So what does that mean for us? The Garda Jerusalema Challenge exploded into viral status almost immediately upon being uploaded to social media, and appeared on websites, newspapers and even the national news for days afterwards. Our performers have demonstrated to the world that we’ve got good music, good dance and good moves. Irish granny, 89, grooves to Garda Jerusalema challenge to get through lockdown The Wicklow woman bopped in her front room to the song after Gardai … Maybe we're being biased here-- but apart from the original, we would say the most famous Jerusalema challenge is the one from the Irish police force, the Gardaí. Besonders durch den Tanz, also die «Jerusalema-Challenge», wurde der Song zu einem Hit. At this stage, a better question might be which countries have not done the Jerusalema Challenge. "I saw brands where you would see a drone showing a view of a company yard, then you will see their workshop, they dish out products, they make sure they give you a picture of every product they sell. See More: Those taking up the challenge perform a dance reel to the song Jerusalema, a gospel-influenced house song by South African producer Master KG and performed by singer-songwriter Nomcebo. Master KG and Nomcebo Zikode hit has been streamed more than 60 million times on Spotify “So I urge all of you to take up this challenge on Heritage Day and show the world what we are capable of. Master KG bagged the Best African Act award at the MTV European Music Awards, beating Nigerian superstars Burna Boy and Rema among others. READ: Jerusalema is a global lockdown hit. While he didn't have an exact number of companies they were going after, he did say there were "quite a few". Motsamai said Open Mic was looking at local examples of brands exploiting the song and will request payment from them too, just as Warner International has done. Then, learn the steps and record yourselves performing the dance. Das könnte teuer werden. But what exactly is the Jerusalema challenge, how did the Jerusalema Challenge start and how can I take part? The dance trend began in February of last year, when Fenómenos do Semba, a group in Angola, south-west Africa, recorded themselves dancing to the song while eating and without dropping their plates. The "Jerusalema" song topped the South African charts in December 2019 and again in February of this year, as lockdowns began to seem like a possibility. But some of them when you look at them, it's all about the brand, the company that is doing the challenge and little about the challenge. So it is upon us to ensure that we pursue this instance and make sure that some or other kind of licensing is paid so that we can pay them as well. While the Jerusalema Challenge is really just as simple as recording yourself dancing, don't be afraid to get creative with it (within the Covid rules in your area, of course)-- that's what makes all the best dances so famous. The Swiss Police, who had initially challenged the Gardaí to try and beat their Jerusalema dance, even admitted defeat-- later hanging an Irish tricolour out the window of the police building. The Gardaí showcased some of Ireland's most famous scenery, the original Fenómenos do Semba held on to their dinner plates the whole time-- have fun with it. The Irish Post is the biggest selling national newspaper to the Irish in Britain. Developed by Square1, Dublin nuns brilliantly take part in viral dance challenge, Irish nursing home brilliantly takes on viral Jerusalema dance challenge, WATCH: Gardaí answer viral dance challenge with video showcasing Ireland's incredible scenery, Donald Trump will win Republican nomination if he runs again in 2024, claims Mitt Romney, Ireland's job will be '98% done' once over-60s have been given Covid-19 vaccinations, Leo Varadkar says, President Biden pens touching letter reflecting on his Irish origins, Obese people to get vaccinated sooner as part of Ireland's new rollout strategy, Bomb alert: PSNI investigation launched after explosive devices found in Sinn Féin, SDLP offices. "There can be no better way to celebrate our South Africanness than joining the global phenomenon that is spreading across the world, and that is the _Jerusalema_ dance challenge. But if you used the music to shill for business, not so much. So if you took up the challenge, herded your kids into formation and posted the results online, you’re not going to get a hefty bill - or any bill - for that matter. So what constitutes a brand or an advert? It has reached the number one spot in the charts in multiple European countries including Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland, and sat comfortably in the top 10 of countless other countries. Die "Jerusalema Dance Challenge" ist der virale Hit in der Corona-Zeit. Famous Jerusalema efforts have come from all over the world, starting on the continent of Africa and spreading to Vietnam, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Morocco-- even Israel's Jerusalem itself. But on this occasion, McMillan wanted to talk about a dance craze sweeping the world based on the song “Jerusalema” from South Africa. "There has been a thin line. Download the EWN app to your iOS or Android device. @jerusalema_challenges This is a popular South African song called Jerusalema. The challenge sees Swiss officers dancing along to the song Jerusalema by South African DJ Master KG in various locations across the country. But there've been different versions of this challenge. He said some people took the challenge on for their own gains. Die "Jerusalema-Challenge" war in den vergangenen Monaten allgegenwärtig. The song, which an article in the Guardian newspaper describes as “a lamentation for God to take the singer to the heavenly city,” topped South African music charts in December 2019. His song became a worldwide hit after a viral TikTok dance challenge. A bill could be coming your way. Some of them will show maybe their logo at the beginning and it's all about the dance. Picking out the companies and brands taking advantage of the feel-good song in between people who are using it for a bit of fun isn't cut and dried, he said. Avec "Jerusalem", Master KG a fait danser le monde grâce à une chorégraphie devenue un challenge viral sur TikTok.Le musicien et producteur originaire de la République du Zimbabwe est devenu une star en Afrique; il a tout de suite rencontré le succès avec ses premiers titres, devenant dans la foulée l'ambassadeur de la communauté de Balobedu. Finally, upload your Jerusalema dance video to social media, using the tag #JerusalemaChallenge and tag your friends or family; dare them to take up the challenge next! So I urge all of you to take up this challenge.". It’s been a very rough ride for their community as global lockdowns wiped opportunities off the board for them. [Open Mic] owns the master, but we also have a duty to pay royalties to the people whose sound is embedded, whose performance is in the master, and in this case it is Master KG and Nomcebo," Motsamai explained. All rights reserved. At the time of publication, the track is the … Fenomenos do Semba 5 anos de Existencia, Jerusalema Dance Choreography. Can anyone who filled some bored downtime during lockdown perfecting the moves and sharing their effort expect a bill for their troubles? The Jerusalema song that I love so much,” he said in a video message released last week. "If it's for private use and has nothing to do with commercialising the song, in other words, using the song in order to exploit the brand, in order to make a specific brand visible, there is totally nothing wrong with that. The Garda attempt at the Jerusalema dance inspired countless other individuals, businesses, and communities in Ireland into having a go at the challenge. Jerusalema: The South African viral dance challenge lifting spirits amid the pandemic. Presumably, those heart-warming videos of frontline healthcare workers at taking up the challenge won’t be targeted. This doesn't just apply to younger people on TikTok, either: the Jerusalema challenge has become about as mainstream as you can possibly get, as entire police forces from different countries around the world have gotten involved. The upbeat gospel-influenced house song was initially released on 29 November 2019 after it garnered positive response online, with a music video following on 21 December. Many South Africans and others across the world took up the challenge. By popular demand we have finally taken on the # JerusalemaChallenge with a song by Master KG SA Music, which one would think is about Londolozi In fact they are singing "Ngilondoloze" which means "guard me", very similar to the meaning of Londolozi: the protector of all living things and so we feel this challenge was destined for us. He also explained how royalties were due when a song was used for commercial outcomes. Here's how to take part in the Jerusalema Challenge: Firstly, find someone to perform the dance reel with you-- preferably your family or someone in your 'bubble' to stick with Covid-19 regulations. Afrobeats music gets a 'long overdue' UK singles chart Though the lyrics are sung in Zulu, "Jerusalema" quickly rose to global fame. Viral