Damir animira čitavo selo koje s puškama kreće na Rakića. Follows the story of eight neighbors living in a city of Zagreb. Follows the life of the Kosmicki household - father Marko, head of the family, his wife Ruza and their three children - Dudo,Biba and Neno. Kud puklo da puklo (2014-2015-2016) prva i druga sezona Selo je na rubu egzistencije, a lokalno stanovništvo vođeno ambicioznim čelnikom Milom dobit će priliku spasiti selo neočekivanom i iznenadnom prilikom za nasljedstvom. Search for "Kud puklo da puklo" on Amazon.com, Title: People from the village find out, and try to get them to go away. Petra, a young, just graduated economist returns to her native village Lokvica to take part in illegal business of smothering tobacco and other goods over the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is led by her grandmother Zorka. U središtu priče su rendžer nacionalnog parka Damir (Momčilo Otašević) i doktorica Katarina (Mirna Medaković) koja zbog djedove oporuke dolazi živjeti u Oštrovac. Emitiranje druge sezone započelo je 7. rujna 2015. Kada ga Josip zamoli da bude kum njegovim kćerima, oni odlaze u dućan nazdravit, gdje Sveto uzima Roka pod svoje i objasni mu matematiku, što potpuno izludi Milu. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Take a look back at the talented actors and actresses who took home a Golden Globe for Best Actor/Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama since the category was created in 1951. Katarina's, Tomislav's and Kreso's grandfather dies. Damir quickly develops feelings for Katarina putting him at odds with the rest of the village. Odnos između Svete i Mile se zaoštrava. Nombre total de saisons: 1 Nombre total d’épisodes: 80 Vue d’ensemble: Liste toutes les saisons: Kud puklo da puklo je hrvatska telenovela. Nova TV Uto 23.02.2021. Kud puklo da puklo - Momčilo Otašević u novoj hit seriji na TV Vijesti Whichever Way the Ball Bounces Katarina's, Tomislav's and Kreso's grandfather dies. Kud puklo da puklo I, ep. A widower from Split arrives in Zagreb for a medical checkup and disrupts his son's family everyday. 02 Đurini unuci Tomislav, Krešo i Katarina započinju borbu i sa selom i sa svakodnevnim egzistencijalnim nedaćama – u Đurinoj kući nema ni struje ni vode pa je njihov boravak u selu na neki način i bitka za preživljavanje u uvjetima na koje kao gradska djeca nisu navikli. The second season began airing on September 7, 2015 and ended on June 9, 2016. At the end of the first season, the grandchildren won inheritance and chose to save the village from foreclosure investing in the construction of the hotel "Đuro's Dream" on rural land where a strange man dies through a series of comic events. Kud puklo da puklo I, ep. Dario has no choice but to settle with his family at Oštrovac to search the treasure. Four men in their forties, in Sarajevo, deal with every day issues, while trying to form a band, and hanging out in local pub. Kud puklo da puklo. Kud puklo da puklo, 25. veljače Mile, Stipe i Sveto namjeste Mati da upadne u šaht, no u šaht upadne Marko. He leaves them a million euros, but they can get the money only if they stay in the same house that he grew up in for a year or the money goes to the village. Kako bi Darija „potjerali“ iz sela, Miranda savjetuje Jacku da mu se oduzme koncesija na zemljište. Kud puklo da puklo – 2. sezona / 179. epizoda. Unsatisfied that her husband had given up the search for the treasure, Miranda (Jelena Perčin) leaves Dario. (2014–2016). Sezona 2.] Use the HTML below. The second season began airing on September 7, 2015 and ended on June 9, 2016. Katarina soon starts to feel something for Damir, but resists. No, zajedno s novčanim prilikama, dolazi i neočekivana konkurencija - troje mladih, urbanih predatora koji novac, jasno, žele za sebe. Add the first question. Sveto je van sebe, a Mile i don Ante ne propuštaju priliku da se narugaju. The series was cancelled after two seasons and its last episode was aired on June 9, 2016. Snimanje prve sezone serije Kud puklo da puklo završilo je 14. ožujka 2015., a emitiranje prve sezone završilo je 7. lipnja 2015. godine. Kud puklo da puklo 1,172 Views Nakon olakšanja što Sveto ipak ne umire, emotivna Barbara spava s njim, a Srećko, sav nesretan jer je ispao glup, odluči upisati fakultet. Therefore, the village will, at least initially, to do everything to drive Đuro's grandchildren out and get the fortune. in Kud puklo da puklo 3,282 Views. 