Enforce digital rights of your content using IP location API. The DB-IP API is exposed via RESTful web services and makes use of the standard JSON encoding.. For example, to allow all IP addresses from to, you would add to your whitelist. AJAX, JSON, and JSON-P all supported. daylight saving in hours. plan. IP Geolocation API. is a non-intrusive way to know where your visitors are coming from. Viewed 138k times 120. increase the possibility of increasing conversions up to 70%. Don't ruin your visitor's website experience by showing annoying pop-ups asking for their location. 34. Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Optionally deep link directly to the IP Address Locator results. Both robotic and human IP Address lookups are welcome. Supported both IPv4 and IPv6 An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a logical address of a network adapter, and each and every network device has one. We are committed to a service level of 99.9% API monthly uptime, with a response time of under 500ms in most parts of the world and under 100ms in US, Europe and most of Asia. a DNS Lookup to give you the information about the web hosting provider and the geographical location timezone name, UTC/GMT offset, current date and time string, is daylight saving time active and Locate website visitors for free using ipfinder - a free, real-time IP address to location JSON API and database service supporting IPv4 and IPv6 lookup. Enter the domain address for the place of IP address and our API will perform Paid plans are starting from $15 per month. Serving more than 1 billion requests per day, trusted by thousands of businesses. With the free plan, you can make 15,000 IP lookup API calls per month. API Documentation Don't ruin your visitor's device information such as device name, device version, device type, device operating system, Use our Bulk IP Lookup endpoint to perform batch lookup of multiple IPs in one go. The below map shows your location information gathered by your browser. Instead of entering just a single IP address, you may instead specify a block of IP addresses using CIDR notation. with any IPv4 or IPv6 address in JSON and XML format over a secure HTTPS connection even in our free The lookup can be done either with our API or website. device browser, browser engine and browser version. It can identify robots, crawlers and attackers. traffic sources, known attackers, suspicious devices and tor nodes to prevent online fraud, trial abusers, forum spams and botnet attackers. with IP geolocation, redirect your users to their region-specific websites and The Google Static Map API site has all the details regarding the parameters and usage. IPLocationTools also provides you JavaScript IP Geo Location API. We provide data such as country name, country code, city, state, local currency, time zone, ISP, Our IP API provides geographical information about website visitors Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. served globally with latency based routing. IP location data has proven to be very effective in identifying the source of spam emails, hack attempts, or fraudulent activity against a web site or service. How It Works . Our geolocation API will If you would like to learn more about our IP location API subscription plans and pricing, contact us today. With reverse IP Lookup, you can resolve the host name or domain or The Basic IP geolocation API provides all the information of the Free API and adds detailed location data. IP to Time Zone module provides time and timezone related information such as ** You need to register with us before you can start using this free IP Location API. ASN, Company Details, device data from User Agent String, VPN, Proxy, Tor and threat intelligence data of the website. For example, with a plan of 60,000 IP Lookups / month, you can find the location of 60,000 IP addresses in a month. router dns address. them instantly. IP Geolocation API Fast, accurate, reliable. The Basic API includes advanced location data such as GPS coordinates, district, zip code, timezone and the unique place identifier in the Geonames open database. https://ipgeolocation.io/static/flags/us_64.png, Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Safari/605.1.15, curl 'https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo-bulk?include=hostname&ip=', curl -X POST 'https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo-bulk?apiKey=API_KEY'. Status ... Geolocation is the identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of an Internet-connected computer terminal or device. website experience by showing annoying pop-ups asking for their location. Free for non-commercial use, no API key required. Active 4 months ago. This gives you detailed information about the original source of traffic. IP to Currency module provides currency information of the country such as currency Make your visitors feel right at home by "talking" to them in their local language and connect with Given an IP address, the system will return a probabilistic value (between a value of 0 and 1) of how likely the IP is a VPN / proxy / hosting / bad IP.A value of 1 means that IP is explicitly banned (a web host, VPN, or TOR node) by our dynamic lists. The Basic API includes advanced location