Sorry about the wall of text. Being a TBC content, Ghostlands have better quests, USEFUL quest rewards and more gathering spots. If you want to be a miner or a cook and can’t wait a while longer, take this time to run south to, , this is a good time to detour with a circle or two around the farm before you continue. The Enchanting Trainer is at the top floor of the inn. Warcraft: Classic. 1: Kill Maggot Eye (58.31) and loot Maggot Eye’s Paw. The Classic WoW Warrior leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice needed to help you level quickly. Did you use the addon version or the text version of the guide? Try to log out in an inn or in one of the major cities. Restock water and food. Which class are you going to play in Classic and why? Everything in this guide can be done solo! 2: Follow the road east until you reach Balnir Farmstead (75.60). How fast did it take you? Make sure you are at least about 4500 EXP from level 10. Thank youThanks for the comment. Make sure you are at least 420 EXP (Warlock: 590 EXP) from level 4 before you go back to the chapel. NOTE: Captain Melrache has the two bodyguards next to him. Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 This Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and cheapest way how to level your Leatherworking skill up from 1 to 300. I got to lvl 10 in about a day thanks to this guide. Clear around the tower and then kill Captain Vachon. 4: Follow the road north-east to (38.56) and grab Calvin Montague‘s quest [5] A Rogue’s Deal. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. The only improvement I could suggest is to spread out the grinding a little bit. Mage: Turn in your class quest in the chapel, Priest: Turn in your class quest in the chapel, Rogue: Turn in your class quest in the big house across the chapel, Warlock: Turn in your class quest in the chapel, Warrior: Go to the big house across the chapel. A minor change, but I thought it was worth mentioning it. NOTE: Kill every Duskbat on the way. Now I have to go reroll another UD of some sort and level through to try it out! Leveling process in the Classic World of Warcraft is different from leveling in the current game versions. Thanks for the feedbackThanks for the feedback. Warriors. This concludes our guide.;13016537;/fileinfo.html. Paladin Leveling Talents in Classic WoW Below we will outline some common builds for Paladins leveling to 60 in Classic WoW, with links to separate guide pages describing them in greater detail. CataclysmI just wanted to let you guys know that I’m not dead. Fight your way into the tower where you’ll find Perrine’s Chest. , Spirit Tap Absolutely fantastic guide, but there is one thing that I would have to disagree with you on, and this is not using Spirit Tap. These guides … Level 1 to 40 in just 2 days from pure grinding. NOTE: He hits hard but should be soloable if you make sure to pull him alone. As I think Manovan’s guide is really good covering all classes and professions I picked this one and am now trying to make the TourGuide version be as close to the original guide as possible. It should be noted that most dungeons in WoW Classic … This Lockpicking guide will show you the fastest way how to get your Lockpicking skill up from 1 to 300. This guide will aim to provide you with a clear skill and gear path to max level in WoW Classic. Warlock Leveling Guide 1-60 for Classic WoW Check out our warlock leveling guide 1-60 for Vanilla / Classic WoW to help you leveling faster. 2: Go north to the coast at (61.27) and kill Murlocs until you have 5 Vile Fin Scales. You should be about halfway to level 3 by now. Go along the cliffs if you’re a Miner and wants some extra ore. About the follow up Silverpine guide, if you read SilverKnight’s guide you will see that it also adds circuits in the Barrens and in the Ghostlands and you will end up with those good blue items anyway. Keep up the great work. 1: Go south until you reach the Scarlet Crusade camp at (50.65). Known as the Forsaken, this group is dedicated to serving their You'll find the best spec, best gear, addons, to be the first warlock to reach lvl … There’s a Fishing Trainer on the lake’s southern shore. Put it on your action bar and use it to crowd control the Friar while you kill Captain Vachon. Fight your way into the tower where you’ll find, . The mage is a Tier 1 class in WoW Classic. Well done on hitting maximum level in WoW Classic! This is so freaking amazingThis is so freaking amazing for a starter zone guide! 