02 Đurini unuci Tomislav, Krešo i Katarina započinju borbu i sa selom i sa svakodnevnim egzistencijalnim nedaćama – u Đurinoj kući nema ni struje ni vode pa je njihov boravak u selu na neki način i bitka za preživljavanje u uvjetima na koje kao gradska djeca nisu navikli. Sitcom about the staff, patients, guests and all kinds of different events in a small clinic at the end of a town. Multiple generations navigate love, friendship, family, politics, the birth of a new cultural scene and more in 1980s Zagreb. IMPRESSUM - UVIJETI KORIŠTENJA - … Fadil and his friend Osman from the village Donje Brabonjiste are called by Fadil's cousin Uzeir to Sarajevo. Medijski pokrovitelji. Đuro (Mate Gulin), Katarina's grandfather, lived most of his life as a recluse but left a small fortune to his grandchildren Katarina, Tomislav (Miran Kurspahić), and Krešo (Janko Popović Volarić) provided they spend a year in his dilapidated house in Oštrovac. Kud puklo da puklo (Whichever Way the Ball Bounces) (2014) is a Croatian comedy telenovela produced by Nova TV. He eventually brings his daughters Tina (Monika Mihajlović) and Sara (Katja Rožmarić) and searches less for the diamonds. Kud puklo da puklo. by Balkan Serije 3 months ago 42 minutes 32,895 views Kud puklo da puklo - 406. epizoda. • DOBRODOŠLI na našu stranicu • • Radi se o dramskoj humorističnoj seriji,koja će vas dovesti do suza ;) <3• • NE PROPUSTE • He leaves them a million euros, but they can get the money only if they stay in the same house that he grew up in for a year or the money goes to the village. Katarina, Tomislav and Krešo will get a million euros from his grandfather - but only if they spend a year in his ruined house in Oštrovac. Pregled; Epizode; Galerija; Sadržaj epizode. Kud puklo da puklo 2, epizoda 67. With Mirna Medakovic, Momcilo Otasevic, Milan Strljic, Miodrag Krivokapic. Kud puklo da puklo takes place in Oštrovac, a village at the edge of the national park. Radnja serije „Kud puklo da puklo“ smještena je u živopisni Oštrovac, selo na rubu nacionalnog parka. U središtu priče su rendžer nacionalnog parka Damir (Momčilo Otašević) i doktorica Katarina (Mirna Medaković) koja zbog djedove oporuke dolazi živjeti u Oštrovac. In addition to external obstacles between them, Damir and Katarina have great personal differences too. Serija je sa snimanjem krenula 1. lipnja 2014., a s emitiranjem 15. rujna 2014. godine na Novoj TV. Kud puklo da puklo 935 Views Damir pokušava Roku objasniti matematiku, ali mu ne ide. Uvjeren da će tako pomoći Kreši kojem se Tina doista sviđa, Tomislav kaže Mati za nju i Krešu. Hrvatska, Komedija, Glumci. No, kada u selo dođe dopis da se postave novi natpisi ulica, Mile dobiva ideju – predloži Sveti da dodijeli posao … Kud puklo da puklo – 2. sezona / 22. epizoda. Kud puklo da puklo. U središtu priče su rendžer nacionalnog parka Damir (Momčilo Otašević) i doktorica Katarina (Mirna Medaković) koja zbog djedove oporuke dolazi živjeti u Oštrovac. Snimanje popularne serije Kud puklo da puklo završilo je 31. ožujka 2016., a emitiranje … Since the village on the edge of collapse, this money could mean its salvation. It is also broadcast in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. The first season was aired from September 15, 2014 to June 7, 2015. This FAQ is empty. Izet has a son Faruk, who in turn has a son Damir. If they did not, the money would go to the village. Kud puklo da puklo season 1 episode 2 Milion eura : Đurini unuci Tomislav, Krešo i Katarina započinju borbu i sa selom i sa svakodnevnim egzistencijalnim nedaćama – u Đurinoj kući nema ni struje ni vode pa je njihov boravak u selu na neki način i bitka za preživljavanje u … Kud puklo da puklo (2014) 45 min. Uzeir has plans for Fadil and the first one is to put him as the boss of a teather. Sve o seriji "Kud puklo da puklo" http://facebook.com/EMDTforum 2. sezona 22. epizoda. Kud puklo da puklo [Epizoda 62. Here are 5 fan favorites for when you're in the mood to rock out and laugh. 