Querdenken 711 gained international media attention after organizing some of Europe's largest anti-lockdown protests, which some experts believe were infiltrated by far-right extremists. Hier erfahrt ihr, was in unserer Initiative passiert und was wir bewegen! Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following press release today: „With the daily rise in crackdowns on peaceful demonstrators, the leadership in Minsk is increasingly isolating itself from the international community. We're supposed to do it that way," according to Netzpolitik and ZDF. Stuttgart/26.08.2020 Michael Ballweg, founder of the initiative QUERDENKEN-711 is shocked about the prohibition of peaceful assembly,. Weiter unten findest du die Kontaktmöglichkeiten. Querdenken 5547 Bregenz (Klaus Kuster) au nom de toutes les initiatives Querdenken de l’Autriche. Wenn ihr Fragen habt, wendet Euch bitte direkt an Eure regionale Initiative. Querdenken 711 Stuttgart - Press release A report by Querdenken 711. The leader of Germany's largest anti-lockdown movement, "Querdenken-711," has asked supporters to stop protesting until the spring. Durch die Nutzung dieser Webseite erklärst Du dich damit einverstanden, dass Cookies gesetzt werden. The money goes to Stuttgart. But: „A formative influence on the demonstration or the overall rally did not come from them,“ the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution told the F.A.S.. „In this respect, the rally did not result in any noteworthy connection to democratic rally participants for the traditional right-wing extremist scene,“ say the constitutional protectors. Interest. Page Transparency See More. Querdenken-711 was thought to have been founded in April 2020 and has a record of organising rallies across Germany. The announcement came several days after German media separately reported that Ballweg was making a profit from Querdenken merchandise, charging people for appearances with him, and asking supporters to donate to what was said was the movement's bank account even though it was his own. 08th Aug, 2020. Stuttgart/26.08.2020 Michael Ballweg, founder of the initiative QUERDENKEN-711 is shocked about the prohibition of peaceful assembly,. The group was put on the watchlist of domestic intelligence agencies earlier this month after experts feared it was becoming infiltrated by extremists and far-right radicals, including Neo-Nazis. Wenn ihr Fragen habt, wendet Euch bitte direkt an Eure regionale Initiative. The decision coincides with press reports that question the group's finances. When a local offshoot of the movement was asked whether they receive any share of the proceeds from the website, one woman said: "We don't get anything from it. Are – unlike in Belarus – only demonstrations conforming to the government permitted? sankel@businessinsider.com (Sophia Ankel), © Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliance via Getty Images. #honkforhope Allemagne (Thomas Kaden) et #honkforhope Autriche (Alexander Ehrlich) Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, California is first state to pass 50,000 Covid deaths, Harris holds first meeting in ceremonial office with CBC members. Forwarded from Maximilian Provenzano. The leader of Germany's anti-lockdown movement has called on supporters to pause its protests until the spring. Thema: AUTOKORSO STUTTGART: Für eine neutralen und gerechten öffentlichen Coronadiskurs ***DIESE VERSAMMLUNG WURDE VON EINER PRIVATPERSON ANGEMELDET *** Datum: 10.02.2021 (Mittwoch) Beginn: 17:45 Uhr (Aufstellung) 18:30 Uhr (Abfahrt) Ende: 20:30 Uhr Versammlungsort: Cannstatter Wasen P10, Mercedesstraße 40 70372 Stuttgart Programm: PLAKATIERT EURE AUTOS … 23rd May, 2020. , a recent investigation by Netzpolitik and ZDF Magazin Royale, According to a tracker by Johns Hopkins University, Germany is at the forefront of a global movement of anti-vaxxers obsessed with Bill Gates and it could mean the coronavirus is never defeated, QAnon has become a powerful force in Germany, helping to drive Europe's biggest anti-lockdown movement, A member of a North Carolina anti-lockdown group says he's 'willing to kill people' to defend his rights, How Germany tackled the coronavirus: 9 people tell us they are thankful for good leadership and a robust health system. BitCoin address: 18FpEnH1Dh83GXXGpRNqSoW5TL1z1PZgZK. The Stuttgart-based software entrepreneur, aged 46, did not give a precise reason for why the group was taking a break. Ballweg also has charged people to appear with him on stage. This was the case with German television producer Thomas Hornauer, who allegedly paid the Querdenken