Well anyway, let's keep this relationship going even after we get out of here. After going back and forth for some time, Maki turned the entire debate around and said that she had met with Ryoma at nighttime, rendering everyone's alibi's as mute. We swore we'd never let the, "Time to work hard to solve this mystery! ", "Don't get the wrong idea. Everyone sits down in their chairs, connects their headset to the computer, making sure to listen to Miu's instructions, and logs in. Kaito doesn't seem to have this sort of appreciation for Kokichi, only finding his views extremely frustrating and always refusing to believe Kokichi's words despite his claims of believing in everyone, as he believes that Kokichi is never going to change his ways. However, the Mastermind, after seeing that everyone was too apathetic now to continue the killing game, prepared a Flashback Light that gave everybody memories of Hope's Peak Academy, that they were the symbols of hope, and that Kokichi was a Remnant of Despair. This usually results in Kokichi being met by one of Maki's glares, at which point he silences out of fear. In Chapter 6, it's revealed that Kokichi was actually the only one who took Gonta's talk about "tiny bugs" very seriously, as he designed and requested a bugvac from Miu to specifically look into the matter. Sometime before Miu died, Kokichi would also meet with Miu in her lab and requested her to make the electrobombs and electrohammers used in Chapter 5 by the remaining students to cross the Death Road of Despair as well a universal remote control that could hack into any electronic object. kokichi ouma . Leon Kuwata | When Himiko asks why Tenko had to die, Kokichi states that her death was meaningless and that Angie's death was the only one that they had to worry about. He appears disgusted as he explains how much he hates the creator and the viewers of the killing game, who enjoy toying around with people's lives. Ironically, the Japanese kanji for Presidents (of USA, for example), "大統領", means "junta leader" in Chinese. Once Kokichi showed it to him, Gonta immediately thought that they should tell everyone, but was stopped by Kokichi. Both Kokichi's motivation video, and Rantaro's video to himself, would later be used as evidence during the final class trial to disprove Kokichi being a Remnant of Despair, as well as to prove the survivors memories contradict with the actual facts about Hope's Peak Academy, revealing that everything that had been implanted into them by the Flashback Light were all lies. Kokichi does not seem to interact with Tenko much. Like in most situations, it's unclear how serious Kokichi actually is, but it is likely that he was just joking. Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. Kokichi has a vendetta against killing, and as such hates the killing game. He similarly calls Himiko ugly during the Prologue, when Miu tells the Monokubs to kill the ugly ones first, and Kokichi then cheerfully tells Himiko to run. During the investigation itself, Kokichi headed to the Ultimate Magician's Research Lab in order to find out how Himiko had performed her trick. The participants were presented with the third motive, the Necronomicon, and were told that they would be able to bring back someone who had died already as a transfer student. After the caged child did not answer to Korekiyo's question, Kokichi and Shuichi reignited the candles and the whole group helped in removing the cage and cloth from Tenko's position, only to find her dead in a pool of her own blood. Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? He eventually backed down along with the other students who were against Shuichi after Kaede and the students who defended Shuichi proved his innocence. ", "I'm gonna survive! While Gonta was able to hang the toilet paper from the binoculars to get off the roof, he was unable to dispose of it properly due to Shuichi and Tsumugi's untimely arrival. Though everyone thought that the tunnel probably ended up being a trap, they still had to test every single possibility in order to escape. ", "How rude. However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. Notably, he wrote "trustworthy?" Being a skilled liar himself, Kokichi can tell whenever other people are lying, though he occasionally acts like he didn't notice or claims the other person is lying even though he knows they aren't. He states that if he grows to like someone, he makes them notice him even if it means choking them. The keyword on his initial design was simply "shota", so he was made to look like a cute and personable boy. He likes the character quite a lot but states that Kokichi is not the kind of guy he would like to meet in real life.[5]. Kokichi: Hiiiiiiiii!!!!! He has a very hard time trusting people as he knows that somebody among the group is the Mastermind planning the killing game. ", "No matter how dangerous it gets, we just have to do it. Date with Kokichi Ouma. Miaya Gekkogahara | When someone tells me to stop, I just wanna do it more! Portrayals I, Kokichi Oma, am the mastermind and king of the. Kokichi seemed to agree, telling everyone to leave Maki to him. ", "If I don't have lies, then I don't have anything else! While everyone else investigated the newly opened areas, Kokichi was able to get through the tunnel alone and discovered the supposed secret of the outside world, of the killing game itself, that they were the last remaining survivors of humanity and that the Earth had bee destroyed long ago by meteorites. However, Kokichi teasingly says that he knows that she likes him and then claims that he likes her in a more sincere sounding voice, though his facial expressions cannot be seen due to the Exisal. That's how a, "More importantly, we gotta solve the mystery! However, unlike with K1-B0, Kokichi didn't tease him for being a robot. Later on, when Kaito gathered everyone in the gym, proposing a plan to fight Monokuma, Kokichi suddenly appeared as well and brought with him Miu's inventions, offering them to his classmates. It is later revealed that his organization is called D.I.C.E., and it is indeed just a small group of eleven pranksters (including himself) who only commit "laughable crimes" such as mild pranks, vandalism, and petty theft. After the Class Trial