La route 46 est une route de Johto. Route 46 is located here in the Johto region. To the left of it is a GRN and YLW Apricorn. Route 46 is a Johto route located between Route 45 and Route 29.Due to its one-way nature, it is not possible to go back to Route 45 after jumping a ledge, and all but the grass is off-limits from Route 29.Although its higher part is usually accessed by going down from Blackthorn City, it is also possible to reach it through Dark Cave Entrance, which will require the use of Surf. 46ばんどうろ ... Il Percorso 46 è un percorso nella zona est della regione di Johto. This said, I have a question: how exactly were you supposed to go back to the lower path when coming from Route 46? La ruta 46 es una ruta terrestre que se encuentra en el este de Johto. Sebbene numericamente sia uno degli ultimi percorsi, il suo lato sud è accessibile dal Percorso 29 … If you recall, Route 46 was the dead end just north of Route 29. Route 46: Grass Pokémon: Geodude #1: Level range: 2-3: Sentret #1: … What a baffling oversight. Yellow and Green Apricorn trees are through some trees just near the Dark Cave entrance. Early in the game, players can only access the southern part of the route, below the ledges that can be jumped over. Une des entrées de l’Antre Noir se trouve au nord de cette route. A mere fraction the size of Route 45, this route features a few more trainers, another entrance to the Dark Cave, two berry treees, and a Dire Hit item ball. On peut accéder à la moitié sud de cette route dès le début du jeu, en passant par la route 29. Early in the game, players can only access the southern part of the route, below the ledges that can be jumped over. Spawns. Percorso 46 (Johto) da Pokémon Central Wiki, l'enciclopedia Pokémon in italiano. Cette route est à sens unique du nord au sud. Route 46 is a route in eastern Johto, connecting Route 45 and Route 29.. Johto Route 29; Johto Route 30; Johto Route 31; Johto Route 32; Johto Route 33; Johto Route 34; Johto Route 35; Johto Route 36; Johto Route 37; Johto Route 38; Johto Route 39; Johto Route 40; Johto Route 41; Johto Route 42; Johto Route 43; Johto Route 44; Johto Route 45; Johto Route 46; Johto Route 47; Johto Route … And yet, the route … Imagine: a Zubat as your first catch. Jump down some ledges and head left to find a double battle: Route 45 verbindet Ebenholz City mit Route 46.Diese Route kann nur von Ebenholz City nach Süden passiert werden. There are no ledges or anything – the top of the cave is a dead end. Route 46 is a route in eatthern Johto,connecting Route 45 and Route 29. Sie spaltet sich mehrere Male, sodass es sich lohnt, sie öfter hinabzugehen. ... Route 46. → East Exit: Route 45 ↓ South Exit: Route 29: General Information. Elle relie la route 45, au nord, à la route 29, au sud. Now head south; after a ledge, you'll see a … This is the other end of the Route, which includes an entrance to the other side of the Violet City half of Dark Cave. After that head left to Route 46 where there's another entrance/exit to Dark Cave.
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