[48][49] Skyward Sword is then a prequel to Ocarina of Time. c'est pas parceque le jeux et cartoon que c'est pour les enfants car ya des enigmes et tout cela puis dans le je ci ti connais pas nord sur est ouest tes mort x).C'est mon points de vue. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is an action role-playing video game with platforming elements. [92] After these were quickly claimed, Nintendo gave a copy to customers who mailed in proof of purchases from select GameCube games.[92]. In most games, the player can give Link a different name before the start of the adventure, and he will be referred by that given name throughout by the non-player characters (NPCs). The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time introduced a targeting system that let the player lock the camera on to enemy or friendly NPCs which simplified 3D combat. Miyamoto felt The Wind Waker would "extend Zelda's reach to all ages". pp. [56] A Link Between Worlds takes place six generations after A Link to the Past. [207] IGN praised the music of Majora's Mask for its brilliance despite its heavy use of MIDI. J'ai mis du temps pour comprendre qu'il fallait ouvrir la carte du morceau de la triforce concerné pour qu'il puisse justement apparaître dans le jeu. At the start of the game the player only has three hearts but players can increase their max hearts by finding heart-shaped crystals called "Heart Containers". While shrunk, he can see previously explored parts of a dungeon from a different perspective, and enter areas through otherwise-impassable openings. Heureusement que la version wii u a apporté une correction à ce souci en rendant cette quête de chasse au trésor de la triforce plus simple. In November 2004 in Japan and Europe, and January 2005 in America, Nintendo released The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance. The land of Holodrum is slowly withering. ", ZELDA: The Second Quest Begins (1988), pp. Ton ému utilisera les performances de ton GPU à ce moment là. [244] Further details of this series went sparse until 2021 when Adam Conover gave an interview regarding his College Humor period. Je crois que pour moi c'est le meilleur jeu de la GameCube. [73] In some stores that had this "Collector's Edition" quickly sell out, a small and rare Zelda pin was given instead. Termina and Lorule serve as parallel worlds to Hyrule,[32] Hytopia is a connected kingdom,[33] and Koholint is an island far away from Hyrule that appears to be part of a dream. It includes the canceled 64DD expansion for Ocarina of Time known as Ura Zelda. ", "The official home for The Legend of Zelda - About", "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Has Been Added To The Series' Official Timeline", "Official Legend of Zelda Timeline Revealed", "Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce â Back Cover", "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past â Back Cover", "ãã¼ã«ãã®ä¼èª¬æã®ãªã«ãªããã®æ
å ±ï½¥ç£å°ç´é! Ça confirme donc ce que j'ai dit. "Who knows what threats may arise from Ganon's ashes?" For the video game, see, "LoZ" redirects here. Unlike Link, Zelda, and most other recurring characters, he is actually the same person in every game, with the exception of Four Swords Adventures, where he is a reincarnation of the original. En général, l'igp est utilisé de force quand tu es en économie d'énergie sur pc portable. The game features a "Second Quest," accessible either upon completing the game, or by registering one's name as "ZELDA" when starting a new quest. While the Triforces of Power and Wisdom have been part of the series since the original The Legend of Zelda, it was only in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link that the Triforce of Courage was first introduced, being obtained by Link at the end of his quest. Excellent ce jeu. The 'B' button was used only as an attack button. Autrement je pouvais faire le tour du jeu et revenir bredouille. To this end, he seeks the Triforce, a powerful magical relic. Je viens juste de le finir pour mon frangin de 5 ans. Four years later, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past returned to the top-down view (under a 3/4 perspective), and added the concept of an alternate dimension, the Dark World. The first book was based on Oracle of Seasons and was released in 2001. As a result, Kondo wrote a new arrangement of the overworld theme within one day. [110], On September 8, 2020, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity was announced and would be released on November 20. The fourth game in the Zelda series although it does not take place in Hyrule. Like its predecessors, it is an action game with puzzle-solving and light role-playing elements. The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's most prominent and successful franchises; several of its entries are considered to be among the greatest video games of all time. Other elements from the series, such as locations and items, are also included throughout the Smash Bros. series. The name "Zelda" derives from the American novelist Zelda Fitzgerald.