Most Redguards that you meet in the game seem to be honorable people and I feel that Kematu is no different. "Did you see those wariors from Hammerfell? I mean, their province was invaded. One of my all-time favorite quests in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the quest titled, In My Time of Need. Part 2. The Talmor ALWAYS have an account of their agents/supporters in any province. Also if you have evidence of one side being right and the other being wrong post that too! They hate the Thalmor. Quote: For those unfamiliar with this quest, it is one of the only quest involving an all Redguard cast, and a brief glance into the politics of Hammerfell and the aftermath of the Great War with the Thalmor. They had a war with them and no Redguard would ever support the Thalmor lest work for them. I'd like to know which side you guys picked and why. Elves aren't sent to Morrowwind or the Summerset isles. Some sidequest-spoilers, nothing major. I slowed my descent as the wall loomed closer, no longer obscured by the wall of snow swirled by the wind. And as history is written by the victors, you decide who is telling the truth and what do you want to turn in to. The truth is, you can start wherever the hell you want. It contains a complete walkthrough describing all the quests present in the game (main, side, Deadric, Guild-related, and those related to the civil war), as well as their branching paths and alternative ways of completing them. 15 The Map Shows Life In Skyrim In Real-Time Guys, you are forgetting one thing: the storytelling perspective. It's more like "At the conclussion of that quest, an NPC went POOF, was marked as "dead" (because she was going to be executed), and it happened here in this hold, so like every other NPC who dies in a hold, she gets a spot in the Hall of the Dead". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It's very interesting that Bethesda left the story inconclusive. They are in Whiterun trying to gain entry and find her, but the guards won't let them in. J'Zargo's Experiment - … Dragon. God. He has charisma and can lie easily, similar to Ulfric. She claims they are trying to kill her. Wouldn't that be helping the Thalmor? When I sat down tonight to play some modded Skyrim that usually works just fine I noticed i couldn't talk to anyone else but children and people that can become followers. They are much more likely not to know an enemy is Skyrim than one of their supporters. Why is that? Kematu could have easily sent the Justicars after the player to get rid of him, seeing he is a dangerous loose end. It's a game mechanic oversight. I just have a gut feeling that Kematu is telling the truth, his story seems to make a lot more sense than Saadia's. The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim is one of the biggest games in history. Curved. They could have killed her on the spot, and then turned on the Dragonborn too like so many other NPC's have/do in different quests. All the gaurds will say is "wait I know you". Using an old version of SkyUI or SKSE might also lead to problems like the widget is not shown or the MCM menu does not appear. I also sided with the Alik'r. This doesn't make sense, everyone in Hammerfell hates the Thalmor. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They are much more likely not to know an enemy is Skyrim than one of their supporters. (spoilers). no way to know for sure. Busiao No Laughs wrote: - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: Title says it all pretty much. She says that she spoke out against the Thalmor in Hammerfell and they hired assassins to hunt her down. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine. Seriously) and neither was it "They lied, and cut her throat down the road, and then she was cremated and put in Whiteruns Hall of the dead". "We can't stop here! In My Time of Need can be obtained from Alik’r warriors in or around Whiterun. hmm.. either way im siding with the alik'r. Man, I have been wanting to talk about this for a long while now ever since I got the game back in from what remember being July. The Witcher 3 is the most fun I’ve had gaming since Skyrim — and it puts Skyrim to shame. [LONG - 'In My Time Of Need'; "Find the Redguard woman" quest spoiler] -This is my second playthrough.- I met the Alik'r guys at the town gate, arguing with the Whiterun guards, who were kicking them out of … Being punished for speaking out against the Thalmor just doesn't make sense when Hammerfell is rebelling against the Thalmor. If you side with Saadia and you go to kill Kematu... you guessed it: YOU yourself are becoming a mercenary, hired by Saadia to kill the mercenaries, following her. I find the chances of both sides are just a minor political drama within Hammerfell that has little or nothing to do with the Thalmor just as high as their accusations toward each other. I just have a gut feeling that Kematu is telling the truth, his story seems to make a lot more sense than Saadia's. the alik'r would never work for the thalmor. It is probably because you helped the Alik'r find someone they were protecting. Kematu was convincing, but he is an Alik'r mercenary. It isn't explicitly said though either way. The High King of Skyrim has been murdered. It was funny that I found her up in the room with that bard and when I walked in on them he ran out. Alik'r's are mercenaries, and thus they can be bought. Perhaps this is also true. In my time of need quest bug. This doesn't make sense, everyone in Hammerfell hates the Thalmor. Again, at this point, if their motive was to simply kill her, and they couldn't get inside, they'd hire an assassin who could... and we are back to "Why didn't they contact the Dark Brotherhood? Finally, Ocato's recital. Who is telling the truth during the quest In My Time of Need? ... Saadia In My Time of Need Kematu. Striking the Heart - no Leader at Fort Fellhammer - how do I get him back? Thats my 2 cents. She is a lieing whore. The Talmor often use mercenaries for their handywork when using Justicars is too blatant. