The guide also blends in better with the Barrens guide. If you have 10 Long Elegant Feathers, Accept/turn in, Fly to Tarren Mill. Slay. Now you can find a party for “Raptor Mastery” Elite quest. Take/complete, Turn in “Return to Witch Doctor Uzer’I” and accept. And remember, if at anytime during your first 10 levels, you want to try out some new abilities, all Ability resets are free until level 10. Hope you enjoyed! WoW With Random Abilities (Wildcard Mode). Horde Outlands Guide (60-70) WoW Instance Guides - BC Instance Guides. FEBRUARY21 Any guide ⦠Do “Lack of Surpulos” and start working on the second part of “Nothing but the Truth”. Hey all! Return to Revantusk Village. Turn it in to Kalaran Windblade and accept. Teleport to Stonard. Turn in “Fresh Meat”. Start by completing the first zone in which you start in. At Witch Doctor turn in “Testing the Vessel”. One thing to remember is to keep allocating your stats every time you level, as every time you level up you get more stats to allocate, making you more powerful. State of Survival Infected Horde Event. Kill Sprite Darters. Use your long cooldown abilities there. Take the, Turn in “Nothing but the Truth” and “The Disgraced One”. Start doing “Stalking the Stalkers”. After a number of attempts speedrunning 1-60 WoW I have produced a very useful 1-60 Vanilla WoW Horde leveling guide and a 1-60 Vanilla WoW Speedrun Video. Ride to Feralas. And for me as a horde this guide really sucks.No hurt feelings just saying.And I visited ten times more zones than this guide gives. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.'s a Horde Mage AOE Leveling Guide for Classic WoW. Horde Leveling Guide. Accept Indurium and Barbecued Buzzard Wings. Hate questing or just don't want to interact with the in-game story? Here's my basic leveling pattern: 1-12 Undead and Tauren Click Here . I was lvl 60 in about 1 anda half week. Once you enter location, turn right and start doing. Another thing that you should remember is that, because this is an older version of WoW (3.3.5) you need to manually rank up your spells and it isn’t done automatically. It should be horde territory. If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend using Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide. All 3 are quick and easy. To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page. This guide is for those who prefer to grind out their levels. Ding80's Horde Leveling Guide boasts a leveling speed of leveling from 1 to 80, solo, in under 6 days!The guide will take you across the best Horde quests in the most efficient possible way, which will allow you to rack up massive bonus questing experience. Explanation on how the Infected Horde Event in State of Survival functions, and tips on how to do well. This guide⦠; Follow the road all the way to Hammerfall.Turn in The Hammer May Fall and get the follow-up Call to Arms.Get the Flight Path. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. [email protected] In cave at 66.77 do “Continued Threat” and “The Swamp Talker”. Accept, Return to Camp Mojache and turn in “Alpha Strike”. If you also want to level Fishing, I highly recommend using my Classic WoW Fishing and Cooking leveling guide 1-300 instead of this one. The alliance leader can start it by calling the alarm. Be sure you have completed chicken escort. I know it's quite a distance to get to Winterspring from Un’goro, but just go to Orgrimmar, run through Ashenvale, and through Felwood, until you get to the Timbermaw Hold tunnel, and run through it. At Misty Vale do the first part of “Nothing but the Truth”. Leatherworking is the best combined with Skinning, and I highly recommend to level these professions together. When you first start playing on Project Ascension it can be a bit confusing when you start to make your first character because there are no classes for you to pick like there would be normally, and because of this, most people just pick whatever race looks the coolest in their opinion. