But how many times can you click in 1 second exactly? We have four adorable animals equivalent to your speed. 1 Seocond CPS Test. It is uncommon for gamers to click for 1000 seconds non-stop, but many users play just for fun. 30 seconds. Click Speed Test. Clicking speed test is a special app which allows you to count the number of clicks you perform per a certain amount of time. But you wont believe if I tell you that there are gamers who get as much as 15 clicks in just one second. Clicks per second is the average number of times you click your mouse. Available options to test click speed include - click per second, click per 10 seconds, click per 60 seconds (1 minute), and the highest being click per 100 seconds. Stay focused and try again & again. Challenge yourself to measure Clicks Per Second. (Made by SuperEgat) by SuperEgat; Click Speed Test Game: remixed hacked v.s by andrewisabout; Click Speed Test Game: 1 Second by Hatja; Click Speed Test Game: 10 Seconds remix by 223962 Kohi Test Clicks in 1000 Seconds - The longest click test mode is “Speed Clicks made in 1000 seconds.” It allows the player to test his tapping speed but within an extended period. You can do it on your own counting clicks in mind and measuring time with the watch, but the auto checking will be more precise. You can test your 1-second clicking speed here. All you have to do is navigate to the Click Speed Test section and select your preferred time frame. The highest CPS score for clicks per minute test is 9.7 CPS. 5 seconds. How fast can you click in 5 seconds? Follow this simple trick, and you can even beat the world’s highest score for clicks per 60 seconds test. Your click speed matters a lot; better mouse speed can win you matches more easily. The minimal game duration is just 1 second. Click Speed Test Game: 10 Seconds remix by TrashBoat1583217 Click Speed Test Game: 10 Seconds remix by decollins068 how many times can you click in 10 seconds by hiimaman Click speed test 10 seconds is a challenge to boost your clicking speed and help you to improve your efficiency in gaming if you are a gamer.10 second click test is a longer duration than 5 seconds and requires more concentration and effort because your finger gets stuck at some point due to fast speed in 10 sec click test. Test your no of Clicks in 10 Seconds and find out your CPS. Now, it’s time to check your CPS! Ii is click speed test. Time starts with your first click. Show them who the quickest one is! You can choose the timer you want through the menu bar or the boxes in the right hand with options: 1 second, or in 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 100 seconds. clicks in 10 seconds. ⚡ Your Spacebar Speed: 0 hits/second START Kohi Click Test By taking a deep breath, then clicking in the "Click This Box" box repeatedly, as fast as you can, for a set amount of seconds. Click As Fast As You Can. 2 minutes. Challenge your friends with this CPS test now! Lets find out Jitter Test by clicking the hot box!! Click on the targets as quickly as you can. Make sure to get your best score (CPS - Click Per Second). Our Spacebar Counter is an amazing free online spacebar speed test tool that helps you check your spacebar tapping speed. Apart from calculating your clicking speed, our CPS test gives you a superhero speed rank. It is useful for … Best Click Test! After 60 seconds spacebar timer would be … Clicker Test - What is it? Click Speed test in 10 seconds is for those who want to extend the time interval of the game by 5 seconds. Try to click as many times as you can. You can select the timer, or just tap the blue boxes with various selections: 1 second, 10 seconds, one minute, and more, up to 1000 seconds interval. How fast you can click to check your click speed score? It was recorded that the clicks on the mouse were 121 in 10 seconds. … Click As Fast As You Can. It is tough to continually click the screen for some time as long as 100 seconds. Learn some clicking test essence, practice helpful strategies, get the use of tricks and hacks, and succeed in speedy clicking with … There are certain features you should look out for when you are sorting out the best mouse for increasing your clicks per second. Score. Clicks per 10 Seconds Counter. Once you click the button, the timer will start and you will have exactly one second to register as many clicks you can. Try this fun app and check your average click speed. Click/s. Click Speed Test may be a unique game that’s played on many websites and apps, some people seriously compete to be the fastest mouse clickers. Our auto timer is 5 seconds. Change time 1 second. To click as fast as you can and try beat the world Click Wars top score. 