founder up to €20,000 ($24,449) to make several appearances with him at rallies, the investigation found. Querdenken 711 gained international media attention after organizing some of Europe's largest anti-lockdown protests, which some experts believe were infiltrated by far-right extremists. QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal. Other local groups have reported similar things. Bitte erwartet keine Antwort am Wochenende, da sind wir alle mit den Demos beschäftigt. The German state of Baden-Wurttemberg where Stuttgart is based and has status of state capital, has had a total of 58,653 COVID-19 cases to-date, with 8,253 new cases reported between the 3rd and 16th of October. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/news/maas-developments-belarus/2377626, https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Berlin-verbietet-Demo-gegen-Corona-Politik-article21995981.html, https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/corona-demo-nur-einzelne-rechtsextreme-16894746.html. According to the report, Ballweg receives 6-12% from each sale of merchandise on the movement's official website. People take part in a demonstration against Corona restrictions. Wenn ihr Fragen habt, wendet Euch bitte direkt an Eure regionale Initiative. These courageous citizens have taken to their country’s streets to protest against election fraud and to defend their right anchored in law to freedom and democratic participation. KenFM now also available as a free app for Android and iOS devices! Ballweg founded the group "Querdenken 711" in mid-2020 as a response to Germany's first lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic. Diese Website verwendet Cookies. 6,317 talking about this. Now you can also support us with Bitcoins. https://querdenken-711.de/termine www.widerstand2020.de You consider your freedom rights disproportionately restricted by this, which is accompanied by a misjudgment of the actual health risks posed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus“. Prohibition of gathering on August 29, 2020 on the topic "Berlin invites Europe - Festival for Freedom and Peace" and permanent vigil on the topic "Berlin invites Europe - Festival for Peace and Freedom - … Ballweg's slogan for the group is: "Where we go one, we go all," lifted directly from the QAnon conspiracy theory. Querdenken-711.de rapporto : L'indirizzo IP primario del sito è,ha ospitato il United States,Scottsdale, IP: ISP:GoDaddy.com LLC TLD:de CountryCode:US Questa relazione è aggiornata a 18-12-2020 "In Germany, you have to spend a lot of money to get thousands of people together," Hornauer told Netzpolitik and ZDF. QUERDENKEN711 = Stuttgart QUERDENKEN231 = Dortmund etc. Its name loosely translates to "thinking outside the box," while the number 711 represents Stuttgart's telephone area code, the city Ballweg is from. We are taking legal action against the decision of the Senator of the Interior and assume that the Federal Constitutional Court will reject this hostile attack on the Basic Law. Here is the link: https://kenfm.de/kenfm-app/, Support us with a subscription: https://www.patreon.com/KenFMde, You like our program? Bitte erwartet keine Antwort am Wochenende, da sind wir alle mit den Demos beschäftigt. Wenn der Fehler wiederholt auftritt, melden Sie sich gerne per E-Mail: support@media-access.net Danke für Ihre Nachricht - wir werden das Problem schnellstmöglich beheben. https://youtu.be/RwxXUi8Ux7g. The movement was even given American backing, after Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaxxer and the nephew of former president John F. Kennedy, spoke alongside Ballweg at one of their largest rallies in Berlin in August. The Interior Senator has an incomplete picture and ignores the assessment of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: „According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, only „individual members“ of the extreme right-wing spectrum took part in the Corona demonstration last Saturday in Berlin. t.me/QUERDENKEN_711 /985. At one point, protesters attempted to storm the Reichstag - the country's parliament in Berlin. Bitte erwartet keine Antwort am Wochenende, da sind wir alle mit den Demos beschäftigt. „My fear in April 2020 that in the context of the pandemic basic rights would be restricted not only temporarily has been confirmed.