6: Go west towards the cave at (27.59) while killing 10 Young Night Web Spiders. Kill him and loot the Scarlet Crusade Documents. Turn in [8] The Chill of Death at Gretchen Dedmar (61.52) in the inn. Grab his quest: [7] Fields of Grief. Go to the town hall and turn in [10] Speak with Sevren. Don’t bind your hearthstone somewhere unless I tell you to! If you’re careful, you should be able to kill all adds in the room without pulling him. Leatherworking is the best combined with Skinning, and I highly recommend to level … And sure, make a lua file of it. If you’re another race, I recommend that you choose another guide. The DPS Warlock Talent builds guide has the best builds for Level … I look forward to testing it myself. This guide is intended for Undead characters only! Priest: Grab the quest [4] In Favor of Darkness from Dark Cleric Duesten. If you want any of those professions, quickly run to (65.60) and then return to town. … This guide provides tips and strategies for defeating the Kel'Thuzad encounter in WoW Classic Naxxramas. Since First Aid does not take up one of the … A new Forsaken has risen in the tomb of Deathknell. I highly suggest to use Snowflake’s 12-20 leveling guide (Ghostlands) instead of the Silverpine Forest’s one. This guide will take into consideration classes (class quests and talent suggestions) and professions (and alternative circuits for gatherers). This will come in handy later. If you’re melee: fight him inside the house. Classic WoW Leveling Guides If you have your route set out, but want more tips on playing your class from 1-60, check out our Classic WoW Leveling Guides. I tried the addon today andI tried the addon today and I love it. This is the Undead … These dark warriors have Inside the cave you’ll find Night Web Spiders. If you want any of those professions, quickly run to, and then return to town. When you’re there, ask a guard for directions to the, Go through the woods and follow the lake’s western coast north if you’re a. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. Thank youExcellent guide. But I still ended up switching talents because I felt that Spirit Tap didn’t save my life in difficult situations. Mage: Turn in [10] Speak with Anastasia at Anastasia Hartwell in the Magic Quarter (85.10). Take them all: On the opposite side of the chapel are two houses. Warlock: Grab [10] Halgar’s Summons from Ageron Kargal (61.52). Go to the basement and complete [7] Fields of Grief. Get: [8] The Lich’s Identity. Then kill Captain Perrine. Go back to Carendin Halgar. Priest: Go north to (59.46). Defeat him and turn in the quest. Take a minute to sell junk and repair. NOTE: You will either find her in the doorway or inside the building. Click it and accept [7] A Letter Undelivered. Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining and I highly recommend to level … The only thing that keeps me sane while leveling a Priest is a cheap wand, Lesser Magic (Does insance DPs for its level) combined with Spirit Tap = seemingly infinite mana! Repair. Repair. The world first Level 60 in WoW Classic had a played time of 3 days and 6 hours, which is an incredibly fast and unrealistic pace for the vast majority of players. Turn in [13] The Deathstalkers and get [13] The Deathstalkers. Kill 8 of those. The best individual pages to read through are as follows. Turn in [12] At War With The Scarlet Crusade at Executor Zygand (60.51). Yellow for rogues, Light-blue for Mages, Purple for Warlocks, white for Priests and Orange for Warriors. Make sure everything is set and then move out to grab your first quest. 4: Slightly south-west near a windmill you should find Thurman Agamand (43.33). Take [10] Delivery to Silverpine Forest from Apothecary Johaan (59.52). If you’re a Miner, hug the cliff-side as you go south to get some extra ore. 3: Go to Junior Apothecary Holland (57.49) and turn in [6] Doom Weed. It shouldn’t be too difficult at level 8. Take your time to sell junk, repair and visit your class trainer. 1: Further east as the road forks you will find Deathguard Simmer (40.54). Thanks for telling me aboutThanks for telling me about the coords. NOTE: Attack him from the hill behind the tent if you want to avoid the other mobs. Take his quest: [5] Gordo’s Task. Warlock: Leave Undercity through the Sewers. Now start killing Mindless Zombies and Wretched Zombies just outside the chapel until you’ve killed 8 of each. I canThanks, SilverKnight! Take the bat from there back to Undercity. The quests and grinding sessions included are sequenced to get you to level 60 as fast as possible! Believe it or not, but I was bored so it only took 3 days to write the guide. Grind on spiders or go back and grind on Scarlet Crusaders until you hit level 11. Take some minutes to fish if you want to. My initial reaction when I decided to make a priest a few months ago was to use Spirit Tap as first talent of choice, and sure it procced alot and I regenerated quickly because of it. It is the best ranged DPS for PVE, one of the most fun in PVP, very versatile solo and in a group. Apparantly I wrote that the rogue trainer is in the small house in Deathknell when he’s in the big house. Awesome Thanx for the help…first time with the Undead. Get [10] Speak with Coleman. The Night Elf guide (1-13) should be up in a couple of days. If you have any Slumber Sand left, use it to crowd control one of them. While detailing every single quest and