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW General Horde Leveling Guide! Once you hit 25, switch to the next Guide, "Speed Leveling 1-25" which assumes you already have 2 Gilnaen Ravens, or DMF Crows, and shows you the absolute fastest way to grind out level 25's, not using any trainers or shortcuts. All 3 are quick and easy. On my Warlock I hit level 15 and just left Razorhill so I feel like im doing something wrong or that maybe I should just grind instead of questing? The guide is available for both Horde and Alliance. As you can see, you don’t even need to finish the entire zone just to move onto it, because Ascension has turned up the XP gained so much, and if you have High-Risk turned on with an Experience Potion you will have no trouble what-so ever getting up to the max level. I recommend Zygor's Leveling Guide. Now that you are between level 10 and 12, you will want to go to the Barrens next and level there until around level 26 or 27, unless you are Undead in which case, you will want to go to Silverpine Forest and then Hillsbrad Forest. Fly to Ashenvale and go to Azshara. While killing Dark Irons Dwarves, find Grimsite Outhouse Key (if you have not yet) and turn it in. Once these quests done, return to Kargath and turn them in. It shouldn't take you very long to get this far in your levelling process. Turn in “Natural Materials”. This is for those who like to quest/kill and don't feel like instances are the way to go. Event duration: 2h, 20 waves The alliance territory will be surrounded by the infected horde. Head to Hinterlands. Level 20 - Level 25 - Level 30 - Level 35 Level 40 - Level 45 - Level 50 - Level 55. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. WOTLK 3.3.5 GUIDE. Return to Stonard and turn in “Pool of Tears”. There are multiple ways to level up in Azeroth, but this guide will make things simple for you. Posts about horde lvl guide written by pyroblast77. Once you have picked your first couple of abilities, you will then be tasked with allocating your stats. There is a great guide on stat allocation linked here. 7: Lvl 37-38 Dustwallow Marsh quests (less than 1 lvl) (buy 3 soothing spices from city before going there) ogron escort gives 30.6 dps wand Lvl 40-50 At Lvl 40, if you canât afford your mount right away this can be a good time to do an Uldaman quest run to get the rest, should have 5 quests + mage quest for ulda (4 are outside instance) + necklace drops inside and the disks are at the end Violators will be prosecuted. This guide is for those who prefer to grind out their levels. Once you finished, teleport to Gadgetzan. So you want to level 20-30 horde side, eh? Enter Valley of Bones and do Ghost-o-Plasm Round Up. Accept, Turn in “Lack of Surplus” at 81.81 and accept. If you go through the little guide at the bottom of the screen, it will help you pick your first starting abilities to help you get started in this vast world of Ascension. However, since you’ve got spells from so many different classes, Ascension made this handy dandy pet that many people have, that you can obtain through the donation store (if you so wish, lots of people have them so it isn’t hard to find them) which will save you from having to go back to town to find someone else that has one. Youâll never have to switch back to a website, or even the in-game main map to see where you have to go or whatâs next. Along the shore do “The Bloodsail Buccaneers” with “Up to Snuff” and “Keep An Eye Out”. So recently started like a day ago and was wondering if there is an updated Horde levelling guide? WoW Classic: 40-50 Horde Leveling Guide Guides, Leveling. (Unless you're on frostwolf, according to a few players ally gank stv on frostwolf.) And then the gold vendor at Sparz Boltwist. MMO-GS#2915, It’s Winter Time! If you find, Go to Ruins of Ravenwind and do “Vengeance on the Northspring”. Leveling in northrend can be very difficult in the wotlk expansion. Accept. At the Harborage turn in “Draenethyst Crystals”. Make Shadowprey Village your home. LEVELS 40-45 There are 3 areas that I recommend for leveling at this point. Get from 30-40 with no problem at all. Now start doing all these quests, running around the whole location. 