“ Legal action before the Federal Constitutional Court. Sommer 2020 Entspannte & friedliche Demo ... Abonniere unsere Kanäle und bilde Dir Deine eigene Meinung, denke quer. Michael Ballweg's announcement comes after the German media reported he shared the profits from Querdenken merchandise and directed donations to the movement into his personal bank account. Forwarded from Brigitte A. t.me/QUERDENKEN_711 /1113. Registriere Dich einfach hier oder logge Dich hier ein. Insider has reached out to Ballweg for comment but has not heard back in time for publication. This, like the other assemblies of QUERDENKEN in Berlin, will take place. According to German tax laws, people can accept private financial gifts that don't exceed €19,999 ($24,448) over 10 years. querdenken-713.de. YouTube Information about further support possibilities here: https://kenfm.de/support/kenfm-unterstuetzen/. “Querdenken 711” was founded early in the pandemic by IT entrepreneur Michael Ballweg in the affluent city of Stuttgart and helped begin a nationwide movement. Zeig Dein Gesicht! بازدید آمار این کانال Telegram "QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal" - @QUERDENKEN_711. Forwarded from Martina Z. t.me/QUERDENKEN_711 /1016. The most expensive item on the website is a "Querdenken" jacket selling for €69,90 (around $80). Thanks to the author for the right to publish. 7. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Download this stock image: Stuttgart, Germany. QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal. QUERDENKEN711 had several very good cooperation meetings with the police, in which we especially harmonized the problem of the hygiene concepts well and cooperatively. 1 VersG: „With your assembly you are protesting against the measures taken by the government or individual state governments to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which you consider excessive. Demonstrationen für die Wiederherstellung der Grundrechte und Aufhebung der Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Verordnung Du musst Mitglied von KenFM.de sein, um hier kommentieren zu können. Opinion articles and guest contributions do not have to reflect the views of the editorial staff. Stuttgart/14.01.2021 Liebe Querdenker, mit jedem weiteren Tag im Lockdown steigt das Leid der Menschen in diesem Land.Schon jetzt stehen unzählige Betriebe, Restaurantbetreiber, Selbstständige und Kulturschaffende vor einem finanziellen Scherbenhaufen! I can promise that we will come back to Berlin in the summer to celebrate with you in a big gathering under the motto „2021 – the year of peace and freedom“. Impressum. Die von Ihnen aufgerufene Seite kann zur Zeit nicht geladen werden. QUERDENKEN711 = Stuttgart QUERDENKEN231 = Dortmund etc. In interviews, Ballweg has refused to condemn racism and fascism, instead describing Querdenken as a "democratic movement" with no leadership that is "open to anybody," according to German broadcaster RBB. Participants sit next to a sign saying This is the official 2nd wave during a rally of the initiative Querdenken 711 in the lower castle garden, which is directed against the Corona measures. „My fear in April 2020 that in the context of the pandemic basic rights would be restricted not only temporarily has been confirmed.“ Legal action before the Federal Constitutional Court. QUERDENKEN711 = Stuttgart QUERDENKEN231 = Dortmund etc. Download this stock image: Stuttgart, Germany. Here is the link: You like our program? Quote from the prohibition order – ban on assembly according to § 15 Abs. Via our homepage you can visit the stores of Apple and Google. Non-party member of the state parliament Fiechtner had taken over the organization of the demonstration after the initiative Querdenken 711 and its organizer Ballweg had withdrawn. Netzwerk Wir sind viele Hier findest du uns auch in deiner Nähe. Querdenken 711 Stuttgart - Wir für das Grundgesetz! I would like to expressly apologize for the statement of the Social Democratic Senator of the Interior that the following groups are right-wing radicals or conspiracy theorists. Subscribers, subscribers gained, views per day, forwards and other analytics at the Telegram Analytics website. 3. Querdenken 711 Stuttgart (Michael Ballweg) au nom de toutes les initiatives Querdenken de l’Allemagne. In the last few months, Querdenken-711 has been behind a series of large-scale demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions in Germany. Home » Aktuell » Querdenken 711 Stuttgart – Press release, Prohibition of gathering on August 29, 2020 on the topic „Berlin invites Europe – Festival for Freedom and Peace“ and permanent vigil on the topic „Berlin invites Europe – Festival for Peace and Freedom – Camp“ from August 30 to September 14, 2020. They are demanding no more but also no less than an open dialogue with their own government.