Room #1 Puzzle #1. A straightforward guide to solving the puzzles of We Were Here Too with images. We Were Here Too - Puzzle Solutions. Uns ist das Genre des Spiels nicht bekannt. So the ending of the game is that you are either left behind or you escape. Welcome to the We Were Here achievement walkthrough! We were not alone… Darkness has engulfed the once magnificent Castle Rock and its surroundings. We Were Here Together – Statue Puzzle Solution Guide. By IGGYTRIX and 2 collaborators. We Were Here 100% Achievement Walkthrough. Award. We Were Here ist für PC erschienen. Angle it right … We Were Here Together – The Fountain Puzzle Solution Guide. Favorite. Hier findest du alle Infos zum Adventurespiel We Were Here Together von Total Mayhem Games für PC, Xbox One: Release, Gameplay und alles, was ihr wissen müsst. Share ; Statue Puzzle Solution . However as a few people have pointed out the game teases of an alternative ending by asking if there was another way. Peasant: There are 3 symbols on a cylinder puzzle and a lever. Wer das Spiel entwickelt hat, ist uns leider nicht bekannt. Der Verkaufsstart von We Were Here ist der 03.03.2017. Can you discover the truth behind the grim fate of the fallen citadel and make it out alive… or will the original inhabitants catch you on your way out? Share ; The Fountain Puzzle Solution. We Were Here Together – Statue Puzzle Solution Guide. A straightforward guide to solving the puzzles of We Were Here Too with images. The player of the two-lever room must go to the empty fountain and go down the stairs to turn the valve, which will launch the puzzle. Lord: There is a sewer with the symbols behind them, glowing red. We Were Here > Guides > IGGYTRIX's Guides. We were teleported to different locations and spun about unknowing, all at the whim of foul magic. Darunter Trailer, Screenshots und Neuigkeiten. After receiving the alchemical stone, one of the players gets into the cage, and the second goes through a secret passage instead, which is divided into two corridors. This sewer abounds with sorceror's tricks. This is also not an achievement-based guide. K0rfys Kanal: Video: This game is a co-op first person puzzle game where two players will play separate roles … It is limited in time and should be prepared for it. We Were Here Too [GOOD ENDING / WALKTHROUGH] By Pauleene. Wir haben den Leitfaden für We Were Here Together erstellt, aber nicht auf Folgendes beschränkt: Die Lösung und die Geheimnisse werden auf dieser Seite angezeigt, wenn sie verfügbar sind.. Wenn Sie neue Geheimnisse kennen und diese Anleitung verbessern können, würden wir uns freuen, die Details zu kennen. 348 ratings. It is a coop game which requires 2 playthroughs to get 100%. Willkommen! I am told that we are indeed fortunate to have among us the last of the great sage-sorcerors, for he can divine our location at all times, and has even provided us with rough maps of each wretched dungeon as we enter it. 4 . Objective: Solve the cylinder puzzle on Peasant’s side, twice. Das Spiel We Were Here wurde im Jahr 2017 veröffentlicht. You’ll have to stand right in … Hier gibt es alle Infos. All achievements except "Everything is Better with … However if you play as the librarian and you pull the lever on the second floor it brings the chandelier which you can then jump onto and it will slowly go back up. LIGHTSWITCHES locations are still a WORK IN PROGRESS but they should be easy to locate once all the puzzles have been solved.
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