Dragon Block C 1.6.4/1.7.10/1.12.2 is a mod that immerses us in the Dragon Ball Z universe, as the mod adds things like Dragon Balls, various armor from characters like Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, and others, to elements like the Kame Hame, the Ki, the Z-Sword, space capsules and radars, among many other things. to support JinGames and its projects, so we can grow and continue working! I started learning modding in October of 2012. + ADDED – new transformation for saiyans the SSG *The texture pack from Dragon Block C Apollo modpack* Hope you will enjoy. So SSG is added and defense stat has some change too. Hey guys someone HELP me i can’t transform into god even if I go to master goku’s house and ascended next to him plss help me, Guys help I can’t find Cell arena can u give me your coordinates of cell arena help me plss. – Jojy, Stage: Planning > Development > Bug Testing 0:51. + ADDED – passive defense indicator for defense stat in its tooltip So the saiyans thing is false. Mkay, thats what i had to say about this update. A New Mod Of Armor Jingames. Without “GodPower status effect” or “GodForm skill” the true power can’t be measured with neither kisense or scouter. And You can evolve: Super Saiyan (Super Form) Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan God, Ultra Instinct, Kaiokan. ... Minecraft: Dragon Block C (Dragon Ball Z Mod) EP 20 - Fighting The Ender Dragon as Saiyans! Or quit modding this so you can focus on your real life. (No, I’m not begging for this feature, just expressing some interest). Haha on a different note awesome update man, damn though I hope things get better for you, it always sucks eggs to be down in the dumps. And potentually requesting features, if Jin wanted to make it at his own pase he wouldn’t let people comment, i just don’t think so. created Dragon Ball mod for Minecraft, called Dragon Block C. Jin raised an amazing community and continued to update his. Fire crimson, he doesn’t do anything anyway. Super Saiyan Grade 3: the biggest one, stronger than grade 2 but consumes more ki and costs 350 TP 1. 5. It also makes the final product worse which just makes it worse for everyone. View, comment, download and edit super sayian Minecraft skins. Ban everyone who disagrees with me because I am always right and this makes them wrong and the wrong shale be persecuted. also frieza was a prodigy so wouldn’t every race start out the same, also saiyans were born under 10x gravity which made them strong. I will try to update regularly. Jin just like a 2-5 week break after the God Ki shit. I will try to update regularly. How to find out? Dang autocorrect always making new words ? – Sr.Gato With that said, I’m going to move onto the next problem. Like Goku in the Dragon Ball Super Manga. Actually, he made the entire saga script, is making the new one, along with the side missions, and more. I do think putting God form before everything else was bloody stupid. Minecraft Skin. Of course it isn’t balanced, and of course everything isn’t as it should be, this mod is WIP, and is nowhere near the final version. The first three arcs of Super were shit. Avoid Mod Saiyan DBZ for MCPE hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. It is based on the popular anime series [1]Dragon Ball Z. + ADDED – new command – setting time in minutes for some status effects (Strain, GodPower, Fatigue) -> /jrmcse set (statusEffectName) (Minutes) [playerName] It basically means how much TP you’ve spent on your attributes. *at least. Mod Saiyan DBZ for MCPE tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. he can use super saiyan god super saiyan(super saiyan blue) whenever he wants. Allso I sad that in my rant: Thou you can only have GodPower status effect if you do the SSG ritual and it is only temporary. If the avarage level is higher then the player level it will result in more then 10 minutes but maximum 20 minutes GodPower, if avarage level is lower then the player’s level then it will result in less then 10 minutes but minimum 2 minutes GodPower. 3. Now for a serious rant. Rascal balancing. 