Hide's weapons and armor must be in top shape to survive the onslaught of evil and the Dual Swords offer but one of many ways to get started. Lv. Nioh 2; Best end game build thats NOT crit; User Info: ghost5141. Keep your equipment roughly in-line with your character level, but have an eye on Special Effects. Alternatively you can go the route of dealing crazy damage to enemies inflicted with a status like the following build shown off by FightinCowboy. Meeting a variety of individuals, the half Yokai shiftling Hide joins a team on a journey across Japan to hunt down Yokai and make a profitable living for themselves. The general advice for the early to mid game of Nioh 2 is to not be too attached to any particular piece of armor. Malevolent Yokai is at large and plagues the land like a wildfire that hungers and nothing more. High stance techniques help deal with crowds, preventing them from overwhelming Hide when things get a little Dicey. Understand that the idea of a "best build" isn't explicit when it comes to any particular weapon. Once your character level starts to get to 80+ you can push them higher. But this Armor set can only be obtained after chapter 4/5. Team Ninja’s latest can be tough but it’s possible to excel with the right weapon. You need 9 Constitution and 9 Strength to wear this set. Or if you’re into really heavy armor take a look at the Yoriki line, which isn’t an official set but when worn together gives you a very strong chance of Life Regeneration when you kill an enemy for just 7 Stamina and 6 Strength. "Recommended Skills and Stat Builds for … The numbers I’ll throw out here are based on the levels you gain by about the middle of a single playthrough. This Nioh build primarily focuses on PVE and uses axes as the primary weapon and spears/kusarigama as the secondary weapons. The numbers I’ll throw out here are based on the levels you gain by about the middle of a single playthrough. Whereas light armor works with just about everything because a lot of weapons have skill damage scaling. February 4, 2021 Taku Bou Nioh 2 4. Medium armor is also pretty great and doesn't allow the total Equipment weight to exceed the 70% threshold for maintaining a stable amount of agility. Then for the magic buffs, you need Protection Talisman, Extraction Talisman, Weakness Talisman, Barrier Talisman, and Pure Heaven Cursed Earth. If there’s a slight difference in Defence, but the lower piece has a great Special Effect like + Attack, Life, or Ki, or something like dash/dodge Ki reduction, consider using it over a similar piece with weaker effects. However, not everyone wants to put the time into speccing out a broken character for their eighth playthrough. These stats could change at anytime depending on the build, so this isn't a finite absolute example but a reference on how to spread those points desirably for maximum effect. However, by that same token, don’t hold onto outdated equipment for the sake of a 1% bonus to your backstab damage. When it comes to the Dual Swords, Light Armor are hands down the best pick especially if players prefer to play around in the Low stance. Before we start, remember you can reset your skills at any time with a Book of Reincarnation from the Blacksmith. Weapon types could make up a whole guide on their own, but in effect, each has a main stat that improves its damage, and two side stats that improve the damage at a slightly lesser rate. *Boss Spoiler Warning* I present to you the most powerful Kunai build you can possibly make atm in endgame, aka, NG+, aka Dream of the Strong. There are a lot more intricacies to the build than that, so I’d suggest watching the video. Before we start, remember you can reset your skills at any time with a Book of Reincarnation from the Blacksmith. Some weapon types, such as swords and axes, have subcategories that scale differently. For example, weapons that use the axe moveset can be either axes, or hammers. There are weapons in the game that while haven't received much attention, anyone with the right amount of patience can find a way to turn it into the "best" weapon for them by maximizing its destructive potential. Even if you hardly ever use ninja techniques, it is a good idea to complet Both scale mainly with stamina (B+), but what th… So we’ll also talk about the basics, and a few of Nioh 2’s best armor sets for your first run. Before this, you will mostly use Light Armor set, and the best one should be the Fuma Ninja Armor set. Around the mid-point of Nioh 2, you’ll start to find specifically synergetic sets of armor which give powerful bonuses when used in conjunction with each other. In Nioh 2, Armor is split into three weights – light, medium, and heavy. Lv. Thus, swinging an axe around can eat up stamina pretty quickly. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The higher the rarity of an armor piece, the more Special Effects it has. Nioh 2 offers a range of flexibility and creativity that allows players to mess around with different ideas and concepts when it comes to making a build. There are ones for Ninjutsu and Onmyo Magic too, like Flying Kato’s Master of Illusion set and the Genmei Onmyo Mage’s outfit, which increases magic damage, power, and adds a reduced defence effect to your magic hits. You need 9 Skill and 9 Constitution to wear it. Anima is very important to this Build because it allows for the use of more Yokai Skills before you need to gain Anima, and we use them a ton with this Build. Medium armor requires Constitution and Strength. Generally, that’s all you need to create a good build in Nioh 2 – but there are crazy things you can do if you make it more complicated. TANK (DLC) HUEBR: Two hands wepons: Use the Sacred Treasure of the Dragon God set complete and up the energy. If it's imbuing the weapon with an element or Talismans that affect movement speed for really dire situations like Tiger running. 