[62]. When he enters this realm, he is transformed into a wolf, and loses the ability to use his sword, shield or other items, but gains other abilities such as sharpened senses from his new form. The first was The Crystal Trap (which focuses more on Zelda) and the second was The Shadow Prince. Parce que si The Wind Waker est fait pour les enfants, je ne vois pas pourquoi d'autres jeux de la saga n'auraient pas droit à la même observation... Sans que cela les rendra pire que les autres. "Though you fulfilled the Hyrulian prophecy of the Legendary Hero and destroyed the evil tyrant Ganon, the land of Hyrule enjoyed only a precarious peace. The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX is set to be a direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda: A Li... Ceci est un remake (demake) de LoZ: Ocarina of Time de la N64 repprenant un type de gameplay/graphiq... Master Quest is essentially the same game as Ocarina of Time. Ce jeu est une perle ! To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the series, Nintendo of America originally had planned to release a compilation of games together for the Wii, similar to the collector's edition disc released for the GameCube in 2003. Je conseille The Wind Waker malgré tout pour tous ceux qui veulent se faire une idée d'un Zelda cartoon mais aussi parce que au-delà de son design, le jeu est très bon ! For instance, standing next to a block and pressing 'A' made Link grab it (enabling him to push/pull it), but moving forwards into a block and pressing 'A' allowed Link to climb the block. <3. Nintendo's 2011 timeline announcement subsequently posits that following Ocarina of Time, the timeline splits into three alternate routes: in one, Link fails to defeat Ganon, leading into the Imprisoning War and A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link. The Wii version features a reversed world where everything that is in the west on the GameCube is in the east on the Wii, and vice versa. [3] Ocarina of Time is "[one of the] first contemporary non-dance title[s] to feature music-making as part of its gameplay",[4] using music as a heuristic device and requiring the player to utilise songs to progress in the game[5] â a game mechanic that is also present in Majora's Mask. Geiler ausflug an die ostsee, hier filme ich gerade fuck tube. The original Legend of Zelda was the first console game with a save function that enabled players to stop playing and then resume later. Created independently with no observation by or influence from Nintendo, the games are Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, together with Zelda's Adventure. [198] Computer and Video Games awarded The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess a score of 10/10. Le 18/12/2017 à 00:45, welandcorp a dit : Le 01/08/2014 à 17:51, Invité nave3210 a dit : LaticheCabinou en live (14/03/2017 17:51), LaticheCabinou en live (13/03/2017 11:13), LaticheCabinou en live (12/03/2017 21:08), LaticheCabinou en live (12/03/2017 19:27), LaticheCabinou en live (12/03/2017 12:33), LaticheCabinou en live (11/03/2017 17:50). ^^, Il lag un peu de temps en temps mais un très bon Zelda, c'est mon troisieme jeux zelda, autant dire que sa date... j'ai entendu la musique de l'ile du dragon, et ma nostalgie est arrivée, j'ai ralumé le gamecube et je telecharge la version emu. [259] A Clue board game in the style of The Legend of Zelda series was released in June 2017. Au premier lancement de l'émulateur, RomStation te proposera de transférer tes sauvegardes d'une version à l'autre. [221] In 1999, Next Generation listed the Zelda series as number 1 on their "Top 50 Games of All Time", commenting that, "With incredible level and dungeon, Shigeru Miyamoto's Zelda series has always had more gameplay in its pinky finger than most other titles have in their entire bodies. It uses the same 3D game engine as the previous game,[78] and added a time-based concept, in which Link, the protagonist, relives the events of three days as many times as needed to complete the game's objectives. This warping with music feature has also been used in A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. The next two games, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, were released simultaneously for the Game Boy Color, and interact using passwords[80] or a Game Link Cable. [23] However, because the Triforce has no will of its own and it can not judge between good and evil, it will grant any wish indiscriminately. [16][17], Hearing of American novelist, socialite and painter Zelda Fitzgerald, Miyamoto thought the name sounded "pleasant and significant". It is considered by many critics and gamers to be the best video game of all time, and ranks highly on IGN and EGM's "greatest games of all time" lists, as well as scoring perfect scores in several video game publications. Each action was handled slightly differently but all used the 'A' button to perform. [69] In February 2006, it was ranked by Nintendo Power as the best game released for a Nintendo console. It was released in 1993, and re-released, in full color, as a launch game for the Game Boy Color in 1998 as Link's Awakening DX. The game was released for the Super NES on November 21, 1991. [237] Final Fantasy and The 3rd Birthday director Hajime Tabata (Square Enix) cited Ocarina of Time as inspiration for the seamless open world of Final Fantasy XV. [206] Ocarina of Time was so well received that sales increased for real ocarinas. At E3 2006, Nintendo confirmed the game's status as a direct sequel to The Wind Waker,[93] and released an extensive playable demo, including a multiplayer mode with "capture the flag" elements. Majora's Mask is included in the Collector's Edition,[75] and is available on the Virtual Console, as well as a 3D port for the portable 3DS console. After a five-year hiatus, the series made the transition to 3D with Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, which was released in November 1998. [18] Paying tribute, he chose to name the princess after her, and titled it The Legend of Zelda. According to the Super Mario 3D All-Stars' game page on Nintendo's UK site, the game download weighs in at cool 4.871 GB.As the most modern game in … Both games featured rearranged dungeons, an altered overworld, and new voice-acted plot-lines.[68]. The show was originally performed in the fall of 2011 in Los Angeles and consists of live performances of much of the music from the series. [101], Nintendo showcased a demo reel at E3 2011, which depicted Link fighting a monster in HD. [238], A 13-episode American animated TV series, adapted by DiC and distributed by Viacom Enterprises, aired in 1989. The game's subtitle was announced at E3 2010 as Skyward Sword, but its release was delayed to 2011. ", "Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year Ended March 2012", "IR Information : Sales Data - Top Selling Software Sales Units - Wii U Software", "Koei Tecmo Releases Awesome Hyrule Warriors Wallpapers to Celebrate One Million Units Shipped", "Sales Data - Top Selling Title Sales Units", "Switch lifetime sales hit 36.87 million - Nintendo Q1", "Switch worldwide sales top 41.67 million, he Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening sales top 3.13 million", "Like Sands Through the Hourglass, Zelda's Debut on Nintendo DS Approaches", "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Review", "Americana at Its Most Felonious: Q. and A.: Rockstar's Dan Houser on Grand Theft Auto V", "Okami creator 'disappointed' by Twilight Princess", "Peter Molyneux's top five games of all time", "Yes, The New Assassin's Creed Is Like That Lovely Zelda Game", Episode #478 â The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Interview with CD Projekt Red, "Final Fantasy XV inspired by Zelda: Ocarina of Time", "The Legend of Zelda's Only Cartoon Aspired to Competence in a Landscape of Trash", "The Legend of Zelda Cartoon's Link Is the BEST Link", "We Need a New 'Legend of Zelda' Cartoon", "Remembering Possibly The Worst Thing Zelda Ever Did", "Feature: 10 Strangest Moments In Captain N: The Game Master", "Netflix Is Developing a Live-Action 'Legend of Zelda' Series", "A Netflix employee accidentally killed Nintendo's live-action Zelda series", "Dark Horse Comics Localizing Hyrule Historia", "Amazon suffers 'Hyrule Historia' hysteria", "Dark Horse publishing new The Legend of Zelda art book in 2017", "The Legend of Zelda's Hyrule Encyclopedia Revealed For The Series' 30th Anniversary", "The Legend of Zelda: Art and Artifacts Art Book Is Getting A Limited Edition", "Interview with WDR Radio Orchestra Manager Winfried Fechner Part 1", "More dates revealed for 'Legend of Zelda' symphony tour", "Legend of Zelda" 30th Anniversary Concert Coming to DVD and CD", "Footage From the Unproduced Legend of Zelda CG-Animated Movie", "You Might Need Your 3DS If There's Ever A Legend of Zelda Movie", "Nintendo wants to "change movies" with an interactive Zelda film", "The Legend of Zelda Monopoly Dated for 15th September in US", "The Legend of Zelda Clue Board Game Is Now Available for Pre-Order", "An Official Legend of Zelda Uno Set Is Coming To North America This Week", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Zelda&oldid=1008544986, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Articles containing potentially dated statements from November 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2016, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Srpskohrvatski / ÑÑпÑкоÑ