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was one of those games that changed the way that the world played. In the midst of this conflict, a far more dangerous, ancient evil is awakened. I'm convinced the Alik'r are truthful. Just a side note: If you read the article about the Great War and get to the section telling about how the Thalmor were pushed back across the Alik'r desert it states that they were harrassed by Alik'r warriors the whole way. It didn't react to my presence, but it didn't need to. Alliances form as claims to the throne are made. Saadia publicly spoke out against the dominion (thalmor) in hammerfall which they control the empire. Saadia's story had a lot of inconsistencies and I mean a lot. There might be a wrong time displayed for a short amount of time (1 real life second) after a change of the timescale. Furthermore, you lie to her, when you lead her to the stables. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. It might also happen after a mod suddenly changes the time directly. Jump to ... and all I can tell you is the urn isn't there for me when I looked before the quest starts. In Bethesda games, the most believable story is most often the wrong one, so which do you believe more? Saadia could've sold the city out DURING the Hammerfell/Dominion war. It takes place in Skyrim, the oldest and northernmost province of Tamriel, a continent that fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise have been exploring in games dating back to 1994. (Why do that? I think there were bandits in the cave because the Kematu was attacked by them and went to the last room because of the room's layout that makes it hard for people go thourgh the waterfilled tunnel and not die. Which is precisely why people are trying to determine which of the two is the perpetrator. Bar that, I don't think that Saadia is/was really lying either. This thread was supposed to be closed last year, continuation thread is here: Ulfric Stormcloak would say that I owe my allegiance to the Nord people as they fight for Skyrim's independence. There is an inconsistency with Kematu's story, though. When it first released in 2011, many players began to lose months of their lives exploring one of the largest open gaming worlds ever created. Here are fifteen shocking facts you didn’t know about Skyrim. This is Bat Country". She is inconsistent, but many nervous person can be inconsistent. when i talk to them again it still shows the follow me dialogue option. Alik'r's are mercenaries, and thus they can be bought. The only functioning Assassins Guild left in Tamriel, that happens to be IN Skyrim." you cant tell which one is telling the truth. ... and Kematu having nothing to do with Thalmor and only mentions them to try and gain sympathy from the denizens of Skyrim is a possibility that cannot be ignored. It wouldn't matter if she spoke out against the Thalmor because literally everyone in Hammerfell hates them already. I'm indirectly saying they're both lying . The point of this quest is that there is no right or wrong. If I can't dance, it's not my revolution (V)0-0(V). Depends if your for the dominion (Imperials) or the independence (storm cloaks) of skyrim. Upon entering Whiterun for the first time you will overhear a couple of Alik'r Warriors talking to the Whiterun Guards about locating a Redguard woman. The Talmor have no record of her presence in Skyrim. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. The day might come when I am forced to draw my sword for one side or the other. It's existence was enough to make me feel colder than any chill. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "In my time of need quest, who is telling the truth? In My Time of Need - Alik'r warriors in or near Whiterun. (spoilers)" - Page 2. Yup, Skyrim became a cultural event as much as it did a video game, and while we know its history, development, and team as well as we do its snowy peaks, its brilliance is in its ability to surprise even six years after release. Swords" ;-). Is she in Skyrim? I really hate that spell. They claim they want to take her alive. I made a save, killed her, and then was able to fast travel again. They had a war with them and no Redguard would ever support the Thalmor lest work for them. Skyrim talk:In My Time Of Need. ... Good luck and enjoy your time in Skyrim. His side of the story is that she sold out a city of Hammerfell (I can't remember which one) and because of that it fell during the war causing hundreds if not thousands to lose there lives. 415. Not after. I sided with the with the Alik'r for a few reasons. Who is telling the truth during the quest In My Time of Need? If no redguard would help them, then why would Saadia have sold the city out? Who is telling the truth during the quest In My Time of Need. Speak to them and they will request your help. She's lying and it's obvious. If you side with the Alik'r, later on there is a possibility that you will be attacked by Thalmor Justiciars with and execution order. the sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. In actual fact, I think her to be somewhat dull and ignorant. She may have tried to do the right thing by helping her house, but she went about the completely wrong way of doing it. Either way, it means someone did something for monetary gain. You see, you are in charge of stealing all the parts of his journal, which tell a very wrong story about a young wizard who couldn’t get a love of his own. Today we are talking to DeserterX a long time member of our Nexus Mods community and author of many incredibly detailed armour mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. 