the optimal leveling routes is beyond its scope, you can find detailed talent builds for all tastes, their rotations and which skills to buy, as well as guides … If you’re another race, I recommend that you choose another guide. It genuinally is a *much* more ueful talent for a low level class (Who will be using smite a lot no doubt so Blackout may not even be that useful o.O). Snowflake’s guide is great, but I think SilverKnight’s is more interesting as it combines those three zones in a smart way. 2: When you’re done, go back to Executor Arren and turn in [4] The Scarlet Crusade. Go south and make sure you complete [6] Doom Weed and [8] Graverobbers on the way. . Go back to Deathguard Dillinger and turn in the quest. not only eradicate their hated Scourge rivals, but the rest of humanity as well. Achievements, World Events, and Collectibles, Cataclysm pre-Heroic Plate Tank Gearguide, WoW-Pro 2.2.2 Leveling, Dailies, Professions, WorldEvents, and Achievements Release Notes. Regarding my previousRegarding my previous comment I forogt to change the first coord. If not, then keep killing mobs until you are. Mage: Grab [10] Speak with Anastasia from Cain Firesong (61.52). I have noticed that the common time without interuptions is about 4 to 4.5 hours. 4: Follow the road north to Venomweb Vale (85.50). There’s a Herbalist Trainer outside the house at (54.52). I can’t believe how much work you put into a lvl 1 – 13 guide like this, with class quests and professions. After a number of attempts speedrunning 1-60 WoW I have produced a very useful 1-60 Vanilla WoW Horde leveling guide and a 1-60 Vanilla WoW Speedrun Video. Get [11] Agamand Heirlooms. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. Go to the basemant of the inn and turn in [11] A New Plague at the dwarf. If you plan on becoming a Tailor, I suggest you take an additional circle around the farm to get some extra cloth. 3: Go north to Crusader Outpost at (78.55). The Undead, a group of scourge who formerly fought under the Lich King before breaking free of his control, are one of the four Horde races in World of Warcraft: Classic. Well, light orange for warriors because druids have a slightly intense orange. You can either run away from the Friar or kill him when the effect runs off. Feedback!Hello Manovan. If you’re a Tailor and wants some extra Linen Cloth, this is a good time to detour with a circle or two around the farm before you continue. 4: Go to the ruined houses east of the chapel. Repair. Turn in [8] The Prodigal Lich. This article is a list of all zones by level for World of Warcraft: Classic.. I hope you had as fun using it as I had writing it. We've even … Get [12] Proving Allegiance. Buy Coarse Thread from Abigail Shiel (61.52). The Alchemy Trainer is standing right next to Apothecary Johaan. The guide will take you across the best alliance quests in the most efficient way(Broken up into zones), which will allow you to level up quickly. However, I found an error in my own guide that I’m editing. Your best chance to hit level … NOTE: This is your last chance to find A Letter to Yvette. Warrior: Grab [10] Speak with Dillinger from Austil de Mon (61.52). Grind in the area until you are. If you’re a Herbalist, follow the herb path on the map back to Brill and pick up herbs on the way. This Classic WoW Blacksmithing Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 300. Get [10] Creature of the Void. You should have completed [8] The Mills Overrun by now. Go back to the inn and turn in [10] Speak with Coleman. This guide gives suggestive circuits for your class and profession of choice. Ask a guard for directions to the Inscription, Engineering or Blacksmithing professions. Warlock: Make sure you get all 3 Rattlecage Skulls for the quest [3] Piercing the Veil. The Undead, a group of scourge who formerly fought under the Lich King before It’s much thanks to your advice. Take his quest: [6] A Putrid Task. These mobs drop Linen Cloth which is used for First Aid and Tailoring. Rogue: Grab [10] Mennet Carkad from Marion Call (61.52). Get [8] Return the Book. If you’re a, and pick up herbs on the way. Thanks for including the class quests, talent suggestions, and tips on professions. Situated deep beneath the cursed Tirisfal Glades, the labyrinthine leader, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner. convenience with the primitive, brutish races of the Horde. Then go back to, . That’s an interesting point,That’s an interesting point, but I`m still not sure. Another point for The Barrens is that if you're a warrior/two hand user, starting the questline for the Crescent Staff is a good bet, as it will be your easy power weapon for a little while, and is better the earlier you get it (earliest acquisition is level 14, although it would require a rush through WC at that level) These terms and all related materials, logos, and images are copyright © Blizzard Entertainment. Usually, after finishing the Ghostland’s guide, I