ÑваÑÑки, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Four Swords Adventures includes two gameplay modes: "Hyrulean Adventure", with a plot and gameplay similar to other Zelda games, and "Shadow Battle", in which multiple Links, played by multiple players, battle each other. Those who preordered the game received a gold-coloured cartridge in a limited edition box with a golden plastic card affixed, reading "Collector's Edition". Pour deux ou trois énigmes, j'ai regardé la solution, mais sérieusement, TOUT est indiqué, lisez les boîtes de dialogue ! Some games take place in different lands with their own back-stories. [71] A new gameplay mechanic, lock-on targeting (called "Z-targeting" as that is the controller button used), is used in the game, which focuses the camera on a nearby target and alters the player's actions relative to that target. [34], The chronology of the Legend of Zelda series was a subject of much debate among fans until an official timeline was released within the Hyrule Historia collector's book, which was first released in Japan in December 2011. Miyamoto has referred to the creation of the Zelda games as an attempt to bring to life a "miniature garden" for players to play with in each game of the series. And I've played that game through several times," he said to TechRadar. The Faces of Evil, along with the other two titles, … Ils sont au courant qu'on essaie de sauver le monde ? The editors of review aggregator websites GameRankings, IGN and Metacritic have all given Ocarina of Time their highest aggregate scores. [208][209] The series won GameFAQs Best Series Ever competition. Mario (Galaxy 2) Is Missing. However Nintendo of Japan's president Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto decided against releasing it, believing it would be too similar to the Super Mario 25th Anniversary collection released in 2010. A windwaker un plaisir de le redécouvrir après plus de 10 ans que j'ai terminé ma dernière aventure dessus ! Following an intermission, the second half of the concert was entirely dedicated to an expansive symphonic poem dedicated to the series. Hyrule Warriors Legends, a version for the Nintendo 3DS containing more content and gameplay modifications, was released in March 2016. A second Tingle game is Tingle's Balloon Fight DS for the Nintendo DS. [108][109], On June 11, 2019, Nintendo announced a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild during their Nintendo Direct E3 2019 presentation. [94] In January 2010, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated that the game would be coming out at some time in 2010, and confirmed that the game would make use of the Wii's MotionPlus feature, which had been announced too late to be integrated into the Twilight Princess Wii release. Le meilleur Zelda avec Link's Awakening sur GB. Working with a Capcom team, Yoshiki Okamoto was originally tasked with designing a series of three Zelda games for the Game Boy Color. Together they go on a quest to restore the spirit tracks, defeat the Demon King, and return Zelda to her body. In each game the battles with him are different and he fights using different styles. Some items are consistent and appear many times throughout the series (such as bombs and bomb flowers, which can be used both as weapons and to open blocked or hidden doorways; boomerangs, which can kill or paralyze enemies; keys for locked doors; magic swords, shields, and bows and arrows), while others are unique to a single game. [54] At the time of its release, Four Swords for the Game Boy Advance was considered the oldest tale in the series' chronology, with Four Swords Adventures set sometime after its events. Zelda, (who is able to transform into Sheik as well), Ganondorf, and Young Link (the child version of Link from Ocarina of Time) were added to the player roster for Super Smash Bros. Melee, and appeared in all subsequent releases except for "Young Link" (who is later replaced by "Toon Link" from The Wind Waker, in