150+ > Constitution 20/ Heart 35/ Courage 10/ Strength 10/ Stamina 5/ Skill (99)/ Dexterity 5/ Magic 10/. From the Axe tree, you need The Adamantine. ), Amazon Digital Currency: The Potential Benefits & How It Might Work. A ninja build that utilizes the bonus from the Iga set but allows you to have more freedom with your secondary weapon and do massive damage. And while spears can be good for tanks, they get a strong set of light armor in Mataza’s Master of Spears set (14 Constitution, 15 Skill). They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Friday, 20 March 2020 18:14 GMT. Nioh 2 offers players a chance to attain that feeling and revise their choices even more with its deep upgrade system that allows for a near-endless number of combinations and builds to destroy everything that goes bump in the night. Requiring 6 Constitution and 6 Skill, it’s Servant of the Gods bonus makes it one of my favourite armor sets around this point in the game. You can also pick two different Dual Swords for different Stances. Home Nioh 2 Best Stats to focus on and Recommended Builds Nioh 2 - Best Stats to focus on and Recommended Builds. Since builds in this game can be heavily centered around a specific armor set or a weapon more so, there is no absolute best weapon or piece of armor. Nioh Best Axe Build. Paralyzing Blade Soul Cores. Let’s face it, especially if you’re using light armor, most enemies are going to chew and scratch through your health bar regardless of what you’re wearing. Don’t feel bound by this though, if you want to mix and match you only need to put enough stat points into – for example – Strength and Stamina to meet the minimum requirements of wearing a particular heavy armor set to get the most out of it. 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Nioh 2 Guide – Choosing the Best Starting Weapon and Strong Builds. Just wondering whats the best end game build thats NOT crit build? Not only that, but you also start to gain access to upgraded versions of earlier sets, as well as weapon boosting sets. Look for a way around. Nioh 2 Best Builds and Level Up Stats – Armor sets for every character. Crowded with nefarious bandits, outlaws, and a wide array of evil Yokai feasting on the citizens of Japan, build Hide an arsenal worthy of a Yokai hunter and purge Japan of some of it's most dark entities. Here are some tips for building them. Nioh 2 Builds If you like dealing high damage, but a slow moveset, you might consider packing a heavy weapon, or maybe you prefer agility, and … Every weapon has a total of 3 stats that scale and increase damage output for the weapon but they are not all equal. Leveling up the main stat is more important than the second and third but they can influence how builds may take shape. Creating the best builds in Nioh 2 is about focus. While much of the conversation around Nioh 2 focuses on the mechanical complexities of its combat system and the punishing brutality of its bosses, there’s also a lot of depth in it’s armor system for those who want it. For single and dual sword swingers, the Master Swordsman’s sets (14 Constitution, 16 Skill) offer powerful bonuses – particularly the heavy dual sword variant (14 Stamina, 16 Strength), which enables some fun active skill combinations. If you want a close and personal weapon, as well as a long-range one, you might want to try the Tonfas and Spear. I’ve embedded examples of the two ways your can min/max your build: spam a ridiculous amount of buffs, or specialize all of your equipment to inflict a certain status and then buff your damage against characters inflicted with that status. Understand that the idea of a "best build" isn't explicit when it comes to any particular weapon. As you’re levelling up quickly, you’ll find better and better armor pieces all the time. As you know Nioh 2 features a game where a warrior in on a journey to hunt down supernatural creatures, this includes monsters, dead kings, Sumos. From the beginning of the game you need to nail your colours to the mast of a particular weapon and stick to it from there. The Ice Shaman Build makes use of Hatchets and Onmyo Magic to range down enemies from a safe distance. The first Skills to get with this build are Waking Winds: Heaven, Sunset Breeze: Heaven and Sunset Breeze: Man.The Odachi offers the rather unique possibility to combo in and out of other stances, and that's what the above two skills are all about. That’s a crazy powerful ability in boss battles, and in the Other Realm especially. This set up combines to deal massive damage, and shows how you can create status heavy builds which body even the toughest bosses. Say hello to the strongest damage and clearspeed you can get for region 1-3 on NG! Consider medium armor on a first run if you like the idea of a heavy weapon, but want to move a bit more quickly. Related: Nioh 2: The Tengu's