Dance Routine, Sie sollte eigentlich gute Laune machen und die ganze Welt während der Corona-Krise vereinen. Then in February 2020, as COVID-19 … They then upload a video of their dance to social media and tag their friends, family or co-workers to challenge them to do the dance next. "There's royalties that, as Open Mic, we pay arising from synchronisation licences. Die Künstlerin Nina Graf alias Miu … READ: Groote Schuur health workers celebrate resilience with Jerusalema dance. CAPE TOWN - Master KG's Jerusalema was the sound of 2020. The famous Garda Jerusalema attempt was even reported in international outlets outside of the Republic. We do owe it, not just to Open Mic, but to the people who were part of it. Ärger um "Jerusalema"-Challenge: Warner fordert Gebühren Nun verlangt die Plattenfirma Warner Music Lizenzgebühren für die Nutzung des Songs. CAPE TOWN - Master KG's Jerusalema was the sound of 2020. Jerusalema, It’s worth remembering that all the artists who make this music have to eat too. "Jerusalema" is a song by South African DJ and record producer Master KG featuring South African vocalist Nomcebo. Im Jahr 2020 wurde der Song durch selbstaufgenommene Tanzvideos von Menschen aller Altersgruppen zu einem weltweiten viralen Hit. FOCUS Online hat enthüllt: Warner fordert von Teilnehmern der ´Jerusalema-Challenge´ Lizenzgebühren für die Nutzung des Liedes. The remix sees Burna Boy incorporating his signature Afrobeats style, singing part of his verse in isiZulu, while … Auch in Oberschwaben haben sich Beschäftigte von Kliniken und Unternehmen an der sogenannten Jerusalema-Challenge beteiligt und ein Tanzvideo zu dem Song online gestellt. Those taking up the challenge perform a dance reel to the song Jerusalema, a gospel-influenced house song by South African producer  Master KG and performed by singer-songwriter Nomcebo. What Is The Jerusalema Challenge. music giant charged various German government entities, READ: Groote Schuur health workers celebrate resilience with, Lotto results: Wednesday, 24 February 2021, Zoom era sees pandemic boom in US plastic surgeries, MacG losses sponsorship from retail brand Studio 88, 'Biggie' doc offers intimate look at rap legend from his inner circle, How much more alcohol will cost you after Mboweni's 2021 Budget Speech, Warner Music demands German police pay up for 'Jerusalema' videos, Stats SA: More than half of EC residents of working age unemployed in Q4, Tiger's legendary golf career in jeopardy after car crash. The music giant charged various German government entities for using the song in their versions of the challenge. Die sogenannte «Jerusalema-Challenge», bei der zum gleichnamigen Song Belegschaften von Krankenhäusern, Firmen oder Feuerwachen getanzt haben, hat ein teures Nachspiel: Der Konzern Warner Music hat nachträglich Lizenzgebühren gefordert. While members of the public who used the song for a bit of fun don't have to worry too much, those who used it for their own endorsements are in for a rude awakening. While the song is in the Zulu language, it has become popular across the globe-- music is the universal language, after all. Dieser Mann steckt hinter dem Song, zu dem die Menschen tanzen. Those are the ones that Warner and Open Mic has found. Dancing to this number is the current rage across the world labeled Jerusalema Dance Challenge Jerusalema dance challenge goes worldwide. "Jerusalema" - Challenge: Zu diesem Song tanzt die halbe Welt. #jerusalemadancechallenge #Africa #viralvideo Simply put, the Jerusalema challenge is a dance. #KKT#JERUSALEMA#CHALLENGEAnother one just click the link The song is playing in the background, and because it is playing in the background, now I have an interest in seeing what this particular company is doing," he said. Lyrically, as noted by OkayAfrica's Rufaro Samanga, "it speaks about Jerusalem being the home of many religious believers". It was the song that launched countless homemade challenge videos and even found its … It was the song that launched countless homemade challenge videos and even found its way into a presidential address last September. There are situations where a child and their family are in their living room and they are doing the challenge, or they are outside and doing the challenge. Yes, it's income that comes to us as master owners, but it's also income we have an obligation with our artists to pay over.". The hashtag #JerusalemaChallenge is now being used on social media, and a number of other police officers are joining in with the morale-boosting … News in the past few days that Warner International sent royalty