5 minutes. CLICK TEST / CLICK SPEED TEST Test how fast you can click in 7 different click modes! The timing begins with your first click. Clicks in 10 Seconds test. You need to click as many times as possible before time's up. Try this fun app and check your average click speed. The faster you click the faster you can break … (Clock starts ticking with the first click). 60 Second Click Test . Time starts with your first click. The last legit 10 second click speed test had a rate of 12.1 CPS. Try it Yourself! Jitter Click Test is an finger dragging game which is used to enhance and calculate your clicking speed. To increase your clicks per second counter, you must learn methods like Kohi click, jitter click, butterfly click etc. It is uncommon for gamers to click for 1000 seconds non-stop, but many users play just for fun. The world record for the very best number of clicks in 10 seconds is 12.1 CPS. You dont want do anything, because you are bored, bad weather is outside or you are student so you have few money … CPS test stands for Click-Per-Second test. @intent Google … According to its statistics, Mr. Dylan Allred from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States is the one who clicked his mouse a … You can choose the timer you want through the menu bar or the boxes in the right hand with options: 1 second, or in 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 100 seconds. While the game is set to default time of 5 seconds, players can switch to other time variations from the menu on top of the page. However, people try different time intervals for click test … It is actually a click counter that shows how many clicks per second, or in 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 60 seconds and 100 seconds … Clicks. The CPS Test features four different modes that allow the player to test and practice their clicking speed over a different time span … 60 seconds. Keep retrying the clicker test using the Restart button until you beat the top score. Choose Time: ⏰ 5 seconds ⏰ 10 seconds ⏰ 20 seconds ⏰ 30 seconds ⏰ 60 seconds . Take the click speed test now… In this mode, you have a hundred seconds to make the maximum mouse hits. 0.0 Click/s 0.0 Timer 0 Score OTHER CPS TEST. Let’s try to find your click speed likes which animal’s speed. We designed this simple tool on the basis of the Kohi Click Test. It can honestly be frustrating to try to score well by just clicking in the same manner for about a minute. For a regular person, it is not possible to click more than 4-5 clicks in one second. The number of hits will define your success or loss. Do you think you fingers can be snappier? Performing better in Click per minute test. You have hit the spacebar 0 times. And the most important thing is Practice. Le "Cliques Par Seconde" est une valeur qui vous permet de connaître votre rapidité à cliquer avec votre souris. The closer to the center of each target you click , the higher your score will be. In some games like Minecraft fast clicking is crucial, so players with higher CPS have more chances to win a battle or something else. When the time runs out, you get the results. Jitter Click Test. CLICK SPEED TEST ** Anti-Theft ** In 5 seconds, click as fast as you can. Here is how to use our CPS tester. I think that the click speed test is a self-defining thing. Although our websites offer a variety of timeframes, you can choose to play from.One of the widely played time frames is of 10 seconds. For your information, let me tell you Usian Bolt runs 12 meters within 1 second. The click speed test by default is set to 5 seconds but this time frame is clicks in 10 seconds. It includes mainly - clicks per 10 seconds, clicks per 15 seconds, clicks per 30 seconds, clicks per 60 seconds (1 minute), and the giant being click per 100 seconds. Take the CPS test in 1 second mode and hit your fingers on mouse as fast as you can (i mean go insane!). Your click speed will define whether you can beat world record of most clicks per second. START (SPACEBAR) Works in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer. CLICK SPEED TEST ** Anti-Theft ** In 5 seconds, click as fast as you can. Your click speed will define whether you can beat world record of … In your last sprint, you clicked 0 times during 0 seconds Your average clicks per second was 0 At best you managed 0 clicks per second This would have earned you 0 cookies This would have boosted your cps by 0 (0 %) That pace … CPS Test - Check Clicks per Second with Clicks Tracking Chart 13510153060100. If you have any comments for us, we would love to hear from you. The world record for the very best number of clicks in 10 seconds is 12.1 CPS. 10 seconds. CPS