Win a Walliserops! Boomstick: The Mosasaur’s advantages were that it was more maneuverable than the Meg, and it was a good deal larger. Much like the heated debates that plague comic book shops around the world of Batman vs. Superman, Hulk vs. Wolverine, Iron man vs. Batman, the Justice League vs. Speed. The Mosasaur took the opportunity to breach the surface, and grab a breath of fresh air. Its teeth slid down the shark’s back, and off its tail. ABOUT. Hello everyone, Dinoanime here. Its limbs had evolved to be paddle-like, with skin fusing the finger and toe bones together. megalodon was a bit shorter than mosasaurus on average, but a bit bulkier. Geological Time Scale. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Mosasaurus (/ ˌ m oʊ z ə ˈ s ɔː r ə s /; "lizard of the Meuse River") is the type genus of the mosasaurs, an extinct group of aquatic squamate reptiles.It lived from about 82 to 66 million years ago during the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages of the Late Cretaceous.The earliest fossils known to science were found as skulls in a chalk quarry near the Dutch city of … Mosasaurus was a reptile, and like all other reptiles it had to breathe air, so it would need to come to the surface now and again to fill its lungs with oxygen. Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Spinosaurus is a common match and was fun to watch in Jurassic Park III, but this post will be focused on two of the largest predators of the sea, Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Carcharocles megalodon. It then put on all the speed it could towards the island. About Crystals & Minerals. Megalodon shark is the most deadly sea predator. About FossilEra. Mosasaurus is slightly smaller and much lighter-sharks are heavier due to being round in cross section rather than the slim mosasaurs. You can track the performance of Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon every hour of every day across different countries, categories and devices. PDFC - Mosasaurus vs Megalodon. Wiz: The Mosasaur was a formidable creature, but the Meg was just plain worse in just about every possible way. It didn’t like the open ocean, but it liked being hungry even less. -- The Meg studied the Mosasaur’s movements, and found a moment in its gyrations when it would be looking away for the longest. It feasted on large prey, and found no predators of a large enough size to threaten it. The creature looked like the fish she had often been fed in the small pond she had originally been kept in, but this one was many times larger than them. Cart. Boomstick: Just what happens when we bring these two mighty aquatic beasts together? The Mosasaur turned in on itself, and clamped its jaws down on the rear of the megalodon’s trunk. But the Mosasaurs never met the largest shark that ever lived. So here goes.. Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Carcharocles megalodon. Then, this king of sharks would rush in, and use its 276(!) Comparing the size, we can find that the Jurassic World mosasaur was more likely 100 feet long, giving it a colossal weight of over 200,000 lbs! And I think Megalodon must win for that bite force, and a Mosasaurus can be comparatively bigger than a Megalodon. Mess with it at your own peril! Sex: Female Current City: Buffalo, NY (Visiting from Alabama) Birthday: April 1, 123,456,789b.c. Megalodón vs Mosasaurus: ¿Quién ganaría la batalla? She moved deeper, looking to spot the creature against the light descending from above. The keys factors that really matter in finding out who would win between the Liopleurodon vs. Megalodon would be: 1. Wiz: And the other is the mosasaurus from the 2015 movie, Jurassic World. Copyright © 2021 FossilEra, All Rights Reserved. The Meg swam along the currents, its senses reaching out, seeking for its next meal. The megalodon turns its body to place the mosasaur squarely in front of its jaws and chops down on the quivering flesh of the mosasaur’s tail as it tries to slither away. Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. 1200 x 675 jpeg 155kB. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, "Nature vs Science" Themed What-If Death Battles, 'Anti-Hero vs. Boomstick: Boy, this is going to be all full of those funny words that you are so fond of, isn’t it? The mosasaur cautiously and quickly makes one last trip to the surface for air and quickly dives trying to maneuver underneath the megalodon. 143 likes. Wiz: Today we are bringing together two of the movies’ greatest sea monsters. Boomstick: That’s right, that’s when something hit the Earth, either a meteor, or a space ship. Today we are going to talk about Mosasaurus vs Megalodon. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. What do you say we head over to the Hochhauser Sushi Bar? It shook its giant head, sawing at the bones in the paddle-like arm, completely severing it. The Meg swam deeper, while the Mosasaur surfaced for another quick gulp of air. January 23. Go. The megalodon decides to chomp down on the midsection of the long mosasaur body to immobilize it and tear it apart, but really any area of the body will do. Defense. As the megalodon bites down again and again the flailing mosasaur’s muscles seize and then go limp as blood spills out into the water. El primer hallazgo publicitado de un cráneo parcial de mosasaurio fue hecho en 1764 por trabajadores de una cantera en una galería subterránea de una cantera de caliza cerca a la ciudad holandesa de Maastricht , precediendo a cualquiera de los mayores hallazgos de fósiles de dinosaurio pero permaneció poco conocido. but despite being injured, the Megalodon … I am talking about the real Mosasaurus. Sie gehören wie die heute lebenden Schlangen, Echsen und Doppelschleichen zu den Schuppenkriechtieren (Squamata) … Mosasaurus hanya bisa memangsa hewan yang lebih kecil. Boomstick: But, this would be a real croc-from-Hell! Wiz: Before the rise of the great sharks, a different team of predators dominated the ocean, the marine reptiles known as mosasaurs. The megalodon lived from 23 to 2.6 million years ago, from the Early Miocene era to the late Pliocene, finally dying out when the Earth began to cool, sliding into the Quaternary Ice Age. Wiz: But, when we watch the movie, Jurassic World, we can see their mosasaur easily take down an indominus rex, which was approximately 50 feet long. The Mosasaurus had a long, thin body with jaws designed more for feeding on smaller prey such as ammonites and fish. The Mosasaur gyrated through the water as fast as it could, but it missing limb gave its movements a less graceful style. Makes no sense, if we're speaking from findings and scientific understandings. 6.3 K.O.! A crazy time traveler with a penchant for watching prehistoric beasts battle to the death has captured both a mosasaur and a megalodon and placed them into a massive tank ripe for aquatic gladiatorial combat. This same tactic would work against a mosasaur, taking away its superior maneuverability. It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle. Mosasaurus vs Megalodon So, I am curious as to why the dossier is making the comments about Mosasaurus as the apex sea predator. Wiz: But, the mosasaurus’s preferred habitat was probably in shallow seas, where it would lie in wait for creatures wading in the water or swimming by, not unlike a modern alligator or crocodile. Mosasaurus had around 40-50 massive teeth, which were conical and sharp, fitted into a jaw that was long and tapered. 11:23. Blog. 6.1 Pre-Fight 6.2 FIGHT! The Meg tried to maneuver down, when the reptile’s teeth closed on its tail. The largest ever recorded or known Mosasaurus was 59feet. Wiz: Yes, the two creatures were both apex predators, and more, they were huge specimens of their already huge species. Mosasaurus vs Megalodon So, I am curious as to why the dossier is making the comments about Mosasaurus as the apex sea predator. Poll Megalodon vs Mosasaur (51 votes) Megalodon 59% . El cráneo de Mosasaurus hoffmannii hallado en Maastricht entre 1770 y 1774. She twisted her body into a tight loop, angling downward as she searched for the source of the small fish’s panic. Aunque tuvo una acogida negativa por parte de la crítica debido a lo descabellado de su trama, es sin duda la película más popular de The Asylum hasta la fecha. They circle closer together, the mosasaur slinks through the water in alternating slow and then faster nervous bursts of speed when the megalodon swims a bit closer. Wiz: Yep, it sure is! It cast it eyes up and down, left and right, looking for the predator that it knew was following. Wiz: So, he rejuvenated the winery, created an adjacent cannery, and started that world famous phenomenon, Hiney Wine! Doraemon cartoons , doraemon in hindi urdu, doraemon movie, doraemon cartoons for kids wtch cartoons very funny , entertainmenet, animated cartoons, doraemon , japaness cartoons. 2,3 mil Me gusta. Dirigida por Ace Hannah, fue protagonizada por la cantante Deborah Gibson y el actor Lorenzo Lamas. •MANEATER •*FINAL* • VEGETTA777 • Hoy regresamos al episodio final de Maneater! About Spinosaurus. The Avengers, or any other plethora of battle combinations, paleontology nerds have arguments very similar just for the fun of it. FossilEra Jobs. 7 Results 8 Trivia 9 Poll A good fisherman always … While a similar length, the Megalodon had a much more robust body and huge jaws built for devouring whales and other large marine mammals. Download Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon apk 1.4 for Android. Deutsch Italiano Português PT English €EUR $ CAD € EUR £ GBP $ USD; Account. The Meg cruised through the water, every sense reaching out, when suddenly she smelled something in the water. One person wondered who we thought would win in a hypothetical fight between two of the top, prehistoric marine predators, Megalodon and the Mosasaurus. (Mega-lo-don) ALL THE MEGALODONS RESIDE HERE. The monster swam around the circumference of the island, hoping to find one last meal, but came up empty. Who would be the winner seems pretty obvious. PixARK • UNDERWATER RUINS & The Megalodon Menace! Boomstick: The Harry one had a dream, fine wine in flip top aluminum cans. The Mosasaur undulated through the water towards where instinct told her that another island would be found. 