7:04. (just leaving this here) Take a second to support us on Patreon! ... Toys Walgreens. Cinderllawilliams23. Saiyan (Super Form) Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan God, Ultra Instinct, Kaiokan. In the anime the rutiual is pure hearted saiyans combine there power into one which becomes the god. Burden. I want super saiyan god super saiyan to be weaker than super saiyan god, since the manga super saiyan blue was used before super saiyan god. Super Bowl. Even on the official Jingames server, Humans and Namekians have their default transformations capable of rivaling SS3 when maxed out, and with a much easier Ki drain. + Changed – defense stat – increased by 50% Burden you know jin said its a configurable options. The Dragon Ball is back, in cubic format. Idk, saiyans have always gotten the most love, arcosians are now right behind them (granted saiyan stuff is probably easier to implement), but still, we’ve had this conspiracy since Unleashed that Jin was racist against all others besides saiyans XD! its because the manga took 1 month max to make 50 pages of a chapter while the anime take 1 week, NinjaSamuraiX i played in my single player world and saw that every time i boosted one attribute it got 25x the ones i boosted Allso from my calculation (Im a allmost maxed person on the server so this may be different on some people, AND the strength was mostly set by the server owner so… I don’t really know how it is vanila) SSJG Is litteraly fakin’ 215% boost to your power level, and thankfully SSJB is 700%, again it’s set by the server owner but god damn you only need to have SSJ1 and in return you get (Suppositly) A thing stronger than SSJ3. Also for those constantly begging for more attention to humans/namekians.. ^ Lmao, you are hated by the society and you are the biggest asshole here, so you shouldn’t even sqeak about no one caring about others thoughts. ... Dragon Ball Super- Super Saiyan God Goku. in the manga the SSB its way more powerfull than the one in the anime, i love the kaoi-ken but i think is a non cannon feature, in the manga after goku absorb the god zenkai he was able to use this power when ever he want And anyone who voted more features before stability. Dragon Block C is a mod created by Jin Ryuu. Read more about Cookies at our Cookie Policy page at http://main.jingames.net/cookie-policy. y hoy deberemos derrotar a Freezer y para ello usar todo nuestro poder de saiyan o Supersaiyajin llamalo como quieras! There goes race balance. Finally, you will also be able to activate a novel “wish system” by collecting seven of the dragon blocks scattered in the Minecraft universe. “Dumb asses wishing for their super sayian god. By accessing or using any part of the web site, you agree to become bound by the, Click here to Subscribe to our Official Youtube Channel, http://mangastream.com/r/dragon_ball_super/013/3495/15, http://mangastream.com/r/dragon_ball_super/015/3635/37. Now if we are doing our wishes then I will go in order of priority for mine: 1. (BoG, RoF and the Filler Arc.) Becoming The NEW Super Saiyan GOD In Dragon Block C - YouTube 7. It had a few problems but it wasnt bad. Version 3. mod over the years, however it never made it past version 1.7.10 of. Next I will try to finish the core of the mission system. Yeah. Can’t wait for Golden form! Are in the anime, are in the mod. All you ungrateful fucks who keep pestering Jin for updates to the point of him struggling to juggle real life and modding for you shits need to kill yourselves.”. I’m extremely pissed that you put the worse series (Super) before the better ones (GT, DB, DBZ.) Stuff like the x10 Kamehameha, Burning Attack, and the Dodon Ray, even if we just have to buy them from Kami again. GG, we got another useless feature! Honestly can only agree with Nox’s #5 and #7, or part of #7…minus the kys. quieres un estilo de pelo de algun personaje de dragon ball z, yo puedo hacerlo, dale me gusta, me da apoyo para seguir haciendo estilos de pelos You want a hair style of some dragon ball z character, I can do it, I like it, give me support to continue doing hair styles And the best way to learn, is to learn from your own misstakes, wich maybe a bug, rushed release, or something else. Plus, BP is nothing. Hope you will enjoy. Roll Random Skin! Dumb pieces of shits, honestly. ... Baston Dev.. ULTRA INSTINCT HAS ARRIVED! SSG is not permanent and needs ritual everytime someone wants to access it for now. Depends on when JinGames gets HTTPS. Super Saiyan Grade 2: bigger and stronger than the normal one and costs 250 TP 1. + ADDED – new configs – SSG helpers needed and fatigue can be changed Full Power Super Saiyan: same thing as the basic one, but consumes just 1 ki per second and costs 2. my only issue with SSG is the aura is kinda weird looking hopefully you will make it better. Well played Jin…. + Battle Armor battlefield with 6 colors and shapes. About Dragon Block C Resource Pack Right now this Resource Pack is an addon for other resource packs to use with the Dragon Block C Mod. This is modpack that focuses Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball Super Broly. Even faster than tien and yamcha. Avoid