3. Because of the intricate set-up, high moral stakes, and lack of conclusive information, it presents a very difficult moral dilemma that not only defies easy answers, but also approximates moral dilemmas in the real world (albeit on a … [discussion] Who's telling the truth, Saadia or the Alik'r? For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "In my time of need quest, who is telling the truth? Skyrim's main story revolves around the player character's efforts to defeat Alduin, a … My. The grass is always greener, and you really don't know what it is you have, until it's gone... gone... gone - Conker. where do you get the key to access Saarthal? I added one when I was doing the quest with some information that you should find useful. I just think both Saadia and the Ailk'r Warriors are pointing fingers at the other calling them Thalmor dogs to gain the player's sympathy so we'll help them or her. BigBizkit: Thanks, DeserterX, for joining us today: as always, we like to start the interview off by you telling us a bit about yourself. If you side with and help Kematu, you are turning in Saadia, who is supposedly the betrayer... but thus YOU are becoming a betrayer, since you betray Saadia, after promising to help her. If they wanted to kill her in Skyrim, why didn't they perform the Black Sacrament and have a contract issued with the Dark Brotherhood? The Thalmor have no influence in Hammerfell as the Redguards pushed them out during the war. From speaking to the Dominion and they way they handle everything I sided with them since they seemed like they were there for legitimate reasons. It turns out that they have been barred from entering the city, and one of them even has been to jail. No doubt General Tullius and his friends in the Empire will tell you that I owe them my loyalty, and perhaps I do. So, the lack of any direction doesn't give me much motivation to play. when i tell them to follow me they say something like sure ok but they dont actually start following me. Dragons, long lost to the passages of the Elder Scrolls, have returned to Tamriel. Alik'r! Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Here are all outcomes for the "In My Time of Need" quest where you can either help Saadia or turn her into the Alik'r. Orcs aren't shipped off to their home stronghold, Redguards aren't shipped to Hammerfell. THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM is a fantasy role-playing game set 200 years after the events of its predecessor. By far one of the creepiest quests in the game, Toying with the Dead, is about a necromancer living out in hidden ice caves by Dawnstar.Except, well, he’s not living alone, exactly. The Empire of Tamriel is on the edge. After you help the Alik'r catch the woman and he paralyzes her, I couldn't fast travel. Skyrim is the kind of game I wish I could have discovered in the early spring, before L.A. Noire, DC Universe Online and multiple seasons of sports games vacuumed up my time. The sheer size, magnitude, attention to detail and insane amounts of content — executed flawlessly makes Witcher 3 easily my favorite game in the last 20 years — and I’ve played a LOT of great games since 1995. They have no reason to help the Thalmor, all Redguards hate the Thalmor with a passion because of the war. No, they made the long trip from Hammerfell and chased her into Skyrim because they were hunting her to capture, not kill. This argument doesn't really make any sense. so they just chilled in the cave that had a guy who they tried to attack was at the end? It isn't lore like "They took her back, executed her, then shipped the ashes back to Whiterun." i sided with the alik'r. They've got curved swords. I believe your decision should be based on personal preference. Why wont Azura's star hold more than one soul? Of course, you will tell me that I need to wait for it and I'm sure you will eventually write it, but my point is that that information needs to be in a build from the get go. I HATE it when false fans think that The Elder Scrolls 6 will suck. The whole reason that the stupid elves took the city is because of Saadia helping them. Which the player may be a part of (or even the new leader) when doing this quest. In my time of need quest, who is telling the truth? they seem more trustworthy, plus why would they come all the way from hammerfell looking for this woman and lie about their purpose? (spoilers)". It’s a blast! It is almost impossible to learn all its elements by yourself, so we created this tutorial. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995. followers "follow me" or "it's time to part ways" - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: hey i use UFO and i am having difficulties with certain followers. Highest Magicka Reduction across All Schools with One Set of Equips? Oh. Running away has never solved anything and she ended up paying the price (in my case). You will receive 500 Gold if you choose to kill And for some time, I wanted to finish the game, but unfortunate, I started working from a month later and got so caught up with it … my gut says the Alik'r though. Page 1 of 4 - [EMERGENCY] I can't talk to anyone in Skyrim out of the blue! Ebony Blade and The Blades *minor spoilers*, Skyrim's Great Fashionista's Guide [V1.0] (Spoilers), Scorpion's grinding guide to level 81 * some spoilers" updated & edited.
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