Test is Clicks Per Second Test, which calculate how fast your finger clicks on your mouse. The only way to achieve your goal is to keep practicing. Or take the test. Today's Top Score: {{cps2 | number: 1}} CPS. This test is simple: just start clicking on the green button and continue until time ends. Open the Kohi speed test per 1 second on your mobile /desktops Choose the timer. The test is as short as clicks per second, which then goes up to the most challenging version, which is this clicks per 100 seconds.The other versions or levels of this tests your clicking speed and how fast your fingers can perform.. Clicking speed matters when you try to make a chance to stand against other players. Check how fast and how many times you can click the button in 5 seconds. Akin to the click in 1 second mode, players … SUCCESS 5 Second Click Test warning 5 Second Click Test info 5 Second Click Test secondary 5 Second Click Test Timer. Clicks in 10 seconds. Clicks in 1/5/10/20/60/100/1000 seconds. Recordsetter.com who keeps track of the world record holders. Can you click the spacebar 300 times in 1 minute? Feel free to try as many times as you want. CLICK TEST / CLICK SPEED TEST Test how fast you can click in 7 different click modes! Welcome, there you can test how many clicks can you do in 30 seconds? Test your knowledge on this miscellaneous quiz and compare your score to others. Click Speed Test. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Dont be a looser”. World Record for Most Clicks per Second is 15 CPS. You can also use this program using your mouse and even touchpad of your laptop. The most common times are 1, 5, 10, 60 and 100 seconds. Click Speed Test may be a unique game that’s played on many websites and apps, some people seriously compete to be the fastest mouse clickers. Make sure to get your best score (CPS - Click Per Second). For motivation, worlds fastest athlete Usain Bolt ran 12 meters in 1 second. Choose CPS timer. The results are always measured using the unit CPS. Just take another try and you will see an automatic improvement in your clicking speed. Start the game by clicking on the gray box. Wanna Retry? After completion of 10 seconds, the test will show the average no of Clicks per Second. This website offers 6 different types of clicking speed tests that can help you determine the actual speed of clicks per second. After the time has elapsed, your result will be displayed on the screen. Let's start- STEP 1: Start the game and hit the number of clicks possible through the mouse or keyboard. Start the game by clicking on the gray box.CPS Test indicates the number of times a person can click with a mouse in a certain period of time, in seconds. Kohi Click Test. Cps test allows you to test your finger speed on mouse to define how speedily you can click on the mouse button. Click Test / Click Speed Test (1/5/10/20/60/100 Seconds) Pour vous situer, si vous obtenez entre 6 et 9 au test, vous êtes dans la moyenne.Entre 10 et 12 vous êtes (vraiment) bon. TIMER 60 SECS. This will let you score well. You click, click and click for the limited period of time. Click test 1 second 2 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds 60 seconds 100 seconds 2 minutes 5 minutes 1000 seconds Click Test / Click Speed Test (1/5/10/20/60/100 Seconds): Clicks in 1 second. CPS Tester is used to test the speed of clicking in your mouse. 1 Second Test: 5 Seconds Test: 10 Seconds Test: 60 Seconds Test … 15 seconds. Is your clicking rate good enough to match the bests? 0. The game is just like click speed; the sole difference is that the player must click the key rather than the mouse. Click Here to Start Playing. Clicks in 1/5/10/20/60/100/1000 seconds. 60 seconds – if you want to check how many times did you click the Spacebar in a minute, and start hitting spacebar as much as you can in a minute. Make hit fast and maximum as you can. It’s a way to challenge and also a way to relax. In this test, you check your clicking speed (CPS rate). NOT AT ALL. This one, however, checks your stamina and strength. Quiz by kaitlin206 Test your knowledge on this miscellaneous quiz and compare your score to others. The test is as short as clicks per second, which then goes up to the most challenging version, which is this clicks per 100 seconds. Depend on how long you want to challenge yourself. You can follow some simple tricks to improve your 1 second click test speed other than the buying a good mouse. Also, there are different time modes for this click test. Now, start to test your click speed by clicking in the big box. Test your CPS now! Conclusions . It can be a 10-second simple test. Start the game by clicking on the gray box.CPS