subsequent releases Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U). Her name is present in many of her female ancestors and descendants. "[224] Rockstar founder and Grand Theft Auto director Sam Houser also cited the influence of Zelda, describing Grand Theft Auto III as "Zelda meets Goodfellas". In this game, the 'spirit tracks', railroads which chain an ancient evil, are disappearing from Hyrule. Ocarina of Time was re-released on the GameCube in 2002, when it was offered as a pre-order incentive for The Wind Waker in the U.S., Canada and Japan. It wasn't until earlier this month (9/01/01) that i learned what i had done. Même si je suis d'accord pour dire que Wind Waker n'est pas un jeu QUE pour enfants, tes arguments sont loin d'être pertinents, je trouve. Fans and the media speculated that the battle might be from a Zelda game in development. Ganon wishes to use the Triforce, a sacred relic left behind by the three goddesses that created Hyrule to remake the world in his own dark image. [8], Up until Breath of the Wild, the Legend of Zelda series avoided using voice acting in speaking roles, relying instead on written dialogue. (edited), Posted December 17, 2017 In the early 2000s, Nintendo of America released a timeline on the official website of the series, which interpreted all stories up to the Oracle games as the adventures of a single protagonist named Link. While the Game & Watch Zelda was developed in-house by Nintendo, the subsequent two LCD games were developed by third parties under license by Nintendo. [7] The "Zelda Theme" has topped ScrewAttack's "Top Ten Videogame Themes Ever" list. [203][204] Airing December 10, 2011, Spike TV's annual Video Game Awards gave the series the first ever "Hall of Fame Award", which Miyamoto accepted in person. Download GameBase Apk File above.. 2. Here Tingle again stars in this spin-off arcade style platformer, released in April 2007 only in Japan and available solely to Platinum Club Nintendo members. The book received an international release by publisher Dark Horse Comics on January 29, 2013;[246] it took the number one spot on Amazon's sales chart, taking the spot away from E. L. James's 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. Hard group sex tape with wild college girls (alexis &_ ashlyn &_ cassidy) clip-04. Full heart containers are usually received at the end of dungeons and dropped by dungeon bosses. Despite the previous Hyrule Warriors game being set in a different universe,[60] this new entry is a prequel to Breath of the Wild, set 100 years before the events of the latter. :D. À cause du Cel-shading ? [233] Darksiders director David Adams (Vigil Games) cited Zelda as an influence on his work. [63] A cartridge version, using battery-backed memory, was released in the United States on August 22, 1987, and Europe on November 27, 1987. [205] Ocarina of Time and its use of melodic themes to identify different game regions has been called a reverse of Richard Wagner's use of leitmotifs to identify characters and themes. According to the in-game backstories, the world of Hyrule was created by the three golden goddesses: Din, Farore, and Nayru. Merci beaucoup RomStation ! [58] At one point, translator Dan Owsen and his coworkers at Nintendo of America had conceived another complete timeline and intended to make it available online. [76] In 2011, Nintendo released a new version of the game in stereoscopic 3D for the Nintendo 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. The timeline from his adult life continues into Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. [234] Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed director Raphael Lacoste (Ubisoft) cited The Wind Waker as an influence on Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. (edited), Quand même vous abusez un peu les gars... moi qui suis une grosse casu nulle à ch... en jeux, qui chiale sur Breath Of The Wild alors que beaucoup le trouvent trop facile, franchement, Windwaker, il nous prend par la main. CHF 2.242,38. [261], This article is about the video game series. Color Changing Tingle's Love Balloon Trip was released in Japan in 2009 as a sequel to Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. À titre personnel, je préfère de loin cet opus à Skyward Sword. In addition to games in which Link does not star as the protagonist, games such as the shooter game, Link's Crossbow Training (for the Wii), have been considered spin-offs due to the lack of a traditional "Save Hyrule" plot-line. The game chronicles the struggle of an older Link to clear the troubles of the interacting "Twilight Realm", a mysterious force