47 Meters Down: Uncaged. [16], On 8 September 2017, it was announced that production studio, The Fyzz Facility, is working on a sequel titled 48 Meters Down, in which Roberts, Riera, and Harris & Lane will return as director/writer, co-writer, and producers, respectively. Externe links. [21], 2017 survival horror film by Johannes Roberts, Pinewood Indomina Studios, Dominican Republic, "Mandy Moore to be trapped in a cage surrounded by sharks in, "Shark Film '47 Meters Down' Ready to Break in Tanks at Pinewood DR Studios", "Mandy Moore's Shark Tale '47 Meters Down' Bought From Weinsteins", "Pixar's 'Cars 3' should unseat 'Wonder Woman' at the box office", "Why 'Transformers' Is Screaming For Reboot After $69M Start; 'Wonder Woman' & 'Cars 3' Fight Over 2nd Place", "The 20 Highest Grossing Indies of 2017 (A Running List) – IndieWire", "Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios Buys '47 Meters Down' Sequel", "47 Meters Down is Getting a Sequel From the Same Director", "Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios Will Distribute Indie Sequel '48 Meters Down, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=47_Meters_Down&oldid=1000471366, Films about survivors of seafaring accidents or incidents, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 07:18. | Both women are running out of air but soon see a flashlight in the distance. Kate (Holt) and Lisa (Moore)’s scuba tanks are critically low on air. In the nick of time, Lisa hooks up the new tank, and for an unknown period sits, slowly breathing in the fresh tank’s air. However, several retailers broke the street date, and a handful of physical copies were sold and have since turned up on eBay as collectors' items. Film Horror. As she returns to the cage, she is attacked and (presumably) devoured by a great white shark. [17] The sequel is set in Mexico and centers around a group of young women who decide to explore some hidden underwater ruins located off-the-beaten trail. Kate finds three flares to signal the coast guard. When Lisa looks around for Kate, she realizes that her sister is not with her and begins crying over Kate’s loss remembering that she was already killed by the great white shark. The film was released in the United States on 16 June 2017, and in the United Kingdom on 26 July 2017. Kate was born at Fairview General Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio on April 9, 1999 and was a graduate of Olmsted Falls High School where she was a cheerleader, a member of the concert choir and a competitive dance team member. It received mixed reviews and was a box office success, grossing over $62 million worldwide against a budget of about $5 million. Like major spoilers that will spoil the end of the movie. [18] None of the cast from the previous film returns in the sequel. The Underworld actress showed off her killer figures as she walked down the stairs in high heels. Lisa Claire Holt. There was also 2017's 47 Meters Down which finds sisters Lisa (Mandy Moore) and Kate (Claire Holt) stranded in a cage at the bottom of the ocean floor surrounded by hungry sharks. Film ini mengisahkan kakak beradik, Lisa dan Kate, yang berlibur ke Meksiko. Kate and Lisa are forced to make a decision between running out of oxygen and braving the great white sharks that seek to prey off their fear. Carl - Torn apart by a Shark. The spare cable is attached but it also snaps and the cage sinks back down, landing on Lisa's leg and pinning her. Terwijl hun zuurstofvoorraad langzaam afneemt, moeten de vrouwen door een onderwaterlabyrint van claustrofobische grotten en tunnels op zoek naar een weg uit deze bloederige hel. A Nord Amèrica, 47 Meters Down va ser llançada al costat de All Eyez on Em, Rough Night i Cars 3, i va ser inicialment projectada per recaptar al voltant de 5 milions d'US $ en 2300 sales de cinema en el seu cap de setmana d'obertura. Against all odds, the sisters make it to the surface, but before reaching the boat, Lisa’s right leg is grabbed by a shark. 47 Meters Down. Javier - Torn apart by a Shark. 47 Meters Down. Ben - Eaten by a Shark. Sylvester Stallone trauert um seine Mutter: Jackie Stallone ist tot 10.10.2019 22:52 Uhr Filmkritik „47 Meters Down – Uncaged“: Am Ende ist egal, wer drauf geht! They are soon surrounded by great white sharks; however, the cable breaks, and the cage sinks to the bottom which is 47 meters below the surface and out of communication range with the boat. 47. But in a way, it was Kate’s final rescue attempt, as the hallucination folds in Kate’s mentioned three flares, her bends warning, and the BCD lesson from earlier. SPOILER ALERT: from this point on there will be spoilers on 47 Meters Down In my opinion 47MD is hampered by a very heavy-handed handling of the madonna vs. whore archetype. Released this past weekend, director Johannes Roberts’ 47 Meters Down brought a truly nightmarish premise to the big screen. [9], 47 Meters Down grossed $44.3 million in the United States and Canada and $17.4 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $61.7 million, against a production budget of $5.5 million. Maar zodra ze in de kooi zaten was het allemaal iets beter. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events The back-up winch also busted, leaving their hopes battered, and Lisa’s right leg trapped under the freshly fallen cage. [10] It made $4.5 million on its first day (including $735,000 from Thursday night previews), increasing weekend estimates to $11 million. So it’s really no surprise when the cage breaks free, sending Lisa and Kate to the bottom of the sea, 47 meters below. Her rush of relief is short-lived. Then it is revealed that Lisa has been hallucinating all this time due to nitrogen narcosis and that she is still at the bottom of the ocean with her leg pinned under the cage. She has been in the show Aquarius, as well as The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars. In her own mind, Lisa became an action hero who got to nobly save her beloved sister. You can follow her on Twitter. The dive cage is old and rusty and hangs from thin chains on an old crane, adding further to Lisa's apprehensions. Kate was the one who knew about scuba diving. Ook speelt ze de rol van Samara in de Amerikaanse televisieserie Pretty Little Liars en ze had een … Because Lisa’s leg is pinned under the cage, Kate must be the one to venture out and retrieve the tanks. So, Kate ends up having to leave the safety of the cage to swim to where she can get in touch with Taylor on the radio. 47 Meters Down is a 2017 American-British survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts, written by Roberts and Ernest Riera, and starring Claire Holt and Mandy Moore. Surprisingly Sudden Death is in full effect with neither Javier or Kate having any time to speak or react before being killed. We never see Kate warn Lisa about nitrogen narcosis. Claire has had quite a bit of roles in the TV-Show industry. Sammie (uncredited) Axel Mansilla. Lisa uses her BCD to lift up the cage, freeing her leg; due to the nature of Kate's wounds, the sisters decide to swim to the surface, using one of the flares to scare off the sharks, at the 20-meter mark, Taylor reminds them they must wait five minutes to decompress and avoid the bends. Kate is gone, dead or at least out of radio range. ← [8], The film was released theatrically in the United Kingdom on 26 July 2017 & United States on 16 June 2017,[6] and spent about $30 million on prints and advertising. Echter werd vlak voor release de titel weer teruggedraaid naar 47 Meters Down. Is John Bolton Crazy? Looking to forget life's troubles, the two girls go out partying one night and meet Louis (Yani Gellman) and Benjamin … Midsommar. Who Plays Kate on 47 Meters Down? Ze zijn op vakantie… Taylor tells her he’ll send down extra air tanks, and that the Coast Guard is on the way. Lisa survives. ... im Haikäfig wird zum Albtraum. But at least for a moment, Lisa got the happy ending we wished for her and her sister. Desperate, Kate swims out of the cage once more so she can radio Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine) for assistance. De titel 47 Meters Down begon als werktitel en zou aanvankelijk vervangen worden door de titel In the Deep. Der Titel: „48 Meters Down“. When they reach the diving spot, Captain Taylor baits the sharks. 47 Meters Down. In the reality of 47 Meters Down’s ending, Kate is shark bait. Lisa takes his spear gun and the winch cable and swims back to the cage. The sister Kate, the blonde, is played by actress Claire Holt. But in its final act, this shark tale takes a trippy turn that’s got people talking. Spoilers below. Claire Holt seems to be not fairly as well-known as her movie sister. As they are about to get out ofthe cage, its connections to the boat snap, sending the two down to the bottom of the ocean. But to avoid the potentially fatal affects of the bends, they’ll have to take a “decompression stop” for five minutes, meaning five minutes of dodging sharks while treading water below the surface. Lisa is determined to rescue her. Januar 2018 Ein Käfig, zwei Frauen und Haie "47 Meters Down" - und du stirbst Von Thomas Badtke [9] In its second weekend, the film dropped 34%, grossing $7.4 million and finishing 4th at the box office. Kate Ferdinand has shared an adorable new snap of herself cradling her son Cree as she admitted sharing things on social media makes her 