Actress Penelope Cruz (Taurus with Mars Cancer) says of her childhood, "I remember playing with some friends and being aware that I was acting playing with them--I would think of a character and pretend to be someone else." Mars in Cancer is an act first think later right brain sign. The typical Mars in Cancer man will attract a partner by being emotionally sensitive; he will “feel out” the other person. Cancer. The Mars In Cancer Man. And Depending On Moon Sign, It Can Clue You In To The Type Of Woman He's Most Attracted … Women with Mars in Cancer may be attracted to women, and the female anatomy. Mars covers the more primal response and how we deal with intimacy. Mars is the planet that rules the way we feel and process our physical attractions to other people. All the men I've been with romantically have a strong Cancer and Libra or Gemini signature in their chart with a firey Mars. If you've got Mars in Cancer, like I do, this energy will influence this aspect of your relationships. If Your Sun or Mars are in Cancer - You're attracted to a sensitive and understanding man who makes you feel emotionally and financially safe and secure. Mars in Cancer and Acting . You will notice that the way they walk has a “waddle” to it. These women sometimes are attracted to temperamental sorts, finding moodiness in a man rather intriguing. They want men with “layers” (remember Shrek? Has your cancer man gone quiet and unresponsive? The only thing I have been able to chalk this up to is my Libra ASC and Aqua Sun/Venus trining their air and their Cancer attatching to my Chrion conjunct MC in Cancer (public face ya know? ). It’s a warning sign whenever a Cancer man retreats back into his shell. If Your Moon or Venus are in Cancer - You're attracted to a woman who will comfort, care for you, and take care of your needs (i.e. And he certainly didn't suggest that I'm attracted to every single Cancer … The cancer guy doesn’t tend to play mind games with their partners. It makes sense: Mars is fierce and flamboyant, while Cancer is nurturing and private. So, in bed, take the pressure off this man by taking control. This is not about romance, per se, as that is governed by the planet Venus. He knows what he wants from life and he has the ambition and perseverance to … To be clear, he didn't say that I'm with my partner solely because his sun and my Mars are both in Cancer. However, like all Zodiac signs, if he’s not committed to the relationship anymore there are signs he wants out. who "mothers" you). This is very much a foodie placement who is drawn to self care and care for others through nutrition and sustenance. As such, you might also have a prickly outer shell which belies your tender sensitivity. Signs A Cancer Man Is Playing You. What Men Want In A Woman Has A Lot To Do With Astrology, Believe It Or Not. In fact, Mars is said to be “in fall” in the sign of Cancer, meaning this is one of the more challenging signs for the red planet to be housed in. You are drawn to a man who you (unconsciously) perceive as a father figure or consciously see as the "father of your children." If a woman’s Mars is in Cancer, she may prefer the “sensitive type” of man who is compassionate, sensitive, and protective. Mars Cancer people play on and with emotions, making many of them natural performers. A Cancer will usually seek out a more outgoing mate—partly because they like to be dominated in life and/or in the bedroom. It's a plus if she reminds you of your mother. This guy wants his partner to feel safe with him and to share emotional intimacies. With Mars in Cancer, Men can feel controlled by their own emotions, at times. The Mars in Cancer man, being so sensitive and emotional as he is, intuition is highly advanced, to a level that grants him near omniscience as far as cold reading goes. ). He can take a bit to warm up, because he wants to protect himself, but he has a lot to give. A man who needs to be "mothered" may also catch your eye.
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