For distance, Riflemen die before Grenadiers. * Do not attack others if your stats are lower * Do not use this for golem. For this reason, I do not fill up my entire march capacity when making my default/preset troop formations in my drill ground inside my city. Just put in your march capacity and select what percentage of troop type you would like and the Troop March Calculator tool will spit out the basic troop mix. Use an appropriate amount of infantry. Yes, most of the time the infantry will suffer more casualties – this is because there are two troop subclasses, specifically heavy cavalry and grenadiers, specifically designed to target enemy infantry. What game are you interested in? how many percent of extra damage), this has to be taken into account when sending the marches to different enemies. Guns of Glory Update v3.8.0 Changes Guns of Glory Update v3.6.0 Changes Guns of Glory Troop Training Tips and Tricks Guns of Glory Update v3.5.0 Changes Guns of Glory Update v3.4.0 Changes Guns of Glory Update v3.3.0 This is for PvP.. Go see the PvE for that ⦠Play Guns of Glory on Bluestacks Maybe it is implemented in a different way, but you also have to deal with the fact that in PvP, unlike PvE battles like Underworld Gates and Kingdom Threat, you take casualties as well, so it is not just about lower tier troops inflicting kills, it should outweigh the fact they die faster. And for Artiller, Cannon siege die before Mortars. There might very well be this diminishing marginal utility for PvP as I am aware there is for PvE, but if it is, it is not as straightforward, or easy to "use" as it is for PvE. I do not (yet) have the conviction that lower tiers are a good choice for PvP combat, more about that in the next paragraph, but I do feel that using the different troop types is useful, as it can exploit potential vulnerabilities of opponents and makes you less vulnerable. Guns of Glory is a Strategy game developed by Century Games Limited. In updated Guns of Glory APK, you have to pump your own army, manage resources, attack enemies and ⦠Download Goodnight Bots Trial Example of this may include: if the enemy has a lot of Pikemen infantry (T2, T4, T6, T8, T10 or T12), I add more heavy cavalry (T1, T3, T4, T6, T8 or T11) to my march when I attack them. All rights reserved. The 2/3 - 1/3 ratio I use is based on gutfeel and experience as well. This article gives an explanation of various things to consider for Troop Setup is a crucial part of outplaying your opponent in WaO. This applies to both PvP and PvE. Many people have the misconception that all infantry must die before your cavalry starts to receive damage, followed by your distance, then your artillery. Keep experimenting. I will start by sharing two posts I got on my YouTube channel from someone far more experienced in this area, Labvem Kah/LivE EviL from K133, which in my eyes contains very useful information for all players. If you have a question you can ask it below and please check through the questions that have already been asked to see if you can answer any.Latest Popular Use GoGBot. These prizes change depending on the level of the camp in question and may contain Lord XP, Airship XP, crafting materials, and other useful items. I will likely do some more experiments and if I get convinced otherwise, I will for sure share it here. => T2 => T3 => T5 => T6 => T9 => T11 (Grenadiers), And for siege:
Guns of Glory Bot allows to you earn the same amount of resources for a much lower cost. When experimenting the best PvE troop composition you can easily use the Kingdom Threat and if your troop composition, march size and boosts are the same, you will do the same amount of damage, time after time. Troop March Formation Calculator for KOA Posted on October 15, 2018 May 13, 2020 by admin Troop March Calculator is Now Available for Android Simple troop march calculator for King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare (KOA). This mobile game lets you command your own army as a Lord of the Kingdom. For Infantry and Distance T9 troops have a different subtype than t10, but Cavalry T10 and T9 are the same subtype, that is why I use T8 Cavalry in the mix. The percentages Infantry/Cavalry/Distance were based on gutfeel and experiments. Tips on the best troop composition for battling other players. WolfHunter Guns of Glory Calculator GateBuster Guns of Glory & Kings of Avalon Calculator Meat Shield Calculator Covid Calculator T12âs Master Mayhem T11 Troop Formation Calculator SpineBreaker 2 War Talents Mix Guns of On the other hand, for Riflemen and light cavalry, they will attempt to target the enemy's cavalry and distance layer respectively; however, not all of their "hits" land on the said target troops – the enemy infantry will protect them by taking a certain percent of the damage (you can test this in the royal arena). Within each subclass, the troops die in the order of ascending tier level – e.g. Although I agree the best troop composition depends on various factors, including your own and your opponents stats, and your opponents troop compositiosn, I would still like to share what I see as a good general troop composition. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, I do currently only use the lower tier troops (the highest possible lower tier troops) when it benefits my mix of troop subtypes. It is important to take the order of troop casualties into account when making troop formations or even when training troops in general. What I do is leave around 50k troops unfilled, and depending on the enemy that I am facing, I will add different troop types to my preset when attacking them. These troops do not try to target other troop classes until all infantry are destroyed. However, despite that, the shots fired by crossbowmen will be taken by enemy warriors instead of spearmen unless if they run out/did not send any warriors. Although one might think that perfect formations could be achieved through finding out the perfect ratio of troop types to achieve equi-marginal utility, it has to be taken into account that the enemy's stats and troops also affect battle results. In a battle, the order of troop casualties is one subclass before the other followed by ascending tier levels. The Doctor will now answer these questions. T2 => T4 => T6 => T8 => T10 => T12 (Pikemen)
With that in mind, the following can be concluded. Troop Training Calculator for Guns of Glory to plan your troop training resource and speed up requirements ahead and to determine whether you can win a troop training If you Login (and Register) before you use the training calculator your pre-specified training boost is used and you can make a selection from your pre-specified Types for the troop training points. Easily total up all the resources in your inventory without redeeming them from your inventory and making them vulnerable to being looted, and see how Too many ads? If it makes things easier, you can express these numbers in percentage related to the total amount of troops in your army. However, don't overdo this – once your infantry dies, the rest of your troops will get shredded easily. GoGbot! Guns of Glory GunMuse guns of glory nano cbd Tommy Chong Guns of Glory changes so fast we had to deploy a new look and feel at Rogers Raiders Gaming On February 10, 2021 February 10, 2021 By GunMuse This has yet to be confirmed. If they are weak, then you can send less infantry so long as they aren't able to penetrate your meatwall of infantry. I am not sure if the damage received algorithm is also based on diminishing marginal utility (which would indicate "increasing marginal troop damage received" in this case since the notion of diminishing marginal utility basically means that it gets worse per subsequent addition, and for damage received, "worse" is when a troop takes more damage), or if damage received is simply a flat, additive function in this game. Some might justify this by saying that they are lost because of enemy traps, but my point above can easily be proved when taking a defense where not all of your troops die in 1 hit. Thank you for visiting my channel. Infantry Troop Level Food Required Wood Required Iron Required Silver Required 1 375 624 0 0 2 525 874 0 0 3 787 1,320 0 0 4 1,260 2,100 0 0 5 2,140 3,570 0 0 6 3,850 6,420 0 0 7 7,320 12,200 0 0 8 14,700 24,400 0 0 9 03/22/2018 - - Free resource calculator for the mobile games King of Avalon and Guns of Glory. This is because the rule of the order of troop casualties apply in all circumstances. Please consider providing me with some much needed energy to keep going! The helper you need for Guns of Glory game GoGbot! I started out with 20% 40% 40% but as my stats grew I got the experience that this composition in general worked better for me. A: No. Heavy cavalry and grenadier's attacks land on enemy infantry 100% of the time, while the attacks of riflemen and light cavalry can potentially land on enemy cavalry and distance, but some of that damage will be "rescued" by enemy infantry.. Too much will make your army deal less damage, while too little will make your army wiped out too soon. This order applies in all circumstances. If you are already convinced including lower tier troops are the way to go, you can still use the basic idea of my march composition, but just leave a certain amount aside for adding a couple of 100 of each of the lower tier troops and types. This is our page for asking and answering questions for Guns of Glory. I might very well be missing something, because by far the most players I battle use small amounts of lower tiers, but in my own (limited) experiments I just haven't seen any indication yet that having lower tier troops is useful. For comments and corrections, send an e-mail to info at gamesguideinfo dot com, Guns of Glory - Best Troop Composition for Attacking Players (PVP), Best PvP Troop Composition (Attacking Players), Creation focus: Brutal, Warrior or Explosive, Guns of Glory Troop Training Tips and Tricks, Guns of Glory Expected Changes v3.3 