04/11/2020 - - To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page. 1.1 Download or get a " Quest helper addon " so you know where to go on your quest. The Guidelime addon, and your guide, have been just an amazing help to me while leveling. Leveling in northrend can be very difficult in the wotlk expansion. Go to the shore and do “Threat From the Sea” and “Fresh Meat”. Limb Cleaver - 42.7 DPS - Lvl 50 - Quest Reward âLost Thunderbrew Recipeâ Blackrock Depths. This guide is for you. Return to Nesingwary’s Expedition and turn in “Big Game Hunter”. LEVELS 40-45 There are 3 areas that I recommend for leveling at this point. Accept. These mobs are elite, but easy-killing. At the crashed zeppelin do “Razzeric’s Tweaking”. Once you reach level 10, you will receive your first Talent Essence, or TE for short. On my Alliance guide I don't recommend coming here, but on this horde guide, go for it! NICE GUIDE!!! Accept. Enter the cave at 50.45 and kill Dark Iron dwarves. Go to Thistleshrub Valley and do “Thistleshrub Valley” with “The Thirsty Goblin”. This guide is for you. 40-41 â Badlands Turn in Martek the Exiled at 42.53. Teleport to Camp Mojache and turn in all quests. Go to 24.37 and do “The Flame’s Casing”. This Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and cheapest way how to level your Leatherworking skill up from 1 to 300. NOTE: Before going to STV location be sure you have collected all pages for The Green Hills of Stranglethorn. However, after you reach level 10, try to avoid using the free resets you get when you start, as they will come in handy later on when you begin creating your build at max level. The quests and grinding sessions included are sequenced to get you to level 60 as fast as possible! Kill. or Zangarmarsh Horde Arathi Highlands Guide Level 33. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. First you have to know that this horde guide, is a guide for free help, there is many ways to get to level 60. Take boat to Ratchet and fly to Dustwallow Marsh. At the Valley of Spirits turn in “The Gordunni Orb”. 3. At the Ruins of Jubuwal do “Zanzil’s Secret” and “Voodo Dues”. Stock up on some Dew, pizza, snacks, and some good tunes⦠After this, it gets easier. Run to gnome and turn in “Study of the Elements: Rock”, accept, If you have Lesser Invisibility Potion and Healing Potion accept, And then if you have Patterened Bronze Bracers accept. Accept, Go to Grom’gol and turn in “Split Bone Necklace”. Return to Whalker Post and turn in “The Corrupter”. Accept. Hate questing or just don't want to interact with the in-game story? All the detail that you need to complete the quest is included. Levels 30-35; This post is part of the series: Main Leveling Path - Your Free WoW Horde Power Leveling Guide; Levels 30-35. Stonetalon Mountains is a tense storyline for both the Horde and Alliance. Turn in all finished quests and accept only. And much of the information is still relevant for new players. Get new spells and abilities. Any one with enough world of warcraft experience will tell you level 70-80 can be tedious without a good questing guide. Youâll never have to switch back to a website, or even the in-game main map to see where you have to go or whatâs next. Fly to Tarren Mill and make it your home. IF you have 9 Blue Pearls, accept and turn in Pearl Diving. Just wanna beat the shit out of mobs for awhile? A few things to remember: Unless the pet is lvl 25, the system will divide the XP equaly among the pets in the group. Skip next parts. Vanilla Leveling Guide Horde Side 1-60 4 Days /Played Hello Everyone, i would like to show you a Guide, ... Then if you're not at least 3 bars away from lvl 8, grind till you are, go turn in "From The Wreckage...." at Razor Hill (52.44) and get new spells/abilities. wow guide ⦠Level 12-25 Barrens (including the Southern Area). At Writhing Deep do “Stinglasher” and “Zukk’ash Infestation”. All the detail that you need to complete the quest is included. Return to Kalaran and turn in Set Them Ablaze! 02) Make Gadgetzan your home. After searching and searching, I have finally found a great wow lvling guide to 80.One of the best world of warcraft guides i have seen, warcraft scrolls is definately my top pick. FOR ALLIANCE LEVELING GUIDE ( CLICK HERE ) Read some Leveling Tips :D. 1. Also turn in “The Green Hills of Stranglethorn”. Press Home button in top-left corner of discord. Loot items at 32.47, 30.49 and 29.46, At Shindigger’s Camp turn in “Sticky Situation”, accept, At the island at 86.59 turn in “Rin’ji Trapped” and accept. You should be close to 44 now. How to Build a Spellcaster on Project Ascension, Do “Marg Speaks” along the shore (57.63). Return to village and accept turn in “The Brood of Onyxia”. Use Wildkin Muisek Vessel on the corpses of any Owlbeast. Ravager - 37.3 DPS - Lvl 37 - 25% Drop off Herod in Scarlet Monastery. In small cave at 31.66 turn in Cortello’s Riddle, accept. The guide is available for both Horde and