen Rieder and Jonas Kaufmann. According to Klaus-Hans Jungheinrich, a renowned German opera expert, Kaufmann is simply „ the best Bacchus there ever was“ (Frankfurter Zeitung). The recital was broadcast live in ORF III with Barbara Rett. Zum zweiten Mal nach ’91 (Golfkrieg) wurde der Opernball abgesagt. There was also some pain for an art in its greatest expression thrown into the void, an apparent void: the room was the planet. Helga Rabl-Stadler, President of the Salzburg Festival on Max Reinhardt: Max Reinhardt believed in the immortality of the theater. Kaufmann thrills in a dark, expressionistic staging. The Gala will be broadcasted by the MDR at 8:15pm CET. It demands far more detailed work than any other vocal discipline, more colour, more nuances, a greater range of dynamics and a more subtle approach to the music and words. I feel like I am in a dream, as if I’m entering another dimension. The long-awaited moment finally arrived on Wednesday: In front of a sold-out Royal Opera House here, Mr. Kaufmann made his debut in the part, and he calmly, confidently sang it for the ages. After a four-month break due to the covid-crisis, Jonas Kaufmann finally was allowed back on stage for two concerts: On June 29 Jonas Kaufmann performed Gustav Mahler's 'Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen' for the 13th Monday Concert with Kirill Petrenko.This concert was also the final performance of a very unusual season of the Bayerische Staatsoper. The looks of shock and disbelief, the icy coolness, the tortured nobility… this is a gripping and heartbreaking portrayal of disintegration. Last Sunday Jonas Kaufmann joined those happy few: with Helmut Deutsch, his partner at the piano, he presented a program of songs by Liszt, Mahler, Strauss and Duparc "that held a near-capacity crowd spellbound for more than two hours." He rose to the final note in a mood of whispered defeat but before it concluded, the tone had swelled to a mood of fierce defiance – a whole world of emotion on a single A flat. All the information contained in the article published in "La Nacion" on March 27th (“Jonas Kaufmann tiene un serio problema de salud”) is completely untrue.The writer is not well informed as Mr. Kaufmann just appeared in a solo all Puccini concert in Prague on March 16 which was acclaimed with standing ovations. Jonas Kaufmann and Marco Vratogna (Iago) in the ROH's new production of "Otello". Together with the TV documenary "Berlin 1930" by Thomas Voigt and Wolfgang Wunderlich the concert is now available on, "An Italian Night - Live from the Waldbühne", "Erlebnis Bühne mit Barbara Rett - Best of Jonas Kaufmann", "Erlebnis Bühne mit Barbara Rett - Jonas Kaufmann - Starglanz in München", Radio Clip: Jonas Kaufmann on Tristan, Interview with Ron Della Chiesa (April 4 2018). Verdi's "Aida" (Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, February 27th). Bavaria’s cabinet minister for Europe, Emilia Müller awarded Jonas Kaufmann the “Bayerische Europamedaille” in a ceremony which took place on the 8th of October in the Prinz-Carl-Palais in Munich. He was magnificent when he belted out “Freunde, das Leben ist lebenswert” (“Friends, life is worth living”) from Lehar’s “Giuditta,” a proud and fiery aria.“ Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, The New York Times, Oct. 7th 2018. „Kaufmann, who was returning to the stage of Carnegie Hall for the third time this year, brought his sublime voice to the concert space albeit amplified. With its At-Home Gala the Metropalitan Opera New York will present its biggest virtual event as of yet on April 25. ", "He has never sounded better in London. The music recordings were made in the Teatro Carignano in Turin, the film and the concert will be released on DVD later this year. Everyone knows his melodies and can sing them. It will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 on 1 July at 6.45pm. Peter Gelb is in Salzburg and dropping big hints about the Met’s future, which include importing Stefan Herheim’s new production of Meistersinger, an unnamed production by Calixto Bieito, and producing Thomas Adès’s The Exterminating Angel, he tells Gert Korentschnig in the Vienna paper Kurier. Jonas Kaufmann arriba, canta i triomfa amb la millor, Video Clip "La nostra morte è il trionfo dell'amor". Jonas Kaufmann and Helmut Deutsch will make their Carnegie Hall recital début on 20 February, before going on tour with Winterreise, starting on 28 March. Jonas and Helmut Deutsch suddenly had the chance to perform the entire program of their new album "Selige Stunde" in front of a very appreciative audience, as Agnes Baltsa had to cancel her recital due to travel restrictions and the date had freed up. He sang with heart. Eigentlich ist dieser Dick Johnson eine undankbare Rolle, da es keine wirkliche Arie gibt. Demeure” aria.James Jorden, New York Post. "Moins d’insolence dans la facilité technique, plus de subtilité dans le soin porté au détail et surtout une humanité arrondie par les années: l’éclat du timbre fait aujourd’hui place à un chant mûri." Anca-Monica Pandelea’s film documents Kaufmann’s special affinity with the Italian language, its way of life and its culture – and also, of course, its music. He has always had a matinee-idol appearance, but now gave a movie-star performance to match. Jonas Kaufmann on his role debut in a BR Klassik interview (in German), Mr. Kaufmann, his shadowy tenor pained and passionate, responded with uncharacteristic fearlessness. Tickets are on sale now. This was only possible thanks to extensive testing of the entire ensemble and crew every couple of days. In Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Romania & Latvia from August 30th, Denmark & Canada from Sept 1st. "Jonas Kaufmann - Mein Wien" will also be aired on December 22nd at 5pm in Arte during a Vienna themed programme. The platform was created by Heiner and Viktoria Lauterbach and offers online courses by singers, actors, directors and experts. Authors . “Opera Recording of the year (19th Century)” is Beethovens “Fidelio” with Nina Stemme and Jonas Kaufmann, conducted by Claudio Abbado (Decca). As well as paying homage to Viennese music on stage, My Vienna will see Kaufmann visit stunning areas of the Austrian capital, such as the Wiener Prater, the taverns of Grinzing and the Viennese Central Cemetery to explore the culture and pride of the Viennese people, and discover the city’s historic connection to operetta melodies. In light of the current times, this opera production was very unique, especially since the opera was staged with the entire ensemble including a 130-person choir. At the CLF I just had to stand there and mime for five minutes. Gert Korentschnig, author of Kurier Kutur. London, October 6th 2011: In the category "recital" Jonas Kaufmann's album with Verismo Arias got a Gramophone Classical Music Award 2011. 10% vat, excl. Over the years the initial teacher-pupil relationship has been transformed into a wonderful example of artistic communication that has found expression not only in the recording studio but also at countless song recitals, most notably at the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 30 October 2011, the first solo recital heard at the Met since Luciano Pavarotti’s recital in 1994. This repertoire now takes him on a tour through Germany starting on February 7th in the Philharmonie in Berlin. My sincere apologies! After having premiered at the Salzburg Easterfestival and been heard in concert versions at the Berlin Philarmonie, this summer Simon Rattle’s “Carmen” production is back at the Salzburger Festspiele with Magdalena Kozena, Jonas Kaufmann, Genia Kühmeier and Kostas Smoriginas leading the cast. The new „Trovatore“ production, which opens on the 27th of June the Bayerische Staatsoper summer opera festival is currently among the hottest tickets in town; the performances have been sold out for months.
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