10:37. … mosasaurus level 1000, me salgo del mapa - feed and grow fish | gameplay español Online video by Jeruhmi: MOSASAURUS vs MEGALODON SHARK!Roblox SharkBite New Update • Jeruhmi • MOSASAURUS vs MEGALODON SHARK! it's fin the Megalodon knows where the reptile is at this point, the Moser is trying to swim away and it can swim as fast as it wants to. M (@maldp_) ha creado un video corto en TikTok con la música It's Tricky. If you talk about the JW one, it is huge and may have a slight advantage for size but again Megalodon should have been faster in the water. It even had an extra set of teeth in the roof of its mouth that it used to keep anything from getting back out! Its tail was causing agony at every movement through the water. Then, it crashed back down, and began swimming down as fast as it could. The Mosasaur turned back towards the island that had been its home for its entire life. Já imaginou Mosasaurus e Megalodon viver juntos? The Meg vs. Mosasaurus (Jurassic World) is a What-If? Size. a mosasaurus would be more dangerous due to higher speeds. Megalodon. They had a slim body plan with a long strong tail and swam with a serpentine undulation of the whole body using the limbs more for maneuvering than locomotion. A free Dino Robot game provided by First Fox Games! Boomstick: But, the Meg is not a mutant, of a common variety shark, instead, she lived in the Marianas Trench, a deep sea ecosystem – ha, ha, see I know some big words as well – that was cut off from the rest of the ocean, and housing some species extinct everywhere else, including the megalodon. Boomstick: Remember, folks, if it’s at all convenient, drink responsibly...but drink! Mosasaurus may be the T.Rex of the sea but it has never met a much larger predator. Boomstick: At the time, the mosasaur grew to a max of about 50 feet, and weighed in at a good 30,000 lbs. Lesser sea creatures moved rapidly out of the area, while sharks, smelling the blood in the water, began to cruise carefully around the fight. The Mosasaur dodged away from the speeding Meg, but at the last second, the Meg adjusted its course, and slammed into the long tail of the Mosasaur. A good fisherman always has stories of the “one that got away.” Indeed, “it was a monster!” Well, these are two monsters of the sea, and if you hook into them, you’ll be lucky to get away! The maneuver worked, and it snapped out of the Mosasaur’s mouth. The Meg gave a mighty thrash, and ripped its tail out of the monster’s mouth. What If Megalodon Met Giant Sea Dinosaur Mosasaurus We cannot load the video because your browser does not support JavaScript. The exact classification of Megalodon has been disputed for decades, mostly concerning whether it should be placed in the species Carcharodon megalodon (thus classifying it as a relative of the great white shark) or the species Carcharocles megalodon . We provide the best quality videos for download and watching. Toggle navigation ☰ Crib. A page dedicated to the awesomest thing in the Jurassic Park franchise, the Mosasaurus! The Meg’s momentum had carried it towards the surface, and it moved away in a large loop as it looked for a new position to attack its prey from. Directed by James Thomas. Wiz: And, when the people around you look to see what you are drinking you can proudly show them your Hiney! Sharks are also known for shaking their prey side to side to increase those bite forces. It yanked and thrashed, severing this limb as well. DinoMania - Indoraptor vs Indominus Godzilla Megalodon Spinosaurus and T-Rex Dinosaurs battles Mosasaurus vs Megalodon by SameerPrehistorica on DeviantArt . The largest ever recorded or known Mosasaurus was 59feet. Mosasaurs likely preyed on fish, turtles, ammonites, and smaller mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. Suddenly, her wonderfully acute hearing detected sounds of alarm from one of the schools, and then another. She was 75 feet long and likely weighed over 100,000 lbs. 7 talking about this. Megalodon's(a bit harder to get exact size measurements because of lack of bone, etc) are suggested to have been on average 50-55ft in length with large ones getting around 70feet(or more) in length. While its sluggish speed may put off some survivors, being ambushed by one can mean a certain death. Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. The Mosasaur Tek Saddle is used to ride a Mosasaur after you have tamed it. Boomstick: Grab a Hiney, because it’s time for a DEATH BATTLE! But, moving like a missile through the water, the Meg was on it. If megalodon exhibitied behavior like great white sharks and was an ambush hunter, it would have taken prey by surprise from below and made precision strikes to immobilize its prey with a amazingly strong bite. It features the Megalodon from the 2018 movie, The Meg, and the Mosasaur from the 2015 movie, Jurassic World. El megalodón o megalodonte (Carcharocles megalodon; del gr. She moved towards the scent, and then detected the creature’s movement as well. The extinction of aquatic reptiles, the large mosasaurs in particular, at the end of the Cretaceous allowed for massive sharks like megalodon to evolve to fill the void left behind. Sometimes we get rather interesting questions through the contact for at FossilEra. A page dedicated to the awesomest thing in the Jurassic Park franchise, the Mosasaurus! Staff Post. In the massive jaws 7 ft. jaws of megalodon there were 5 rows of around 276 compressed, blade-like teeth that were made for cutting and grasping powerful prey. See more ideas about Dinosaur party, Dinosaur birthday, Dino birthday. ... Automoto TV Deutsche. Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon is a fast packed and wildlife shark game in which you play as the giant Megalodon shark and explore the depth of ocean! A big Livyatan is exploring the same zone when the shark makes a charge inspecting if its a potential prey. In addition the Mosasaur’s body type would have been inefficient for high-speed swimming giving the Megalodon another huge advantage in maneverablity. It was pointed straight at the Mosasaur, which moved evasively, but too late. Megalodon vs Mosasaurus :o :o - Agnóstico Razonable. espero que lo paséis genial y disfrutéis tantísimo como yo! Wiz: And, to enhance its hunting ability, the megalodon was a pretty fast swimmer, being able to able to generate bursts of speed of up to 40 miles per hour! The Megalodon are the main antagonists of the novel series MEG, and are described as giant albino creatures. Home State: Alabama, in the winter. Mosasaurus vs Megalodon: The Long Essay about how the fight will REALLY end. Death Battle by I'm Lynda. Roblox SharkBite New Update • … The Mosasaur roared a bubbly, underwater scream of pain, and spun around, its jaws snapping at the shark. The Mosasaur thrashed and tried to throw its attacker off, but the shark’s grip was too strong. That was a brutal fight. Most mosasaurs couldn’t complete with megalodon as far as size, but the largest remains of Mosasaurus hofffmanni put estimates of its length at 59 ft. which matches the length estimate for megalodon, so at least the competitors are fairly matched in length. Meanwhile, the Meg ran deep, and tracked its prey, deciding on its next move. Un enorme abrazo mis tiburones!!! The two beasts circle each other, sizing each other up, thinking with their primeval brains how to go in for the kill. You can see the latest music videos, movies, tv shows, funny, extreme videos on our featured content. The Meg kept biting at the Mosasaur’s neck, finally severing the head completely away from the body. ! Makes no sense, if we're speaking from findings and scientific understandings. Boomstick: Now, you can take your Hiney anywhere: to the beach, the demolition derby, or the shooting range. Mosasaur 41% ... A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. Wiz: Historically, the megalodon fed on large fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals, including large whales. In 1979, that forward thinking brain-box, Harry Hiney purchased a dilapidated winery in Herculaneum, Missouri. mega could bit harder, but the mosa could more easily aim their heads and succeed in biting. She moved underneath the monster, and suddenly turned up. Mosasaurus may be the T.Rex of the sea but it has never met a much larger predator Megalodon vs mosasaurus vs lipriodon vs bloop vs dangkelastius vs pliosaurus. A military vessel on the search for an unidentified submersible finds themselves face to face with a giant shark, forced to use only what they have on board to … | Parte 5 #foryoupage #parati #fpy #viral #foryou #pelea #Megalodon #VS #Mosasaurus | Parte 5 | Megalodon VS Mosasaurus it's fin the Megalodon knows where the reptile is at this point, the Moser is trying to swim away and it can swim as fast as it wants to. The two beast comes clashing together, the mosasaur attempts maneuver out of the way and fails to get a bite to the tail of the megalodon. The wild thirsty sea monster is always hungry for hunting down more tasty fishes, whales and human. Anyway, the megalodon was a fearsome predator, measuring up to 60 feet in length, and weighing in at not far beneath 75,000 lbs. Now, it was the Meg that writhed in the jaws of its opponent! 