that appears around Hyrule. Il est à la fois super beau, j'adore l'histoire (je les aimes toutes dans tous les jeux). In Skyward Sword, the Triforce was sought by a demon king named Demise,[27] and after a long battle, Demise was sealed away within the Temple of the goddess Hylia, guardian of the Triforce. Par contre je ne vous cache pas que j'ai perdu bcp de temps au moins 3h à chercher ces fragments de la triforce en sillonnant chaque recoins de la zone géographique potentielle depuis la super carte. Make sure you have enough Internal Storage, If you don't have enough Internal Storage, try uninstalling other apps.. How to Install GameBase.apk. Parce que si The Wind Waker est fait pour les enfants, je ne vois pas pourquoi d'autres jeux de la saga n'auraient pas droit à la même observation... Sans que cela les rendra pire que les autres. The game contains 24 levels and a map screen; there is no connecting overworld. Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild have each received a perfect 40/40 score (10/10 by four reviewers) by Japanese Famitsu magazine,[196][197] making Zelda one of the few series with multiple perfect scores. Et même, ça n'a rien de très compliqué. This re-release features additions such as an extra color-based dungeon and a photo shop that allows interaction with the Game Boy Printer. According to Miyamoto, one of his most memorable experiences was the discovery of a cave entrance in the middle of the woods. [228] Wing Commander and Star Citizen director, Chris Roberts (Origin Systems, Cloud Imperium Games), cited Zelda as an influence on his action role-playing game, Times of Lore. [102] In January 2013, Nintendo revealed that a new Legend of Zelda game was being planned for the Wii U. [70] The game was originally developed for the poorly selling, Japanese-only 64DD, but was converted to cartridge format when the 64DD hardware was delayed. [106] The game was released on March 3, 2017. PS : Twilight Princess FOREVER. The central protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series, Link is the name of various young male Hylians who characteristically wear a green tunic and a pointed cap, and are the bearers of the Triforce of Courage. Long à démarré et pas intéressant... The Legend of Zelda games feature a mix of puzzles, action, adventure/battle gameplay, and exploration. [61] While the game's story expands on the pre-Calamity setting, it uses time travel to ultimately undo the events of the Calamity and the original game. That means you'll get a better game in the end. [232] Fable series director Peter Molyneux (Lionhead Studios, Microsoft Studios) stated that Twilight Princess is one of his favorite games. These cartoons do not strictly follow the plot of the games from which they are based and may contain additional story elements. Nintendo, ed (1993). Twilight Princess includes an incarnation of Link's horse, Epona, for fast transportation, and features mounted battle scenarios including boss battles that were not seen in previous games. Ce jeu est tout simplement MA-GNI-FI-QUE !! Ganon, also known as Ganondorf in his humanoid form, is the main antagonist and the final boss in the majority of The Legend of Zelda games. In November 2006, Twilight Princess was released as the first Zelda game on the Wii, and later, in December 2006, as the last official Nintendo game for the GameCube, the console for which it was originally developed. ( Toi c'est un ultra portable , donc c'est un Pc avec un bon cpu et GPU quand-même...). Using a modified engine of that used in Phantom Hourglass, the notably new feature in this game is that the Phantom Guardians seen in Phantom Hourglass are, through a series of events, periodically controllable. When Nintendo revealed the GameCube on August 24, 2000, the day before Nintendo's SpaceWorld 2000 exposition,[86] a software demonstration showed a realistically styled real-time duel between Ganondorf and Link. Copies of the game that are not collector's editions feature a normal sticker cartridge label. [15] The Master Sword was inspired by Excalibur which originates from the Arthurian Legend in the Welsh collection of Mabinogion. The composer and sound director of the series, Koji Kondo, initially planned to use Maurice Ravel's Boléro as the game's title theme, but was forced to change it when he learned, late in the game's development cycle, that the copyright for the orchestral piece had not yet expired. [117][118], In 2001, under license from Nintendo, Capcom canceled the release of The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage for Game Boy Color.
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