Saiyan Mod for Minecraft hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. Is it possible that you could work on the hd texture pack for 1.7 and release it soon? In the manga he transform into SSG against Hit like a normal transformation. For the website put (Squeaker) next to a persons name whom is a known squeaker. Usually you can find it in plains biome. On the flip side though, we could totally ask for a ‘broken’ dbc release where trans are op and can be changed in configs and such, or certain trans are just a % to be able to obtain…just some thoughts for a random time, add more clans to Naruto c not just uchiha and hyuuga. Amazing job jin! So it gets patched faster. You can be: Saiyan, Human, Half-Saiyan, Namekian and Arcosian. If you are a fan of Dragon Ball Z, you may want to try this one out. And if SSJG is not stronger than SSJ3 than thats out right just inconsistant. There goes race balance. Well anyone who replies to my comment. This mission system is a complicated stuff to code so its not easy to make it work how i want it to. Swapped super saiyan 7 and 8 to be more accurate based on the fan series. if you dont like the way its do it not fair =(. I, (If anyone wants to ask me for any reasons why I think this feel free.). IMO its better to absorb and assimilate the god zenkai Downloads for Dragon Block C Mod 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2 Mobs Skin Pack Beta Only Minecraft Skin Packs. View, comment, download and edit dragon block c Minecraft skins. But if we’re just doing a wishlist, then I’m sure everyone knows what I want….. arthur, you can go to the configs and change it to 1 person to do the whole ritual, go to goku when your done. Dragon Block Super 1.15.2 is a mod that tries to take us into the Dragon Ball universe within Minecraft. Refer to #6. that’s the server problem Saiyan Mod for Minecraft tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. I honestly don’t know why you aren’t turning god, but the cell arena is randomly spawning and you have to find it. and not 1,000,000 power level, Do you need to be on a server to go ssg or do you need 5 REAL people to to transform because if you do, that kinda sucks alot. You can be: Saiyan, Human, Half-Saiyan, Namekian and Arcosian. View, comment, download and edit dragon block c Minecraft skins. This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in case they are used to provide a service that you use. Your questions and comments are important to us. And yeah, they’ve been low priority ever since the mod started…sorry but over 3 years is a bit long hm? 4. Also, if you were even reading the posts beforehand, Jin said that there are some things that just can’t be balanced or that it will be balanced later. tsunayoshi goku can’t use SSG whenever he wants. Wait what balance? explore origin 0 Base skins used to create this skin; find derivations Skins created based on this one; Find skins like this: almost equal very similar quite similar - … We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. or donate at our supporters site at http://supporters.jingames.net for an ANT (above name tag) How can my Attributes get over 500? Namekians; King piccolo had a power level much lower than 400, and so did piccolo when he was a kid. Are you only capable of talking shit with nothing to back it up? The first link, is actually a link to another site, and it links you to the download of the forge installer that version of the mod uses to run, and you can use it if you need to install forge. Minecraft, due to the extensive render changes introduced in 1.8. 6 star ball you’r wrong, they both are canon, HunterXHunter- Killua Zoldyck. How do you put features from the worst one first? Mark Josh Cristobal So just change you alignment to good. It was great but it’s sorta decayed into good. I hope you think about expanding it more. If you find a problem, calmly say so, and leave it there. Mark the reason why you can’t change into SSG is because your alignment is evil. I feel like Gaku himself shouldn’t grant you instant god as it litteraly ONLY Freaking ONLY took 7 saiyans (Correct me if im wrong on the numbering cause im too lazy to look it up) If they had 1 less saiyan than NOPE it wasn’t fakin’ possible, but now you say sup brah to Kakersion Stool and he instantly grants you the powerz. Disabling Cookies