to 3.5, Use as many troop types (i.e. This means that you need a good mix of troop tiers (meaning your highest tier all the way down to T1 troops, although having less troops per tier as you go down the tier level) and troop types (infantry, cavalry, distance and even artillery – having a few thousand or few hundred siege could help you because of the high initial utility of siege troops. For this very reason, I include lots of heavy cavalry in my march – they target the very first line of the enemy's defense. From gathering resources to training troops, it will make farming easy! is a Guns of Glory bot Troop March Formation Calculator for KOA Posted on October 15, 2018 May 13, 2020 by admin Troop March Calculator is Now Available for Android Simple troop march calculator for King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare (KOA). In this video, I test my Kingdom Threat formation vs. the formation recommended on Once again, the amount of infantry you need to send is best tested with experience. In this post, we have covered everything you need to know: Guns Of Glory Guide and Guns Of Glory tips, cheats & strategy to master the game. Yes – it has to be done the hard way, especially because no one knows the secret formula that the developers do not seek to disclose, and because everyone has different stats. So, keep at least 1 troop of each type in formation to spread out your enemyâs attacks, improving your whole armyâs resilience. For instance: 5000 T2 lost is better than 1000 T10 lost. Guns of Glory is a new game from FunPlus, which is basically a combination of real time strategy and role-playing game mechanics. Musketeers! Since both KOA and Guns of Glory (GOG) use the same game mechanics so of course this tool is interchangeable between the two games. General Considerations If youâre looking to host a raid on a Red Guard camp, you have to ensure that your Hall of War is at its highest possible level, as this building will determine the number of troops that can join each rally. Formations are a complicated thing to master indeed. Guns of Glory Kingdom Threat 07/28/2018 - - Specializing my account for kingdom threat event by resetting airship abilities, resetting talent points, using boosts and customizing march setup. Lame PvP Troop Formation Wizard WARNING!!!!! infantry/cavalry/distance/artillery, as well as same tier level) you use, the less subsequent damage to the enemy per extra troop added . Just use it like this, or see it as a starting point for your experiments to further improve upon it for your specific situation, including opponents. T1 => T3 => T5 => T8 => T10 => T12 (Cannons)
I am not a fan of this tactic, because it also means your total health, defense, attack goes down. Another possible reason to use lower tiers is to use them as a buffer, to make sure your highest tier troops, which are harder to retrain/heal, don't die so quickly. ), 45% Distance (30% T10, 15% T9). Musketeers! Guns Of Glory Guideâ Before we dive into the cheats, tips & strategy guide part, letâs learn the Guns of Glory basics first. This makes it more cumbersome to experiment, you can't assume you have improved just based on one or a few trials. The spire is a great place to test this out, and from that it allowed me to figure out how to knock off people with higher march capacity and around 100% higher stats – just by rearranging my troop formation. Your guide to your favorite mobile and console games. King of Avalon, Guns of Glory, Z-Day Quickie PvE calculator King of Avalon, Guns of Glory, Z-Day Full PvE calculator King of Avalon, Guns of Glory, Z-Day Quickie trash PvP helper King of Avalon, Guns of Glory, Z-Day All assets Lastly, the amount of infantry you need in your march depends on the strength of your enemy. Until then, the best way to figure out the "optimal" troop formation is by experimenting. The results were amazing. No one knows the exact formula for each troop type's marginal utility and the extent of how it changes with subsequent additions, but the combat boosts (aka "stats") and the default base stats of each troop type defined by the game (which could be seen by clicking the blue "i" icon above the troop type of interest within each troop training building in your city) are definitely factors that affect troop utility and marginal troop utility. Even though you might suffer more losses in terms of troop count if you use a mixed tier march, your actual troop power loss will be less. But if the crippled march speed really bothers you, you can discard artillery). I seem For cavalry, light cavalry die before heavy cavalry. By doing so, you can replace the quota with other troops to deal more damage and further minimize your losses. The royal arena can also be used for testing, though to a lesser extent because it only allows you to send 1 tier of troops. This article was written for King of Avalon, I have changed it where necessary for Guns of Glory, which were just name changes, the combat engine principles are the same. The sole