Disciple DLC Review - More Fun With Little Extra. It also gave me Auto-Life Recovery when my health dropped low. The best build and skills for Sword (Katana) in Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4. If magic will somehow highlight the build or a heavy reliance on Ninjutsu for fast hit and run tactics while depleting enemy Ki to finish them off for maximum damage. Look out for your favourite weapon’s set – like the Kawanami Clan bonuses to Kusarigama skills. By James Billcliffe, Creating the best builds in Nioh 2 is about focus. Character Level: Any. Since Strength is the primary for an Odachi, the Dual Swords will get a boost from the lower end as well. The Shirohami Guardian Spirit may be one of the best niche builds in Nioh 2. The levels of Nioh 2 are full of looping paths, alleys, and shortcuts. Description. If you have 12 Constitution and 13 Skill you can wear the Wandering Shrine Maiden’s set, which gives better defence than the original but with the same OP health restore on Purification. WARNING! From the samurai tree you need Damage Boost: Constitution and Damage Boost: Magic. Along with this, you will need Namahage Soul Core, which increase your damage while attacking Zero-Ki enemies. Of all three stances low is the most entertaining while Mid is the most effective for both damage and survivability. The Dual Swords are incredibly fast, so having armor that matches speed and lightness will increase the weapons effectiveness when using dodging techniques. As well as reducing the damage taken from Yokai, it restores some of your health every single time you purify a Yokai puddle. There's nothing more satisfying than building a character exactly as designed and obtaining the results intended from the beginning. Nioh 2 best build. All Rights Reserved. If you specialize, you can do some pretty cool things with your character’s stats. Before we begin, remember that you can reset your skills at any time using the blacksmith's reincarnation book. Is Sora the Next Smash Bros. DLC Character? Heavy armor works well with axes, spears, or an odachi. Medium armor is the jack of all trades, but master of none. However, it's entirely possible to highlight a number of weapons objectively better than the rest. For Hatchet users, there’s Oni Shibata’s heavy armor set which requires 14 Stamina and 15 Strength. Here is a build by Youtuber PWARgaming that features the Dual Bloodstained Cleavers that shreds enemies by using a max of 1 technique per stance. For more information, go here. For example, Poison resistance might be good in specific scenarios, but useless in others. If you’ve been ploughing your Amrita into only one or two stats up ’til now, it’s worth diversifying to make some of them available. The gist of builds like this is to tear through bosses insanely quickly, spamming all your buffs before you drop into the arena, then tank through their hits thanks to your magic and skill protection so you can swing away without mercy. ghost5141 1 month ago #1. Play around with each weapon to find what fits for whatever is worth pursuing. When it comes to moving quick and cutting down everything in the way, Dual Swords in Nioh 2 hit the spot. Nioh 2: Best Weapons For Each Build. Then to finish off, if your other stats are at nice round numbers, you can add some points to Heart and Courage for better Ki Recovery. A powerful odachi build for enthusiasts with tips and equipment advice. To pull it off you need a set of the Master Swordsman’s heavy armor, combined with a couple of pieces of the Profligate Sinner bonus from the Malefactor’s set. Nioh 2 Best Builds. This should be either your primary weapon’s secondary scaling stat, or your choice of Ninjutsu (Dexterity) or Onmyo (Magic). This is so you can wear any of the armor sets you want for your build. If Dual swords are going to be the ultimate focus though, round out Hide's Stats at the beginning and then gradually focus on the primary stat. Gogandantess: Naewulf: High Stance / Ishida Masamune: Powerful 2 elements onmyo / confusion / sword build. kunai build is back in action! Sword and Tonfa: With these two weapons as a combo, the Sword will be great when dealing with more than one enemy, while... Axe and Odachi: This is the tank build. Nioh 2 is a superb sequel that builds upon its predecessor by adding massive amounts of new content, enhanced combat, and deep character customization. It should look a little something like this. Quibbling over a point of defence here or there isn’t going to make much of a difference. When called upon, the Shirohami will circle the player, leaving a pool of poison around them. Genyu’s (9 Stamina, 10 Strength) and the Obsidian set (10 Stamina, 10 Strength) are also both decent. MSRP $49.99 $49.99 at Steam One example of a tanky build is shown off by RPG Division in the following video: Then skills wise, the main ones from the Spear tree were Tornado, Piercing Rain, Water Wheel, Relentless, and Merciless Barrage. Nioh 2 Ninja Build – Early Game (Dream of the Samurai) As mentioned earlier, Kawanami Clan Armor set from the “Aquaman” is your main armor set for this build. Because this Build uses Heavy Armor , you can tank hits and keep on swinging, taking drastically reduced damage while not being interrupted. Then you want to pick up Sign of the Cross from Dual Swords, and Paralytic Groundfire from Ninja. If you’re into