Example: iChun’s Hats Mod, Portal Gun Mod, Sync Mod, The Doors Mod, Keygrip Mod, Attachable Grinder Mod, Hat Stand Mod, Gravity Gun Mod, Hat Stand Mod…Made for Minecraft 1.5 or later. Play Portal Gun, Gravity Gun, or the rest of iChun’s mods with iChunUtil Library! XZW72 here with a mod review on the morph mod (indev) by iChun, the creator of the Portal Gun Mod, the Gravity Gun mod, and more. Portal Gun is a mod that adds various blocks, objects, and articles from the Portal game to your Minecraft worlds. The feature item of the mod is the eponymous Portal Gun which comes in several varieties. PortalGun by iChun Add the portal gun and many other portal elements into Minecraft. This free PC software was developed to work on Windows XP or Windows 7 and can function on 32-bit systems. This mod allows mapmakers to recreate courses in the games with the appropriate equipment to traverse both built courses and the everyday Minecraft world. The most popular versions of the tool are 2.0 and 1.2. Browse Get Desktop Feedback ... More information can be found at iChun's Blog. This library mod contains all the necessary files to make all the other mods of iChun work in unison and without conflict. The PortalGun mod, created by iChun, is modeled after the game Portal and its sequel, Portal 2. Software The Portal Gun allows for the transportation and manipulation of the world. Thus, with this mod installed, you will be able to take advantage of Portal features, such as traveling great distances in an instant, thanks to the portal guns. This mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft! What the Mod Offers. Hey guys! iChun Util is a game add-on needed for some mods, such as Gravity Gun Mod, Keygrip Mod, iChun’s Hats Mod, Portal Gun Mod, Sync Mod, The Doors Mod, Attachable Grinder Mod, Hat Stand Mod, Hat Stand Mod … Requires: If you keep traveling through the same two portals without stops, you will die of fall damage.Portal Guns can also be found in dungeon chests. Contains both Client and Server (Vanilla & Bukkit) files. iChun Util Mod 1.16.3/1.15.2 is a shared library required by a couple of iChun’s Mods. The most frequent installation filenames for the program include: Minecraft Portal Gun mod 1.5.2.exe and minecraft portal gun mod.exe etc. However, it should be used carefully if you don't want to end up where you meant to send someone else. Authored by iChun. Anyways, this mod lets you absorb a mob's "soul" when you kill it, turning you into the creature you just killed. As a library mod, iChunUtil does not add anything or change anything in vanilla Minecraft. Server requires ModLoaderMP. This mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft! This free tool was originally produced by iChun. For Minecraft b1.7.3 b1.7.3_v5. Client requires ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, and AudioMod. Adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft! iChunUtil is a shared library required by most of iChun's mods, including Gravity Gun, Portal Gun, Trail Mix, Torched, Attachable Grinders, Mob Amputation, Mob Dismemberment, and others.
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