ended, Shuichi concluded that Kokichi was someone they could not understand all the way until the very end and that he might be the physical embodiment of "lie" itself. The other students escape the scene quickly, hearing the sound of "buzzing and Kokichi's screams" from the lab. ", "If I gave you honest answers now, it'd just make everything boring, riiiight? Kokichi enjoys teasing K1-B0 due to K1-B0 being oblivious and a robot, thus making him an easy target. FREE Shipping on … Considering his inner voice, he was very likely right. Kaede, however, was still skeptical, but this skepticism was met with the accusation of her wanting to continue the killing game from some of the participants, Kokichi included. Much later on in Chapter 5, after the remaining participants cleared the Death Road of Despair, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind of the Killing School Semester and that he was the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project. Kokichi's Research Lab and dorm room would open up to everyone in this chapter. During an event in the bonus mode, Kokichi claims that he truly respects police officers, who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public. A majority of the group wasn't sure what to do after reading these rules and began to panic and argue. He also curiously asks about how the robot functions, like asking about his private parts, and seems disappointed if the answers are duller than he expected. Hiyoko Saionji | They also wear different clown masks as a symbol of their group and supposedly to hide their identity. After Kokichi returned with everyone's motive videos, Gonta told him about the people he was unable to detain while everyone else was even more irritated that Kokichi took so long to return while they had been swarmed by insects. In his promotional art, he is shown with a dark flowing cloak and a leather peaked hat with a gold badge on top of it, giving him a more malicious look. Maki, on the other hand, despises Kokichi for divulging her secret. While he was usually simply amused with Shuichi's lying in earlier trials and didn't really point them out to others, in the fourth trial he is furious and even vengeful when Shuichi lies back to him and everyone believes Shuichi's lie over him. With that, the first investigation began. According to Kokichi's Japanese voice actor Hiro Shimono, he is "an emotional rollercoaster of a character" and "the guy who says the things no one wants to say". Kokichi went along with whatever everyone decided, but secretly had ulterior motives and as a result, lied to Gonta about a promise they had made and met alone. Super High School Level Supreme Leader members are extremely loyal to him. Only an evil supreme leader like me could do something so...eeeeeevil! In the official art book, it's stated that he is quite nonchalant about his hair, but he does possess a true sense of fashion he keeps hidden and displays through his colorful underwear, supposedly not finding it fitting with his supreme leader image. All the mysterious things that happened have to connect each other somehow...", "Even if we know all the tricks, it's pretty meaningless if we don't find the culprit. Beta Kokichi Oma [ Headcanons ] Author. On his whiteboard, Kokichi describes K1-B0 as "weird", and considering his intelligence it's possible that he was paranoid and suspicious of a robot in a killing game setting that logically should be for humans. Kokichi considered Gonta a typical dumb muscle and planned to use him as one of his minions from the start. He believes that Kaito's attitude with a group of other people could cause a new killing game. Despite being chosen to participate, Kokichi and the other fifteen participants had no intentions of going along with the plan, not wanting to abandon their loved ones. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 2, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 3, Translated List V3 Students' Former High Schools. Since Shuichi does not make a move, Kokichi says he wants to play with him and do a lot more with him too and pushes him on the bed. "But I just know that'll happen, okay? Descending the manhole, Kokichi and the others found a tunnel leading outside of the academy. Kokichi later claims he doesn't want Rantaro to come back to life, because he'd rather have Shuichi's wish to have Kaede come back true, to make Shuichi happy. Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot. All models were 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction. Though everyone agreed to work in pairs, Kokichi chose not to follow this guideline and went off on his own. He tended to complain about situations he found boring and even during some bad situations he noted that it's fine because at least it's not boring. 4.5 out of 5 stars 273. He claims that as an evil supreme leader, he doesn't like violence and would rather sneak around. Which means, the more we try to cooperate, the more, "Nee-heehee... As an evil supreme leader, I can't pass up the chance to watch you win a jackpot! Kokichi then helps Shuichi during the investigation and begins to call himself Shuichi's partner. After the conclusion of the fourth class trial, Kokichi grief for the now deceased Gonta accidentally letting his mask slip, only to reveal it as a lie soon after and state that he'd never cry for him reaffirm his villainous mask do the mastermind does not suspect him. In general, he appears to be somewhat against cooperation and strong inspirational speeches during the killing game, as he has pointed out that this makes you suspicious and a threat in the eyes of the mastermind. This issue was already reported, and we'll be getting it fixed in the demo and full version :)", https://danganronpa.fandom.com/wiki/Kokichi_Oma?oldid=342263. It's shown that while he is not as evil as he appears and feels guilt, he is willing to take drastic actions if he believes he has to. She often calls him an "asshole" or "son of a bitch", which is odd because she otherwise never swears. Like with his other attire, the bottom of his trousers are short. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. [9] Overall, he often appears to have good intentions, but acts on them in a harsh and confusing manner. Makoto Naegi | Shuichi states that Kokichi was the pathetic one as no one wanted to be around him, and that would never change. Koichi Kizakura | He also saw through Kirumi's charade when she had hoped someone would take the fall for her or get away while everyone else revolted, much to her dismay and irritation. Did you know half my lies are actually told with good intentions? Kokichi considers lying to be a major part of who he is, believing lies to be just as - if not more - important than the truth. Also, I don't run from battles in RPGs, either! Kokichi's characterization was focused on duality. He begins to act exaggeratedly "evil", claiming he enjoys the killing game and the suffering of others from the bottom of his heart, making the others think he is pure evil and very likely even the mastermind. Kyouko Kirigiri | Is something wrong with your heads?! In the end, Kokichi simply watched as Korekiyo was executed by Monokuma. Kokichi tells Gonta that he won't be tricked by someone like him anymore. Due to that fact, it is unclear whether Kokichi is the leader of D.I.C.E. Miu acknowledged Kaede and said that she did good, but she harshly belittled Kokichi for being a liar, to which he responded with by shedding fake tears. Of course, Kokichi was already aware of all this thanks to already knowing about the secret of the outside world. He told everyone that he wouldn't interfere with them any longer before leaving the gym, along with Miu's memento for them to use, the electrohammers. The other students accused him of being allies with Monokuma and some even noticed that he had started to talk and act like the bear. Male Sprite After talking about it a bit more, Kokichi confessed that he lied about being the culprit, claiming that he wanted to draw out the real culprit with his lie. He has multiple times claimed that he always does things for everyone's sake and complained about the other students not realizing it. When asked what he was doing during Rantaro's murder, Kokichi jokingly replied that he was in the library smashing his head in, much to Kaede's irritation. Kaede was confused by Kokichi's childish personality and his unusual Ultimate talent. Kokichi would be kept by Kirumi for a whole hour, being chastised by her for the first thirty minutes, and forcing her into a game of tag for the last half hour. In Chapter 2, the other students were shocked to find out that Ryoma wanted to see his motive video, with the sole exception of Kokichi who agreed with Ryoma and even defended him by calmly saying that Ryoma simply stated his own opinion. He was also the one who came up with the ideas of a bugvac and electric weapons against Monokuma in detail. However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa. During his private conversation with Kaito in Chapter 5, Kokichi expresses his true feelings towards the Killing Game, stating that those who are enjoying the students' suffering "piss him off" and that he had to "lie to himself" in order to get any enjoyment out of it. Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others! Komaru Naegi | However, due to the mind manipulation of Team Danganronpa, it is unknown if they actually exist. He constantly brings up how K1-B0 is different from the others and isn't a person, and points out his difficulties with understanding human emotions. Knowing this, Kokichi met with Monokuma in secret in the game room at nighttime and proposed that they reuse the motive in order to make the Killing Game "more interesting". During the second trial, after everyone had supposedly pinned down the culprit as either Kaito or Maki, Kokichi proposed that they all have those two argue against each other and convince the remaining participants on who is the culprit since if only two suspects remained, one of them had to know for certain that the other was the culprit. During Chapter 5's class trial, Himiko states that there is no way to love or take interest in a person like Kokichi. He once told Kaede that he is more nervous around friends who share too much than strangers. 18. Kokichi Ouma | After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. ", showing that the matter appears very important to him. Conversely, he is uncaring about the majority of the students, treating their deaths as trivial or entertaining to keep up appearances . He frequently reminds the other students that the game is about suspecting others and that you cannot fully trust other people, especially in such situation, causing him to clash with Kaito's opposite way of thinking. When the students are attempting to catch Kokichi, they set an "Amami trap", with him waiting in place and attempting to catch him with his arms. He has talked to Shuichi about it more than once, such as when he recognized the way he lashed out in the beginning of Chapter 4 was most likely due to the fact he was frustrated with all the murder and tense situations they've been put through, and Kaito also appeared to understand Kokichi's motive in Chapter 2 though he was unsure about it. He is capable of creating complex plans in a short amount of time—a notable case being the time he wrote a script for Kaito during the class trial, which was written thoroughly about possible reactions and possible routes of how the trial will play out. ", "There's no point in asking whether we'll find it or not! It was at this time that Maki rode an Exisal into the hangar, intent on ending the killing game, saving Kaito, and killing Kokichi due to believing that he was a Remnant of Despair from the false memory triggered by the Flashback Light. Everyone else who had been detained was thankfully able to take back their motive videos and leave, heading to their dorm rooms to finally get some rest. As a result, and with all the other evidence, Shuichi was able to pin the crime on Korekiyo, but he dismissed it as irrelevant due to them having to find Angie's killer, not Tenko's. If he liked a person or found them interesting, he tended to state that they are not boring, which was a big and rare compliment coming from him. He was suspicious of her ever since the first chapter, as during the first trial he called her the most suspicious and said she looks like she can definitely kill someone.
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