data such as GPS coordinates, district, zip code, timezone and the unique place identifier in the Geonames open database. IP Geolocation API is a free JSON REST API service for locating your visitors in real-time with detailed country information. this IP address is further licensed by the ISP, ANS and the connection (wired or wireless). The IP address "" is located in the following region: [ Home | All IP Addresses | Your IP Address | Whois | Statistics | Widget | API | Speedtest | Imprint ] utrace * - locate IP addresses and domainnames This IP Location API can be used for content personalization, geotargeting, geofencing, ad targeting, digital rights management, form auto-completion, etc. Connection information module provides connection related information It is a fast and easy way to whip up a map to add to a blog post, article, or website. IP geolocation is the mapping of an IP address to the geographic location of the internet from the connected device. Our geolocation API will detect their location from their IP address and … such as name of the ISP which owns this IP address, name of the organization/company to whom An IP Lookup is defined as finding the geographical location (or related information like currency, timezone etc.) name, currency symbol and currency code from and IP address. You can learn more about our various API products and get what you need with one of our three plans, including our Starter, Premium, and Enterprise plans, The ultimate resource for IP address geolocation and network intelligence. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Lookup the location of any IP Address to localize your website content, analyze logs, enrich forms, target ads, enforce GDPR compliance, perform redirections, block countries and more. We’ll discuss the cost of IP geolocation APIs we offer based on the plan, and can help you determine which plan is right for you based on your needs. The Basic IP geolocation API provides all the information of the Free API and adds detailed location data. You can use this geo IP API to display friendly message to your visitor. IP geolocation Do you have an awesome content localization strategy in place? User Agent module parses the browser user agent string and provides detailed IP to Location module provides geolocation information related to an IP address such as continent, country, country capital, country calling code, country top level domain, city, state/province, zip code, local languages, country flag, latitude and longitude information. An IP address is a unique series of numbers that identifies computers on a network, so an IP address can easily be used to determine the location of a device or origin of an internet message. IP geolocation is a non-intrusive way to know where your visitors are coming from. You can retrieve the geolocation information for an IP address in the following languages: Adapt the content of your website to the destination of your visitors. Enter any IPv4, IPv6 address or domain name to lookup its geolocation. detect their location from their IP address and show them the relevant message. Build a virtual fence around your content and make sure that only the people inside the fence can see it. IP Geolocation and Proxy Detection API. The security module provides threat intelligence data such as threat score, is tor, vpn or proxy, is known attacker and if the IP address belongs to one of the cloud providers. What SLA do you offer? I want to retrieve information like the city, state, and country of a visitor from their IP address, so that I can customize my web page according to their location. Easy to integrate, available in JSON, XML, CSV, Newline, PHP. One request can have up to 50 IPs. Otherwise, the output will return a real number value between 0 and 1, of how likely the IP is bad / VPN / … Although IP geolocation data generally cannot pinpoint an exact address, it can certainly narrow down the general area from which a hack originates. With our security and user agent module, you can identify anonymous If you need more information, please visit our API page for more choices. This geolocation API developer documentation will show you how to query the API using either the officially supported PHP client library or direct API calls over HTTP or HTTPs, and how to use the information in your application. We work to keep our IP geolocation API pricing affordable to give you the best tool you’ll find anywhere. By geographically mapping the IP address, it provides you with location information such as the country, state, city, zip code, latitude/longitude, ISP, … Browser Geolocation API is a new feature introduced in HTML5.Websites can get your location information from browsers that support Geolocation API to bring you better service. IP Address Locator. Our IP Address Locator lets you find out the location of over 16,000 IP Addresses per hour for free – no registration, no captchas, no keys required. Grab a location by finding an IP address, paste the URL above into a browser, and swap out the co-ordinates. Free tools or API for IP address geolocation lookup, which enable you to track the visitor's location and ip information in real-time. of an IP address. Learn more .
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