invoices to various video posters in Germany sparked an outcry on social media - and just a little bit of panic. COPYRIGHT © 2021. Officers began posting the videos online and they instantly went viral. "We will start politely [asking for fees] locally because we have seen there has been a lot of skipping of the line. The impressive dance started going viral almost immediately, before exploding into the mainstream of the  western world in early 2021-- but most people still copy the moves seen in Fenómenos do Semba's original video. UNLESS YOU'VE been living under a rock, you've probably seen-- or at least heard of-- a Jerusalema challenge by now. So if you did it for fun or to lift the nation’s spirits, you’re good. Companies and brands using the song to enhance their own social capital is the problem Open Mic will also be targeting, he said. It was later included on Master KG's second album of the same title, released in … "We have followed the news that Warner, our partners internationally, has actually been taken to task by many people on social media saying 'you guys are being greedy, 'we are doing this thing because of social [distancing], we are all down because of COVID', and I think it's quite on point. Although it has "religious-leaning" lyrics, "Jerusalema" is an upbeat disco-house track, containing "deep", "spiritual", gospel lyrics. A screengrab via JAWS shows Palestinians taking part in the Jerusalema dance challenge. The "Jerusalema Challenge" has been one way in which people have built a sense of togetherness in 2020. The official music video has clocked over 344 million views on YouTube. Pay up for ‘Jerusalema’ videos, Warner Music tells German police A German state has been forced to fork out for licence fees after police officers took part in a 'Jerusalema' dance challenge. Es soll ein spiritueller Ort gemeint sein - ein Ort, an dem man Frieden findet, an dem es keine Sorgen, sondern nur Glück und fröhliche Menschen gibt. It really is that simple-- there's even a tutorial for the steps on Youtube, which you can find here. Type "Jerusalema challenge" into YouTube and the results go on for pages. We are so proud of these local South … The very next day after Gardaí uploaded their video, staff at a nursing home in Ireland also danced their way through the Jerusalema Challenge, and urged others to get involved. "Those are the critical examples that we will certainly not go after. And, most recently, the Dingle Coast Guard blew audiences away with their brilliant attempt at the Jerusalema Challenge. Eyewitness News spoke to Dumisani Motsamai, an entertainment lawyer and the man who takes care of legal and business affairs for Open Mic Productions - that’s Master KG and Nomcebo Zikode’s record label. They then upload a video of their dance to social media and tag their friends, family or co-workers to challenge them to do the dance next. Genau das sieht man auch im Video des Evangelischen Krankenhaus Paul-Gerhard-Stift: The Irish Post delivers all the latest Irish news to our online audience around the globe. You can see they were using it within the context of uplifting spirits during difficult times and within the confines of the call that was made by the president," he said. Workplaces got involved and people marshalled their kids to join in, posting their videos on social media. But we have seen these challenges taking it a little bit too far, where really, what has been happening here is that people have been pushing their brands," he said. That's perfectly fine. The language is Zulu. Als der Konzern Warner Music darauf hinwies, dass er die Rechte an dem Song "Jerusalema" innehabe, galt er schnell als Spielverderber. ", READ: Virus-weary South Africans take on Jerusalema dance craze. If the challenge is taken and someone is dancing with their family, individually, and has nothing to do with brand endorsement, has nothing to do with using the song to push a particular brand and put the brand in the face of people with the song in the background, then that's fine.". The Song Behind the Jerusalema Dance Challenge "I never thought people would be dancing to my song in the United States of America." Jerusalema ist ein Lied, das der südafrikanische Komponist und Produzent Master KG (mit bürgerlichem Namen Kgaogelo Moagi) im Jahr 2019 mit der Backgroundsängerin Nomcebo Zikode aufgenommen hat. Used 'Jerusalema' for your company video? Ireland's front line workers appeared on the national Late Late Show with a TV performance of the viral dance routine. Was heißt "Jerusalema" nun?
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