have a full green equipment with a blue weapon, no matter the class. I will also mention the AddOns I use for personal satisfaction in case you wonder about something you might see in a screenshot: The color codes might look confusing at first glance but you’ll get used to it in no time. That would be awesomeThat would be awesome . In the original Vanilla World of Warcraft… Go back to Executor Arren and turn in the quest. Gather 10 Tirisfal Pumpkins in the fields while killing Tirisfal Farmers and Tirisfal Farmhands until you hit level 6. One little thing: you should change the color of class related steps. The Classic WoW Priest leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1-60 and covers recommended rotations, gear, and all the advice needed to help you level quickly. Take a Candle of Beckoning from the crate next to you. Don’t forget to visit the Tailoring Trainer in the house at Cold Hearth Manor (52.55) if you want to become a Tailor. You'll find the best spec, best gear, addons, to be the first rogue lvl 60. Turn in [1] Rude Awakening at Shadow Priest Sarvis and grab his quest: [2] The Mindless Ones. Kill: 2: When you’re done or if you run out of mobs to kill, go east to (33.60) and start killing Rattlecage Skeletons until you complete [3] Rattling the Rattlecages. The coords are correct though, but if you plan on updating the lua later, that’s the edit I’m doing. Grinding guide for World of Warcraft Classic.;13025674;/fileinfo.html. Kill Vicious Night Web Spiders until you’ve looted 4 Vicious Night Web Spider Venom. Turn in [10] Creature of the Void. Turn in [8] The Lich’s Identity at Bethor Iceshard in the Magic Quarter (84.17). Classic World of Warcraft Guides; Classic WoW Lockpicking Leveling Guide 1-300 Classic WoW Lockpicking Leveling Guide 1-300. Only time will tell how these Thanks, SilverKnight! Turn in [12] The Prodigal Lich Returns at Bethor Iceshard in the Magic Quarter (84.17). Use these talents to level as quickly as possible until level … If you haven’t completed [2] The Damned yet, go back west into the colored area and kill Young Scavengers and Duskbats until you do. This guide will optimize your leveling … She might be tough for some classes so make sure you clear the area before you attack her. NOTE: Grind on Scarlet Zealots and Scarlet Missionaries until you hit level 8. There are 5 Undead race mounts in Classic. Retribution Paladin Leveling in Classic WoW Retribution is the best spec to level your paladin in Classic WoW. I got my Rogue from 1-12 in a total of 8 hours with this guide. Turn in [13] The Family Crypt at Magistrate Sevren (61.50). Get [13] The Deathstalkers. If you didn’t get Mining before (and you want to be a Miner), do it now. NOTE: Maggot Eye is level 10. Leveling with a premade group in dungeons is a popular way to level in WoW Classic, and theorycraft has been done on maximizing dungeon DPS as a Warrior by always using Sunder Armor and Rend, as well as Thunder Clap against 3+ enemies. They can be played as Mages, Priests, Rogues, Warlocks, and While they do have a slow start for 1-20, Mages start to pull way … Kill him and loot Samuel’s Remains. I have now taken my first character Filthmonger (undead warrior) through to level 17 thanks to this and Silverknight’s follow-up. My leveling guides will now automatically adjust for the different phases of Classic WoW. Now that leveling is over, you can learn more about level 60 gameplay by reading our DPS Warlock Guide, which covers every facet of gameplay at 60 in detail. You can stop when you’ve looted 5 Duskbat Pelts. Recently, I now have fully remastered my 1-60 Horde leveling guide for Classic WoW and have made a full 1-60 speed leveling guide … 1: Go south-west to Cold Hearth Manor (50.55) while killing Ravaged Corpses and Rotting Deads for Putrid Claws (7). Get the follow up: [4] Garments of Darkness. I was also helped immensely by a random higher-level passer-by who decided to give me 40 gold in the lift to the Undercity for an unknown reason, which helps a lot obviously when it comes to buying weapons and armor, but I was stood in that lift because I was following the guide so again, cheers. Get [12] The Prodigal Lich Returns. Other than that, the formatting is pretty and you provide a lot of useful addition , both at the text and the images. If you have any feedback, questions or if you want to share your experiences from using the guide, please write a comment below. But then, again, just take the orb to UC and here you are :). Along the way you should encounter a patrolling abomination named Gordo. This means my guides will now hide the following until they are available in a future phase: Level 50 … If you find A Letter to Yvette. Get [13] The Family Crypt. Go to Andron Grant in the Apothecarium (54.75). Warrior: Turn in [11] Agamand Heirlooms at Coleman Farthing (61.52). To further their dark aims, the Forsaken have entered into an alliance of I’m currently not playing the game because of studies, but I might come back to update/rework this guide with Cataclysm. Leveling a Warlock from 1-10 in Classic WoW When first playing a Warlock, you will not have access to key components of your specialization - Like pets, talents, or even access to Soul Shards. Keep killing spiders until you’re at least 1130 EXP from level 5. Go to Varimathras in the Royal Chamber (56.92). Take the follow up: [4] The Scarlet Crusade. Some of the most efficient levelers in the world still take between 4-5 days of played time, which is over 100 hours of playing the game at an incredibly efficient level. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Tailoring trainer is, then it will be Best guide on ... Undead … If you aren’t level 9 already. Visit your class trainer. Go north-west back to Agamand Mills (52.28). Visit your class trainer. This guide will aim to provide you with a clear skill and gear path to max level in WoW Classic. Can’t find mistakes or whatever, I ran atl least 7 times in the starting undead area and I can say with no doubt that this is the ultimate leveling choice for newborn undeads. Grab his quest [1] Rude Awakening. against their common enemy - the Lich King. Grab The Lich’s Spellbook from the table. Let me start off by sayingLet me start off by saying that I’ve always really enjoyed Jame’s leveling guides (and other amazing guides on WoW-Pro) and thus felt it was time to “return the favor”. NOTE: Watch out for Felicient’s Shade. It’s a level 12 rare ghost roaming the fields. 3: Follow the road west to Calvin Montague (38.56). The basic formula for your maximum lockpicking skill at a particular level is (5 * level… 1: Leave Undercity and go north to Deathguard Linnea (65.60). You will have another chance later to get the remaining Gloom Weed. Only warriors *can* have some problems by leveling in Ghostlands, because there are no warrior trainers in SC. group of undead seek to retain their own free will while destroying all those You will find Captain Dargol on the bottom floor. Silverpine forest is a wonderful place, very dark and all, but it is a bit outdated right now. Great formatting, I will be sure to run my undead rogue through this. Especially since he has an add who will heal him. Rogue: Leave Undercity through the Sewers and take the road south to Silverpine Forest. Overview of the Alchemy profession in Classic WoW, considered one of the best professions for the powerful endgame consumables you can craft for PvE and PvP content. And there are many difficult situations when leveling a priest in the starting zones (it’s hard to get a level or two ahead of the guide for example). Loot Egalin’s Grimoire. Keep in mind that fighting Calvin Montague will trigger you for PVP and make you vulnerable to Alliance players. Hats off to you, Manovan. Don’t forget to turn in [7] A Letter Undelivered at Yvette Farthing (61.52) if you didn’t find it the first time. Turn in [13] The Deathstalkers. When you’re done, go to Bethor Iceshard (84.17) in the Magic Quarter. Sell junk. . This guide takes into account every quest in the zone in the fastest and easiest way possible. Follow the mountain side if you’re a Miner. 1: Check the woods at the sides of the road for Gloom Weed. I might update the class colors but my goal is to have distinctive colors which aren’t confused with the other color codes. I belive that waiting with Spirit Tap until late teen levels (15-16+) is better because you’ve already set up a life-saving foundation in another talent and can now focus on lowering the downtimes and keeping your mana up. Undercity is a sprawling bastion of evil. When you’re there, ask a guard for directions to the Jewelcrafting Trainer and follow the mark on the map. 1: Follow the road north-east to Deathguard Linnea (65.60). If you scroll up in the comment field you’ll see a link. NOTE: A good spot for Gloom Weed is under the bridge (52.54) leading to Brill (but beware of Rotting Deads). disciples of doom will fare in their mission of vengeance. Get the follow up: [5] Vital Intelligence. This is a guide for fast leveling through Tirisfal Glades as an Undead character. Astor Hadren is patrolling the road. NOTE: The best place to find Darkhounds is along the colored area next to the road. If you have higher level characters on the same realm, now is a good time to log in on them and send some bags over. The system used is emulating Jame’s because his guides are very detailed and comfortable to play after. If you haven’t found it, no worries. If you’re a caster: clear the field around the fence and pull him at max range. You’ll end up at the Scarlet tower we were at before. from Zachariah Post in Brill. That is more intuitive for those who read, I think. Turn in the quest [5] A Rogue’s Deal at Innkeeper Renee (61.52). The guide includes map routes for the best zones filled with herbs. Repair. Since it’s your first character, I can imagine it taking a little longer though. Mage: Loot the Balnir Snapdragons (77.61). 