Alliance. Ding80's Horde Leveling Guide boasts a leveling speed of leveling from 1 to 80, solo, in under 6 days!The guide will take you across the best Horde quests in the most efficient possible way, which will allow you to rack up massive bonus questing experience. Any one with enough world of warcraft experience will tell you level 70-80 can be tedious without a good questing guide. Then this is for a typical group mix. Turn in “The Black Shield” and “Deadmire”. At Shindigger’s Camp turn on “Ripple Recovery” and accept. Get from 30-40 with no problem at all. lvl 51-58 do you think there will be enough quests for 7 levels in ungoro, coz i almost leveled two there with rdf help. Stock up on some Dew, pizza, snacks, and some good tunes⦠Along the shore do “Ledger from Tanaris”. If not, buy them. I know this guide is not as great as the , but this guide here can help a lot with the quests you can get and do as horde. Recently, I now have fully remastered my 1-60 Horde leveling guide for Classic WoW and have made a full 1-60 speed leveling guide ⦠Onyxia's Lair has one of the longest attunement quests in Classic, with two separate questlines for the two factions. Head to Burning Steps through Black Rock Mountain. Horde Outlands Guide (60-70) WoW Instance Guides - BC Instance Guides. Head to Port and turn in all competed quests. You should be level 50 now. Jameâs Horde Leveling Guide Snowflakeâs Bloodelf Starting Guide (1-12) Bloodbaneâs Tirisfal Leveling Guide Part II (13-25) Arixanâs Horde Leveling Guide â Deepholm (82-83) Arixanâs Horde Leveling Guide â Mt [â¦] Turn in completed quests. Do “Pool of Tears” in the lake around the Temple of Atal Hakkar. Once you finished these quests, turn in only “Fuel for the Zapping”. Accept. That’s it for this guide! Battle Pet Leveling 1-25 Horde Note: There will always be different variations of pet compositions and abilities you can use to ⦠All 3 are quick and easy. Hello and welcome to our 1-60 horde leveling guide for WoW Classic! I know this guide is not as great as the , but this guide here can help a lot with the quests you can get and do as horde.. At gnome (26.45) accept Study of the Elements: Rock. As you have Frost Oil, turn in [â¦] Fly to Thousand Needles. Warmane – Lordaeron / Icecrown / Frostmourne, STOLEN: Smothing Tuyere and Lookout’s Spyglass, Incendosaurs? On corpses use Mountain Giant Muisek Vessel. Horde Arathi Highlands Guide Level 33. Welcome to the Leveling and Level 120 Survival Guide which is intended to help you begin your Battle for Azeroth experience as well as establish a foothold into your Level 120 adventures that will empower your character's development into Kul Tiras and Zandalar! Even if you think that splitting the XP from a mob between 5 people isn't worth it , you have to look at how many mobs you are killing and how quickly you are killing them. Thank you for watching and I hope you find this guide useful. Return to Village and turn in “Marg Speaks” at 35.31 and accept. As you are levelling, you will likely be getting quests to send you to a new zone, if not, then here is a list of my personal preference for levelling an Orc/Troll. Do several rounds. The conflict between the Horde and Night Elves is strong in these areas--Azshara used to be a night elf settlement, and the Warsong Gulch conflict in Ashenvale has escalated to the point where the Horde are attacking the Alliance in Astranaar. Ursangous always roams around this area, so just kill bears and stags while waiting for ⦠By complete the first zone, I just mean level up to anywhere between level 10 and level 12. At the Ruins of Isildien do “The Ogres of Feralas”. Follow the road then head a bit north to Boulder'gor.Kill 8 Boulderfist Ogre and 10 Boulderfist Enforcer inside the ogre mound. I recommend Zygor's Leveling Guide. 2. There is a very good Horde version by "DemonicHorde" that can be found here. 1 Horde 1.1 General 1.2 How To Get To Each Region: Horde 1.2.1 Eastern Kingdoms 1.2.2 Kalimdor 1.2.3 Outland First of all it should be mentioned that if you want to reach some point on the map while you're still low level, and the way is too dangerous, your best bet is to have a mage friend who can portal you to the capital cities for your faction. Accept and do. Go to Noonshade Ruins and start doing “Wastewander Justice” along with “Water Pouch Bounty”.
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