Henry Stenhouse. Advertisement. Here is how things stand now in the wake of the nerf. Valorant Agent Tier List (January 2021) glhf.gg/en/new... 4 comments. We’ve analyzed millions of games using our proprietary algorithm which uses stats such as win rate, pick rate, KDA, and damage per round to calculate the best Agents in Valorant on Haven. It doesn’t mean that any of them are overpowered and will guaranty you a winning game. 1 3 minutes read. VALORANT Patch 1.09 – Weapon Tier List . 1. Our Valorant gun tier list takes a look at the best weapons in the current meta after the recent nerfs that were handed down to two of the meta's outliers in patch 2.03. Powered by AnyClip. Here’s how the tiers will shake out with her inclusion. B Tier – (Good) Solid choice and can be viable in the right situation. We’ll be updating this list every patch or so so be sure to check back! Valorant Patch 1.09 introduced a massive nerf to the Operator which, whether you like it or not, has shaken up the meta in a big way. Valorant Patch 2.02 NA Agent Tier List. The tier list does not account for individual skill as weapons like Odin can be very deadly in the right hands. The tier list is based exclusively on the popularity of an agent at Radiant. Post Comment. February 21, 2021. Tier: Agents: S-tier: Breach, Cypher, Jett, Omen, Sova: A-tier: Killjoy, Phoenix, Skye, Raze, Reyna, Sage: B-tier: Brimstone, Viper: Agent Explanations. NEW BEST AGENTS TIER LIST - PATCH 2.03 VALORANT. Here are the explanations why we’ve placed each agent in their tiers. The Valorant Tier List splits the agents in four tiers based on their popularity at Radiant. Published Feb 19, 2021. Spencer “Hiko” Martin, former Counter Strike pro and current VALORANT pro for T1, ranked every VALORANT Agent from D to S tier on his YouTube channel. Thanks for the feedback! Valorant Agent Tier List (January 2021) Close. Head over to our game hub by clicking here for more news, tips and tricks. Valorant Patch 2.03 Haven Agent Tier List. NEW BEST AGENTS TIER LIST Patch 2.1 – Valorant Guide. Playstation 5 Games List. Other guides. Isle of Armor NEW Pokemon Stats. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Pinterest; 2 Views 0 0 × Thanks! Hiko’s Competitive VALORANT tier list. B Tier Valorant Agents Sova. They are incredibly cost-effective and reward you with tons of power after purchasing them. 15.10.2020 By esports.com . Valorant Character Tier List. The win rate has no effect on the tiers, but it is included to determine the most outstanding characters in a particular tier. ESPN's VALORANT agent tier list. Associate Editor. Valorant Patch 1.09 Agent Tier List Valorant Patch 1.09 took away some of Jett's effectiveness with the changes to the Operator and Jump accuracy however it … We’ve played our fair share of games now, and it’s time to look at which upgrades make the biggest impact on the game. Share Template on Twitter Share Template on Facebook. It seems that dealing damage just isn't enough to put you at the top of the Valorant tier list in the current meta. The Valorant Guns Tier List. By Julia Gaberlavage/DBLTAP. Based on popularity. Each tier list provides additional information that can help you better understand the weapons you will be using in Valorant and make you the most efficient agent on the battlefield. The game operates on an economy-round … Press J to jump to the feed. Ever since the launch, Valorant gained a strong reputation amongst players giving its similarity to the popular FPS Tactical Shooter CS:GO. Valorant Gun Tier List: Which Weapons Are the Most Effective. For the reason, I wanted to create a Valorant character tier list. Video Games / VALORANT Agents with Killjoy Tier List / VALORANT Agents with Killjoy Tier List Maker. S-tier weapons. If you’re a total beginner or just looking for some information on which agent you should try first then this is the tier list for you. To learn more about every gun, from their spray patterns to their stats, head to our dedicated Valorant Weapons page. Best Attackers. VALORANT agent tier list -- what the pros think. Jett has been extremely annoying to deal with, and Sova is the ultimate info gathering agent. Riot Games have still not revealed what they will be doing to balance out the agents. 101d Jacob Wolf. This tier list based on the abilities and effectiveness of an agent in overall. VALORANT Agent tier list – Summary. Valorant Episode 2 Act 1 Agent Tier List S Tier Phoenix - the most versatile and consistent Duelist can dictate the pace of a match with his array of fire-based abilities Share; Tweet; Pin; Share; 0. Find out the most played agents by rank in January 2021. Class Guide ... Best Weapons Tier List. In overall statistics, the following agents are the most effective ones in almost any map and phase. share. 