24 Pack Plastic Pool Joint Pins & Rubber Seals for Intex 10'-12' Round Metal Frame Pools, for Intex Pools Rectangular Pools Replacement Parts 28270-28272. Check out our Kiddie pools, Easy Set pools, Metal Frame pools, Prism Frame pools, Graphite Gray Panel pools and Ultra XTR Frame pools here. 0 Reviews. Engineered for strength, the ultra frame pool is supported by strong, durable Steel frames which are powder coated for rust resistance and beauty; With a contemporary appearance and increased strength the Intex ultra frame pool is the standard for luxury in the market; Connect the Krystal clear sand filter pump to enjoy clear, sparkling water. Das Unternehmen INTEX hat sich über Jahre hinweg als bewährter Hersteller von Schwimmbecken und Pool-Zubehör etabliert. Inkl. Click here for helpful shopping tips. The average price for Intex Above Ground Pools ranges from $20 to $2,000. 6 x INTEX FILTER A 29000 / 59900 für Filterpumpe 28604 + 28634 + 28636. Online fraud is greater than ever. MwSt., zzgl. Complete setup of the Intex Ultra Frame 16x32 above ground pool. Free shipping. Intex Deluxe Pool Maintenance Kit - Poolzubehör - Pool Reinigungsset - 5-teilig 4,1 von 5 Sternen 8.107 35,13 € 35,13 € (11,71 €/kg) 40,59 € 40,59€ Afsendes indenfor 24 timer Læg i vogn. In stock. Mit unseren Stahlrahmen- Pools kann der Sommer kommen. Intex Swimmingpool-Set Prism Frame Rechteckig 400 x … D Jungle Adventure Play Center Kiddie Pool. GST. Die Marke bietet ein vielfältiges INTEX Gartenpool Sortiment rund um das Badevergnügen. Made with durable and resistant materials. Summer’s coming and what’s a better way to cool down than in a swimming pool. Sprzedajemy wyłącznie produkty marki Intex, doskonale znanej na całym świecie i słynącej z produktów najwyższej jakości. Check out our currently available above ground pools in … Fast & Free shipping on many items! Get it as soon as Fri, Feb 26. efubaby Inflatable Pool, 120" X 72" X 22" Full-Sized Swimming Pools Inflatable Kid Pools Blow up Pool Toddler Pool Family Pool for Baby, Kiddie, Adult Ages 3+ Outdoor Garden Backyard Ground Party. 99 $319.99 $319.99. or Best Offer. In stock. Und bei HORNBACH finden Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen, um dieses Projekt anzugehen: viele wissenswerte Infos zu aller Art von Pools, angefangen bei Aufstellpools, Pools zum Einbauen, bis hin zu aufblasbaren Pools. The 5 Best Intex Pool Pumps of 2021 1,805 Ratings 5/5 Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Intex Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1000 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V … (Intex børnepool 56495) DKK 299.95. Feb 2, 2020 - Intex 26788 Prism Frame above ground pool. Vi på intex-pooler.se har Sveriges största utbud av reservdelar och tillbehör du kan tänkas behöva till din pool. Afsendes indenfor 24 timer Læg i vogn. Zobacz inne Baseny i brodziki ogrodowe, najtańsze i najlepsze oferty, opinie. Shop a huge online selection at eBay.com. If you don’t have one, install your own above ground pools in your yard. 9,90 EUR (inkl. Intex : Swimming Pools. Intex Swim Center Family Inflatable Pool, 103" X 69" X 22", for Ages 6+ 4.0 out of 5 stars 7,395. View Offer This is an import. Intex Easy Set Pool, Pump & Filter and Intex Above Ground Rope Tie Pool Cover. Intex 28110EH 8-Foot x 30-inch Easy Setup Inflatable Portable Above Ground Round Family Swimming Pool and Durable Pool Cover 3.9 out of 5 stars 51 $79.99 $ 79 . Rectangular 8 in. Poolfolie Intex Pool-Ersatzfolie für maximalen Badespaß Ein erfrischendes Bad im eigenen Pool ist in den Sommermonaten ein echter Genuss. Intex provides the broadest, most innovative line of above ground pools in the world. The Brand: Unbranded Model: B07QXTS7ZV from R2 360.00. at WantItAll.co.za. Damit Sie dieses Gefühl erleben können, benötigen Sie hochwertige Produkte. Versandkosten) 6 x INTEX FILTER A für Filterpumpe 59900 / 29000. Fangnetz für Teleskopstange 279cm, mit 29.8mm Durchmesser. A solar cover for your Intex pool is a great way to capture the suns heat and take full advantage of this natural resource to heat your above ground swimming pool. The pool is supplied with the following accessories: 2006 l/h water filtering pump (recommended use: 3/4 hours per day) Compatible filter cartridge Model "A" code INTEX 59900 Ladder Measures: Pool: 400 x 200 x 100 Measures: 440 x 240 cm Water capacity: 6,836 litres at 90% Badespaß ohne Ende. 19 % MwSt. We love the size, the shape, and the addition to our backyard. Summer Colors badebassin 460 ltr. Intex offers a variety of Easy Set pools, from 6’ x 20” kiddie pools to 18’ x 48” monsters which require ladder entry. Informacje o Intex Prism Frame BASEN stelażowy 4x2x1m Filtracja - 7360211252 w archiwum Allegro. Rectangular frame. Dabei stehen die INTEX Pools für hochwertige, langlebige Produkte und … The size you choose will be contingent on both the needs of likely swimmers and the space you have available, so we should probably take a … In stock. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! 99 GST. The price may differ greatly compared to locally sourced products Kundtjänst: 0770 455 688 (10.00 - 15.00 vardagar, helger stängt) - E-post: servicecenter@eurotoys.dk 4.5 out of 5 stars 932. GST. Safe and fun. Add to cart; Sale! The Intex® warehouse is a high volume commercial warehouse that is not safe for visitors. Intex Swim Centre Family Inflatable Pool, 103" x 69" x 22" (Assorted Colors: Blue or Green) 4.2 out of 5 stars 7,480. Driclad Oval Deep End Pool 24×12 $ 11,999.00 incl. Bei idealo.de günstige Preise für Intex Pools 457X122 vergleichen. What is the top-selling product within Intex Above Ground Pools? Intex Filter Cartridge A $ 11.99 $ 9.59 incl. $1,490.00. Wanienka dmuchana Intex 48421 Rodzicom, którzy pragną zadbać o to, aby ich najmłodsze pociechy od początku polubiły kontakt z wodą, z pomocą przyjdzie turystyczna dmuchana wanienka dla dzieci 86 cm x 64 cm x 23 cm marki INTEX dostępna w naszym sklepie on-line Pool&Garden Party.. 21 watching. zzgl. x 74 in. Data zakończenia 2018-05-31 - cena 1419 zł (42) 42 product ratings - Intex 18ft X 52in Ultra XTR Pool Set w/ Sand Filter Pump, Ladder, Cover & Cloth. Intex 28211ST 12-foot x 30-inch Metal Frame Round 6 Person Outdoor Backyard Above Ground Swimming Pool with Krystal Klear Filter Cartridge Pump, Navy Intex $299.99 reg $414.99 Intex-Easy Set Pool-Set, blau 457 x 457 x 84 cm, 9.800 l 28158 NP. 39 Angebote zu Intex Pools 457X122 im Swimmingpools Preisvergleich. Shop great deals on Intex Pool Equipment Parts & Accs. Best price, buy now! Marka Intex słynie z produktów najwyższej jakości. 4,0 von 5 Sternen 15. Intex Frame Swimming Pool Set Serie "Family II" blau 260 x 160 x 65 cm (38) kostenlose Lieferung. The first thing you need to consider is the frame of the pool. Add to cart; Sale! Intex Pool verspricht maximalen Badespaß im eigenen Garten für kleines Geld. Pool Easy Set 14.141L (Intex svømmebassin 26168NP) DKK 2,295.00. Intex Pool Reinigungsaufsatz Fangnetz Laubnetz 29051. Add to cart; Driclad Pool with accessories 18×10 Oval $ 9,699.00 incl. Zu bestellen bei intex-direkt.de. $249.99 $ 249. Only commercial carriers are allowed to access the facility. Oferowane tutaj pompy dostępne są w przeróżnych wersjach różniących się nie tylko swoją wydajnością, ale także przekrojami rur do których można je podłączyć. What is the price range for Intex Above Ground Pools? (Intex Pool og badeudstyr 26712NP) DKK 1,999.00. Ska du köpa billiga pooler så har du kommit rätt. Intex Metal Frame Pool, 220 X 150 X 60 Cm, Bez Pompy (28270) - od 359,99 zł, porównanie cen w 4 sklepach. x 49 in. 4,2 von 5 Sternen 270. Ein eigener Pool im Garten bietet Ihnen die Erfüllung dieses Traums! Istnieje również możliwość zamontowanie nawet dodatkowego silnika , a praktycznie każdy z nich sprzedawany jest z … Mit einem INTEX Pool lassen sich die heißen Sommertage im heimischen Garten einfach genießen. In stock. Online-Shop für Intex-Pools zum selbst aufstellen - Intex-Pool Zubehör zum Diskont-Preis Gratis Versand von Pools Riesige Auswahl an Intex-Pools 10 Jahre Erfahrung & kompetente Beratung Günstige Preise Jetzt Intex-Pool günstig online kaufen & ☀ Sommer genießen! Add to cart; Intex Graphite Pool 4.78m x 1.25m $ 2,999.00 incl. Topseller INTEX Pool 732 x 366 x 132 cm 26364 Xtra 1.497,00 €* 1.797,00 € Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar. INTEX Metal Frame Steel Tube Rectangular Ground Swimming Pool Filter Set Summer. GST. 72 AED 48.00 AED48.00 Versand In den Warenkorb 671 € 99. Intex Kiddie Pool Kid's Summer Sunset Glow Design, Assorted, 33.5 inches x 33.5 inches x 9 inches 3.3 out of 5 stars 2 AED 38.72 AED 38 . $239.99 to $729.99. Intex Pool. The top-selling product within Intex Above Ground Pools is the Intex 85 in. W naszym sklepie znajdują sie pontony z takich słynnych serii, jak chociażby Mariner , Excursion czy Seahawk . Only 1 left! Intex Pool PureSPA 'Bubble' Whirlpool 165cm Durchmesser x 71cm hoch für 6 Personen 715, zzgl. Intex 10ft X 30in Prism Frame Pool Set with Filter Pump. 2.0 out of 5 stars 1. $358.59 shipping. INTEX Pool-Set 457x122 cm komplett mit Leiter etc. At Target, you get a wide range of options for you to choose from.
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