reason that everyone uses at least a few of each tier troops is because of the fact that the damage algorithm is based on the law of diminishing marginal utility – this means that the more number of a single troop type (meaning same class , i.e. This article gives an explanation of various things to consider for troop compositions for attacking players in Guns of Glory, including a few suggested troop compositions. troop classes AND troop tiers) as you can in your march to maximize damage and reduce losses, Use the different strengths and weaknesses of different troops to your advantage, and adjust them depending on situation. Guns of Glory is a really good strategy game for Android and iOS devices. This article should introduce you to many key concepts in determining your PvP troop composition, and give you some starting point for what troop composition might work as well. My preset currently is 25% Infantry (15% T10, 10% T9), 30% Cavalry (20% T10, 10% T8! I find the Spirit Mines, specifically the revenge list, the best place to do experiments. After the new Guard system went live, some of you still have questions about how it works. Rogers Raiders 2021 Advertising adjustments, Guns of Glory K592 Project Ended December 12 2020, GoG Distance Meat Shield Calculator Now Live, First Personalized Guns of Glory Calculator, GunMuse Proud to announce Tommy Chong Nano CBD… We got coupons, Master Mayhem T11 Troop Formation Calculator, BloodTooth Gear Points Scoring during events, GateBuster Guns of Glory & Kings of Avalon Calculator, Guns of Glory Troop Formation Calculator SpineBreaker. In this video, I use a Kingdom Threat calculator for the first time. T1 => T4 => T7 => T8 => T10 => T12 (Riflemen)
Guns of Glory Best Troop Composition for Underworld Villains, Red Guard Raids, Red Guard Rallies 01/24/2018 - - Tips on the best troop composition for battling any => T1 => T3 => T5 => T7 => T9 => T11 (Musketeers), For cavalry:
As mentioned above, the spire is a great place. The inner workings of the Guns of Glory combat engine are not known, so don't see this as the definite guide on making troop compositions providing you with the perfect solution, but read it and for both relative inexperienced and the more experienced players there will be useful information. (I know you have covered this fact in your video, but I need to stress my point that you have to take advantage of the different strengths and weaknesses of different troops depending on the situation ). A: No. One of the complicating factors with doing experiments for PvP is that the result can be different. Register and most will be removed. The Doctor will now answer these questions. I had been playing Guns of Glory and/or King of Avalon) for over two years and still learned a lot of new stuff when starting to investigate this topic based on feedback I got on the video that I made. Bonus: Keep a few Golems on hand and you'll have 11 groups total during defense. Just attack again and again the same opponent in your Spirit Mines revenge list, and although you might lose each time, if you look at the casualties you take and the kills you inflict, they differ. This set of orders is very important because it indicates what troops you need to replace most frequently if you attack a lot, and it can also affect your decision of how many of each troop to include in your march formation. Use the spire to your advantage. Thanks for watching. But if the former case is true, it gives everyone another reason to mix troop types in their troop formations. During a battle, the troops die in a specific order. In fact, there is no such thing as a "perfect" PvP formation. Revenge Welcome to the Revenge game website where you can get all the current details, status, updates as well as information on early testing and joining our community on Discord. 2 => T5 => T7 => T9 => T10 => T12 (light cavalry)
If you're only interested in joining our The belief that all infantry must die before cavalry before distance before artillery is wrong - they can all suffer casualties simultaneously, by following the order of troop deaths mentioned above. For every single troop class, one subclass completely dies before the other starts to get casualties – Specifically: For infantry, Pikemen die before Musketeers. Obviously I have not unlocked T11 troops yet. As you have mentioned, each troop class (infantry, cavalry, distance and artillery) has 2 subclasses/subtypes each (infantry = Pikemen and Musketeers, cavalry = heavy and light cavalry, distance = Riflemen and Grenadiers, Artillery = Mortars and Cannons). One interesting thing to note though, the game says that crossbowmen have increased damage against enemy spearmen. For infantry, the order of troop casualties from first to die to last to die are:
make sure to check out the gift codes if you want free rewards . In this case, it can be thought as the warriors are protecting the spearmen from the shots of the enemy crossbowmen.
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