45 min. People from the village find out, and try to get them to go away. After failed attempts discover the diamonds, Dario decides to disguise himself as a farmer. Kud puklo da puklo – 2. sezona / 177. epizoda. It is an original story starring Mirna Medaković, Momčilo Otašević, and Ivan Herceg. Kud puklo da puklo 147 epizoda. Katarina's, Tomislav's and Kreso's grandfather dies. Created by Vlado Bulic, Mirna Milicic. To čuje Damir te ostaje duboko povrijeđen. Each of them, except the priest, agrees it would be a good idea to surreptitiously force Đuro's grandchildren of the village. Jack odluči u Oštrovcu izgraditi zog za balote. Kud puklo da puklo (TV Series 2014–2016) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Since money is on the line, Đuro's grandchildren have to contend with the villagers regularly. When a small town police station is threatened with shutting down because of too little crime, the police realizes that something has to be done. Ručak kod Mile se pretvori u potpuni debakl. Kud puklo da puklo - 405. epizoda Josip donosi papire iz Općine u kojima piše da su mu kćeri rođene u Krasincu. Serija "Kud puklo da puklo" jedna je od omiljenih u programu Nove TV, a koliko dobro poznajete njezine glavne aktere i njihove zgode koje se odvijaju u malenom živopisnom selu, saznajte u našem kvizu. Damir's father Mile (Milan Štrljić) heads the local committee, but his adversary, Sveto (Žarko Radić), is doing everything to obtain his position. Damir is very conservative and has ideas about where a woman's place is while Katarina has an emancipated and strong personality like her grandfather Đuro. The cast also includes Luka Peroš best known for his role of Marseille in Money Heist.[2]. Damir je, dolazeći iz šopinga, ušao u kupaonu i zatekao Katarinu golu. The story follows Damir (Momčilo Otašević), a national park ranger, and Katarina (Mirna Medaković), a doctor, who move to Oštrovac as directed by Katarina's grandfather's will. Kud puklo da puklo . The oldest of the family is Izet. Numero di stagioni: 1 Numero di episodi: 80 Panoramica: Elenca tutte le stagioni: People from the village find out, and try to get them to go away. He leaves them a million euros, but they can get the money only if they stay in the same house that he grew up in for a year or the money goes to the village. Zoki je pobijedio na državnom natjecanju te putuje u Vatikan. Kud puklo da puklo 687 Views. Dario (Vladimir Posavec Tušek), the man's accountant, comes looking for him and the diamonds he supposedly left behind. Kud puklo da puklo (Whichever Way the Ball Bounces) (2014) is a Croatian comedy telenovela produced by Nova TV. Over time, he is quite successful. Jagoda Kumrić departed the cast at the end of episode 2.107, Jelena Perčin departed the cast at the end of episode 2.107, Vladimir Posavec-Tušek departed the cast at the end of episode 2.107, Katja Rožmarić departed the cast at the end of episode 2.107, Tomislav Krstanović joined the cast in episode 2.108, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Dobrodošli u Oštrovac, likovi iz serije Kud puklo da puklo, 24 sata.hr, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kud_puklo_da_puklo_(TV_series)&oldid=990938953, Pages using infobox television with unknown empty parameters, Articles to be expanded from November 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 November 2020, at 10:59. Marko želi obnoviti romansu s … Kud puklo da puklo. Miranda eventually returns determined to find the diamonds herself. A comedy about five young adults who happen to live in the same building and gather in a pub called "Bitange i princeze". Kud puklo da puklo, 10. veljače. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Many townspeople including a teacher, Barbara (Ecija Ojdanić); a priest, Mirko (Ivan Herceg); Mile's best friend, Stipe (Miodrag Krivokapić); and local tavern owner, Ane (Barbara Vicković), are also on the committee. Katarina's, Tomislav's and Kreso's grandfather dies. [1] It is also broadcast in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. The first season was aired from September 15, 2014 to June 7, 2015. Kud puko da puklo domaca serija online smještena je u živopisni Oštrovac, selo na rubu nacionalnog parka. corab-191-186466. The cast also includes Luka Peroš best known for his role of Marseille in Money Heist.
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