2: Kill Duskbats in the colored area if you still need Duskbat Pelts. You don’t have to complete [7] Proof of Demise now. Defeat him, get Astor’s Letter of Introduction and go south to the Sepulcher. That grind could be shortened greatly by scattering small grinding spots throughout the guide. . I have volunteered to convert a 1-12 Undead leveling guide to TourGuide. This guide will optimize your leveling for your class and profession of choice. 3: Continue north-west to (45.29) where you should find Gregor Agamand. Pick up Cooking even if you don’t want to skill it up. The guides in this module supply information based on the chosen faction, group size, race, and class. We will tell you the best leveling routes and what zones you shouldn't pass up in our guide! The process definitely had me wanting to write more guides. Manovan’s Undead Leveling Guide (1-13)I’m just getting back into level my horde alts and decided to roll an Undead Warrior and Manovan’s guide was great. Get [13] The Deathstalkers. 4: Go north-west to Solliden Farmhand (33.44) and kill 10 Scarlet Warriors. You’ll end up at the Scarlet tower we were at before. As o low level Priest you will often find yourself low on mana – there is nothin else that I hate more, personally. Having broken free from the tyrannical rule of the Lich King, a renegade Full routes for Horde and Alliance (Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Night Elf) and all classes (Mage, Shaman, Warrior, Druid, Rogue, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Warlock). 1: Go west until you reach the area colored on the map (30.60). Using AddOns are optional but there are some I recommend to make your leveling process easier. Get [11] Heirloom Weapon and turn it in right away. Go to Deathguard Dillinger (58.51) and turn in [10] Speak with Dillinger. Hello and welcome to our 1-60 horde leveling guide for WoW Classic! Level 11-12 includes several bubbles of grinding on Scarlets. The First Aid Trainer is right at the entrance. Turn in [8] Return the Book at Gunther Arcanus. To become an Apprentice Tailor you need to reach level 5 and find a Tailoring trainer.Just click on any of these links below to see the trainer's exact location. The quest circuits are spot-on, and the class/profession sub-guides make it that much easier to burn through the first 12 levels. city. Record being as low as 3 hours with heirloom. Talk to him again and fight him. 2: Follow the road north-west to Solliden Farmstead (37.50). The racial mounts of the Undead are the skeletal horses, which can be purchased Definitely top notch.Definitely top notch. They can be played as Mages, … Turn in [9] At War With The Scarlet Crusade at Executor Zygand (60.51). Heal and fortify Deathguard Kel. Kill him. 2: Go north to the island in Brightwater Lake (68.42). Then go back to Mennet Carkad. When you enter Brill you will pass by Deathguard Dillinger (58.51) outside the cemetary. Learn how to level … This guide … © 2021 Terms | Privacy Policy | World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment® are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. Turn in [11] Rear Guard Patrol. Warlock: Grab the quest [3] Piercing the Veil from Venya Marthand in the chapel. Kill her and then go back to Gunther Arcanus (68.42). Rogue: Turn in [10] Mennet Carkad at Mennet Carkad in the Rogues Quarter (83.69). breaking free of his control, are one of the four Horde races in World of wowWow, amazing guide. 1: Go to the north-eastern part of Agamand Mills and enter the crypt. If you’re a Miner, go east back to Brill along the mine path. royal apothecaries scramble to develop a devastating new plague - one which will The Skinning and Leatherworking Trainers are south-east of Brill at the road. Outside the tomb you should see Undertaker Mordo. Get the follow up: at the road. Otherwise, this was a fabulous guide. NOTE: Don’t sell the Slumber Sand you get from turning in [9] A New Plague. NOTE: He’s a level 13 melee badass surrounded by a couple of mobs. For the guide Manovan. Take the follow up [7] Fields of Grief and [6] A New Plague. Grind on Scarlet Crusaders until you hit level 12. Get [10] The Balnir Farmstead. This is a guide for fast leveling through Tirisfal Glades as an Undead character. Holding no real Sell junk. A few more quests will now be available in the chapel. If you want to be a miner or a cook and can’t wait a while longer, take this time to run south to Undercity for the Mining Trainer and the Cooking Trainer. Level 60 Kel'Thuzad is one of the most misunderstood and mysterious bosses in WoW's history. We’ll come back to Agamand Mills soon. This portion of the guide will, well, guide … I recommend continuing with SilverKnight’s 13-21 Silverpine Guide now. Get [13] The Deathstalkers. I suggest you take your time to fix your interface the way you want it and give your skills the proper key bindings.
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