'nervous'. . The movie gives warnings this action-packed rescue sequence isn’t “real.” For one thing, the leg that the shark bites is the same one that’s been trapped under the cage. Titel) 47 Meters Down, im Original auch In the Deep, ist ein britischer Tierhorrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2016. "[15], It was nominated for the 44th Saturn Awards as Best Horror Film in 2018. Mario and Luigi Are Inked On the Bottom of a Person's Feet 43. Unbeknownst to everyone, the cable supporting the cage is fraying. By Kristy Puchko | Film | March 23, 2018 |. And the last of the Hayven tester parade posts these knitters are so encouraging to each other and to me. By. . With Kate low on air from the previous swim, Lisa swims out to get Javier's attention. And Lisa’s memory of Kate preserves her in those final minutes before help arrives. They lie to Taylor and tell him that Lisa is experienced. (Note: Fans are initially led to believe that she survived the attack when her sister Lisa later found her injured with a bloody leg, but it was revealed to be a hallucination her sister Lisa was facing.) Spankvertising. The website's critical consensus reads, "47 Meters Down doesn't take its terrifying premise quite as far as it should, but its toothy antagonists still offer a few thrills for less demanding genre enthusiasts. [5] Additional photography took place in January 2016. Principal photography took place in the Dominican Republic, and Pinewood Indomina Studios, Dominican Republic in July 2015, and concluded the following month. The rest of the … [11] It was the second highest-grossing indie film of 2017. Kate - Killed by a Shark. Fans were amazed by the 47-year-old's toned body and labelled her a "goddess". facebook facebookMessenger whatsapp twitter mail pocket. Kalindi présente le film plus en détail dans les sorties de la semaine. But before Kate can return to the safety of the cage, a shark snatches her and drags her out of sight. They decide to go watch sharks from a diving cage with two local men. Always there to give a hug and a pat on the back. She attacks the shark’s eye to break free of its powerful jaws, and is finally pulled to safety. So, what’s the deal with 47 Meters Down’s ending? De film draait om de twee zusjes Lisa en Kate. Taylor yells for them to drop their gear and make a break for the surface, and they swim as fast as they can, one of the sharks bites Lisa's leg but she escapes, both women make it to the boat but Lisa is attacked again, she sticks her fingers in the shark's eye and it releases her. As Coast guard divers arrive to rescue her and carry her to the surface, Lisa begins coming out of her hallucination, calling out to Kate. Instead of the cutesy Sea Esta, the craft should be named the SS Tetanus. Lisa dan Kate mendapatkan tawaran untuk melakukan penyelaman di dalam kandang di tengah laut yang terdapat ikan hiu. Tijdens een duik naar een verzonken stad komen vier vriendinnen tot de ontdekking dat de ruïnes een dodelijk jachtgebied zijn van witte haaien. He advises them to stay in the cage because the sharks are close by. 47 Meters Down is a 2017 American-British survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts, written by Roberts and Ernest Riera, and starring Claire Holt and Mandy Moore. Lisa is skeptical about the entire dive, but Captain T… De film begon niet op zijn beste kant en liet ook redelijk zwak acteerwerk van beide zusjes zien. The two films have grossed over $100 million worldwide. When the winch system holding the cage breaks and the cage plummets to the ocean floor with the two girls trapped … USA, 2016. Band Leader (uncredited) Get the IMDb App. The … While on vacation in Mexico two sisters go on a dive in … The men pull the sisters onto the boat, saving them. As he leans over her, Taylor’s voice seems strange, like it’s coming through a squawky radio. 2017 | 1u 25min | Beschikbaar tot 27 oktober 2021 Kate en Lisa maken zich op voor een zonnige strandvakantie in Mexico. The actress, 48, rounded on security at London's Royal Albert Hall, after being told to hang on until Prince William and Kate had made their entrance. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged follows the diving adventure of four teenage girls (Sophie Nélisse, Corinne Foxx, Brianne Tju and Sistine Stallone) exploring a submerged Mayan City. The Dead Don't Die. Torturous Fashion. The girls’ crate is submerged 47 meters down and they must figure out how to save themselves with no initial contact from the boat’s captain. Kristy Puchko is the managing editor of Pajiba. Incredibly intense, 47 Meters Down is a frightening thriller that gives Jaws a run for its money. When the winch system holding the cage breaks and the cage plummets to the ocean floor with the two girls trapped inside, they must find a way to escape, with their air supplies running low and great white sharks stalking nearby. Original distributor Dimension Films had initially set a North American DVD and VOD release date for 2 August 2016. [14] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "C" on an A+ to F scale, while PostTrak reported filmgoers gave it a 55% overall positive score. Claire Rhiannon Serenity Holt (Queensland, 11 juni 1988) is een Australische actrice.. Loopbaan. [3], In North America, 47 Meters Down was released alongside All Eyez on Me, Rough Night and Cars 3, and was initially projected to gross around $5 million from 2,300 theatres in its opening weekend. Buy a Pajiba T-Shirt at the Pajiba Store, precisely steps through the resilient pair’s quest to survive, SPOILERS: 'Phantom Thread' Ending Explained. Annabelle 3. Also, note that her hallucination begins and ends with the same image: the blood from her hand drifting, as if in water. De twee laten zich aan de strandbar van het kustplaatsje Huatulco al snel overhalen om in een kooi onder water gigantische witte haaien te gaan bekijken. Javier (as Chris J. Johnson) Yani Gellman. At the docks, Lisa is wary of the boat and its owner, Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine). De angst en acteerwerk was eenmaal op 47 meters beneden stukken beter en soms zelf zeer intens. Lisa cries out for her sister to no avail. Without her to rely on, Lisa realizes she has to figure out how to retrieve to the dropped tank, or else suffocate before the Coast Guard arrives. Johannes Roberts’s deep sea-set thriller precisely steps through the resilient pair’s quest to survive, following their furtive swims outside the cage to make radio contact to could-be rescuers, and to retrieve a survival gear. A shark tries to attack her but she avoids it. Full Cast & Crew: 47 Meters Down (2017) Cast (8) Mandy Moore. 47 Meters Down. Universum Film / SquareOne Entertainment. However, on 25 July 2016, Variety reported that Dimension had sold the rights to Entertainment Studios. Massad Magazine's Branded Butt Paddle Ad Campaign 46. Claire Holt est une actrice américano-australienne née le 11 juin 1988 à Brisbane dans le Queensland.. Elle est révélée à la télévision, pour son rôle d'Emma Gilbert dans H2O (2006-2009) et celui de Rebekah Mikaelson, une vampire originelle dans la série télévisée fantastique Vampire Diaries (2011-2014) ainsi que dans son spin-off The Originals (2013-2018). Louis Santiago Segura. Once the winch break, they are plummeted to the gulf’s bottom, trapped in a cage, running out of air, and surrounded by sharks. Out of sight of the cage, Kate radios Lisa, telling her she’s got three flares and the tanks. Vooral toen ze eenmaal vastzatten in de diepte. But as she sighs with relief and joy, something strange happens. Once the winch break, they are plummeted to the gulf’s bottom, trapped in a cage, running out of air, and surrounded by sharks. Lisa uses the spear from the spear gun to pull a tank toward her and dons it, getting more air. It went on to debut to $11.5 million, finishing 5th at the box office. Lisa is freaking out, and Kate has to calm her down. Nonton Film Bioskop – 47 Meters Down (2017) – Film horor barat berjudul “47 Meters Down” ini merupakan film yang bercerita mengenai kisah dari dua bersaudari Lisa ( Mandy Moore ) dan Kate ( Claire Holt ) yang sedang berlibur di Meksiko. With her tank nearly empty, she connects to the second with seconds to spare. Sisters Lisa (Mandy Moore) and Kate (Claire Holt) are on vacation in Mexico after Lisa's boyfriend recently broke up with her. It’s as if the pain of that pressure is informing Lisa’s hallucination, seeking a reason for the hurt. The film is a taut, suspenseful thriller and also features a number of great jump scares. Which makes sense, as she’s trying desperately to keep her big sister from a breakdown. 47 meters down, c’est donc le calvaire de Lisa et Kate, deux soeurs venues passer quelques jours de vacances au Mexique. The film is about a woman named Lisa and her sister Kate who while in Mexico go out to watch great white sharks from the safety of a rusty shark cage. [7] Dimension had already sent out screeners and shipped DVDs to retailers before the deal took place. Kate doesn't miraculously survive being grabbed by a … Together, they must swim to the surface in shark-infested open water for more than 150 feet. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged. Kate swims up 7 meters to resume communication with Taylor, who tells her that Javier (Chris J. Johnson) will be coming down with a spare winch cable to attach to the cage. So if you haven’t seen it, check it out on Netflix first. It’s an absolutely terrifying proposition, but the formerly scared senseless Lisa turns action-star hero, one arm around her wounded sister’s waist, the other wielding a flare to keep the sharks at bay. A sequel, titled 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, was released on August 16, 2019. Veilig in hun beschermende kooi, komen de zussen oog in … Kate is injured and her blood is attracting more sharks. In 47 Meters Down ( now on Netflix ), Mandy Moore and Claire Holt star as vacationing sisters whose shark-watching day-trip turns into a living nightmare. The captain asks if the sisters are experienced divers; Kate is certified but Lisa is new to diving, so they lie and say they are both experienced. 89. ab 16+ Die Schwestern Lisa und Kate wollten während ihres Mexiko-Urlaubs nur Haie aus einem sicheren Hai-Käfig beobachten. Shot in gigantic water tanks outside London and in the Dominican Republic, “47 Meters Down” — despite a clever final section — struggles … [19][20] 47 Meters Down: Uncaged was released August 16, 2019. ️ ️ ️ ... Katie. The key to this sequence is something Taylor told Kate in their last communication: Everything that happens after Lisa connected her second tank up until the Coast Guard swims up to her cage is a hallucination. Holt is het bekendst als Rebekah Mikaelson in de tienerserie The Vampire Diaries en de Australische tv-serie H2O: Just Add Water.Zij is ook te zien in de film Mean Girls 2 uit 2011. Has anybody else seen the movie 47 Meters Down? Captain Taylor Mayra Juarez. →. [6] The working title for the film was 47 Meters Down, which Dimension had changed to In the Deep for their home release, but upon acquiring the film Entertainment Studios reverted to the original title. They are too far down for them to hear Taylor on their radio. “My gage is on 5-bar,” she gasps, “(My tank is) going to run out any minute.”. Het is geregisseerd door Roberts. 47 Meters Down is a decent, yet unremarkable, survival thriller that's little more than disposable summer entertainment. Kate accidentally drops the second flare and lights the third, discovering that they are surrounded by sharks. And all they need to do is wait for the Coast Guard. Mereka memutuskan untuk melihat hiu dari dalam sangkar bersama dua orang Meksiko. 47 Metres Down review – shark-cage thriller sinks to the bottom The deep blue … 47 Meters Down, staring Mandy Moore and Claire Holt. Alone at the bottom of the ocean, her brain gave her a hopeful hallucination to help her survive. Kate tells Taylor they are low on air and Lisa is trapped, he sends air tanks down and tells them the coast guard is an hour out, he also warns that the second tank may cause nitrogen narcosis, which can lead to hallucinations. Benjamin Matthew Modine. Then 47 Meters Down reveals the terrible truth: Lisa is still in the water, still in the cage, talking to herself as the Coast Guard finally comes to her rescue. "[13] On Metacritic the film has a weighed average score of 52 out of 100, based on 24 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for 47 Meters Down (2017) - Johannes Roberts, Sérgio Graciano on AllMovie - While vacationing in … Min. Entertainment Studios cancelled the 2 August home release and instead committed to a theatrical release in the United States in summer 2017. 47 Meters Down, ongeluk diep in de zee, filmrecensie 47 Meters Down is een Britse survivalhorrorfilm, geschreven door Johannes Roberts en Ernest Riera. Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, said goodbye to her previous private secretary Catherine Quinn in November, and her replacement Hannah Cockburn-Logie, from Grimsby, has now taken over en) 47 Meters Down in de Internet Movie Database (en) 47 Meters Down op Box Office Mojo Privacy Policy / Advertise Der Unterwasser-Thriller „47 Meters Down“, in dem die Schwestern Lisa (Mandy Moore) und Kate (Claire Holt) aus einem in den Ozean herabgelassenen Stahlkäfig heraus Haie … Dean McDowell Illustrates Some Battleworn Vixens with Porcelain Skin 44. Lisa heeft wat extra overtuiging nodig als Kate voorstelt om te gaan duiken met haaien. The DVDs, under the title In the Deep, were recalled. [12], On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 53% based on 156 reviews, with an average rating of 5.28/10. 47 Meters Down. Der Film handelt von den Geschwistern Lisa und Kate, die in einem Tauchkäfig auf dem Meeresgrund gefangen sind, in 47 Metern Tiefe. 47 Meters Down. Spoilers. Tattooed Gamer Soles. If you haven't then you didn't miss much. I love you Kater Tot! Kate says she’s wounded and surrounded by sharks.
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