By clicking "I Agree" and using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. “god damn you only need to have SSJ1 and in return you get (Suppositly) A thing stronger than SSJ3. 1 Races 2 Items 3 Weapons 4 Crafting Materials 5 Armor 6 Cloths 7 Blocks 8 Consumables 9 Ores 10 Vehicles 10.1 Areas 11 Training Areas 12 Locations 13 Dimension 14 Biomes 14.1 Battle System 15 Abilities 16 Ki Attacks 16.1 NPCS 17 Inimigos DBC adds the Saiyan… 500 3. Real Estate; OTC Market Companies; About; Portfolio ^^^ It’s weaker than ssjb in this version. Super Saiya… Not only that but textures are made by Crimson. This all combines to create a very interesting game play experience. No squeakers aloud to comment/ voice their option. It wasnt anything amazing. But overall gt sucks compared to super, even though I still like the forms but just not as much as god. He’s doing the bloody writing for the Sagas and he is the only person who Jin allows to work with him on this. Atm only needs at least 1 point in race skill. http://mangastream.com/r/dragon_ball_super/015/3635/37 It’s all for balance and diversity in the end…instead of just saiyan and arcos getting all the love…mostly saiyan though…. For more information on Google AdSense see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ. So this is needed for those who don’t have “GodForm skill” to measure the power of SSB or SSG users. Join us! Wiki -> Dragon Block C -> Commands. Jin, if someone uses a custom hair and turns into god form their hair spikes up but it doesn’t for the other hairs. When fired it will go up and stay there for a time. Learn how your comment data is processed. (so i boost 1 attribute = 25x in godform), ^ Really? Trending. Giving them one transformation over the other good races seems like it should be a much lower priority imo. Once you do the ritual, the form is unlocked. Also players need to be in Good alignment. Wait what balance? Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. That’s only one thing you got wrong. Helper saiyans need to be in either super form or base form, releasing ki (charging) and not having status effect fatigue. + ADDED – new ki technique – Power Ball (Fake Moon) allowing saiyans to transform to oozaru without full moon 3. 6. If you put too much time into something over a short amount of time it makes doing that thing worse and less enjoyable. I rate this comment 1/0 Few would have thought it was possible, but this mod really does let you relive some of the classic moments from the series. Command Function “/jrmctp (amount) [playerName]” add Training Points “/jrmca (Set or Add) (Attribute or All) (Amount or Max) [playerName]” change attributes you can set or add points to attributes where Attribute can be Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Willpower, Mind, Concentration Also, both the anime and the manga are cannon, so jin doesn’t have to follow the Manga cannon if he doesn’t want to. Jin when you going to release the outifit update part 2? I see you took note of my GUI post lol. Giving namekians and humans one transformation won’t balance anything, as they will never have as many power ups as arcosians and saiyans, and no one will use them even if they had one. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. jin you should have the ssg hair stay in the shape of base form hair instead of it spike up like super saiyan hair because it was like that in the anime/manga. And I would really like to see the g2 ssj3 hair soon. + FIXED – some issues with turbo ki consumption. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Costs 300 ki to cast it and can be learned from Cell atm. “Minecraft” is a registered trademark of Mojang Synergies AB. dragon block c 1.7.10 downloaded yesterday crashes, 20w29: Custom HUD Creator “How to use” guide updated for the “Paste HUD code” button, 20w16: Images were added to the Custom HUD Software page’s how to use guide, 18w37: Facebook login will be disabled for some time. Of course I obviously don’t really want this to happen as I am obvious following the mod. This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads. Also yeah. When my stats were 1000 each, it went to 2700 after the transformation for ssjg and 3000 for ssjb , And The Manga is secondary canon, not filler, but he doesn’t count as more canon than the anime. Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) - Episode 16 - Mastering the Super Saiyan God! - Some new features appear in Dragon Block C Mod based on the plot of 7 dragon balls: Senzu: When Goku uses magic beans, he can restore all his life force and fighting strength. All you ungrateful fucks who keep pestering Jin for updates to the point of him struggling to juggle real life and modding for you shits need to kill yourselves. Just a joke. And if SSJG is not stronger than SSJ3 than thats out right just inconsistant.”, Hey Jin i would like it if you could make it when the Godpowertime is up that you turn into a normal ssj and get like a 1min Restboost like in the anime and the hair should look like in base but the different color of course, Jin I have Broly fever I need Legendary Super Saiyan! Like seriously? Dragon Block C is a mod made by Jin Ryu, among a plethora of other mods. Isn’t the comment section made for descusion on the mod? akira toriyama gave the story, what happen, and the forms, while the manga and the TV select how to represent the acts While it’s true that they should at least be thrown a bone and get a cool transformation for themselves, balancing isn’t as good a reason as it used to be. JinRyuu, JinGames, including our mods, site and server Network are not in any way affiliated with Minecraft, Mojang AB and / or Notch Development AB. I wasn’t acknowledging that they’ve been low priority. That’d mean that anyone who agreed with you that replied that they agreed with you would also be put as a squeaker. Awe man Jin, you’ll get through it. @Shadow… Dragon ball Chou can’t be considered Canon simce the anime is now ahead of it and in the anime Goku never went SSG against Hit. You cant just type /dbc loc, the only location that doesn’t change is Kame’s lookout, you have to find everything else by your self. 1 List of features 2 Default controls 3 Gallery 4 External links Ki “Energy” system Scouter accessory 4 Scouter Functions switchable by Scouter Key It can detect other players Sagas System Wish System Put 7 Dragon Blocks in H form on ground and right … Arcosians need some love. Oh yeah, the Super Saiyan God hair isn’t supposed to spike up either, it’s supposed to resemble your base form just saying. I planing to make this mod to be the best Dragon Ball Mod for MC ever ^^ I have many ideas and plans that will come true. So again, it would be a waste of time when there are many other needed features like an improved story/saga system, more armor, functions, etc. then just have it for 10 minutes Les Saiyans et leurs hybrides peuvent prendre les formes Super Saiyan: 1. @JinRyuu So, Great update and all but could you tell some of us since these have been rumored a TON in a few servers, are there hidden transformations you can get by reading your games code and if so how do we go ssj4. I was saying that they need to remain low priority, as they aren’t a strong race in the DBZ universe compared to arcosians and saiyans, so wasting time trying to make them viable will be just that, a waste of time. It seems rough days wont end just yet for me. Your cart is currently empty; Solutions. *Sigh* Well this is kinda stupid, everyone on the server is just rushing to Gaku and transforming into a god, litteraly EVERYONE is a god now, it doesn’t feel any special anymore. …Without config changes. Dragon ball Z en minecraft!! If we’re talking about the looks then gt is better, but if we’re talking about plot and story line, athe least goku isn’t a midget in super ? both the manga and the anime are going at same part of the history There was not enough xD’s, How come i can beat Frieza with a 20,000 Power level you can code you’r own mod, I honestly don’t know what anyone expects from a new transformation, since for balance issues, so transformations can only be but so special…honestly the only way that I’d think of making such transformations is having a stat requirement, like half max stats or so, but other than that it’ll be something that everyone has, because balance…and then at that point it wouldn’t be special because everyone who gets to that level would obtain that power so it’s just pushing back the inevitable a bit. Dragon Ball Xenoverse Resurrection F DLC: Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (SSGSS) Goku Breakdown. Response to tsunayoshi swada: Super Saiyan: consumes 10 ki per second, multiplies all stats by 50 and costs 100 TP 2. Seriously. majin form/ come to babidis ship and if your evil there should be an option where you can click and it says something like majin power and then asa result you get stronger and have the M on your forehead. Since we’re all doing our wishlists of what we want from Jin apparently, I’ll throw my hat in and say that I hope we get all the other Ki attacks that we used to have long ago back. was Reincarnation removed? I used to think that everyone else needed new forms and stuff, but with the config being able to change it all, I don’t think that’s the case anymore. Super saiyan god is 2.7x base while super saiyan blue is 3x base. But when u use /dbcloc you can see the coordinates of cell arena.. Just do /dbcloc and tell me what the coordinates of cell arena plsss Thank you for those who will give me the coordinates. the only problem and why the anime is first then the manga the mod should ‘follow the manga’. We dont need constant updates. ….Damn you, Gabriel I thought I was first ;-; I spent this whole week waiting for Naruto update c very sad, but goku can use his SSG when ever he wants Well before you do I want you to add: piccolos cloak and turban, vegetas dragon ball super new armor, goku new super gui, brolys outfit, king vegetas royal armor with cape, kid vegeta royal armor also with cap, and vegeta bad man pink shirt. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Good point minstrer, plus you get overpowered pretty fast when even at 400k battle power im pretty sure you can just 1 punch allmost all bosses. By using this site or/and our services, you consent to the Processing of your Personal Data as described in this, As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT ( GOKU SUPER SAIYAN ) • VEGETTA777 • Estamos intratables en este nuevo Dragon Ball z Kakarot! I do have to agree with Nox on some things. 3. Exactly, cunts. is anyone else having the problem where someone can take your power to become a god wether you want to help them or not, i thank you so much jin for your work and want to see how far the mod will go on later ^^, Is SSG stronger or weaker than SSJB in this version(IK Blue is stronger than God canonically), cuz I’m helping with forms config in a server. Dragon Block C Mod For Minecraft 1 12 2 1 7 10 1 6 4 1 6 2. Liked it? you can’t go SSG without ritual, GREAT JOB JIN! Read below more about the new stuff how they work. + Saiyan … Top patrons in June from Patreon: This is great I email Jin asking about the power ball next thing I know it’s added THANK YOU JIN also Jin don’t worry if you can only do a fix release as long as there’s an update every 2-3 weeks or so people will be happy ? Radar Minecraft Story Mode Heroes Wiki Fandom. DeezNutz, you’re wrong. So like. Well the thing is that no matter what the server config is it still HAS to be stronger than SSJ3, wich is pretty much possible by just having SSJ1 and walking up to Kakersion Stool. I think this week’s chat needs a fresh start asap, Jin Ryuu porfabor can add the metamors mergers and porfabor give him photalas see it if you also pls, Yeah, namekian and human are totally garbage races…I’ll call your bs. Added Solos Transformations plus 26 Stage Transformation & Kaioken to Super Saiyan 8; Fixed issue where aura for Super Saiyan 7 does not go away after transforming (If it still happens Press Block Key and it will go away) the person that used to be named CoolerThanYou (you shall never fool me!)). Having that makes the mod worse and it means you dont enjoy it as much. I mean, its still cool, but dam, dude…. Mo’Creatures Mod is a pretty interesting mod, replacing and upgrading passive animals in the Minecraft …, Download Top 15 Minecraft skins girl for 2020, I'm a Gamer, I like to play the game, He's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game. God Of Destruction Human Universe 1 Dragon Ball Super. You call us pieces of shit when almost every single post you make involves being a complete douche. OH MY GOSH! By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Well before you do I want you to add: piccolos cloak and turban, vegetas dragon ball super new armor, goku new super gui, brolys outfit, king vegetas royal armor with cape, kid vegeta royal armor also with cap, and vegeta bad man pink shirt. It can be configured to only need 1 saiyan to preform the ritual, and that 1 will be goku. If its a breed of a human with a power level of 5 and a saiyan with a power level of 3, the halfie is not gonna be strong. Nox had some good ideas with some shitty ones with overall terrible wording. Visiting Goku anytime and ascending next to him will result in SSG transformation, always having 10 minutes GodPower. At least finish all the Z stuff before things like God Ki. I started to make a HD Texture Pack Addon for Dragon Block C to use with other Texture Packs or just standalone. XD But overall the update is pretty nice. Like, i did the math and that increase was almost NOTHING. Sure the vast majority flock towards saiyan and humans, but part of that is because human and namekian are boring without anything. then i would LOVE to finally get LSSJ form(brolys form), DEEZNUTZ he can Have a nice evening Jin. Then the Universe 6 tourny was decent at best. They are garbage races. Don’t get me wrong, but the way you prioritize is just bullshit. @shadowbeast_777 for all you know they could have done the ritual on the ride over, you never know.
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