4. In both movies, the creatures seem to vary in size from one scene to the next. The Mosasaur pointed its nose down, and began swimming towards the bottom, looking to find some sort of cover. These four key factors will give you a good indication of who would win between the Liopleurodon vs. Megalodon. The Meg vs. Mosasaurus (Jurassic World) is a What-If? Wiz: Being warm-blooded, the mosasaur was probably a quicker thinker than its cold-blooded prey, allowing it to react quicker in a battle and thus gain an edge. The Mosasaur was growing hungry, and knew that it would have to look for a new hunting ground. (Ep.22) • Pixlriffs • PixARK continues! Wiz: Ah, but the mosasaurus was not a dinosaur, but was instead a reptile, one perhaps distantly related to snakes and monitor lizards. Megalodon's (a bit harder to get exact size measurements because of lack of bone, etc) are suggested to have been on average 50-55ft in length with large ones getting around 70feet (or more) in length. Tier: At least 9-B Name: Megalodon, Carcharochles Megalodon … Boomstick: And, once released, the Meg began to cause havoc wherever it went, eating anything edible and even some things inedible. Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. FAQ. Jurassic World Mosasaurus vs 'The Meg' Megalodon Thread starter TriceratopsHorridus; Start date Oct 18, 2019; Who wins? The body shape of a megalodon is likely similar to a larger and more robust great white shark. For comparison, the Great White shark usually only grows to be about 20 feet max, weighing not much more than 4,200 lbs. Abandoned What-If? In spite of its appearance, it would have been a fast swimmer, able to generate bursts of speed of up to 30 miles per hour. Also just a page for cool Jurassic park content! Today we are going to talk about Mosasaurus vs Megalodon. The Moser bites into the Shark's fin the Moser might expect the Megalodon to either retreat or die, but since the Megalodon shark is so massive it won't give up just yet. Mosasaurus was among the last of the mosasaurids, and among the largest. Rank History shows how popular Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon is in the Google Play, and how that’s changed over time. M (@maldp_) ha creado un video corto en TikTok con la música DÁKITI. with the Moses sword chopping on. You don’t see them coming, until they scarf you down like the last Chicken McNugget in the box! About Trilobites. A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. | Parte 9 #foryoupage #parati #fpy #viral #foryou #pelea #Megalodon #VS #Mosasaurus | Parte 9 | Megalodon VS Mosasaurus May 30, 2019 - Explore Kelly's board "Jurassic Shark", followed by 334 people on Pinterest. The Mosasaur swam as rapidly as it could towards the safety of its island. Boomstick: That makes it one heck of a large dinosaur! Finally, the gigantic reptile went still in the megalodon’s grip. Wiz: Megalodon, the name means “big tooth” in Latin, and it was the largest shark that ever existed. Then, she spotted a very large fish charging up from the depths at her. Wiz: The Meg, on the other hand was a good deal faster than the Mosasaur, and its mouth and teeth were designed to take pieces off of an opponent. Mosasaurus. The Meg began feeding on the monstrous body of the prehistoric reptile, not even noticing the lesser sharks moving in to steal mouthfuls of flesh. Unlike the other sharks in the game, Megalodon doesn't have any special attacks or evolutions, instead focusing on superior stats. Moving like a snake in water, the Mosasaur undulated off into deep water. Meski punya tubuh yang panjang serta kurus, tapi itu tidak akan membantu dia lari dari Megalodon. The real one will probably lose. Villain' Themed Death Battles, 'Villain vs Neutral' themed Death Battles,, The relative sizes of the two creatures in question are hard to be certain of. Boomstick: Which makes for a whole lot of fish sticks. Suddenly the megalodon twists with a burst of speed and rushes the Mosasaur, not allowing it to get an upper hand by positioning itself to strike from below. Fragman TV. After being released from the Marianas Trench, the Meg found itself in an environment rich in prey. Off the coast of Isla Nublar, the great Mosasaur hunkered down in a bed of seaweed, using its keen senses to try to detect any prey in the nearby water. Boomstick: Holy crap! It needed to find cover, and shallower waters, somewhere it could outmaneuver its enemy. In addition the Mosasaur ’ s body type would have been inefficient for high-speed swimming giving the Megalodon another huge advantage in maneverablity.
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