“. Earlier this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the country would extend its national lockdown that has been in place since early December for another month. It is quite obvious that Berlin’s Senator of the Interior Andreas Geisel is not concerned with fears of infection control, which his own police authority does not share, but exclusively with the attitude of the participants: „I am not prepared to accept a second time that Berlin is misused as a stage for Corona deniers, Reich citizens and right-wing extremists“. ... Querdenken-711 Stuttgart. Before the event, various individuals and organizations from this spectrum had mobilized. Information about further support possibilities here: https://kenfm.de/support/kenfm-unterstuetzen/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mft5vV7_kW0. KenFM now also available as a free app for Android and iOS devices! مشترکین، افزایش، بازدید در روز، اعلامیه ها و دیگر تجزیه و تحلیل در وب سایت Analytics Telegram. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Berlin 30.08.2020. Heute demonstriert Querdenken 711 in Stuttgart, auf dem Cannstatter Wasen Gelände! QUERDENKEN711 = Stuttgart QUERDENKEN231 = Dortmund etc. Wenn ihr Fragen habt, wendet Euch bitte direkt an Eure regionale Initiative. Despite his previous comments, a recent investigation by Netzpolitik and ZDF Magazin Royale found that Ballweg has very much been at the center of the movement. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Title:QUERDENKEN-711 - Wir für das Grundgesetz | Demos in Stuttgart | QUERDENKEN - 711. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. One of Ballweg's slogan for the group is: "Where we go one, we go all," a phrase lifted directly from the QAnon conspiracy theory. 19.1k Followers, 53 Following, 143 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Querdenken711 (@querdenken711) View Telegram channel's statistics "QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal" - @QUERDENKEN_711. Michael Ballweg, the founder of the so-called Querdenken-711 or "later-thinking" group, said in a Telegram video message over the Christmas period that he will be "indefinitely stopping large-scale Querdenken protests," adding that he recommends the group's branches do the same, according to Der Spiegel. QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal. Sei am 09.05.2020 mit dabei. Für die Freiheit. QUERDENKEN KONTAKTLISTE LOKALE INITIATIVE GRÜNDEN KenFM strives for a broad spectrum of opinions. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. The two men have also signed a contract that gives Hornauer the rights to use images and sound recordings by Ballweg and "Querdenken-711.". Querdenken-711 and I will use the winter to rest, gather strength, push forward with networking and improve public relations. QUERDENKEN (711 - STUTTGART) - INFO-Kanal. The assemblies will take place. Bitte probieren Sie es noch einmal. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. Ballweg has also asked for supporters to donate to the movement, but the bank account attached to the website is personal. Bitte erwartet keine Antwort am Wochenende, da sind wir alle mit den Demos beschäftigt. Kanäle & Gruppen: @querdenken_711 - INFO-Kanal @querdenken711 - Diskussion & Austausch @querdenken_711_aktiv - Bilder und Videos von Demos in 711 - STUTTGART Download this stock image: Stuttgart, Germany. 08th Aug, 2020. In particular, we made it clear that we will provide de-escalation teams with psychologically trained people who will also be supported by a large team of lawyers to ensure that the hygiene rules are respected. Ballweg never registered the group as an association, a company, or a foundation and is exempt from issuing invoices for donations. Via our homepage you can visit the stores of Apple and Google. Like other European countries, Germany has seen a spike in coronavirus cases and deaths over the ongoing winter period. a series of large-scale demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions in Germany. Webseite der Initiative Querdenken 711 - Wir für die Grundrechte. Ballweg never registered the group as an association, company, or foundation, and therefore was exempt from issuing invoices. According to a tracker by Johns Hopkins University, the country has reported more than 1.9 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic and just over 40,000 deaths. A sign with the inscription 2020 DDR 2.0 lies in the shadow of a man during a rally of the initiative Querdenken 711 in the lower castle garden, which is directed against the Corona measures.
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