Test indicates the number of times a person can click with a mouse in a certain period of time, in seconds. After that, simply begin the test by clicking anywhere within the game’s frame and spam your mouse click as much as possible. Click To Start Test. Is 1 second too short to test click speed? But still, some people manage to get a perfect score. How many clicks can you do in 1 minute? There are feint:D. Time: 30: Clicks: 0: In this game you click on the button, and you want to have high score. Take a seat. CPS stand for “clicks per second” and it’s the main measurement of this test. Click per second measures your clicks per second. View the complete standings, or the top spot for each duration. Durability: First and foremost you need a mouse with durability. Check how fast and how many times you can click the button in 5 seconds. CPS test stands for Click-Per-Second test. 100 seconds. Find it out right now in this simple spacebar speed test. Cookies per click is based on what you've entered in the ... Last sprint stats. This represents your clicks per second. You're so close to Top Scorer! You might be thinking 100 seconds are too short in real life, … Do you wanna check how fast you can click??? HACKED by bobiscool1209; Click Speed Test 30 Seconds remix by JasonTNT_asap; Click Speed Test 30 Seconds remix by 121213131213; Click Speed Test 30 Seconds remix by MkDomain; Click Speed Test 30 Seconds remix by gkgamer365 Use drag clicking and jitter clicking techniques; Use the mouse with the best accuracy. click speed test 30 seconds. 1 second cps test ( click speed test ) is used to cont you clicks in 10 seconds.It is a fun game. Clicks per Second Test - CPS test 1 second Challenge yourself to see how many clicks per second you can do. Although 15 seconds look like a shorter time span in real life, it is not shorter. It’s always great to push your boundaries further. STEP 3: You able to know how many clicks are done by you in 1 minute. This Click Speed test, a mini-game or tool, offers you to check your Clicks per Seconds. You can play again many times as you want to improve your click speed. Now, start to test your click speed by clicking in the big box. A second may seem very less but that is all you have. This click test can handle up to 200 CPS (or even more, depends on PC performance), don’t be afraid to test your mouse macros here. - Kohi Click Test is an online cps test which helps to improve the speed of clicking the mouse button during a game (clicks per second). Believe me, in the first go, you might not perform the way you expect – that’s normal – it happens with most of us. Click Here to Start Clicking Speed Test. After 60 seconds spacebar timer would be stopped and you’ll get to know your Spacebar pressing speed … Just be patient and smartly click without stopping at a consistent speed. Are you quicker than your friends? Take the CPS test in 1 second mode and hit your fingers on mouse as fast as you can (i mean go insane!). How? To upgrade your skill in games, you can use clicker test.The principle of operation is simple: the user tries to click on mouse as many times as possible in the allotted time (from 1 second to 100 seconds).There are many factors affecting the CPS index: … CLICKS 000. Some players want to play the game for a long time, and it is the best option for them. Feel free to try as many times as you want. 60 seconds – if you want to check how many times did you click the Spacebar in a minute, and start hitting spacebar as much as you can in a minute. You can choose - 1 second, 5 seconds (default), 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 100 seconds. The must include features are shown below: 1. Auto Clicker. PERSONAL HIGH SCORE 000. You have to click on the below-shown box for 10 seconds but as fast as you can. It means how many clicks you make in one second, and also can be called “clicking speed”. RANK #000. Aim Trainer Click Speed Test is a browser game that allows players to measure their clicking speed. We bring the result to you in a funny way. According to the number of clicks you do per second, you get the following rankings. However, many players prefer a short time to test their clicking ability. Kohi Speed Test. Click Speed is a fun way to test your mouse accuracy. You need to click as many times as possible before time's up. Our auto timer is 5 seconds. Are you ready to challenge yourself with our CPS tester? It is very important feature that will help to detect muscle fatigue, especially during long tests. Take this click speed test 15 seconds and find out exactly how many clicks you make. Clicking Speed Test. Kohi Test Clicks in 1000 Seconds - The longest click test mode