medium armor, check out the Sohaya set with “Yokai Annihilator”, which has the same buffs as the Garb but is medium armor. Adding Raging strike that hurts Hide for increased damage along with the Tosa armor set for regaining life per hit creates a semi-immortal Hide that decimates enemies even further once their Ki has hit zero. A full set of this heavy armor gives you a 30% chance to gain a bonus Elixir every time you take a swig. Towards the end of the game a lot of bosses start to inflict status damage like poison or burning. Not only does this give you great damage with Katanas, but a massive Ki pool to work with. This gave me a total of +9% to all my melee damage, a 10% reduction to Dodge Ki consumption, and Life Drain on headshots. The stat level up screen tells you which weapons are affected by which stat, so let that guide your decision. Heavy armor is governed by Stamina and Strength. By combining powerful armor sets, or god rolls on particular pieces, you can create some of the best builds in Nioh 2 quite easily. This will largely be dictated by the starting weapon you chose or, if you’ve decided you hate it and want a different one, the weapon you like the look of. Best Axe Builds In Nioh 2 Like any other action role-playing game, brandishing an axe comes with slower attacking animations. For more on Nioh 2, here’s our list of boss guides! Nioh 2 features a variety of weapons, but which is the best among them is a serious debate. Next: Most Important Upgrades to Get First in Ghost of Tsushima, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Experiment and explore the possibilities. While light armor needs Skill and Constitution. Before you commit to spending stat points, think about the kind of character you want to play. In the case of the Dual swords, they are the fastest weapons in the game capable of dishing out moderate amounts of damage with high stance techniques almost decimating enemies. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Nioh 2 Builds: Thunderous Spear The Thunderous Spear combination of Heavy Armor and a Spear that allows you to not only Block most attacks done to you, but to also unleash a devastating barrage of attacks that keep enemies pressured and debuffed. I am now at underworld lvl 80+ and running full corrupt build: 7p magatsuhi + 6p sarutahiko. etc. MELTS BOSSES! Mostly, … Since… Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. With an Axe, you have very high damage even if your weapon is a bit slow, but... Dual Sword and Kusarigama… Best Armor sets and stats for the Nioh 2 early game. This works for any weapon, for instance with Spears you want 40 Constitution for example. Nioh 2 Sword Build – Souls Cores The best Soul Core for this build is Ubume Soul Core, which boost your Strong Attack Ki Damage by ~1.5% Her Scream can also deal a huge amount of Ki Damage. Stats: Heart, Body, Skill The Katana is a great starting weapon in the game for those unfamiliar to this genre. I prefer to run full heavies. Rakuyo's Odachi Build . Being able to identify what the Nioh 2 best weapons are is important, as you have a long and difficult adventure ahead which you want to be well … Low stance is for super evasive tactics, providing Hide with extra dodge animations and awarding players for avoiding hits. This needs 12 Stamina and 12 Strength. The first and main factor to consider when looking at your character build or stats, is what weapons you’re using. Now it’s time for the memes. As players continue toward level 100 and beyond, every other rank up throw a point or two in the supporting stats especially Constitution for Light armor. Recommended Articles "Discover Nioh 2's Best Weapon Types through our Tier List!" This white viper works tremendously well with a poison-focused build that can be devastating to many enemies in the game unless, of course, they are immune to it. Some of the most note-worthy armor pieces in the game are the Master Swordsman set which shows up toward the end of the game, Kingo Armor which boosts final blow and melee damage, and Tosa Governor which includes water damage that's highly effective against bosses. There are a lot of great weapons in Nioh 2.But of course, the best weapon is the one that fits your personal build the best. Heavy armor is governed ... Best Armor sets for the Nioh 2 … Whether the focus is magic, ninjutsu, stealth, or tanking enemies of all types, Nioh 2 has something for it and it's to players to figure it which works best for them. This means if I lived a hit with a sliver of health, I could retreat and heal rather than die to the chip damage. Creating the best build in Nioh 2 is the point. Of the main rarities, Purple is the highest, Blue is second, then Yellow, then White. I much prefer it to the Pit Viper’s Vicissitudes of Life bonus, because the Auto-Life Recovery is very slow. Happy new year guys. Once your character level starts to reach 80+, you can push it up. A great pairing weapon for the Dual swords would be the Type 2 Odachi since it's secondary and tertiary stats scale the same way; Heart and Stamina at C. Players could choose to focus Skill and Strength by maxing them out by a certain level (300), and allow Heart to follow up second to give both weapons an effective boost to their base damage. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. As you progress through the game you can start to weave your favourite sets together to create synergetic builds that suit your playstyle. We’re going to be using the Master Archer’s Armor for this Build, which contains the Golden Boy Set. Switching stances when Ki pulsing is also recommended to keep op the momentum. For instance, for a while I was mixing 4 pieces of the Golden Gourd set (15 Constitution, 16 Skill) with 5 pieces of Saika’s Yatagarsu (11 Constitution, 12 Skill). Elder Scrolls 6 Should Offer A GTA Online-Style Multiplayer Mode, Best Dual-Sword Builds in Nioh 2 (& How To Use Them), Nioh 2: The Tengu's Disciple DLC Review - More Fun With Little Extra, Most Important Upgrades to Get First in Ghost of Tsushima. There’s also the Warrior of the East’s set (11 Stamina, 12 Strength) for heavy spear users. One of the most agonizing decisions in Nioh 2 though, is where to spend your points on levelling up stats. Elemental build up might also work well for Dual swords as they strike many times, effectively increasing the amount of elemental damage applied to the enemy. Keep moving, and don't forget to Ki pulse whenever there's an opportunity. For instance, the Shrine Maiden’s set is a game changer. As you make it towards the latter stages of Nioh 2’s campaign you gain access to many more armor sets, but can also start dabbling in mixing sets together. For example, if that’s a Katana, then pile that many stat points into Heart. However, you will also keep a Kusarigama as a secondary weapon. Best Odachi Builds in Nioh 2 (& How To Use Them) Best Odachi Builds in Nioh 2. Other heavy options at this point aren’t amazing – other than the Greater Good set bonus, Tranquil Foundations. The numbers I will give here are based on the level you get in the middle of a single play. Nioh 2 offers a range of flexibility and creativity that allows players to mess around with different ideas and concepts when it comes to making a build. 30 > Constitution 10/ Heart 10/ Courage 5/ Strength 5/ Stamina 10/ Skill 20/ Dexterity 5/ Magic 6/. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. The goal of this build is to combine powerful Dual Swords with extra damage against paralysed enemies. Most Bonuses can be achieved with 3-5 slots filled, so you can start speccing out interesting characters without compromising your primary weapon. This site © 2021 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Nioh 2 is the best non-FromSoftware Soulslike I've played, and despite some of its issues, it's the most fun I've had playing a game in this genre since my first playthrough of Dark Souls III. Look for Special Effects which synergize well with your playstyle and are going to be useful in lots of situations. Among the weapons offered, Dual Swords can quickly dispatch opponents while preventing Hide from taking any damage with its quick dodge techniques and highly mobile attacks. It will help you target enemies from a range whenever necessary. In Nioh 2, Armor is split into three weights – light, medium, and heavy. Soul Cores are new to Nioh 2 and help further flesh out your build Next, you need to add some stat points to your choice of Strength and Stamina for heavy armor, Constitution and Strength for medium armor, or Skill and Constitution for light armor. With only a little time left to beat the Nioh 2 open beta, players are going to need to be properly equipped to earn The Mark of the Demon Slayer. Valheim Guide | Tips for surviving Viking purgatory, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Guides – PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, Release dates: every game confirmed for 2021 and beyond, Pokemon Go Field Research quests: February missions and rewards list, dictated by the starting weapon you chose. Alternatively, look out for the similar light armor Sohaya Garb set, which restores your health on melee kill, buffs your damage against Yokai, and makes it really hard for them to spot you. Most weapon types only have a single stat line up while the Odachi and Axe have two types. Nioh 2 takes place in a fantasy feudal Japan, starting the year 1555 during the Sengoku era. Instead, eyeball the different Special Effects a piece of armor gives you. So, focusing and leveling up on both stamina and strength can ease the burden of equipping heavy equipment, including axes. Dual swords are fast and can stagger opponents after a number of blows. Raise your stats for that primary weapon’s scaling to about 40. For Nioh 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best elemental and recommended build". We are focusing on Skill for this Nioh 2 build so the best weapon to be used with this Build is the Dual Swords. Including Accessories you have 11 slots to fill. Nioh 2 Best Starting Weapon – which should you choose Katana – The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon and an exemplary choice for your starting weapon in Nioh 2 … Best Katana Build. While magic isn't essential to Dual Swords, having Magic at 10 for the very least allows for a flexible amount of usage for talismans that would go well with the Dual swords. Then you need to pick a secondary stat. Learning how stats scale appropriately will make it easier creating a build and provide better insight in how weapons will grow more powerful over time. Most stats cap around 1- so don't worry about throwing points into everything.
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