0 Duelist, Initiator, Sentinel, and Controller. Valorant: Best characters - offensive, defensive, tier list Valorant guide, tips. But it has managed to make an industry for itself in a short period. 0. Powered by AnyClip. VALORANT is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter. VALORANT Tier List.This Tier List will always display the best Agents, based on the latest patch. These guns are staples in the game and are useful in nearly every possible situation thus making them S-tier. Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. Share it with your friends! VALORANT is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter. Valorant is liked by the players and they play it like addicts. VALORANT Patch 1.10 Agent Tier List . Ranking System. He based the rankings based on the Agents’ viability in the competitive VALORANT meta and not unranked or ranked que. As you can see, there aren’t many terrible agents in the pool currently. In a shooter like Valorant, knowledge is everything, and this is precisely why Cypher takes the top spot on our list … Next Basics Experience points - how to earn? All agent icons are datamined from the game itself. 263d Tyler Erzberger. 100d Jacob Wolf. By Nate Searl December 16, 2020. The game operates on an economy-round, objective-based, first-to-13 competitive format where you select a unique agent to play for the entirety of the match. Valorant Snowball Fight upgrade tier list. Remember that a lot depends on your skills in Valorant. Patch 1.10 Valorant Agent Tier List. User account menu. Once thought to be nothing more than vulnerable, now Sova's Owl Drone ability is getting praise for the valuable information it provides. 1. Playstation 5 Specs and Features . by Julia Gaberlavage/DBLTAP. New Agents and some buffs and nerfs to old have shaken up Valorant's meta in v2.01 we rank the best from the worst to give you an idea who you should be picking. We’ve analyzed millions of games using our proprietary algorithm which uses stats such as win rate, pick rate, KDA, and damage per round to calculate the best Agents in Valorant on All Maps. That’s it for our VALORANT Agent tier list. C Tier – … Yesterday, Riot released the new Snowball Fight mode in Valorant. Hover over an agent on the tier list to see a summary of the stats that went into the calculation of their score. 21/Feb/2021 03:43 pm. Abhimannu Das. Log In Sign Up. Valorant Agents Tier List (August 2020) Aashir Ahmed 2020-08-15 03:07:28 Valorant launched globally a couple of months back, and 10 Valorant agents were added as playable characters. × You disliked this video. Posted by 26 days ago. 30.09.2020 By esports.com . VALORANT will be free to play in the Summer 2020.. New Agents are set to regularly be added to the roster in order to keep the meta fresh. No pro data. They are extremely cost-effective and reward you with tons of energy after buying them. Insomniac Games at the forefront of the PlayStation 5's release. In our Valorant weapon tier list, our experts (Immortal-Radiant) rank every gun based on their strength in the current ranked meta. Powered by AnyClip. 220d Tyler Erzberger. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Valorant Guns Tier List S-tier weapons. Hover over an agent on the tier list to see a summary of the stats that went into the calculation of their score. A Tier – (Strong) Very strong pick, but not as overpowered as S Tier Choices. Declan McLaughlin May 15, 2020. 1. In Valorant, players can play as one of 11 available characters, which are divided into specific categories: Controller, Initiator, Duelist, and Sentinel. Best Defenders. D-Tier (Jett, Omen) In … Valorant Agent Tier List: S+ Tier: Cypher. All 12 agents in VALORANT as of patch 1.05. These weapons are staples within the recreation and are helpful in practically each potential scenario thus making them S-tier. Unsurprisingly, the top of the tier list is dominated by the Vandal, Phantom and Operator. Sova is moving up the tier list as the Valorant meta evolves. Patch 1.14 has brought some changes to Sage, changing where she fits on a Valorant Agent tier list. 0. S Tier – Best agents to play . S Tier – (Best) Highest ranking Characters in our Valorant Tier List. Best Characters Tier List. VALORANT Patch 1.10 introduces a new Agent, Skye, here’s how the tiers shake out with her inclusion. Valorant Predictive Tier List for Climbing Ranked. Insomniac Games at the forefront of the PlayStation 5's release. Valorant Patch 1.10 introduces Skye, a new Agent. Valorant has no bad Agents, and patch 1.14 … Prev Basics Beginner's guide and tips. Valorant Best Agents Tier List Explanation. Powered by AnyClip. Let us know your thoughts on this Valorant tier list in the comments below. Best Team Comps. Unsurprisingly, the highest of the tier listing is dominated by the Vandal, Phantom and Operator. Valorant Classes List | We explain each class you can play in Valorant.
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