is “Speed Clicks made in 1000 seconds.” It allows the player to test his tapping speed but within an extended period. WORLDWIDE BEST SCORE 000. The record for the most number of clicks in 1 second is 16 CPS and that for 5 seconds is 15.4 CPS! STEP 2: Multiplied the earned score by 6. Click speed test info website game has the most loving game and it has all versions with good speed. Our counter will show how many times you can click in 1 second, or 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 100 seconds. Click Speed Test Game: 10 Seconds remix by DeadLocked180; Click Speed Test Game: 10 Seconds remix by DeathDude88; Tor sitt egen Clickspeed test! You can also try. Before you bang on click box bar, you should avoid the distractions and Make some new world record in ten seconds of clicks!! The most common times are 1, 5, 10, 60 and 100 seconds. World Record of Most Clicks in 60 Seconds is 9.2 CPS. Twitter. Clicker Test - What is it? 2 seconds. How fast can you click in 10 seconds? 3- Click-Test.com. What is click speed test 1000 seconds? Click Speed Test aka click test is the most reliable way to check how fast you can click. It can be a 5 -second simple test. CPS-Check draws graph of your CPS during the 5+ seconds tests so you can see how your click speed changes in time. If you are finding it difficult to get in to your full potential, you can start with the click test in 5 second mode and then come back and try your skills in 1 second mode. Test your CPS now! Do you think you are faster than that? Simply, go to Spacebar Clicker, adjust your Spacebar timer e.g. Click Speed Test. Roler Speed Test . This one, however, checks your stamina and strength. This is a high score considering the speedy clicking … Choose CPS timer. Test your click speed right now! You need to try to click as fastest as you can before time runs out. Yes, that possible! Our click counter will count all the clicks you do in 1 second and show you the same instantly when the 1 second is complete. Use Ghast.io to give you an edge in Minecraft PvP, it works by changing your computers connection settings to the perfect values for Minecraft PvP. Many people think that the click speed test is not very important or not necessary at all: on a large scale, this can be … You can … And the 6 th test is specifically conducted for one second … Can You Beat it? Our Spacebar Counter is an amazing free online spacebar speed test tool that helps you check your spacebar tapping speed. However, you totally can do with your mobile to test the speed of tapping. Once you click the button, the timer will start and you will have exactly one second to register as many clicks you can. You … It might come as an astonishment, but there is a world record holder for the quickest mouse clicker. Test how fast you can click the virtual virtual cookie. 1 3 5 10 15 30 60 100. CPS test with 8 time modes. CLICK AS QUICK AS YOU CAN FOR 60 SECONDS. The number of clicks per second is an indicator that demonstrates the dexterity of mouse possession. Take the click speed test now… The number of clicks per second is an indicator that demonstrates the dexterity of mouse possession. Click Speed Test One Second. Try to click as many times as you can. Lets check out! Playing in the mode is not easy as users are required to keep clicking for 10 seconds continuously. How fast can you click in 5 seconds? Check how fast you can click in 10 seconds. Click Speed Test 30 Seconds » Remixes . CPS – is click speed unit (Clicks per Second). There is red reset button, if you want to retry. In click test 100 seconds, you have the maximum time to check your clicking speed. × Our tool is being used by considerable number of gamers over the world. You can test your clicking speed for up to 100 seconds in your first 5 tests and it also provides the CPS (click per second) score at the end. Our CPS Tester will help you to test your click speed as a CPS Counter – Clicks per second counter. Jitter Speed Test . Do you wanna check how fast you can click??? The other versions or levels of this tests your clicking speed and how fast your fingers can perform. Make click until your hand, arm or wrist starts to vibrate. http://omglights.comCollege boredom leads to a world record?Beat it: http://www.urban75.com/Mag/java7.html(You can't. Jitter Click Test. Click Per Second Test. The average time for the CPS is about 60 second. Based on the player’s performance, the game calculates how many clicks per second can a player perform and displays the result on the screen. Simply, go to Spacebar Clicker, adjust your Spacebar timer e.g. Keep your mind relaxed. CPS Test Online.
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